daily Knmnv The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Ayenue H. F PULLEN - - . Managinz-Edltor Department Telcpnons ' Advertising and Cumulation Telephone" ".J.! Member of Audit Burr.au ol Circulations SUBSCRIPTION KATES City deUvery, by carrier, yearly period, paia in advat.ee roiu ui nuvance, per wejs ADVERTISING RATES Classified. advertising, per word, per insertion local readers, per line, per insertion 8b 98 Paid In advance, per month ". P? 2! f"15 01 Brltl mbUrthlBnlbirSnpIrend United ' States, yearly period, paid in advance By maU.to all other countries, per year itonday, October 31, 1938 lziorr," soft-spoken Dutch remarked. " " fif!4T nl aha J lUt A . . 3. OP 9.0P .02 .25 I Dutch HUler is heading for his first full season in the National. riocKey League but the chunky year-old Kitchener, Ontario, boy doesn't show the enthusiasm one 5.C0j would expect. "The noveltys worn: 5ATJJRPAY i a ptuvcu tmrueeii Earaes in mc- n i t . I - V T T AUmn i 1111. C?.K. t National Hockey League last sea-. Z" r T " son and am eettlne used to It" " , ' In the second round of the Min HUler with xt New t, York Rangers. Booth Memorial High School replace Bobby Kirk at left ftnusi. tth-n VlV. ! wing beside Phil Watson and Bri- day BetafioT3sVdefeated Alpha auu neiau on one oi me itang.ers- House in the Junior game by c forward lines. Kirk has been rele- scm-P nf ta-n tr nil in gated to Philadelphia Rambler? of gbme Alpha beat Beta by "five to ' iiiiiawuuai - a ill C 1 1 L d 11 rtll Hnth rrn m nrA nln..AJ .H rrninn iirirnir n' League, a Ranger farm team. teSU ?e usiness recessio the United ? ' the market for Canadian goods in that country fell off trempnrlmiclir o,i ft,; u. L0.unyyi .1 f Anr rrrp TiTT IHTLT NTn"5 Monday, q. New Post Office LOCAL YARD Shoes Of Distinction BuildmgReady j. Qjyp WQRv Bennett & White Construction Co ! STYLED BY PERTH LEGLESS SPORTSMAN TRAVELS 6,000 MILES FO 1 DERBY nave Completed pn the Structure Tlieir Work ""mg oivur 10 airandirn be Kepatry List Receive The Utmost In COMFORT, VALUE and WEAR by Purchasing These Delightful Shoes In All the Modern Styles And Shades D , f.sIf. A,be BaUey did not lose any of his enthusiasm for living when It was necessary to amputate both his legs because of plebitls tinflamatlon. of the legsi and for the 103rd time made the 6 000-mile Innn 1 to End- W11 mln to see his horse. Golden Sovereign. Tit vij i n y' an.uhe made the trl? agaln?1 hIs Physician's oers. He lost both legs within the past year, five months apart, from recurring;, attacks of the disease. I' i SPORT CHAT in Winnipeg and Amerks' roscsslon but. after a fine run" Tommy Anderson started throwing lost to McKeown. Gurvich gave ne nd ot a rugged Holkestad u, L-fe a good chance but Pet-battle whichfthe Rangers won .2-1 ersen stopped his shot - Holkestacl afer 10 minutes- overtime. again got Possession and. In QN scrimmage scored for Beta. Short ly afterwards, SimUndsen. with a fine shot, added a second goal for Beta. No further scoring took place and the best contested game of the league ended In Beta's favor by a score of two to nil Rain Marred Senior The senior game was marred orr.ewhat by heavy rain but, in suite of this drawback, both team? fought hard to gain the coveted points for their houses. Alpha was the strnneer ham an "u its victory over the Beta House. Scorers for Alpha, were Bill, 2; Nelson. X Junior teams were: Alpha Petersen: Holtby. Dawes: Saturday at the; Acropolis Hill. iEy Lee. CIccone: King. Postuk! The ffr$of,thun: game,"'?- A. McLeod. Wong. Short of stature but solidly, was clecidealy in favqrpf Alpha ' Beta Pierce: Bird. Perklnsr' built, Hiller Is the first member of House but the Beta defence was I McKwn. Gurvlch, Halde; J. Mc- tne New York Raneers famed too stmns to hp npnptmtprt hv tHniLeod. O'Neill. 