&E3 WANTED KTED- 0.rl for housework. 442 Av. nue East. 25t) FOK SALE HOW WOMEN GAVE HELP Work, of Mrs. Chamberlain Wonj Esteem of United Kingdom 1 Ofhcr Women Prominent By MOLLIE McGEE Caadlan Press Correspondent TT LONDON, Oit. 31: (CP) Women AL- (-room house all new- t,ehinrf ,u- mp ,n fun nr,Het, fully modem, 742 ! refuelled, ,net nave been getUng their $har ,, A e w r. of appiauSe. pictures of the wives b balance as rerit. Duhamel of tne hlsher parliamentarlan, ip; u.truiri oUJj. are appearing with unusual fre- SALE 1928 Harley-Davldson quency in the papers and rarely a ...i 1. in r.A fl.iv coes bv without snro.lal mpn- Lv 12 ftii'Mmytic bju iu- " - - In.- condition. Priced to sell. on 01 one or anouier in ecuionai henu RRd 726. U54) columns. 1 , Mrs. vnum ueniun ica me way FOR RENT Her evident devotion to the prime " -mlnWtpr rlnrlnc hl tlrni nf Rtri EE room suite with bath, fur- nnd ,h(, pnIiai1v PVMpnt nririP with sh:d. Phone Red 444. (251) w,llch fhc 5hared nU triumph ap. PERSONAL pealed to the people who crowded Dswniir Street for days after the )TTI."H Country uirl wishes iucu. c auupiv uiwuai- U rondence with young ran- i:r. cuiibervuwve evcry-u.iy Cas- a"u '"wns- interest 111 cr Rply to Mary Bruce, ,2iiL Elton, Aberdeenshire, miv uwcwu rot' and (255) H"JHlr " 'i iiimiuiio 1 1 ot menus. FORMATION WANTED U was due to Mrs. ChamUrlain mat me sucni intercession at BRBURG- Will August Ju.rfcerg, Westminster Abbey was so well .mzf.-j of Houston and Terrac?, attended. Her presence, well pub-C anil n;w bellev3d to be on licized bv admiring reporters, .e Queen Charlotte Islands, or brought hundreds of women to the X- me knowing his whereabouts, Abbey to pray. But publicity ln a ndly communicate with Post time of crisis Is not always desir-fi.e Box 3. Smlthers, B.C.? 0bi; and Mrs. Chamberlain n l'vtc f rTPi changed her church. The word Al2jM,lQ wcnt around, however, and th" HnilSTMAS Card salespeople. Big crowd followed, this time to St. roflta now Sell the most com- Martin's. Chester Souare. lete Christmas Card line. Make While her husband was stralght- e money every day showing ening out Europe's troubled af- rason's laruest selection. Printed fairs, Mrs. Chamberlain's first Id order Christmas cards, with rand-daugh.er was born. lU-t tpntet name and address. De- daughter. Mrs. Steohen Llovd of Signed by leading artists, values Blrmineham. Is naming the baby nequalled at our low prices. Anne after her mother. The prime our attractive lines including minister usually calls his wire 15 for $1.00 Personals. Also manv Annie thoueh she Is Anne In nU Bfferent boxed assortments, all her friends. . money makers. Canada's fa- The llmelicht on Mrs. Chamber- j)rite "21 card assortment Is lain has brought put" the fact that .net ever produced, sells for It was she who persuaded Eng- 00, y:;ur profit 50c. Make bla land's present prime minister tc in on these fast selling long o,,o as 1933 when he was a published by the largest Chancellor of the Exchequer, he If dir.- Ttny of Its kind ln Canada told the press she shared his secr- i-'s from coast to coast, rets. 'She has shared all mv ft easier orders. No experience plans; she has been privy to all Jt'ary Write for free sample my secrets: she has never divulged Agents also wanted !n on." he said. tana Fa. !?r towns. Liberal commls- Of Irish parentage, she has vlv- riendly service. Premier aclty. humor and noise that Is 1 Guild, 570 Seymour St. Van- never ruffled. Mrs. Chamberlain :rotto is ueve GOOD MINE - husband and plays Bach. She Is !an excellent pianist. I Others in Spotlight Lady Diana Duff Cooper, wife ol the ex-First Lord of the Admiralty and noted, beauty who once played the part of the nun ln Max Rein- hardt's miracle play, also came ln ment work has been pro- for a snare ot publicity. On the QUletly during