dnesday September 7i 1MB, FACTS Worth Knowing Worth Money Exclusive EASY Vacuum-cup Washing; has saved time, trouble,., clothe and money In hundreds of thousands or homes. Easy Waihers represent over CO years of constant progress and development. Time ulished vacuum-cups gently but thoroughly flush lively, all filled suds through every mesh of the fabric removing even dc ply embedded dirt. Positively no wrenching no twisting na rubbing Will not harm the most delicate fabrics. Easy Waslng Is as gentle as" jour own hands correct In prlnci- t I pie -cle ns entirely by pressure and suction. This is why Easy ! rn..nri urnshlnir tc 50 In 75 easier on the clothes than anv Vacuum -vmh " o - f ciher method. Ther j J: an Easy Washer of a size, style and price to. suit your needs. . . (- Prove these Facts Ask us about the Lint Test and other lmport-ir :.ii.i..on concerning Modern liome Laundry equipment. Easy is Canada's most, complete line. , No Obligation Easy Terms Trade in Allowance Value . . To Write About Medford Linen Finish Stationery CO Sheets and 48 Envelopes 49c Ormestld. Jjie Pioneer DrtQptsts " " Tb. ,UU Store tJ Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays rrom U noun till l m.m. 7 o m. Ull 9 P.m. December Frozen HERRING BAIT Cold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. h Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 i CENTRAL HOTEL UOOMS ana ua". Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK C. P. Griffin, accountant of Ar-randale cannery, which Is now down for the season, was a passenger aboard the Catala yest erday afternoon returning to Van couver for the winter. Kldneyi that are not eliminating waste matter as they should will make you I feel eel miserable miserable achey achey tired, Oe- pre8ccj! If suffering fri Irom backache, pains, you need the 8 medicinal ingredients in Gin Pills to help your kidneys niter out trouble-making toxins. Get a box of Gin Pills today. I PILLS I fProt th.lr merit through thttr ui." Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Anglican Tea, September 9. I t Rebekah Tea. Annette Fashion Show, September 15. St. Peter's September 22. October 0, Mrs. Parker presents Ml Lady's Trousseau. Catholic Bazaar, October 12, 13. Sonja's Bazaar November 4. Baptist Bazaar November 5. Cathedral Christinas Bazaar November 17. St. Peter's' Church Bazaar November 24. ...iitiiV I PT I.ANH liuii"'1" ?h(3) KWP Five (5). Ctowrt DM-7r. li toe Province of British Col- ' .cres. more or i. t. WHEREAS P" tnis ht. office, notice m ,-n.paiUon of one roomih J TiTitota of the Xlrrt publlcttlon Ctirm id objection b. made to me. In wttlng. rAXlT) sit tne uuiu j S2F&-..' 3rd-dsy ct Deputy riPgletrir U Tltlse TE2 DAILY NSTTfl PAGE THBE2 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Moose Meeting Tonight. (209) Phone 112 Taxi; day and night. Priachvf niHon Too tre V T H C. HaZPttA anrinilTV. in- 8mith, Atlln Ave. Tuesday, Sept 13. ' corporation with capitalization; of uua) , siuu.uuo ana neaa oiuce in van- couver of Surf Point Mines Ltd. C. P. Balagno, Jack Bulger, S. J. Hunter and G. A. Hunter are leav-j D s Talt was a passenger aboard lng on this evening's train for a trip1 the Catala yesterday afternoon re- to Lakelse Lake, (turning to Victoria after a visit to Mr. and MrsWH. Tobey, who TP "d Bar,te prop: have been holidaying at Penilcton itie"Zl 52SJ? stewart m whlch he u ls rested. on Okanagan Lake, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from the south. Fyfe, formerly of this city. I Miss Jean Cameron and Miss' Irene Bruggy, Stewart school teach-' ers, wee passengers aboard the I Catala Sunday night returning j north after spending the summer i ; vacation in Vancouver. j ' Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Emmerson re-fiirnpri tn the citv on the Prince Misses Evelyn and Dorothy Mac-' Charles today after having spent donald, who sailed yesterday after- the past month enjoying a holiday noon on the Catala for the south,' at Tlell on the Queen. Charlotte Is-wlll pay a visit at Alert Bay as the . lands, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles D.L - , . Diiifkl use this Kincollth, was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon go-Jng through to Vancouver where .she will continue her studies.. Her brother; Guy Thome, disembarked : here from the same vessel. Harrv Norrls. who several years ago was in the provincial govern-'ment service here, also being t tloned for a time at Smlthers, was t a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon returning south after making the round trip on the vessel. .( Mrs. S. Kinley, wife of tne Anglican missionary at Alyansh, was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday tifternoon going through to Vancouver, accompanied by her daughter, Miss P. Kinley, who will attend school In the south. Her son, William Kinley. disembarked Mrs. C. V EvlU. from the vessel here. C. O. Post' of Arlington, Wash ington, was a passenger aboard the. Cutalayyesterday afternoon return- Z. ,. t solUn after ' naving.spant.a weer Tea Mrs. Llnehain ; ... u " -a v, u0h Baptist Church Tea September 22 C. C. F. Bazaar, October 1. tract em Star tea. Masonic Hall, JMWTV... . between 1907 and 1911 with his. father who was Interested In mln lng In the Portland Canal district In those very early days. Walker's Music Store Large Stock Music Ileintzman, Nordheimer and Lesage Pianos Piano Tuning with "Resonoscope" Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. KEN RAYNER For Your RADIO SERVICE MODERN EQUIPMENT REASONABLE" KATES