5imiinrtspn trMij the tne slip-ht slicrht rprpscinn recession i in thio !,: f iThree-R system New York Rover3 rather lieht AlDhk forwards wn-Pd, months of this Year thP pnmmnri ??ie nZ? f . rlne of the Eastern Unlted StatS araa' away on a'Wce'nin and cent-! J- B. Wilkinson and C. Hayward ited StatP5 (-a of,Vr V oin nAi:- u LU 10,3 Un-;ur league, Kammers ana Ran-;rea weil but Bird and pjrkins 'ereea the Junior game and W. qimiMni m fW i! S ?219000000 Whereas in the ers-ver to make the Jump from stopped all attacks. Long stopped w- c- ONelll the senior 'game"; on nLntn? 0f tne Previous year the total value wa5Rovers 10 Raneers without some Simundsen and cleared after Bird1 Linesmen were N. 'Pavllkls and 569,000,000. Whiskey alone Was resoonsible fnr n H,nn!prcfesslonaI experience in Phila- had placed the ball right at the;AIe Bill. ' Of between six nnH covo jit , urup delphia. Manager Lester Patrick Alpha goal. Holtby and Dawes had' The xtanriftifra ar n frtiinn UJ -ul... 7 UUliars SOItWOOd Um- of Ranirer hrnucrht. him trnm hard trnrtr " lions nPn,iJ "I1"1?"5' AVQd PUlP m0re tha ten mil- Rovers late 1" K McLeod Tnd pTe Pok and iionb, new sprint about seventeen millions -and asbestos aicllcked mediately In the majors King were again almost through million dollars. 'Dutch was leading scorer in the but Perkins cleared and gave Nobody seems to know anything about what nric Eastern USl circult before he was Pierce a chance to Petersen re affected bv the orODOed nw JvSp de ai 5 Promoted. He spent the 1936-37 with a hard shot which was devoid ohP S nalii,.,Vln.1 i ageement. The;season in England. erly saved. The Alpha goalie did tZVZ British Columbia we to stop several had drives'. w, it b , lxuIJrt UlSiriCt. During the n ne i "as plenty scarce when Lester especially throne from Slmund montns we exported to United .States about eieht .mil-tflr5t moved me "P to the Rangers en Wch struck Yhe upright and uon aonars. worth of wood for puln nurnoses whirr, last season an4 1 got a eal hriU wa. throuSh- Long. ats 1 wnicn k IS . u V lJU1lJweb, .... centre-half, about abnnf fVio the cn fnr n.1 fhp nilf c,,. .,,. ,.' was well stmnnrtPd hvi same as cnmQ . t. , V luu ui me nroirinne1 Vfl. year. al. Objection has been takpn fn fin'e avnn t previous', i iV"'uuo 1 .i.' ; . .. n. ni. M. ... . . . few eames. thouEh. the noveitv .r,.,ne- ine nrsl " obstructing Constable T. terials but the cuttiner of nulnwonrl fnr PvLvt ca. L eems 10 wear off and yu reallze score cJrifr V m-m tcv uiuuaiat- " aiuunu use me juniors, mey sing tne government j. he refused -rf to speak until the gov- wai for We break and when they ernment had spoken, thus .presenting the European coun-i---133' ln Eqes a goaL" tnes, from uettinc the idea tW L ,, rST" this matter. uufupu uai putch ha? great respect Piolif au t-i i. postpn Bruins' Sauerkraut line of .1 v "u"t'tiw oecrpuary OI State fJ ocnmioi, rorKy uumart and ior f prejgp affairs in Great Britain, favors a government Pbby Bauer alSo Kltchener y3- i". ?u? luriign policy tpqt IS Venresentatjye nmiat is only about 19 or QI the, Whole British neonle. As Ramsav MQnnl,i and he's really a sweetheart said: '-'Parliament should 1 be a council of state" a on Ai all im- m !hlnk. BPn wil1 Bave !f portant matters Roughest time this season. They're , the toughest club in the league to '- ,-r . - ,'. . , , . .'play against. But we've got a' rea J The Daily News is. a member of. the Capadjap Paily Jhoui agreatn' " Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of "the ! 8fjon. Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north ' Dutch dldin waste a"y time of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membership slttlnl lnt the thlck of thlngc when Rangers and New York Am- in in these tnese orrnniVntimK? organizations. erlcans d exhlbltlon tour Junior League W D L Beta 3 0 0 Gamma '.if j J Alpha . o 6 3 S.enipr League W D Alpha 3 0 Gamma i 6 E2ta j) o FA go 5 19 ,F A 12 1 e c i 12 with neither side able to Stewart while arresting him. for i VimilH 11 - a verv PnnS0 ttSZrr' V? you're Just playing hockey after Bete-tnnv-h. ... 