fcursday. February 24, 1038. -1 " hafe "to &a." LOCAL NEWS NOTES "but I'm Laving the brut luck with my cooking lately, since I've taken to using St, Charles Kvaoruted Milk. Wbenever 1 want a special creamy frosting, or a smuuth-cooketl saure, I open a can ot si. uiiaries. tieeiui like it makes tLin taste richer !" . . . St. Charles is a Harden i milk, that's hy. Evaporated to double-richness from fresh full-ctouu milk. Doctors mention this brand of evaporated milk for babies' formulas, because they trust the name Borden's. Ask for Itorden's St. Charles and you'll 1 safe A BrltUh Columbia Product !3orde4iS ,?J; MiMlUK R. C. A. All The Way UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FROM PKINCE ItUPKKT RETUUN' AU meals $32 00 f'fiOM POUT SIMPSON CQCQC KETUKN". Berth Included. Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1937 and February 28th, 1938, inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, 1938. Children Half Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, a.m. S.S, CARDENA Friday, 9:00 p.m. Sun., Midnight Tickets and Reservations from Prince Itupert Agent A. NEWMAN Third Ave., Phone 5C8 If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at Office ELECTRIC TUNI.NGJ 3 J , Good Garden soil free. See R.e Bros. -0 the Pince Rupert for a trip to i Vancouver. MilJFund Dance, Friday, Boston l9ll,"rniistc by Saundefs Serenades. 9:30 to 2. H7- The. fire "department had a cah at 12:40 noon yesterday to 932 Eleventh Avenue East, near Uv. corner of Alfied Street, wher. there was a chimney fire. No da mage was done. Eva Baker Is appearing In ciU i police court this afternoon on a charge of being an inmate of a! disorderly house. Mary Mamchuk j similarly charged, was fined $5C ' earlier in the week. INTERIOR WEATHER Prince Georgs Cloudy, southerly I wind, 1C miles per hour; barometer, 30.24. Terrace Cloudy, calm, temperature 36. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 34. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 34. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 32. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 31. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 35. Smlthers Part cloudy, calm, 40. Burns Lake. Bright, calm, 33. asjsjMMHMMssiMSsaMaMHSMSMiiHI CLEAN FALSE TEETH-GET RID OF STAINS New Eaty Way No Brushing Sters-Klw.u, amaainjr nw dltcoverjr, re-muvet blackest stains, tarnlih. tartsr likt magic Juat put falw teth or bridtrn in a Klaii of water and add Stera-KIwm powder. No messy brushing. Kecommended by den-tists approved by Good Housekeeping. At all druficutt. Money back U not delighted. FIST SHOW INTERESTS I Youthful Boxers Put Up Good Dis play at Recreational .Centre Last Night The hnxinc tournament at tht Prince - Rupert physical education and recreation centre last night attracted a crowd of some 150 per sons and the show was a splendic" one. In all the events there was a fine display of sportsmanship even though two or three of the boy received "shiners." The best dis play of boxing of the evening was that by Pat Berry and Albert Mah while the fastest and most exciting bout of the tournament was a three two-mlnutc ! rounder in which Bill Long took two out of thre rounds Irom Don McCouver. in the main event Jummy Bry i'ant and Ted Noble, both at, 15s pounds, did six two-minute round! with Bryant geuing we In the tournament Victor Nor-hpri over Harry Lundquist. Bill Long over P. McCouver, V, Nor-berg, Stan Scherk over Fostei Husoy Albert Mah over Bob peachey Stan Scherk and Bii: Long were the winners, these being all three two.