the past -,v hpr hnshnnrl rpslfrnpH frnm crcn the GrottO group Of gold V, onhlnPt sht nnnpnrpH In fhp ms ne r Pitman station on the iadies. gauery of the House In a wauona. uauways ana trim navy suit and hat designed nnienr? have besn made to the after the fa.shion of a yachting J o impling plant with grat- can. "S re nits accordine to Jack De-i Annthnr trrnnrlmifViPr n-Vin Vine w0 nas Deen 0n a v,sU to faeen appearing jn print js Lon- j' . don's Lady mayoress-elect, Lady unnj 1938 great strides have Bowater, who savs her hobby l n made and the nronertv defin- hr y takl ? on a much mars ValU- la i-iKtnmnrv T.nHu nnwnfpr hn ap ln vjew of tne diSCOy. Qh0Sgn, teji maids of honor for thcl j,Cai uhu jjamtu- ceremony oi'nerj nijana . jnsiair when one notes the increased lation as Lord Mayor."'tfnly sYoT ore values being obtained from the maids are grown up. They wes t iken as tunnelling pro- elude Miss Rosemary Dawson. bii-mer aepth on tne out- youngest daughter of Lord andj face a"rrVQ 1 iirirllh lt M KIm rnnl TnnttnrA I nes Rave 2.86 ounces cold, worth rlniiohtprnf thp rptlrlno- Iird Mnv- 'foxim'trsy $100 pcr ton and or; Mlss Whitehead, whose father j! om race of No. 3 tunnel; Is an official ln the South African ' 5 feet, from the surface, gaye government, The others, who are Jf5 of 2 90 nunpp wnrlh inif(V mpmhprs nf thp fnmllv. InrliiHp J" Eold alone and, ln view of grand-daughters and a great- C0PPcr content not niece. lurt "aca a in values shqwn, makfs . excellent erarin nr "tSWanted To Be - svi inner zane ii . grabble Creek 200 feet from A . Aff funnel from which value, of AriHY UlllCer aA ?l!vo i i S1- .1 ep i j .... X . ... j u ana all of these carry TORONTO, uci. ji: iu-j-aq- tm tr 31,, nunc.s of gold, .31) dressing a Congress of the Sal- 011110' " n I. AM Armu Vioro linn Alhprf ,,4 "ici uiiu.i i.ufniJVT4 vuwuii ili-aii n 9pct'ons. micrp- Mattnews, weuierniin uuvriuui u4 i anv c anlnri rhiWmvrltp OnLirln. said that It had been his 'm. .tr vxrlie, hP.Q?)te q.y petzlte youthful ambition to become a Thp ,v ; , , ' .I,. 1 urr"nce of nltzlte, 10 to rnnfinslze 1-...,,, ,,.,,, .hinments of ore have been L?, -?1 th1' mineral in Northern made to the Prince Rupert sampl iT7n Columbia. Ine plant and a small crew of men ths nrnnprtv nrenarlnB rv tu U4 U1C property nre " . . r . ith !"uslastlc and hold great for the winter operations.. '"I in fiit., ... . ..... r .7 . ' -.u. ji. ctr Vp nf thp veins. vu,c POSSlOUltleS or thlS 4!'' ' ' ,uV r POWt u3pect tj-0 ...liu nii timet ,1114 callv strike 11 at right Pcuirt. 1C!eni indications winca uu H.v...-.., - LUd Point, . to thi.i,. an,iM.tn the main sheared zone, r,nK Pronr-rt,, : - .. mnrtv nosslbilltles not snt f)lt ' "ie noi too ais- give w" rr-y - mure Tn fon tn e overlooked, TODAY'S STOCKS (Coun j a. D. Johnaton Co.) Vancouver Pacific Nickel, .25. ' Big Missouri, .31. Bralorne, 9.50. Aztec, .0512. Cariboo Quartz, 2.30. Dentonla, .022. Golconda, .07. Minto, .0312. Falrview, .05'2. Noble Five, .034. Pend Orielle,'2.10. Pioneer. 2.50. Porter Idaho, .03 2. Premier, 2.26. Reno. .28. Relief Arlington, .13 (ask). Reward, .05. Salmon Gold, .03. Taylor Bridge, .022. Premier Border, .01 (ask). Pllbak Premier, 1.80. Home Gold, .01 Indian, .012. Quatslno, .04. Oils A P. Con., .17. Calmont, .28. C. & E.. 2.40. i Freehold, .04. Hargal, .25. McDaugal Segur, .13. Mercury, .06. Okaita. 1.50. Pacalta, .00 . Home Oil, 1.20 (ask). 1 Toronto Beattie, 1.22. Central Pat., 2.45. Gods Lake, 29. Litle Long Lac, 2.75. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.32. Pickle Crow, 5.15. San Antonio, 1.20. Sherrltt Gordon. 1.48. Smelters Gold, .05. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.40. Oklend, .18. Mosher. .18. Madsen Red Lake, .47. Stadacona, Jb2. Francoeur, .2 Hi. ' Moneta. 