1"" "qu w? Possession, i-TJ "MuviHUlL V III I MM VUiZT Onfl - hiniti i n . . k- WlltUOlVC 111 UUliCl fHWP 030 ConfciWift1 4 -" - wi. ft uncii Will .vhi 1 1 r tt" n t n civ folro fA 'kt vtw- t uujcnuu la au. we piayea in Toronto my nrst second half nfMAm0 iU,r, T" i taken to making any change. .night and beat the Leafs 4-2. S piaced ??Iip,r ?e.r was f10? f lmPrlsonment y JIW ginning to wonderif the presentll'fnXSS S hysiem pt government under Which the hiiQinoco nf v,'teur and professional hockev. Ifs Opposition IS always to oprose and nritiViso as different as day and night. ment is m the best interests of the count 7AuTJ ' thls ulk about Junlors playlng aVf loiSnt n? tne re" better ockey than i5 cent crisis we h . Played m Canaan inSn fef fte. Conservative party in. the n. h. l. is a lot of bunk Fans banaaa in f- consultation wth the Prime Minister and with-' lik the mnlprs because they raw noiaing all cnticisni of what he might have cnnsirWprl and 'w and ?kate miles farther lo rje tne slowness of the administration in. how;thanf ave Thpros are it it Stood Stood . . Alrhnno-li Although nvOCr-rl nreT-f u h , Z,Tv e t!; ' statine 91 0U"5 "5 W -QW smarter' smarter, fastr faster and and tak take advantage I All W ! The new Post Office and federal puj'dlng here has been completed, by.rthe contractors. Bennett & .6 Vhte. Construction Co., and It Is xpected that tne architects will e hjere in the course of the com ;ng week to formally take it ovrjr. ,The Post 6'fflce will not be moving tfrj' until ater'New Year. for MKVWX. !f1dPr Try a Daily News classified advertisement for best results. Ifki Fnt'r ha'thful TVffiey'j Cum dally for Itt W tnvlgoratlna goodnu It'a quick pick-up hit the toot. RUlevri fatigue and cafmi th cs.4i nervet. Aldi dlgettlon too! . To keep afert when drlrlnj, always chew w- 4 - . , Ui VUI 'W.JkV L I p or purse ana take some home lor the children jAr they love it just watch how fatejul thty ore. Enjoy it dally millions do. j Repairpf the coast f-P , . yor. which went ntw, 'Inland ipPortland Inlet , aimmg nere ;n aasn after refloating; herslf j. tr,'L carried out- at the local dry dY The yessel being already on tht dock, the work commenced todai and is expected to take ufcj 't , week. The forefoot & .-.af-" red TtndTabo'ut half a dozen iiank nrt hnw are stove in The Sal-ypr is a wooden vessel. "Th pwttf form In which tobacco can Molted," CIGARETTES BRITISH COLUMHIA THRIVES BY ITS INDUSTRIES If. magnificent Natural Resources, its solendld Scenery 13 striking favorable Climate, all combine to give British CoianbU a strong and universal appeal. Its Softwood Stand Is the finest In the' British Empire v:M!r Mineralized, It 1? of abrorblng interest to mining men i J arable portions are highly productive, its Fruits and Farm C; and Dairy Products of uniform excellence ... its offshore vra:e:3 teem with Fish. Upon these basic resources has been bullf. a huge and thn Manufacturing Industry, able to supply almost every dc. need. British Columbia depends largely upqn Its Citizens for th? position it now enjoys. Without their support, Its Industrie anirt flourish nor Its Payrolls expand. Every purchase of B. C PRODUCTS helps more of our own people to find employment Department of Trade and Industry Victoria, B.C. HON. W. J. ASSELSTINE, Ml.n ' r A Hot Time Is What You Want This Winter You cat) get it by using our famous Edson, Bulkley Valley or Nanalmo-Welljnjton coal. PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 nr S.ntt NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE THIRD AVENUE EAST Phone RED 392 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS HILIIAN CARS STANDARD PRODUCTS rrqmpt and Efficient Service December Frozen HERRING BAIT Cpld Storage Ice Fish & Gold Storag Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert, IJ.C. e If vnii linvo enmnit.: 1. -ii -1 ie:A rl,fvfijpment in this paper will Boon let you know if there is a buyer m