Granville Street Span in Vancouver is Scene of Double Tragedy, Mrs. Margaret McLean and Boy Losing Lives VANCOUVER, October 31: (CP) Mrs. Margaret McLean, wife of Lieut. Col. A. T. (Jock) McLean and daughter of the late Brigadier General J. W. Stewart, was killed with her eight-year-old son, Allistair, when their sedan crashed through Granville Street bridge into False ( reek Saturday. An eye-witness said that the car skidded yn the wet pavement and slewed SPECULATE ON VOTING Both Democrats and Republican Expccllni Favorable Reaction In Uniled States Next Week Franklin D, Roosevelt's .New Deal Policlc Car Owners Are Being Reminded Of Park Rules The city police are tightening up Condemned Man at Salt Lake City Consented To Ills Body Being Used For Medical Research through the left railing, dropping lRhty-five feet into twelve feet of water. The victims were lmprison-:d in the car. Bulletins VANDEKHOOF HOTEL BURNED VANPEKHOO' -Fir- de to e wnoniJiuivnr DT't?., XKt. tlay. The building is a total loss Both Dcmociat and Republican pu'.lc ; i.rc confident that national :?inton will be gauged in theli lavor in widespj-ead congressional tlr.'jon; to be held throughout LY na.iu.i on November 8. Eight million independent voters will ge la the polls to elect 432 Housi members, 34 senators and 32 gov ernors. There will be voting in every! car nf the forty-eight states ex pt Maine which went Republican in September. If 13 conceded impossible for the Republicans to gain control of tht Senate although it may be different in the Hnnsp This will deDend upon the reaction to President' lint npnr were Injnred. J. XV. II. I)av in the owner of the well-known pioneer hostelry. DKIITFO FOK WHOLE WEEK SEATTLE Six Seattle fishermen were rescued by the steamship Alaska after drifting help.? lessly for a week in the pirtly wrecked schooner Angeles, according to radio reports received here. The Angeles was disabled in a gale October 23 off Ocean Cape and drifted to a point off Cape Chuckling. TEKKOKIZEI) BY BROADCAST NEW YOUK Thousands of fear-gripped Americans and Canadians became hysterical during a realistic broadcast of the futuristic fantasy of H. G. Wells "War of the Worlds," depicting an imaginary attack on the United States by men from Mars. Demands for an Investigation have been made. Ninety-Three Are u Tnc enforcement ot tne street .11 p. trafnr and parking bylaw as aiMai'SCllleS TirC umoer ot motorists have aireaay found. One section of the bylaw hlch the police are calling partlc MARSEILLES. France. Oct. 31: imi TrlirVifoAn mnri hndies were ular attention to is that vehicles, rp.nvprpfl vestcrdav from the ruins can only be parked on the north l()f tne disastrous fire in Marseilles side of avenues and the east side of last wcelc bringing the total of slrcct... the fronts of vehicles onknown dead now to ninety-three avenues to be facing In a westerly with tne possibility that there direr.t.ion and on the streets In a might have been more. northerly direction. Violators of) . the tramc regulations may expect I DpopUp,! RV to be hailed Into police court. I IS iVCdUlcU UJ Pictures Taken Of Heart Of Murderer Radio Appeals ltrnrv L. Wallhcr Advised Wilderness of Alaska That His Mother Is Dying in Chicago JUNEAU, Oct. 31: As a result of messages given widespread transmission hrough amateur radio operators, Henry L. Walther m: hpen located at Kings ouve SALT LAKv. nrrv nnt ?i-X-lin the Aleutian peninsula and nd- JJ moving pictures were taken in vised that his mother Is dying in tne It will be at prison yard here this morning Chicago. Although 01 the hen least a month before he can reach had man after, Pvi,Hnn ThP man Chicago, he is masmg pians i should warch, consented that ' his body hurry home, as quickly as possible; be used for medical re- Walther Is working wim an ex. ploration party. Settlement Of 'Frisco Strike Quebec Province Is Floating Loan OX PHONE (joe Hrown) ? 3 Taxi Tomorrow sT. ides High 8:34 ajn. 17.0 ft. DAY AND v VICE 20:31 ft. pjn. 16,0 Careful and A, tr vers Low 1:30 am. 7.9 ft. (New 1938 .fc ?J J 14:20 p.m. 9.9ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXVII.. No. 254. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1938. PRICE: 5 CENTS ritish Cabinet Being Reorganized Well Known Woman Drowns In Auto Further Shuffling Of Daughter of General Jack Stewart and Her Son Crash Off Bridge : I Japs Circle I South China CANTON, Oct. 31: (CP) Japanese columns are moving slowly northward from here alonz the Canton to Hankow railroad. The aim Is to en- circle the whole 0f southeast- .' em China. Fighting since the capture of Canton and Hankow has been merely of a desultory character with the Chinese putting up little opposition. JEWS ARE EVICTED Ten Thousand In Bad Way Aflei Being Dumped by Germany Across Polish Frontier WARSAW. Oct. 31: (CPt Evicted frpm the , land of their adaption and unwanted In their home land the language of which they cannot even -speak, ten vthous uv PollJwsarbTifiaedwpuddr-ul lh Oermanv at the end of th week, have been dumped In Polr ad Just across the German front er German trains took them that a and left them there to shift for themselves as best they might Tu many cases they are penniless with no nrov'sion for food or shelter Residents of the Polish frontlet are housing some temporarily Last night it was stated that Germany had agreed to suspend further deportation of Polish Jews pending negotiations between the two countries. Meantime, there was talk of retaliatory action by Poland agalnsl Germans residing in Poland. (Mayor Angclo Kossi's Ten - Man ! Peace Commission Gets Results I SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 31: --. Mayor Angelo Rossi's ten - man 1 neaee commission, consisting ot five union representatives and five 'Known Dead After reached a tentative basis of settle ment of the seven-weexs 01a sinse l affecting department stores. It will be submitted to the retailers council and for approval. retail clerks union Issue of $30,000,000 To Be Offered, Premier Duplcssis Announces QUEBEC, Oct. 31: (CP) Pre- I ! nn1.i.. n.mnit.innr In mlcr Maurice iupicaaio ttimuuiim that a loan or $3U,iuu,uuu win ce floated by the Province, of Quebec, Parliament To jm Prorogue With Reopening Soon LONDON. Oct. 31: (CP) Prorogation of Parliament is set for this Friday with a new session scheduled to open November-8. ALLEGED SPIES ARRAIGNED IN U.S. COURT Thesc-thiee-rinun, "top, Who lace federal spy charges are a trifle bashful about facing the camera as they return to the United States Marshal's van after arraignment in federal court, New York. The men, who are among 18 indicted for espionage by the U. S. government, are left to right: Gunther Gustave Relmrlch, Otto H. Voss, and Erich Glaser. Not at all bashful Is Johanna-Hoffman, 26-year old beauty parlor operator of the liner Europa, as die rides in the front seat beside the driver of the Marshal's van, bottom. She completes the quartet which Is facing trial for their part in spying out IT.S military secrets. Other members of the espionage ring are now residing in other countries PREMIER ACCORD IS FASCIST, COMPLETED So Says Former Head of British' Agreements Between Major Euro Trades Congress of Prime Minister Chamberlain pea n Countries Appear To Order of Day T.rVtfTVW nrt 31- fPPTT II I "'V Alwln-formct heVd of.the British ussv,,linlvnan IZn Tail Joachlm von Trades Congress, said yesterda j , mbafL?: that Prime Minister Neville Cham- were 3?!?"?. berlaln Is a Fascist Jn word, if not'to jlave reached a,comPlete acc01tl in deed. Regrs(HlI6n6TOvlllahs . on; turopcaJVu" i for military duty was an indication of this, Alwln declared. Oil Well Comes In On 'Land Of (Jcorec Mcintosh in Southern ! Alberta rrallSfIliCI4W UtTH LUlll" j ' pletcd, it Is stated In well informed Quarters, for arbitration of the Czechoslovaklan-Hungarian mlnor-ni P UT? , ity and territorial dispute. V lOWing UOlU Tor Germany and. France have r i ! reached a "gentleman's agree- rioneer Kancher ment," it is said. Halibut Sales American Kodlak, 26,000, Cold Storage, 10.4c HIGH RIVER, Alta., Oct. 31: and 6c. tCPj-An oil well has come In. on' Canadian theiland of George Mcintosh, plo-1 Covenant, 28,000. RoyalA9.2c and neer rancher of High?Rlver,Therc.5c. . 