120. Bouscadillac, .09. Thompson Cadillac, .35. Bankfleld. J30. East Malartlc, 2.18. Preston E. Domei 1.4?-Hutchison Lake, .04 tawMjn vhlte, '.02ft. Aldermac, J58. Kerr Addison. 1.75. Uuchl Gold, 1.47. Int. Nickel, 55 50. Noranda, 79.00. Cons. Smelters, 65.25. tAh.ona, .082. Hardrock, 1.93. Barber Larder, .17. Fernland, .17. Burns Lake Has Prosnerous Fall A BURNS LAKE, Oct. 31: (CP) - Mining activity and a record-breaking number of hunters going 1 Man in the Moon This Is the feast of All Hallows usually known as Hallowe'en. This i? the night when ghosts are walking ! Children wandering, people talking. Apples on this night taste good So do peanuts as they should. Fireworks bang to' frighten devils And preserve us from all evils, CZECHS TO COMEBACK Masaryk's Slate s Sure They Will Retrieve; Reverses BRYN MAWR, Pa., Oct. 31: (CP) The Czechs will "come back again," declares Dr. Herbert Adol-phus Miller, goateed American pro fessor who helped draft the Tls the night for fun and frolic Czechoslovak declaration of inde- But refrain from things bucoll;. pendence. 9 Klftlner irt Vile cfit1 -v tna tlnm The peacocks at Beacon Hill Park aboJut Mawr can he Ieminisces jVlctorla are a constant source , of hU rriendshlp with the late Thorn-interest to children. The ether day M k nrst vvesMenl of the one of the visitor? saw one of the Czh reDubuc peacocks with its tall spread. Turning to Its mother she said: "Look,. "The Czechs came back before," mcther, look, there's a chicken ln Dr. Miller says. "It took them 30C full bloom." years to recpyer from the licking t ' the Germans game them in the The statue of liberty at the en- Thirty years War but they came trance to Ntfw York Haibci is .being back. They will again. There'll hs repaired. Evidently .the'rs Is. hope a period of hardship, perhaps vas-for the United. States yet. salage, put the spirit of Dn Thom- t ' Masaryk will pull them Tips are forbidden in some rest- thrpu?h." aurants and so'were apples In the Garden of Eden. i There's one thing about Parlia-rrjent, It never seems to brea!t the speed laws. In the high school they say ttere ,are girls whare poor at addition and subtraction but 'they are experts at attraction. C0MMITED FOR TRIAL The friendship of Dr. Miller and Dr. Masaryk started when both were at the University of Chicago in 1904. The man who was to become the Czech liberator depended greatly on his. American col- ! league to promote the Czech cause I This year Toronto had f Jowers jn the Unlted states VVhen the blooming In the gardens at the t)me came for the to re. middle of October F-lfUpHv nounce 'Austria-Hungary and set there's something good ln "Toronto ap "their 6wn government, Dr. Mll-the Qqpd" in spite of what her de- jer djrected a practical rewriting ; tractors say. 0jf their declaration of Independ ence as conceived by Masaryk. Rewrote Declaration That took place ln Washington on the afternoon of October 15, 1918. Masaryk's secretary went tc Our fears are our worst enemies. Dr. Miller's hotel room and handed And yet I never heard whisky call- him an envelope, saying: "This is ed "Fear" ' the Czechoslovak declaration of Independence: the professor wants The other day I was reading you to put It In good English." nhnut. th"e nerson that ate diet 'in- "I read it over." Dr. Miller re- stead of food and yet I notice that calls. "Its form was academic and i nTT thp mmrasinM farm iournals very un-American and I felt that and even the newspapers are. p,Ub- it should be completely rewritten. JiShing hundreds of recipes for more I P"t it in my pocket and I went or less attractive dishes. out to sit on a bench ln Lafayette I Square (ln front of the White House) wondering how to proceed. "Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor, and an associate happened along. I stated my problem and asked fhem If they could help me. At 7:30 that night seven of us, including the president's secretary, gath- ?red In a back office on Sixteenth .Manslaughter Char6e Agajnst We and pasted until Street cu Decker Lake Woman to be Heard had made 11 into a form that rwe Here Here Next ext Snrine Spring bg effecUye to the American public. At 1:30 a.m. we ! BURNS LAKE. Oct. 31: (CP) finished. Mrs. Tilda Moe of Decker Lake has The document was aoproved antf i been committed for Vial at the three days later the Czechosloyal: : spring assizes in Prince Rupert on nation was born by proclamation. 