THE DAILY NEWS. Want Ad. Way. _It’s a Good One Do You Want a Buyer for It Final Public Meeting ALD. HILDITCH .». CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR... Will address the electors in the McIntyre Hall —ON— Wednesday Evening at 8 O'clock Public questions affecting ciyic affairs ‘ will be discussed. All candidates at the forthcoming municipal election are invited and will be given an opportunity to speak. ; : fe ‘ : e Every person interested in sound, sure and safe government for the city of Prince Rupert should attend this meeting cd hee e fe" \OPR?; OO Se: ata Wed. Night, McIntyre Hall RE POOOOSOSOOS OOOO HEHE SESE Bees esse ome 0 F ; An Honest Man for the ———City Council——— All Electors of Ward Two Desiring Good, Clean, Progres- sive City Government Are Asked to Give a Vote to John Dybhavn Mr. Dybhavn is an ex-counvillor of the City of Bergen. 9; eee wesersereed, '? cesses, Paosnosn: sserserser: oj oP Ae, seus ee \e, eeeece: worse: Jog? 9, see ee ters es S et mre — —— He has had experience with municipal problems. He is a pioneer of Prince Rupert and possesses busi- ; ness abilities. He is standing for clean principles in civic affairs. He is a supporter of Alderman Newton. ! = — Don’t Forget to Mark——= 1 Your Ballot for John Dybhavn 441 Se meets ert tte tare ms Pt cscs rss rms ec 9as 9b 98 Ota Fd 9 PS 9 9s at Ob. ns 9 59d Phong Ose ts $s Oo os Psy HENRIETTE HAS — NEW COMMANDER POSER FOR NEWTON. Alderman Newton having asked for written questions for his meeting tonight is asked to reply to the following one: If Alder- man Newton has always been in > favor of the 45 cents an hour|Captain H. L. Roberson Appointed rate for workers, as he says he to Take Charge of the Pioneer has, then why did he make a mo- tion in Council that the minimum G. T. P. Steamer, Which Ar- rived This Morning. wage rate for the clearing of Woodworth Lake shores should When the G. T, P. steamer be 837% cents per hour?—Advt.| Henriette reached port early this 4 {morning from the south it was Your vote for G. H. Munro will|/ announced that she was now not be lost in the interests of your| under command of Captain H, L. city. 2t |Roberson, who, as chief officer of ———__—— i the Prince Albert for & consider- Pantcrium Pioneer Cleaners.|able time, and old-timer of Prince Paarncrt, is well known. It appears that the promotion of Captain Roberson from the Albert to com- mand of the Henriette took place City Will Sign Authorizing Bank) gown below, Captain Buckholtz, to Sell $1,371,000 Debentures. | |aio of the Henriette, having given Phone 4, MILLION DOLLAR DEED j}up his command of the boat. Mr. At the Council meeting last|4, BR, Maemaster made the an- night the Mayor and City Clerk | nouncemeént this morning, were authorized by resolution a deal passed to sign the agreement The property owners ask you with the Bank of Montreal in re-|to vote for Bullock-Webster, 4t spect to the sale of city debent- ures to the value of $1,371,000, Remember Alderman Newton's final! rally in the Empress Theatre ednesday night. Moying pic- } , music ete, 2t Sons of Norway Meet in Carpenter's Hall Sunday, TO RENDER ACCOUNT City Council Will Hold Public Meeting Tonight in Empress. Tonight in the Empress The- atre the Mayor and City Couneil will hold a public meeting to givé al account of their stewardship Jan. 14th, at 7 p.m, All Nor-|during the year. The meeting is wegians invited to attend, — 2t an important one and promises —— Semen re reer to be very interesting. Citizens G. H. Munro for Ward 2. His/are urged to attend in large num- experience will be valuable and he | pers, is an old-timer here. ot 2M es Good Government. Good Government. Safe and sane administration Safe and sane administration of civie affairs is desired by all.