-rninute, rounders In on? exhibition" boutvok-four two-minute rounds Pat Berry met Frank Gomez. Other exhibition bouts, three two-minute rounders I were: Marcet amm vs, wucu Rudderham, Lester Grlmble vs. Bill iBarKer. JuCK mraimuuiu o. George Greenwood, Steve Frost vs iDarrow Gomez, I A three three-minute round e:: hibition of wrestung by fcrnn plain and Ken Schubert also prov ed interesting. The show was under direction pf Harry Gordon -Cooper and Albert Mah, Referee was Benny Windie and Judges A, W. Newman and J. j Judge with Max Hellbroner acting as time-keeper. Mc Noidkap. Bridge Dri.e and Ras-(46 1 kct Social, Metrppole Hall, tomorrow. Bridge at 8:15 sharp. Refresh R. L. Mcintosh Is sailing tonight Artm. 35c. Ladle with baskets free Norkap's Bridge ial, February 25. (47 Rev. Hugh Dobson of Vancouver, itcretary for evangelism and social iervice of the United Church in British Columbia, was th2 speaker today at the regular weekly lunch eon of the Prince Rupert Rotary 1 Club in thy Cpmmodare Cafe with Roy M. Winstbw in the chair Guests at the luncheon Included Visiting delegates to sessions of prince Rupert. Pre-.iytjry of the United Church which are at present beinsi held here. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full mouth at 25c a word and Basket soc-i St. David's Tea March 1. Women's Canadian Legion -Bridge, March 2. C. N. R. A. Annual Dance, March Presbyterian March 3. March 11 and United Church. Shamrock Tea, St. Patricks tea and social eve ning, Catholic Hall. March 17. c y. s. March 18. Dance, Oddfellows, Anglican Tea, .Mrs. son, March 24. S. C. Thorn- Orange Spring Sale March 25. Presbyterian Jasper, Sale April S. Salvation Army Sale April 13. ssssssm :i.:m;.. SI jT-riVOx:. f. -Am bbbbbbsbhk:. - i,:-e.- ;:v? . .issssssssr WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah Capt. William Palmer, is due in (port at 4 o'clock this afternoon. 12, CIRCU. -.. j jrom skagway and other Alaska , points and will sail at 5:30 p.m. for Vancouver. Putting in on account of rough weather outside, the Ketchikan' seineboat and packer Welcome, on her way from Seattle to Ketch!-' kan, arrived in port this morning I to wait out the gale. The Welcome has been In Seattle having a new 85 h.p. Cummings six-cylinder dlev sel engine installed in place of a Hall Scott gas engine. Miss Audrey Wrathall has Join- led the staff of the city treasurer's queen Mary Daffodil Tea April 18. otf ice at the City Hall. REC,PE SAVORY PEAS and TOMATOES Add, lo IK cups lMiiled ricel UrRe tin Royal City Tuuiatoesfcirved and onion rhoM-d line that liaa l-pn lxiVel In butler All golden lirown. Add l'cruinbled bay leaf, 2 lalleBMons clioed parKlry and 1 tin Koyal City Teas, drained. Turn inlo greased casserole dish and hate 30 to 10 minutes at 350 F. Serves 6 to B. I)on't let the cold, austere, month of February annoy you. Uuy 1 ion Qf the coal we're selling and send winter on his way. yoa soeJ(tVrArn, Nottinf but" tte6est- t Cod Sum NANAIMO BULKLKY VALLEY FOOTHILLS PHILPOTT EVIH & CO. LTD. 651 PHONES 652 Wl ANNETTE'S Easy Terms and Trade-In Allowance At I fMoffaM B,sSalei ! HERE S-'A OISH7 THAT BEATS THEITI ALL CRISP, oven-toasted, rolden-brown Shredded Wheat and sliced ripe bananas! A natural food combination that suppUej.all the vital elements-to strengthen and regulate the system, In a pleasant form, easily assimilated. It s an ideal dish. Ready-cooked. Ready-to-serve . . delicious, nutritious. economical. For your family's health, serve Shredded Wheat every morning. 72 big all cults In every boa 'Tha Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd Niagara Falls. Can. a A m. .-.'ATA For the Woman who Knows Boudoir Rouge Lentheric The (French Rouge f Distinction n Fancy Containers 5 mi T 2 1 h e iNew 75c Remember Those Snapshots at Night With Selo Hypersensitive Panchromatic Film The fastest film on the market. Sizes to fit all cameras. Standard prices. Ormes Lid. Z$te Pioneer Druggists The .lertll Store , Phones; 81 & BZ Open Dally From B a.m. t'Jl 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noun till 2 p.m. . 1 p.m. tII ? p.m. Halo Permanent Our haJr stvles must .chance to suit the Liet lis It eate for you a more cnarnung and stylish coiffure. ' Qnjy genuine oil solutions used, on all permanents. Modern Beauty Shop 530 THIRD AVENUE Phone 947 HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. s