Thursday September 22, 13BV. A -V, ,THE DAILY NEWS MILL ORDERS FOR TERRACE Finrv Powder Puff Beauty Shoppe Permants, Marcelli, Finger-waves, etc Children's Haircuts a Specialty Phone (irren 883 for Appointment Muriel Kby 437 4th E. I UAILWAY iMAk )y CLOSE Sharp PLAYGROUNDS Toronto Lumberman Here Y6sii.j The Prince Rupert Oyro tClub day nn Business In Connection 4s 'about to close down 'the varioua With Substantial -Orders -fpiaygrounds In the city for the I season following a 'successful sum-.! A. S. Nicholson of the Nicholson" 'mer's activities. Before the -end tit gi aates Lumber Co. of T6roritolthe rnoilth equipment wfll be stored was a visitor In the city yesterday list the winter, It Tvas reported by n hnsiness .in connection 'with w. Stone, chairman df the quite extensive purchases af lum-1 Playground committee at yester-w from Terrace mills. He arrived luncheon ftf 'the Oyro 'Club the morning from Vancouver and proceeded East on last evening's tra'ln, He was In communication with the Terrace mill operatdrs by telephone yesterday and was to with President D. 'O. Borland In the chair. It was decided to hold a "Hallow e'en masquerade dance on October 28 with a general 'comhilttee ton' slsting of Orme Stuart, William Stone, C. C. Mills, Cecil Fitzgerald meet them last tilght as the 'train ,and eorge Ror,e'tl Charge Todays Baseball , Itching bkin Gets Speedy Relief Here is a clean .stainless penetrat-l Ing antiseptic now dispensed "hv chemist- at trifling cost that will, bring yon spwdy relief "from the-itching and distress 'of Eczemail Itching Toe? and Feet. Rashes .and other externally caused jskln troubles Not only does this great healing antiseptic oil promote rapid iand, healthy healing in open sores iand wounds, but boils ana simple ul National League St. Louis B-1, Boston 6-4. Chicago 4-2, Philadelphia 01. Pittsburg -611, Brooklyn 0-1. Cincinnati 1New York's. American -League New York 7, 'Chicago 4. HOTEL ARRIVALS "Cenrtal C. Tl. U. Rodgers, cers are quickly relieved and clean- iHoberton, lv healed. 'IvnitM rtv gnraBB"""i Canadian Pacific Tra.wP.dflc Trans-Atlantic .. .i prts- SS. Princess To Vancouver via Ocean Fans """"' . Adelaide" Kvery Fray P-"- TO VANCOUVER DIRECT .September 7th, 17th, Connections at Vancouver -with Otntamn Tickets TicReis and nu . Reservations From Bc. rrfnce ,lupert( W. L. COATES, Oeneraiirtsenv. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Phone 112 Taxi; day and night.' Orange Tnce tonight. 35c. (222) DANCE "ODU FELLOWS' II ALL Friday, September Serenaders -with added attractions. '"That man is'here agalnl" : Yes, -the "Fuller Brush Man. His number Is Oreen '997. (220-22). Tonight's train, due from -the East at 11 o'clock, wag "reported this morning to be on 'time. 11. S. Meadows will -sail "tomorrow night on" the "Princess Adelaide for -a vacation trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. Nick Killas Is leaving on the, Prince George tonight 'for "Vancouver to take a course in 'electrical engineering at the University of. British Columbia. Mothers! Treat Children's Ctlds This Proved Way ouier mecucauon oi lis una iney by use to their own Olds Ids and and J. J. Fitch, Fitch, CNJt.; CNJt.; lunre 1bXJPT( 'proved 11 It s, F. Reld, H. Leask, II. T C C. 'O. Engstrom and J. thr ;y; Tom Hennessy, .TJor- j! jl. 1 71 In skin diseases the itching of i . 'd -Tltmn-w rlh tho!e"' trianasen, nemo, w. Lieign u inctnnt v ttnnmrf' eruptions dry Tip and scale off In 1 ton,, Claxton. a very few days. The same i true, Knox of Barber's Itch, Salt Ttheum (and K Kontlo, Stewart; George Flynn, other skin eruptions. -.