|of civic affairs is desired by all, Sienicuies: sina, aipeesatpldiseeiibataccendscenial pai / + es pelt + “The News” Classified Ads. =One Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” | BESS mc es es es meres os | S363 ESE es es ere rs rs es re Phone 150 | | |The Insurance People Fire | Life i Marine | Accident | *Plate Glass | Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds | Policies Written Direct Mack Realty & Insurance COMPANY. P.S.—Houses and Rentals. For Rent Be ee ie, ecokihcaitiaiaia For Rent—Two roomed cabin, close to McBride, freshly papered and clean, only $10 per month. H F. McRae & Co. tf (ert nerirnt - ~h OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just settlements. We write every known class 0 Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. ~~ 1 Wanted a Insurance at ll aici esd amcaaeies % cash, per cent, Two lots, block 22, section 5, $1,650; $50 cash, bal, 3, 6, 9, 12 months bal. 6, 12, cash. Fine view lots. One lot, block 6, section 5, $1,500. cash, 3, 6, 12 months, at 7 per cent, One lot, block 28, section 5, $525. $22 cash, bal. $50 every 3 months, at 7 pe cent, cash, 8, 6, 12 months, at 7 per cent. Two lots, block 17, section 7, $1,600. One cent. Two % Two cash, bal, 6, 12 months, Two lots, block 49, section 8, $400 each $50 cash, bal. $15 per month. Five lots, block 10, section 8, $275 each bal. $15 per month, FOR RENT. Store, Second avenue at Sixth street. FOR SALE. Cabin: with four rooms; cheap. Three lots, block 7, section 1, $2,506 each; %4 cash, bal. 1, 2, 3 years at 7 per cent. Two lots, block 29, section 1, $5,000 pair; tte eee emer 18 months, at 7 Two lots, block 2, section 5, $4,500. Equity $300 third cash, bal. 1 and 2 years, at 7 per lots, block 42, section 7, $550 each. lots, block 8, section 7, $650 each. Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. Wanted—General Servant. Other maid kept. Apply Mrs. L. W. Patmore. tf Maternity nurse open for engagement. Box 2159 News, Wanted. Dressmaking, cleaning and press- ing, repairing for men and women Mrs Charles Percher, 820 Third Ave. Phone 294 Red. tf Apply uf | . Stenographer ] ome os reese ayea ones semmarmsrmsemed Eastern stenographer of wide experience wants position, Address “Stenographer,”’ 662 Cor- dova St., Vancouver, tf Pte me ere erase reife Business Chances MANRRY—The Ideal Introduction Club leads 0 to happiness. Strictly private, high class and reliable. Best in the West. Address I. C. Wilson, box 1776, Vancouver, B, U, f24 ote mcrmer er merermer mer mer seme Lost and Found | 5| af ee One lot, block 11, section 6, $2,250. Half | cash, bal. 6, 12 months, at 7 per cent.) rOUND—An Irish terrier femele pup. Oana Reo, ers chon | -Qumer, may. “Rave same by paying for wee pee we ep ate . . this advt, at News Office. 2 One lot, block 16, section 7, $650. $300 “A HOT TIME WHEN RIVALS MET \% cash, bal.6, 12, 18 months, Two lots, block 8, section 7, $550 each. “ue 9 ‘ . ancy bal. 6, 12, 18 months, at 7 per (Continued from Page 1. Four lots, block 3, section 7, $3,000. % | ———————___ — — cash, bal, 6, 12, 18 months, Large corner. derman Hilditch, ‘‘but, let me tell Three lots, block 37, section 7, $1,600. % . g i » e r cash, bal, 6, 12,/18 months, at 7 per) SOU, he had little enough to do cent. with the ending of the strike. No Two lots, block 28, section 8, $1,000. One- . . A Sav ¢ . third cash, bal. 6, 12, 18 months. Cor- |?! knows better than I do. the ner. evil of a strike, and when I made Two lots, block 28, section 8, $850. $250 » £hece ¢ ia OF cash, bal. 6, 12 months. the Sr cent an hour f “You never’ made it. What right have you to stand there and say you made the 45-cent rate?” exclaimed Charlie Hunter excit- edly. “Give me five minutes on that platform and I'll prove it to you!” Excitement reigned for a minute, and Mr. Patmore was compelled to intervene to restore order, Like a Dogged Fighter. With ten minutes allowed him NORTHERN B.C. LIQUOR Co. The Leading Wholesalers of Northern British Columbia Exclusive Agents for BUDWEISER BEER to conelude his address Alderman | Hilditeh ended on the chairman's call of time. It was, while it lasted, like a ihot bout with the gloves when a | dogged fighter takes his punish- }ment smiling. Newton’s Reply. Rising to reply to Alderman Hilditeh, Alderman Newton pre- dicted the municipal funeral of his opponent Thursday and suggested that part of his $1,000 campaign fund should be spent in on building a monument to him, “Alderman Hilditch’s statement WE BUY EVERYTHING jthat I have been around canvas- ling the hotel keepers for votes is an absolute falsehood.” said Mr. Newton, The Printing Contract. We Pay Highest Prices for Brass, Copper, Lead, Rubber Boots, Solder, Dross and Bottles Prince Rupert Cash store 735 THIRD AVE. On the subjeet of the large local improvement printing con- tract undertaken by the Journal Alderman Newton went into de- | tail, explaining the fact that the work was costly, requiring much overtime. ‘There were only two ldaily papers in Rupert then and ithe contract by tender figures be- longed to The Daily News. The |Empire had no right to it at all, }But Alderman Hilditch moved that the contract be given to the civic government is so- licited by G. H. MUNRO Aldermanic Candidate for Ward 2 MY PLATFORM is— Eusiness principles for the city Foster the interests of Ward 2 A square deal for everyone. A yote for J. H. Hilditch for|A vote for J. UH, Hilditeh for mayor assures sound, progress-|mayor assures sound, progress- ive government. At ive government, At Ward 2 The support of all who want clean Clean, non-party government. | Vote for Munro in |Journal, which was allowed all | kinds of time for the work, He jmaintained that the eity adyertis- ling was illegal because of the fact that the Journal was not a daily at the Lime the tender was put in, Cost City $1,000. |; “I tell you,” he said, ‘that had jit not been for the motion of Al- jderman Hilditeh the citizens of | Prince Rupert would be going j around with $1,000 in their ipockets which has gone into the | pockets of O, H. Nelson. If you like that kind of thing then elect -|Alderman Hilditeh on Thursday.” Alderman Newton ended with of his econduet during P. assessment confer- the G, T, -lence, 1s defense Voters, Attention. For a good, progressive admin- istration of the affairs of the city yole for J, H. Hilditeh for mayor and be safe, 4t the News st es et HERE— CR eee eh | ‘ACOWUNNOF ——_— me eer BEBE se rer { ee ee, Se Fresh FLOWERS By S8.S. Prince Rupert tomorrow a. m. Srd.Ave., Law ARCTIC STUDIO, Butler Build'g PHone GREEN 336 LOCAL JOTTINGS Little items of Personal Interest About People and Things in| Prince Rupert That Are in the Day’s Happenings. Weigh Scales Ready. || At the City Gouncil meeting} | last night the City Engineer re-| | ported that the weigh scales are now ready for service. | | _— | Remember Alderman final rally in the Empress Theatre | Wednesday night. Moving pic-| music ele. 2t Newton's tures, Notice to Contractors. Tenders will be received up to January 13, 1912, for of a bungalow for Plans and speci- Saturday, the erection N. Schunman. fications at the office of J. W.