PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS CLEARANCE ON BOYS' CLOTHES v-: f Continues Until Saturday SAVE! OUTFIT THE BOY NOW, SAVE! BOYS' TOPCOATS Medium weight. Fox Serge and Tweeds. Reg. ' $7.50. To Clear .... BOYS' SUITS Tweeds and and Fox Serges. 2 pairs long pants. CQ ICZ O To Clear at Pants astic waist. To Clear at 50c "The Toy Wife," starring the t great actress, Luise Rainer, with tMelvyn Douglas and Robert Young .sharing honors as leading men, is 'a special attraction at the Capl-iol Theatre here for the middle of this week. BOYS' PAJAMAS Heavy weight Yama cloth. Guar anteed to wash and wear. Regular $1.50. To Clear Trench Coats To Clear at .... $1.15 MELTON JACKETS With zipper. Values to CO fffk $4.75. To Clear .... POt)U BOYS' TWEED CAPS Regular values 85c and $1.00! To Clear at BOYS' OVERALLS 17 pairs only. Elastic waist. UtJl Cp To Clear at 18 Pairs Only, Short Denim -Blue and Khaki. El- 70c BOYS' RAINCOATS Black belters. Priced To Clear at 83.75 84.50 Watts & Nickerson I (Men's and Boys' Clothiers) jj AWVWAV.V.VAV.W.V.VAV.V.V.'.W.VAW TOY WIFE" i FEATURED Luise Rainer Starred in Fine Pic-; tare of Old South at Capitol ' Theatre of a petite southern belle who gives up a fascinating gambler and swordsman, Robert Young, to mar ry a respectable young attorney Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert ' J. N. Browning, Harold Lanning, H. H. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hendry, F. L. Rolston, H. Singleton, Florence Hipwell and H. S. Hipwell, J, I Vancouver; Mrs. T. Johnson and daughter, Port Edward; Chief A. L. S'skadeen, city; Frank Barber and R. Moore. Smlthers. A. O. Nord, F. Soucie, W. F. Con-roy, J. G. Watts and D. Violet Flick, Vancouver; E. Lincoln. Port Simpson; J. G. McKenzie, Prince George; Mr. and Mrs. Lofendo, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott, Winnipeg; El-friede Holfmann, Pitt Meadows. Savoy Mr. and Mrs. G. Haldane, Carlisle Cannery; Ben Burton, Ketchikan; Mrs. Gloria Burton, Hidden Inlet; .Victor Raace, Hidden Inlet; Jack Mclsaac, R. L. McKinlay, J. Trottier, A. Birth, Pete Robinson, D. Morgan, Charles Kafold, B. Ska-bal, Ben Erlckson and M. Hovdebo, city; Mrs. L. Brown, Laura andj Grace Brown, Mrs. A. H. Perkins, Port Essington; D. L. White, Jun-j eau: Mr. and Mrs. Zoeas and J. P., Royal Ernest Rogers and Kre you doing all you can to maEe sure your children get good marks in school? Do they get enough rest and sleep and good food? Of course, you say! But that's not enough I School days usually mean study nights. And many parents who would never starve their children's stomacKs arc . literally starving their eyes with insufficient, or glaring light. DEI I CR LlUn I Makes Better Marks Your children live outdoors during the long summer months. Their eyes are accustomed to the intense, light of outdoors iup to what lighting experts measure as 10,000 foot candles of light. Indoors, in many homes,-their eyes get only 5 to 10 foot candles of light under the average study lamp when less than 20 foot candles is definitely harmful to youthful eyes. POWER COMPANY LIMITED NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Tht only way to be sun jour tkildrtn are gelling enough light it to hat e one . of our lighting expert! measure t the actual light your Iambi are now pry tiding. This tertUe it free, and uilhout obligation. Hate it done at oncel m If you are suffer- ise from Asthma, Hay Fever or Bronchial trouble,' Inhale the fumes of KeD.ogg's" Asthma RelietYou will get easy relief. For over 60 years this famous herbal preparation has benefited thousands of sufferers. ASTHHA relief 1 Tour Hearrtt druf tton I BSHB hat it. E5B Obtainable alio In cigarette form, Nurtnrop and Ltumb Ok limned I Whifflets From The Waterfront Conlon. Kwinitsa; William J. But- With Robert Taylor, noted screen ler. Wrangell; L. Wester and J. Zul-, actor 35 the outstanding of many awanskl. C.N.R.; J. Gilbert, C.N.R.; PasseriSro. sieamer rrracess William Jones. Victoria; K. Mathe-( Louise, CaptS. K. Orayt is due in son, Edmonton; Jack Barnen andPrt at 3:30 this afternoon from ISkaeway Skagway and and other other Alaska Alaska DOints points land will sail at 5 p.m. for Vancouver. Also due In port at 3:30 this A. Sonde, afternoon