PAY AND NIG"T SERVICE Cartful and Courteous Driven , IT Grr i'tor, New 1938 riymouuu XVII N' UJ TV VX ft J.:Lni Vprv Mnrh it . . . .u h f.iir to compare 1 :.iia. aj jr w - . "n wi'H Prince Rupert. The ut r.. different although they ."-nnne from the fishing. .. -1 - -"J VinllKllt. ' . wr n i iimiin nun a ir u ir uii. , n n lame island' I 1111 mn ovn KiiriK M lrrh I T ttw T 1 r r 1 W 1 1 All 4 i rn in . n . I And lourist Attractions ureal ,. . By II. F. I'ULLEN IveiCIUftO" " o - , , v .,MninfT ni i in" ul l'iv nc luuiui v xuu ui ajw ia hundreds of splendid people, plenty oi spacious ana kept homes, surprising gardens, an arusuc par anu l...Mir "ITTrll f'l 1 1 1 1 1 ?4 I.IIrlL L.n IllllIL Lit tUALlI U IT W T tUUIlOl WVMVMV.. - - SUDETENS ASK MORE .Llku'i W ' ' . ... .... . . .rrfd with timber, some cnirai r.u.ui-c.. iu.... tad ame of it not so. Not Iok So Good Again Today goK" V'p 5 the activities of the! - rn. something, between i v ; . ofithouch hopes of a peaceful settle- T.r anu nf th. nprman Sudeten mlr.- , . k mi' onni I iiii iiiuca f C UUU .. ... ,, , i .l.t m np rilrecuon o"1 ... ... I.nn.acclnn -pa - iu. In Czechoslovakia r . .v.. u- 'which -hai been menacing the - ni!' " J. tird.iv as a a result result of of sweeping. . m 1 A r 1. concessions onerea oy ne . u.,f,.i hniidav re-' re-, brautiful holiday 3 ci.,finA xrni tni 3 andKPr 'regarded as critical in London last fine timber. night following reports from Pra- - alee what attracted ha that tne Sudetens nad declared wx"ablgmoosegraz- the offer3 rallpd to meet thelr ric, ! grass on a point in mands and even more concessions : i Utile more than a ust be lven ... At th fnr .. . . .I v. I.1LV W1LI1 II ALlUaill .. . . In Smau ,.oai . or thrna-h it. This park was' vcr te n witde of every natural. ' uic wni n t,n flr.ur.rc wprBI tr a xirr11TVT KPtlt.. r. lL,fl nlnn, i . . . . v.n... : a w uiuj- aooui, as uowuvo, The 20-ton scnoomr uiiua - wi .ii uiacca, liuca in w.m (nrr on Doara oain. ivnu m.o. i larirt- ,. i . i , .t. .. . . ..... rAA mn nnn I ,uHv; ajiU iic.pua wj maivu their twcnvy-iwo u" perfn-t picture. In the stream three friends from Seattle, left, 'nun .. ..... - . 1 ,,nnn. - .ic masing meir way yesterday ior a vuyabi; w ....... .j.uais. snawninc in me inin yu;iiiinff inpir wnv nnwarn le "4.rram . Sr,iirr.p I pJTS, . Missing Forestry , me trifintr, f iu. i i B w BVlCiUU W R'Cll hn r,rt. r . .1 . ....... ... . K. . w icuerai ouuaing ana ff wtakwater and also just below - iiriE vney jump me rails their way up the fish lad- 1 BeiflT rUht i iu. . ... these fish attract all tourist mcwially, Ketchikan is a i Thc stores and hotels 1 1111 time nf n i- f r ana thrv . ttk a"y umc OJ m or i.i,h . r' lit II r 1 1 r ! 1 . 1. 1 1 I .. .. 'intiv business is. .oueuiiK.i..'.. offering. Camp Youths Safe rair Who Had Attempted to Scale Vancouver Island Mountain Found by Searchers COURTENAY. Sept. 7: (CP) - Two forestry camp youuw, - thony Oldfjeld and uugn mhn hnd been missing wv j. thov snt out to scae luai av.a .. . A,urf TTHwiird in the ror olr rpv " '""Arable part of. " countn, were found ,V"UC IS nprlvnrl Trn, (,..,, uiuun. : -va.vvu 11U111 HUl . . ...J... ,.nr-Hlll(f t.n IU- (C,n . palely ycsieiuay, "Wf:a on p((,;0 Tm)) ltjl0 messages irom a v' I A t A " W- precincts reponea, was lasv. hibuu - - - leading Albert Hilliard, colorful! Reno divorce lawyer, by 82G0 to MIAMI, Florida, Sept. 7: (AP was a fine bathing ment 'v now conslder the dlvi-out manoeuvres. pavilion with table slon 0j the country Into separate 4:.