( 1 u ti,oph ,tocne ma mA P smith amiin' C1W cltv Q u You can obtain Moonc's Emerald Oil ifull strength) In the original Marks, Vancouver, bottle at Ormes Ltd. or any moflern "Prince "Rupert drug store. jk. Hart. 'Everett; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Todd. Montreal; J. L. D More mothers use VapoRub than any nomes. n was jur- ther .moved in -the world's largest colda- cimic wo -aosiiu? tost massageVapoRUb on throat, chest, and back 'at "bedtime. Almost at once. Its poulUce-andJvapor action 'starts to loosen phlegm, relieve irritation and couehlng, help -break local . congestion, ui- ten, by morning the worst ot the -cold-teoTer. , mm Jm.mM'0 VapoRub kan flshhig areas -with Jeorge Raft, Dorothy Lamour, showing Friday A Saturday at the Capitdl -he :advised, don't -miss it. (222) Eastern Star tea, Wasontc ''Hall, October C, Mrs.. Parker presents iMl Lady's Trousseau. t -catholic Bazaar, October 12, 13. Presbyterian "Tea "The Manse' 'October 13. Canadian legion W. A. Bazaar October 19. Ladles' League Bowling meeting, Friday, 8 pirn, at "Rep. Bowling Alley. ' (223V Everett Macdonald, local fisherman, left on last evening's.traln via' Bostdn for Lockeport, "Nova Scotia, where he wiil pay -a Trlilt "to !his native home,, . , Mrs. Ous Ross returned to her home at Queen Charlotte 'City on this .week's trip of the steamer, Prince Charles from Vancouver where herhusband recently tiled. "COAL Tv'analmo "Wellington Lump, Interior Sootless, Pea Coal for automatic stokers, Nut fcnd 'Egg Coal I 'far ranges. Albert & McCaffery, ' rhcne H6. n:f.' .1 I Thomas "Elliott of Telegraph ;l Creek, who 'has been paying a visit to the city, sailed 'by 'the Princess "Louise this -morning -on his Teturn north. Mrs. Slark, who operates a tea "B. "E. Morgan, manager of the , i Fillmore Spruce Mills, returned to l the city on the Trince Charles this Miss Doris Carter, nurse -at the -mornms from a ten-Say visit to lives, Winnipeg; D. W. Webster, Vie- Queen Charlotte City Hospital, Te- Thurston Harbor, Queen Charlotte torla; J. H. Macquarrie.i, : (Fanning turned to tne isianos on ine pres- inlands. and Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Allison, nt trip -of the steamer Prince Vancouver; James MacKiddie, Charles from holiday trip to van-, j H Corliss, official of the-frelght SmlthV Inlet; R. Nicholson, Port cnuver. Edward. 1j -Yukon Route from Seattle, was In seers. J. 1j. U. ives, general xuaumui, ; u.. Te,atlves Mrs. lDaweS was the tor -of the Order of Railway Conduc tors with 'headquarters in Winni peg, Ws -a "visitor ;ln the city yesterday In the course 'of a western tour. He arrived on tne steamer '"Prince George from Vancouver and proceeded East on last evening's strain. Announcements All -advertisements in thts col--amn will toe charged 'for lull month at -25c a -word. Eagle's Bridge, -September 28. St Teter.'s Tea .Mrs. . Linehain has been located as accountant for the B. C. Packers during the sal mon 'canning season: He now goes to the Port Edward Teductldn plant, Repairs At Alice Arm Job to be Done'-on Wharf Tloat There "atiCost 'of $1500 1 Annnnnpementis made that Te- pairs amounting' to some $1500 will, be carried out on the government. Oc-larf noat at Alice Arm. TheworK United Anniversary Supper ..1,.. on 'l win trc uunu uj uujr,iauuf, I .Hospital Auxiliary. Tea Nurses' Home, 'oexooer i. Uittheran Bazaar "October 22. Will "00 Tf a OCtdb'er T27. Sonja's Bazaar November. Baptist Bazaar November 5. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 10. tjathedral ChTtetitas aoar November 17. i St. Peter's Church Bair November -24. LAND WEOTSTUY KCi Ito: Oertitflcatw of TJtl No. 13141-T. to the East Halt of the South Wt -Qurt- of BfcWan Ttve (8). Township TJUW3), Rano Til (5). Oot t. trlct, to "UW hrovUvee -of Bmttoh Ool-umbla, said ito contain Blghtf (80) acres, 4nore or 'less. WHEREAS prtxM of lo Of the bor Ortiflmte f TltM tEaund (n he zwrne or '3ahoi A. HaiVaitaon has bem riled in this effnee, nolo 't tutntrr Klrrm that I h&l. .t t0ve ejepjre.tkm of -t3tv month Trotn 'the date af the Tint putU.atlon hnx-af, -teas a 'Prarwoi&'l -OrUIlote ct H Tltlo tti ltu oi aaiht lost 'rUfUte un .1 less moaniUme valid obctkm oe mad.o me m frtmog. ) DATED at Uh Jjuid Bftglslrr Ottlc. ft-lac nupeit, B. O. this 3rd. dar At I August, A. D, 1838. ANDREW THOMPSON. 1 Ottawa Visitors Seek Sensations Thousands Visit Capital in Summer and Ask Many Questions . OTTAWA, Sept.. 52: (CP)- As early as 8:30 on a summer morning eager sightseers arrive at the Parliament Buildings' centre block waiting to tour the $13,000,000 gothlc structure where Canada's laws are made. Nearly 70,000 holldayers listed the capital city on their itineraries! in July and August this year, mak toorn at Jasper Park lll arrive In .7 fflclal k 'f-Vx 'the r MiHf vin tin tonight's fAnin-nt'e fMin train ftrti-rt from the! rnal city Interior and sail on the steamer Prince George for "Vancouver. Mr. and'Mrs. Alfred Adams, who have been paying" a visit to the city, will sail on the Prince John tomorrow night on their return to their home at Massett. memorial chamber and the Peace Tower. This number fell short of the visitors in the same period a' year ago by 10,000. Apart from Canadians the visitors are largely from the United States, but bffl-j ciai dooks record signatures Jf summer visitors from many Euro pean countries. .Few are from Ot tawa, in fact parliamentary guides declare the "localltes" only appear 1 when they have a guest from out of town. So a busy day begins for the fiv"! each morning gather their charges nTfllinH Iflfp, en mom, htt1re n.-f uegni a tour 01 me centre Diof;Kt with a running commentary which lasts 45 minutes. From five to 10 miles are traversed by each guide in his trips that range from 10 to 30 dally in the holiday season. During the session these officers are guards at the e-.'trances to the House of Commons and the Sen ate. Although the four floors allotted as members' sessional offices are undisturbed while the House is not sfttlnff. the marblfi p.nrridnrs nn t.)io first two floors are ever filled with' I the sound of shuffling feet andi uepaiLiuciit di uic vyuhc raw mm uic cxmiiur oi eamusxasuc Eigni-' I Roval 1 Jwin n. Morgan, wen khuwii -the clty aboard the Princess Louise "Show mo mm,, rtai-o liitP nh Mr. and Mrs. Vic Orant. Balmor- -Queen -Charlotte island logging op-nls morning enroute to Dawson Mary, Queen of Scots, was behead- nt I. Johansen, city; L, Hudson, -erator, returned to "the Islands on an(j Mjayo 0n company business, ed?" asked a breathless visitor one! Northern Pyrites; James Clausen the present trip 01 tne steamer . day, who had a few minutes for Copper Mountain. . .prince Charles -after a business trip, Mr. and Mrs. Stamford, who "looking" between trains. The 'to Vancouver. jhave been on a vacation trip to "guide tactfully explained no such ,v.w.w.VAVJAVJVJ,JVvv,AWw TOFFEE ASSORTMENT At a Special WeeU-Eiul Trice f- PerPonnd JL M Ormes Ltd. -Jit Pioneer :DrwQ9'ts ,1 S Tb. iUiU Store tiiiri0 Open DUy from .m. tm w " noon ollly Hundayi and 7 p.m. tlU 9 f .n. . 