Phone BLACK 712 Powder Puff fieauty Shoppe Permants, Marcells Finger-waves, etc. Children's Haircuts a Specialty. Phone Green 883 for Appointment Muriel Eby 437 4th E. Mrs. A. S. Nkkerson and family tins returned to the city on the Prince George this morning after a visit in Vancouver. Miss Betty Borland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Borland, re- turned home on the Prince George this morning after a holiday visit to Vancouver and Nanalmo. The regular monthly dinner meeting of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, ordinarily scheduled for last evening, was postponed for a week. There was an executive meeting last night. Miss Margaret McLean, who taught at Seal Cove School last year, sailed on the Catala yesterday afternoon for New Westminster, having accepted the position of language teacher at "xne low ers," a private school just outside of the Royal City. There are now nine children In the Ridley Home with others com ing next week. This will keep two of the houses busy with the po'sslr blllty of the third having to open spon to accommodate those people from the -outside who wish to send their children to the city to be edu cated of for other reasons find it impossible to care for them proper iy. . Mr. and Mrs. William D, Wilson of Vancouver were passengers aboard the Catala yesterday after . .-j i .noon reiurmnz soum aiier naviiiK: wiinam uoDev ir. arrived in uie. . . ri t..i tvio it. .. - .... .. . 'mane me rouna trra on uie vessel. i vjskhi rujwju amc4 i t,- v.ijr clty on ine yauua yesieroay aiier- - - nn thP mtnia vpstprdnv afternoon r. to- h.lThey are the parents of Erie Wil- from Premier where he has been ceen employed during the summer. scho01 at Mic Ann-employed during the summer. He He wU1 proceed shortly to Edmon- Yfars a M'- wUson was located will be proceeding shortly to Van- ttn to Ksume his engineering stud-; at Greenwood In the Boundary his studies at the ... country as a member of t,he staff couver to resume nt th Universitv of Alberta. '. J University of British Columbia. j of W Mother Lode mine. 1 Lome Falconer, son oi Mr. anu Tr Tncpnh T Miindv. resident m. t w rnli.nm. nf IIIm Arm ! wvw,... - ' iviis. x. ) ratwuuLi u .vw mining engineer for the northwest- was a pasjenger on the Catala yes-i em mineral survey district, retum-j tprHau nftpmnon eolne through to ed to the city on the Catala yester- Vancouver enroute to. Denver to day afternoon from the Portland attend the School of Mines. Canal district where he has been specialized aid for .nose and upper throat...wheremost colds start. Helps prevent many colds. VlCKS Vatronol spending the past couple of weeks, Mr an(j MrJt y. Keenleyslde of' on official business. (Vancouver were passengers aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon re- THRIFT CASH & CARRY Pure Food Specials i turning south after maiung me R ATI ATMF I round triP on the vesse1- They are E6 Grade A' large. DMWIVMW ll E lthe narents of the well known Dr. I Dozen. I H. L. Keenleyslde. Honey Manitoba, 35'2-oz. i Miss Betty Thome, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Oliver Thome of I Sliced Pineapple- -Black Label. 16 oz. , Peaches Lynn Valley, Each THRIFT COFFEE Lb. Ground to Your 2's. All-Bran Kellogg's, large pkt. Orange Marmalade Nabob. 32-oz. bottle Crackerettes A dainty salted wafer. Pkt SPECIAL Swift's Picnic Hams 4 lbs. Average. Lb Bacon Diamond 'A' Lb. , 2 lbs 25c Small White Beans 3-lb. cello bag Soda Biscuits McCormlck's large packet Pickles Happy-Vale qt. bottle Cleanser Old Dutch. 2 for Squirrel Peanut Butter 1s 15c rs Scotch Mints-quality. Lb, -Molrs finest 14c 21c 25c 19c 28c 25c .Mallow Macaroons A dainty choc olate cocoanut biscuit. 35C i dozen No. 1 ELBERTA PEACHES The Quantity Is Limited, so We Advise Buying Early. v: $1.29 Crate Apples Wrapped Wealthles 93f Dozen - Italian Prunes Finest Qual'C)2C iiy. io-iu. nw Italian Prunes 4 lbs 25c Terrace Lettuce Large Jp D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE 3rd Avenue Mattresses Surest Spring Filled Mattress $20.00 hi Ml PI i"i JM .inn. Phone Green 916 Floor Covering1 Dominion Printed Linoleum Square Yard 85c Trade in your used furniture and stove in part payment on new. USED FURNITURE 2 Roll Top Writing Desks 1 L. C. Smith Typewriter 2 Singer Sewing, .Machines--- 3 English Prams, r-r 4 Dining Room Buffets- 6 Dining Room Tables-3 Steel Cribs 6 Reconditioned Kitchen Ranges for burning wood or coal 1 Kitchen. Range with an Oil Burner 5 Dressers 3 Couches 6 Rocking Chairs 12 Diner Chairs 2 Boudoir Chairs 2 Kitchen Cabinets 6 Kitchen Tables 1 Barrymore Axminster Rug, size 9x101 Electric Range 3 Victrola Gramophones 1 Battery Radio 1 King Soprano Saxophone 1 Accordion 1 23-jewel Vanguard Waltham 1 Diamond Tie Pin 1 National Encyclopedia 1 Beatty Vacuum Cleaner 1 Hoover 2 Premier Spic Spans 1 Boy's Bicycle. School Books Bought, Sold or Exchanged MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE BEAUTY REST MATTRESS All sizes 42.50 SLUMBEIt KING SPUIN0 !. v "vf S14 25 34i.ViM rWtvrUTtelltful sleep assured Phone 775 327 THIRD AVENUE NOTICE Our regular day delivery will start on Monday, September 11th, at 12 o'clock noon. The last morning; delivery will finish 7 a.m. Sunday, September Uth. Please, return alj your empty bottles as we need them In our: business. Dominion Dairy Phone RED COS: UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUBS- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:3. p.ra. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Afent. Third Ave. Phone 5G8