- ..At. vtf'lA ... a .11- mr- 15 ihV "Is- qUCStions except those of national rioC Runert names unity and Interest. imo Th( under-. th nnticVi omummpnt nnnoses lit . it .b.o.. Au i w - r i . t A I AM I . n . i i -.! Tiavinon naa i secession to Germany oi uzecno-i destroyed and in- si0Vak territory occupied by the Su-,he highways in thc)deten minority. It was stated offlci-r, ,1 reterve the nnv todav. i ut and burned and! it is said on high authority that' :i"at and tidv. wn-,thf purport of Chancellor Adoii aid on and nothing Hitler's admonition to Konrad ..vp been neglected vjn on the Czechoslovak govrn-i-M to the nleasure ment's latest offer of concessions 4 rt the visiters. It'wav "Don't accept. Ask for more t iy. we were the only and you will get it." Hmc but I was told, Negotiations Suspended k v used a great deal i c gudetcn German party broke . r idents. ;ftff negotiations with the Czecho- we came to an-! ,1,3 government today on the rrpnm rrnssed by a' Hteniifprt ntitnnomv ouestion after d from irom huge iiuy.v tint- vim-i J receiving receiving reports repori.5 that u.n, Sudeten ouucn... dep- -h .1 ... 11 1 1 M.A.U -resident vanuiuave in- . V.i, i-itj Nevada Badly Beaten by Senator 1 .McCarron RENO. Sept. 7: President Roose velt's New Deal suffered another severe reverse In the Nevada sena CHINESE CLAIM VICTORY SHANGHAI The Chinese reported today that thc tide or b3ttlc south of the Yangste had turned in their favor. Most striking Thing Schooner Off i TODAY'SWEATHER itr r n: r,f ri;oned iuu this rut first Un. A 1 f (linon i Tprrnrp Terrace CloudV. Cloudy, Calm, calm, temp temper have be-, O rvr r II.. t i i - 1 T"..A 1 . V U, 11LL1U UdiK 111 i-AAU . ... t rt ..... ... rnnt. and Mrs. naval lcavc ,an- ature. 54 Aiyansh Cloudy, calm, 52. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 51. Stewart. Foggy, calm, 52. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 49. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, 51. Butns Lake Cloudy, calm, 47. Halibut Sales Summary American 49,500 pounds, 8.4c and 6c to 9.6c and 6c. Canadian 38,500 pounds, 7.6c nhd 5c to 9c and 5c. Re American Mlddleton, 23,000, Atlin. 8.4c and Sherman. 15,000, Cold Storage, 8.8c jc and anu ov-. 6c. Trained To Rule torial primaries. Senator Patrick 1 . . . lh A. McCarron, with 192 out of 22 F" , . , 1 Family Ina931.ti 2600. almost four to one. McCar- tw.h fniinwin? an, automobile vliHM J - I U nH na n. 1flA nf - ... . 1 ' 1 1 pROVU, ONE . Brown) 80 Taxi mm Wmm Tomorrow sTidesi High 0:10 a jn. 193 ft. roil lias uccii an acinic " 'crash here, AllonSO DUUtuuu j,i.. the New caL Hilliard was the per- .Battenberg, one-time heir to thejhls city. cnnallv pndnrspd candidate of 4Vi.nnA tnr Invp nf n opaiiiKn nwu, President Roosevelt. i Cuban clrL renounced his royal FLEET FOR NORTH SEA LONDON. Sept. 7: CP Fifty that of his mother, ex-Queen Vic- warships of the British fleet toria it was transmiuea oy 17 steamed today out of their bases. women 01 me lamuy ui u.e.r Mm ' Comforted By Mother After the wedding, the fathet made a gesture of forgiveness. He cranted to his son the title o; Count of Cavadonga in exchange for that of Prince of the AsttiriaSi which belongs to heirs t0 thv Spanish throne. The ex-king alsc allowed his son to retain the right tn be addressed as "royal high ness" and settled on mm a monm- lv income of 17200 francs, then eouivalent to about $1,150. But the family breach was not healed for the ex-monarch re fused to receive his daughter-in- law. In 1934. when a quarrel ovei family affairs separated the couple, the prince refused flatly a sugges tlon tha father lh Ex - Queen Victoria, estranged from her husband, sympathized j with her son ' throughout these I troubles. She met the new countess1) soon after the wedding and they .saw each other frequently in Paris xne ian quarrel was reponea w Wabash, 11,500, Pacific, 9.6c and have bcen causpd by the countess' 6c. ' refusal to wear mourning when her to Victoria. Canadian Signal, 17,000, Cold Storage, 7.6c and 5c. ... ni 11 nnn Atlin. 