'VanoOuverj Victoria and -Seattle, gory undertakings were on record ATTENTION "FISHERMEN oont returned to the city -from the. south in these parts. miss "Spawn of the wortn wejon the Princess Louise this morn-! "Where does Mftch Hepburn great picture-story of the Ketchi- lng stt?" inquired another SDectator I who was -not -satisfied with seeing Mr. .and Mrs.-Basil Dawes of the prime ministers place and the Glacier arrived In the -city on the thrones -df the governdr-'ceneral Louise this from Princess morning and the speakers of the the south to pay a visit with local , and j0 tt- j Senate. He was surprised xo mer Miss -Nora Kenney of this city. The Bowling Association will hold another business meeting -Monday, September 26 at 8 p.m. at Rex Alleys. All team -entries must be rnade by that date. . Please attend this meeting foc important business. (222) Mr. and Mrs. A. P., Allison ar rived in the city on -the Prince 'Charles this morning from Cum- shewa Inlet, Queen Charlotte Is-lande, where they have been In residence for the summer, and 'will sail tonight by the Prince George for Vancouver. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ross Nicholson and voungson arrived ln.thetlty on the Prlnee1 Chafles this, 'morning -from 1 imajidliti 'aiay where Mr, Nicholson Hall, September. 29 C. C. F. Ba2aar, October 1. Grocery Shower, October 6. Ridley Home.1 learn Mr. Hepburn had moved the Music Iluth Nelson A-T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. Phone Green 390 C IMrs. BernaTd T.undahl V oice Production PIANO and THEORY Phone GREEN 994 431 4th Ave. West MUSIC IMiss N. Lawrence Teacher (it MOLIN, THEORY, HARMONY Walker 's Music Store Large Stock Music Helntzman, Nordhelmer and Lesage Pianos Piano Tuning with "Kesonoscope" Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. ber?" thev don't -know: 'Artistic q Tf" .'5 Bfli Willi x 1 PAGE THREE Enjoy tea at its best Iff! ft V ft VI ft!! i TEA scene of his activities to Queen's Park, Toronto. 'One query which baffles guides Is "how do they dust the intricate, carvings m the Memorial Cham ir,r o rir,tnt nt viorincr tho Mmiw "ncrlbhlej-s" who sepk to nlac ouvMungs Tire auowea. Mi W w W mv - - f of Commons, the Senate Chamber. the parliamentary library, the StM SEPTEMBER 22 to SEPTEMBER "29 FLOOR COVERING At Special Sale Price 4 It their marks on hidden, spots about the 1bulldingsr are the gdides' biggest worries. Too, the candid camera fiends have to "be handled with care for no inside "shots" of the i i i CoiiKoIcum Cold Seal Size 9xl0i. Reg. 7 cj . i 10.75. Sale price? ( Gonffdleum Gold Seal Size 9x12, Reg. AO 12.00. Sale price1 Dominion Printed Linoleum G feet wide. Sq. fiQp yd. 85c. Sale price Vt BAGGAGE At Special Sale Price Suit Case Duralite fibre made -with strong wood frame, 'genuine vulcanized -corners. C9 'TT Size 26 inches. l?eg. $4.50. Sale... Trunk (Plywood construction) hard fibre em'ering double spring lock. Tray with cov ered division. Reg. $16.00. Sale Six-Hole Monarch Range For burning coal or wood. Snap at Circulator Heater with Oil Burner Snap Jood Pram A real bargain for - Bicycle In good COTlditlOTl: ........ SingcT Sewing Maclnne In good condition ........ . . Typewriter In fh'st class shape mm 3rd Avenue $29.00 $25.00 $10.00 $12.00 $25.00 $20.00 FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 916 a December Frozen HERRING BAIT Gold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Gold Storage Co. ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. 51