U f!NR stivimpr Prinrp Skeena; E. S. Beckley, Edmonton; ' Charles, Capt. Neil McLean, from A. H. Mowat and Mrs. P. Johansen,1 Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Is-C.N.R.; S. Suzuki, F. Wezek, Mr. and! lands. Mjrs. R. Montgomery, William Windsor, T. Hovden, Paul Johansen, c. N. R. steamer Prince George, A. L. Norum, Fred Magnus, SungjCapt. Edward Mabbs. arrived in Yick, city; H. Splzak, C.N.R.; John- port at 11:45. this morning ny Ryan, Metlakatla; Jack Petti-' from Vancouver, Powell River and in the person of Melvyn Douglas. Piece- Ketchikan; George B. Case,. Ocean Falls with a good-sized list When she subsequently comes to Wrangell; Mrs- Vlc Grant' Balmor-lof passengers and sails at 4 o'clock believe that her elder sister has aI; D- A113" Hyder; Robert Gordon, this afternoon for Anyox and ; usurped her place In the affecy lions or ner husband and child, she runs away with the other man. Before its conclusion the drama Is brought to a stirring denouement. Authenticity of '-he background in the days of the French aristocracy is stressed and southern Kea Kowiey, uom BjerKe ana u. Stewart whence she will return jreierson, Vancouver. -here tomorrow evening south- Hniinrl central , Pete Millek. Vancouver; S. Dall, G. Fisher, N. Smith, C. Gleason and T. Turner, Terrace; F. Hoppe, D. SURGERY SAVES STATUE HAMBURG, Sept. 7: (CP) The McLean, T. Woodhouse, C. Anderson 17' T 7 V , and Gil Bransen. city; Jack Scot..-! Berllnl danger cf music of the Derlod is woven' tslio nalnhrtrfoo nnH m nation, ""Y"'& cAauipic ui uie-arm- throushout the stnrv. wTZ,ZrZri Venus of Milo, was saved af- - - - wa . mvuvvmv V V. VS1 lt4 If- -t ' ., , , A story of life in New Orleans! Heading the supporting cast is by; B, Hastings, Texas; A. Mlltchiu.j pia5UC OP"3"01'-'and on the Louisiana plantations Barbara O'Neill as the elder sister; J- Fitch and O. Phillips, C.N.R., &.i this is vv'wc of the 1850's, "The Toy Wife" pre- H. B. Warner as the father' and Pike, Premier; Frank Dyke, Ed- sents Miss' Rainer In the title role 'Alma Kruger as the mother. - monton. PART TT IS: f w ' ,nn, Cp, ' 1 thought u u. 1 1 TH d get the first bite," said Georges Meunier when caught biting a do Police decided that the man who 'iii had made news should be placed .in an observation ward. CISSSJFIE FOR SALE FOR SALE Baby buggy, $5.00; Crib $j.uu. raone Red 444. (210) WANTED RELIABLE Party desires cash loan. I Sound investment. Good interest. I Apply Box 775. city. (211) WORK WANTED YOUNG Woman wants work in ' mornings. Phone 427. (209) SHOE REPAIRS TRY ABE the Shoeman opposite 112 iaxi. mi nartd work, special rates to September 15th. (212) AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture I At 225 Fifth Ave. West Thursday, Sept. 8 at 2:30 Sharp Instructed by the owner I will sell by auction the following: studio : Couch, 2 Arm Chairs, 2 Card Tables, ; 1 Dinette Suite, with Buffet, Victor Radio, Kitchen Tabic and Chairs to j match, Centre Table, 2 Walnut End Tables, 4-ft. Walnut Finish Steel Bed with Spring Filled Mattress, 2 Single Beds, Carving Set, Wilton Runner, Wilton Carpel, 2 Framed Mirrors. Pots, Pans, Dishes, etc. Must Be Sold Terms Cash Geo. Dawes Auctioneer LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Jenner and family, who have been on a trip to , Alberta and Vancouver, returned to 1 the city on the Prince George trds : morning. Leslie Passmore will sail this afternoon on the Princess Louise for Kimberley where he will continue 'in the service of the Consolidated j Mining Sc Smelting Co. ! D. G. Borland will sail tomorrow night on the Prince George for Vancouver to attend the annual meeting of western theatre managers of Famous Players' Canadian Corporation. Dr. A. L. Pritchard of the Nan-almo Biological Station staff returned to the city on the Prince Charles this afternoon from Mas-sett Inlet, where he has been for the past couple of weeks, and will kcive on this evening's train for Topley enroutc to Bablne Lake on salmon investigation work. He will be accompanied by Dr. H. N. Brock lesby of the local experimental sta Uon. Mrs. Estelle Robinson of Chllll-wack arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from the south to pay an official visit to the local chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star In her capacity as worthy grand matron for British Columbia. Mrs. Robinson, who is the guest while here of Mrs. Samuel Massey. will sail by the Princess Adelaide Friday night on her return south. Be wls. heaa Qi w&nt ads. PHONES 18 and 81 "BLEEDER" ALL HIS LIFE J (Continued from Phk Ouel met at the dock by his wife. It was his first visit to America and he said he'd like to get a Job writ- Ine book reviews for a newspaper But no position eventuated and the couple went to Havana. After his desperate illness there they. 1 . I fr .1 r. I n i again scpaianu. iitc vtuc ituum, ed In Cuba and her husband, announcing his Intention of returning to Parts, sailed for New York where for weeks he dallied amonj; the bright lights, tottering into night clubs with the aid of two canes. Eldest of Six Children Born Prince of the Asturlas Ma; 10, 1907, Alfonso was trained to rule Spain. He was the eldest of four sons of Alfonso XIII and Victoria but only the third, Don Juan who later was designated official heir, was normal. The second son Don Jaime, was a deaf mute and the fourth, Don Gonzalo. inherited the cure of hemophilia. There also were two daughters, Infanta Bcatrlz and Infanta Maria The family fled from Madrid when the Spanish monarchy was overthrown on April 14, 1931 Prince Alfonso told later how he escaped from the revolutionists by riding from the palace In an ambulance, a pistol at his side, to an obscure railway station, thence by rail across the French frontier. "It was the only time I ever roJe .third class.'; he aild. "They put me I in a third class compartment be-cause no Spaniard would have j thought to look there for a crovin prince." W. O. Fulton returned to the city on the Prince George this morning after having attended the recent Liberal convention In Kelowna. P. O. BOX 575 Mussallem's Economy Store ;,Whero Dollars Have More Cents" Establised 1910 Independently Owned and Operated FAMILY SODAS I.B.C. Per pkg. 21c 16-oz. bottle Four Star Dressing and Bowl QQn Both for CANADIAN CHEESE Per lb. 23 c LIBBY'S CATCHUP A rj0 Large bottle XIV IIEINZ FAMOUS SOUPS Assorted kinds, small. 01 r 3 tins A'" LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS Assorted flavors. 2 for i.Ol' BEST-YET DOG FOOD 2 tins LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI 2 tins SMALL WHITE BEANS 4 lbs. 25c 19c 25c LIBBY'S GRAPEFRUIT and PINEAPPLE JUICE OCn -2 tins LIBBY'S ORANGE JUICE 2 tins WHITE TAPIOCA-3 lbs. 29c 19c PRESERVING PEACHES, PRUNES and PEARS now at their best at LOW PRICES QUALITY SERVICE TRICE FREE DELIVERY ON $1.00 ORDERS Two Telephones For Youi Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention T I .IlCLJ Enjoy the advantages of modern kitchen equipment with a McCLARY RANGE For COAL, WOOD or OIL Drop in and see the new McClary Ranges Inspect their many features of superiority. Beautiful Enamel Finish Easily Kept Clean Splendid Baking Oven Fully Enamelled Inside Highly Polished Top Economical Fuel Consumption A McClary range with oilburncr Installed will give satisfactory and economical baking, cooking and heating serviceIt can be changed back for use with coal or wood in a short time. For Satisfactory Service Get a McClary GORDON'S HARDWARE Wgtopdiy, senate , I 'r-TTV-JLTm TO.NIOHT and tii7!I? IfcoUlI' 2 Shows Nightly, 7:00 t j A Fresh Triumph f0t f hn IxivpK' I ? . '-v 'uic nam. er . . . Twice Voted "Years Greatest She Paid With Het Heart .... For a life, time of Recklessness; New romantic thrills are youn , . . as you watch thu' sensational' drama of New Orleans' gayest maddest era when men fought for a carta . . . and died for a kiss! (At 7:23 and 9:21) ADDED "Modelling For Montf (A Pete Smith Nortltj) WORLD NEWS $250,000.00 5,101 CASH TRIZES Get your copy of the IJ-paje "Movie. Qulx toatttt FREE! Get It Now' HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 For Sale By Tender Tenders will be received b? the undersigned up to poo"-Monday, September 12th. 1W' for said of pleasure gasM 'niifi,.o vr tinur moored l Armour's Salvage dock. l"Sn" i est or any tender not ncceJ-sarily accepted. wnnMAtJ A. WATT Official Administrate Reach th most people THONE 311 McBRIDE ST, ind district with an aoterw"- In the Dally Neva.