9c ana DC. husbands youngest brother, wnq itui. n,wv, , aufciiiuiuuiic atv Kalida. 10,500, Pacific, 8.3c and for ner home ln Cuba but after 5c. ,six months, a series of letters and cablegrams effected a reconcllla-' Miss Jessie Glllls, daughter .f tlon Mr Mid Mrs. J. J. Giins, is sailing llkp him. wksa .'hemobaiiUac: died frnm mlnnr lnlurlp. recelvpd ln nn 'automobile accident. She left Paris t The prince sailed for New York.1 1 1 a nn tAiie I I I I this afternoon on the Princess Lou- arriving May 30. 1935, and being' u fnr a few weeks'. vacation; trip, ,. ..-:'. ,1 av aw- . .... rj.... rr . (Continued on Page Foiir) NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1938. mies Are Massina NEW TWAI i'RI FFnFR" .lllIVUIl Vk O i. A1JL1VV tUi AU i J.m ,n " r it l . - On FRISCO HAS NEW STRIKE Six Thousand Retail Clerks Quit Work in California City Today SAN DIEGO, Sept. 7. A flotilla of seventeen United States Navy commissioner Seeking $80, icout planes, acting on sudden or- 042G Due jn Local impr0vement ders, took off yesterday for Pearl i Taxation for ten weeks' of manoeuvres m irnugn generauun allCr KCuC1- reported 1060 the North Sea. They were led by Hon The women memsees miles west of SanDieg0 with all go-the flagship Nelson and will be free from it. I . .. away until November 17. Not far' Other ailments, some of which "B nn.on frnm thp Rrttlsh sn ns. ire uer?asiM uaaiuc ma unnuwij . German fleet will also be carrying malady prevented proper treat-1 Bulletins DODOES BODY FOUND LITTLE CURRENT, Ont. The bodv of Daniel C. Dodjfe, heir la lh. mitmnhilp fortune, whe lencc was second and the favor- "o jj iorriss' rascn, inira that it would ?arryutieS had been assaulted by Czech, jn f thc' ,ast Rrcal ciassjc of the a rnth Ipd . 11 nru& .lcli -nannrrnr at Mar-. r t tt was perfect of Its jsch Ostrau near the Polish border) ik the pathJeadlng to and immediately President Benes Park at Victoria than was notified that negotiations were, Alsotni tinurrt nendinc a thorough -J " v w - UiiaVyVti" r " . -i . . .ai.1 1 J A 1 fmm cats been ciearea oi investigation oi tne mciaem.. - . olds. 1 .1 season for three-year I... ..... . ii l 1 rights and titles, suuerea uiruugn- out his life from the Battenberg malady hemophilia, -a condition which causes its victims to bleed excessively from the slightest wounds. Thp disease circumscribed the tiring u-,r,i,inS sipam ciut Ftmh ' orlnce's every activity and kept Bases Today For Ten Weeks' him almost constantly on the Manoeuvres ibrinK oi aeain. uccurruig omy iu me men oi me naiueiucig uuc ment ior mem, maae uic van k slerder, blondt-' ex-crown prince .frail and a cripple, malignant tumor lh one leg, which could not be relieved by surgery because the cut of a knife would probably be fatcl. was the cause of an especi- .February. 