'ow of 332 barrels of crudf .loan W IT.. 31.000. AtUni-9.f6.and dally. ' 5c. Portfolios Expected: Planning for Defence Sir John Anderson is Appointed Lord Privy Seal Viscount Runciman is New President of Council LONDON, October 31: (CP) Sir John Anderson was today appointed Lord Privy Seal in a cabinet shake-up believed to be preparatory to a widespread organization for defence. Viscount Runciman, former President of the Board of Trade and mediator in the Czechoslovak-ian-German dispute, is named Lord President of the Council succeeding Viscount Hall- . . . csham. nsigned. Rt. Hon. Malcolm MacDonald, Colonial Secretary, Is given the additional post of Dominions Secretary. i These changes are in addition to those of last week in which the Ewl of Stanhope, President of the Board of Education, was appointed Flrrt Lord of the Admiralty and Earl de la Warr. Lord Privy Seal, to be President of the Board of ' FRANCO'S Loses Off PALMA, Majorca, Oct. 31: (CP; -Lieut. Col Ramon Franco, younger brother of General Francisco Franco, commander-in-chief ot the insurgent forces in the Spanish war, and four companions were killed yesterday in the crash of a plane off the island of Majorca Long before the Spanish war, the TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert Raining, southeast wind, eighteen miles per hour; barometer, 29.40 (falling); temperature, 44; sea choppy. Triple Island Showery, south- Aocf wlrH ftftnon mlloc rwr Vinur moderate chon. Lnnear.a Island- barometer, 29.40; temperature, 45; light, swell. Dead Tree Point Overcast, showery, calm: barometer, 29.50; temperature, 37; light swell. Bull Harbor Showery, southeast wind, eighteen miles per hour; barometer, 29.50; temperature, 46; moderate swell. Alert Bay Showery, southeast wind, ten miles per hour; barom eter 29.61; temperature, 46; light chop. Estevan Raining, southeast wind, six miles per hour; barometer, 29.70. Vancouver Cloudy, southeast wind, six miles per hour; barometer, 29.78. Victoria Clear, southerly wind, four miles per hour; barometer, 29.78. Prince George Clear, southerly wind, six miles per hour; barometer, 29.52. Terrace Cloudy, calm, 36. Aiyansh Cloudy, calm, 42. Alice Arm Light rain, calm, 43. Anyox Light rain, calm, 42. Stewart Raining, calm, 4. 36. Hazelton Partly cloudy, calm, I Profiteering .4 I To Be Probed t LONDON, Oct. 31: (CP) In view of increasing public in- 1r dignation at alleged profiteer- Ing out of defence materials, ( especially materials for air I raid protection, It is expected ' there will be a governmental Inquiry. In the course of a! I few.hdurs aCthe ttarfot-lhe " reqenj crisis, it ideciargofvijkt th? prco of sand bagsmount- f ed from 3c to 50c. IS DEAD: ; Lieut. Col. Uamou Franco Life In Crash of Airplane Island of Majorca RETURNING COLONIES Proposed to Make Some Grants to Germany Hitler Says he Expects Fair Treatment LONDON, Oct. 31: (CP) The minister of external affairs of the younger Franco was a noted flier, union of South Africa is due to ,In 1926 he made the first trans- arrive in London shortly to discuss .Atlantic flight from Europe to vith the Imperial government the South America. He was once air question of German colonial de- , attache to the Spanish embassy in . mands. 'Washington. ' One solution that Is being scr-I lously proposed Is the return to (Germany of portions of Portugese West Africa and the Belgian go which were taken from her af ter the Great War. ' Speaking yesterday in Germany, . CharrceHor Adolf Hitler declared that it was up to the countries now'-: ' controlling colonies taken from (Germany after the war to-see that- Heavy showers sne 1S lairy eaieai in reguru m southwest wind, five miles per hour thelr "turn He was inferred to have alluded to the British Empire and France. Rain And Wind All Along Coast Air and Highway Traffic Delayed From California to British Columbia Border SEATTLE, Oct. 31: Rain and wind over the week-end delayed air and highway traffic from Fresno, California, to the British Columbia border. There was an inch and a half of snow In the Sierra Nevada mountains. . , Weather Forecast General Synopsis Pressure remains low off the Queen Charlotte Islands. Heavy rains have occurred on the British Columbia coa-vt and the weather has been showery In the interior. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh southeast SmlthersPartly cloudy, calm, 32. winds, cloudy with occasional Burns Lake-i-Brlght, cairn, 33. showers, becoming cooler. VP 1 iff 3 it