1 a charge of manslaughter following Though depressed by Germany s the shooting of Martin Mostue on bloodless conquest of Sudeten October 9. Mrs. Moe said she shot Czechoslovakia. Dr. Miller does not n fnt-fna n mlctitn fnr a Tnrvncp fpol Vil wnrlr la? fruitless. through here into the TweedsmuU -Czechoslovakia became to the ,wh)le hunUng A coroner.s jury Park country have helped to make had returned a verdict of negli- world the symbol of democracy," ;hls a very prosperous fall for gence In connection with the trag- he declares. "She still may be the 3urns Lake. edy. torch-bearer." SEVENTY-NINE KILLED IN BRITISH MINE DISxVS TER m In one of the greatest mine disasters ln England, 79 miners were killed and 30 seriously Injured n a series of disastrous explosions ln the Markham Collljry, D uckmanton, Derbyshire, Eng. Relatives of the entombed miners are shown grouped about t he pithead of the mine, left, as rescue workers tolled to reach the trapped men. All available ambulances, doctors and nurses were rushed to the mine following the explosions. One of the a mbulances Is shown, right, leavo ing the pithead with' some sof 'the Injured, Survivors of the'dlsas ter are shown, lower right, recovering from their harrowing experience ln the hospital. MORE 1 1 . TnrJ- DAua 2vEra "FSDSFrrs HEAT FOR Less Money Help Support he Region that IIelp.i Support You. Over, Tlieq ' IHIV ink This BULKLEY VALLEY COAL Mrrr-TKif-o-TT FOR WALL AND CEILING DECORATION ! MURESCO puts ss. $36 Walls and Ceilings A RICH FLAT FINISH that will not rub off. crtck, chip orfitef Mde in 18 Tints nd White Beautiful Economical Durable 40c per Half Package 75c per Package GORDON'S HARDWARE McBRIDE STREET Phone 311 UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL, WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT jjg(j QQ fiOQ $39,75 Fjlff RETURN. Meals ; and FROM PORT SIMPSON RETURN. Berths Included -4 Reduced Rates to yancouver also, apply from Intermediate points. . Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1938 and February 28th, 1939, inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, 1939.. Children Half Fare Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, a.m. S.S. CARDENA Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m. Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent A. W. NEWMAN Third Ave., Phone 568 If Convenient please Purchase Tickets at Office1 I RAILWAY I I LINES I Canadian Pacihc CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK v.Jjanscoiuineniai , Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Ss. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT "PRINCESS LOUISE'' SS. ''PRINCESS NORAH" Oct. 28th Nov. 7th, 17th, 28th Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tickets on Sale Nov, 1st, 1938 to Feb. 28th, 1939. Final Return Limit March 31st. 1939 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PUONR 57 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPAN.Y OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Fertilizer Brand Chemical Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphosphates, Complete Fertilizers J Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Gold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc. Cadmium, Bismuth. 4d m a m