1936. Twenty blood trans-j fusions saved him at that time. j It was in a Swiss sanitarium in 1 193.2 that h -iet and wr-d th' was drowned three weeks aKo Ibeaiitnui tieimira sampeuru-after a gasoline explosion on his Oce5o y Robato. daushter of n yacht, was recovered today by a wealthy Havana merchant Bot fisherman. Wcs Ryder. were there for treatment and thU (fact coUDled with her status as p accented the. opposite WINS ST. LEGEK commoner, DONCASTEIl-'Scottish Un'on. '' -Kln Alfonso, the youns oirned bv James Hank, won the 'man's father, to the match De-163rd. renewal of thc St. LeScr jsnit- this refusal of consent, th-. . ... nLiii: -u-i- hnns wprp Posted In June. 1933 Stakes .oiiay. sir nmuin viia.- - --- - , 1 UVi ldUailllC. C7Wll.ocllci.ilu, oiiu v.i marriage followed on the 23 of thF month. There was sentiment in this date, for the young people met on the 23 of one month and be came betrothed on the same datr. ' another. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept, 7. Six thousand San Francisco retail tlerks, members of the American federation of Labor, went out on strike today. The strike order was ssued last nieht following unsuc cessful negotiations during the day !or the reaching of a new working rontract. Proprietors of the stores -olpotpH thp union ripmands. It constitutes another major strike in ON FLIGHT OF PACIFIC Seventeen United States Navy! Ships Winjin- Way From San Dieeo to Pearl Harbor Harbor in the Hawaiian Islands and TODAY'S STOCKS (OourtetiT 8. D. Johtuvton Co.. Vancouver " " B. C. Nic'kelr.08; Big Missouri, .31. Bralorne. 9.25. Aztec, .06'4. Dent5nia, .05. Golconda, .06 (ask). Mlnto,, .03V2. Fairview, .07. : Noble Five, .02 Vi. Pend Oreille, 1.80. . ; Pioneer. 2.92. Porter Idaho, .03. Premier, 2.30. Reeves McDonald, .24. Reno, .39. Relief Arlington. .15. Reward, .04 V. Salmon Gold. .11. Taylor Brid2. ,03. Premier Border, .01. Silbak PrcriBr. 1.95 (atk). Congerss, .00. Home Gold, .01V2 (ask). Grandview, .064-Indian. .01?i. Quatslno Copper, .03 . ' Haida, .0212- v Oils . '"i A. P. Con., .16 (ask). ' '.7 Freehold, .04. McDougal Segurfc.15 (ask). Mercury, .07. ; Okalta. 1.16. Pacalta, .04VZ. Home Oil, 1.05. Toronto Beattie, 1.25. Central Pat., 2.50. Gods Lake, .44. Little Long Lac, 2.95. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.15. Pickle Crow, 5.10. San Antonio, 1.23. Sherritt Gordon, 1.15.. Smelters Gold, .03',i (ask). Mosher. .23. Midsen Red Lake, .44. Stadacona, .45. Frapcoeur, .30. Moneta, 1.49. Bouscadlllac. .06. Thompson Cadillac, .23. Bankfleld. .55. East Malartlc, 2.10. , Preston East Dome, 1:48. Hutchison Lake, .03. Dawson White. .03. Aldermac. .44. , Kerr Addison. 1.85. Uchi Gold, 2.02. Int. Nickel. 49.18. Noranda, 72.00 . Con. Smelters, 59.25. Athoha, .06. , Hardrock, 2.00. Barber Larder, .22. Further the Dominion government pays such taxes. "If the private owners are com pelled to pay pot only for street im National League Boston 3, New Yock 6. Brooklyn 3, Philadelphia. 6. Chlcaco 7.' St. Louis 5 (eighth in ning). (Ripper Collins' Uth homer.) Pittsburg 7, Cincinnati 1. j American League ! New York 4, Boston 11. (Game called at end of sixth on account j of rain; two homers by Jimmy Foxx j , making it 42 for season, Joe DlMag-l Iglo's twenty-ninth homer of sea son.) Cleveland 1, Detroit 0. (Pitcher's 12;44 pjn. 19.3 ft. Low 6:36 am. 4.8 ft. 18:51 p.m. 6.0 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS Frontiers French Reserves Have been Urdered I o Line Facing German Border PARIS, September 7: (CP) A new military order-issued by the War Ministry sent trained infantry ref corvo tvnnrtc. intn tVif Mairinot Line at the frontier oppo- 1 site Germany today for twenty-one days, the exact num- ed to report immediately