| Potter, architect. di3 Patronize home industry and get your suits made at Sweder Bros. d8& | | As a contractor with Prince | Rupert experience since the po-} neer days, G. H. Munro solicits] your. vote. 2t | Accounts Passed. | The City Couneil spent consid- | erable time last night going over the month's accounts, which were finally passed after discussion in| committee of the whole. it | Remember Alderman Newton's | final rally in the Empress Theatre} Wednesday night. Moving pic-| tures, music ete. 2t River Boat Goes. In tow of the steamer British ; Columbia, the river boat Distrib- | utor leaves for the south today. Her wheel has been removed to facilitate towing. ' Support G, H. Munro for Ward He stands for. the city’s pros- perity. 2t Must of them are voting for | Bullock-Webster. it et se Sell the Daily News. It’s the easiest and quick- est way of earning money of yourown. Apply at | | l l l THE NEWS OFFICE McCaffery & Gibbons . Good buys in Real Estate: | Lots 48 and 49, Block 17, Section 1, $8,325) | pair, One-fourth cash, }] Lot on Park avenue for $2,000, Terms of | | $875 cash. Balance 1, 2 and 8 years. Lot on Third avenue, $4,725. | Double corner on Ninth avenue for $1,350. Good terms, | Lots 15 and 16, Block 9, Section 5, $2,100 | | pair. | Lots 15 and 16, Block 4, Section 5, $1,260 each, Easy terms, Lot 12, Block 15, Section 5, with five-room house, 82,760. $950 cash, balance monthly payments. Lots 11 and 12, Block 23, Section 6, $2,170 par ots 11 and 12, Block 14, Section 6, 86,500 pair. Terms to suit purchaser Double corner on Fourth avenue, Section | 6, for $4,200, $1,200 cash, Balance 1, 2 and 3 years, ; Lot 19, Block 24, Section 6, with house for $1,100, Terms "Tl ] Lot 4, Block 5, Section 6, with 6-room | | house, $2,200, Terms of 8800 cash,}} balance 6, 12 and 18 months. Lot 7, Block 20, Section 6, $1,890, Terms | | of #890 cash, balance one year. | Lots 14 and 12, Block 5, Section 6, 83,850 val || ot 9 and 10, Block 4, Section 6 83,906 pair ' 1 Fe 1] Lots 40 and 41, Block 6, Section 7, $1,100 pair, Terms, ’ || Lot 5, Block 9, Section 7, 81.850. Terms | of 8850 cash. ‘ ' - Terms } Bal, in rent, | Iwo lots in Section 7 for $315 each Lot 25, Block 34, Section 7, with improve 5 - tt nig Vth “oP SEB Gay ary i Double corner in Section 8 for $700. Terms | ¢ KS i odie atta ana ie ikelse nie ; ‘ a a J ie i 106 aires ny Island land, Crown ; ty granted, .85 Ber sore | we a —INSURANCE Vote For E. H. Shockle for Alderman in Ward 2 fi McCaffery & Gibbons . i | THIRD AVENUE Resancsaesacs —— mepeerneraey SARE BSD RePQe sae she Pao shesu' . on { f ; Me | Oe ACS) | { Your Vote and Influence is requested for..... H. W. Dagnall Aldermanic Candidate for Ward Two OO eeeeee—“C;wsSCSs‘(NCCQ Gray { 4 { { f { { ‘ A pioneer workman in Prince Rupert. A practical contractor and builder. Unconnected with any political party. Advocate of business principles. ( A friend of union labor. A Vote for H. W. Dagaall is a Vote Y for a Business-like Candidate 1 W. T. Robinson Independent Candidate for Alderman, Ward | WE Solicits Your Vote and Influence UR Good Government and a Clean Administration wa USINESS MAN FOR A: BUSINESS COUNCIL | Carey Your Vote and Influence is solicited by E. H. Shockley Aldermanic Candidate for Ward Two Cay etal Mr. Shockley is an experienced contractor and has an expert knowledge of the conduct of public works. He was for fifteen years a contractor in London, England, and has an extensive knowledge of conditions in Prince Rupert and British Columbia. SO COSSCOOOS SEO SEO HOO Oe Sevdeudeudenreudeusend? ie se LDR" red wey He is nat the nominee of any political party and is out to stand for a business ad- ministration of the City’s affairs. He has always stood for a square deal for the work- ingman, park HE RHE