for duty at the same concentra- ASK GOV'T TO PAY UP ! Meanwhile Chancellor Hitler Admits That Fortifications Facing France Are Being Rushed to Completion r . I s. UUil wa-w ' they finished two year military service. Meantime at the Nazi Congress at Nnrpmhprer. Chancellor Hitler told ja conscript labor army that its spades were being wielded in the least, north, south and, especially, I the west on the Frencn Doraer ana were playing a yltal part In Reich defence. "You are fighting tor tne defence of the Reich and its independence," Hitler said at the third I UaV Ul H1C VMUHWi . City Commissioner W. J., Alder interpreted the labor battalion just written to the provincial eTence as a public admission that ' . jovernment, accompanying his . Germany has been perfecting f orti-1 communication with a fifty-one; ncations facing France, page itemized tax account, suggest- , tag to the government the -deslr-; . ..J5n I ability of remitting to. the city an-I-i-l-nr !X Ar Afa rv laihdunt of $80,043.26 due and over LidUUI UCCI Ciai J h 'due in local improvement taxation. tir T) P-II-J The commissioner's communica- yjm jjc VallCU tlon points out that the principle of. local improvement taxation pay- ment has already been recognized , Frances Terkins To Be Asked To in Victoria and North Vancouver Explain Why Harry Bridges Was Not Deported WASHINGTON, D. C Sept. 7: Movements in front of their own It was stated in well fanned j ,a tr. tv,o ouarters here yesterday that Bee- S retary of labor Frances Perils . j .... at.. r,ir hp pallpr. before the soecial den of government-ownea 1015, uie ----- . result must be disastrous," the let- Hars I m ..Prt. that the city Bridges, militant longshoremen's sri ad" "2 oMoS S.union leader on J Movement taxes over a period of , has not been deported as a Corn-three years. This would materially munlst. assist, the city In making up its i r jslnking fund payments which , r lnt amount to $59X00 annually. TneseirirSI L.J)LlllldlC Jl sinking funds are now intact. j , As a remit of representations I w.ckt I llio Hriflair made by the city, the provincial VI a government last year paid all back) inr-al imiir7ement taxes on the liquor vendor's store property as well as the house in Westview occupied by the resident mining en gineer. Today's Baseball Yield of Over 300,000,000 Bushels In Canada This Year Erpected OTTAWA, Sept. 7: (CP) The first official crop estimate of the year is expected to be released on Friday by the Department of Agriculture. It Is believed it will show a crop of upwards of 300,000,000 bushels, the largest since 1932 when 420,000,000 bushels was battle between Mel Haraer ana( poMBAY. India. Sept. 7: CP)-George Colfman former owedj condltlon of bloOQ pressure two hits and latter four- If teen' h(j suffers hayln be. wins and nine defeats ior Haraer. cQme lntenslfled by the death ot win for Cleveland.) . . . ninth straight some of f his h, friends d from cholera. cholera. Philadelphia 5, Washington 2. St. Louis-Chicago, rain. WINNIPEG WHEAT PRICE . WINNIPEG, Sept,' 7: (CP) The Winnipeg wheat price dropped as much 3c during yesterday's 1UUV4A as bAO WV V M ,J V ww Mahatma Gandi Becomes Silent Indian Nationalist Leader Will Do No Talking For While Owing To Blood Pressure Mahatma Gandhi, Indian Nationalist leader, has decided to observe complete silence for some LONDON GOLD TRICE LONDON. SeDt. 7: (CP) The 1 - , 'trading, closing off 1'c to IThO London- gold price was off lc at Iwlth,' October at 57'2c. 1 $34.85 per fine ounce yesterday.