..a. a, THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE BfJPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except "Sunday, by Prince Rupert H. F PULLEN - Managlng-Edltox SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by cwrler, yearly period, paid In advatxe raiu ij Livauce, r wex . Paid in advance, per month '. . . I" .' ' " " " : ; By mab to, ill parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and uutwu owks, iu jjcijuu, paia m aavance By mall to all other countries, per year ;,:'',., ADVERTISING RATES Classified adverting. per word, per insertion .. local readers, pet line" per Insertion .. L. ijew? uepanmeni reipnoce AdyertisUit and Ciiculatlop TCPhpne ., Meroi)er fit Audit Bureaq oi r.lrcDlationi oailv rnrnoN New Game Rrfes Are In Effect Shootinr of Moose In Nova Scot') Is Now Prohibited HALIFAX, Sept. 27: (CP) Nova Scotia hunters are oiling up rifles and shot guns, getting ready for the opening of the hunting season which will see a change in the S8 W Tuesday, September yesterday. 4liiiter Chamberlain is makipg frantic effqrts to preserve the peace and, at the same time, ip .be fully and immediately prepared in case Hitler decides to Start the fighting. ' It SeemS a CUrioUS linP-lln fnr Hrpnt Rrifuin Vranoa 'for room to pass. The scrap merchant oat "I've Just called to compllmfnt you on your service," said the'Udy on a lonely road," said the exam- i If its war we fight; if its peace we ' lpaf ; but Hitler must quit foolln'. apd Russia to be in the same camp, fighting for the same 11 wouid be just too bad if some cause, determined to stop the 'madman pf Europe from country should start dropping running amok "and dominating the world with a blnnrlv bombs on Berlin- VQm.' It is a force before which any sane man would hesitate and evidently Hitler is hesitating. With all his war preparations he cannot hope tp win in the long run. agairist Such o.dds. Admitting that the Germans are good j fighters, they are pqt any better than any of their foes and. it takes niPre than men to win wars in these days. ; COUNTING THE COST regulations this year. They will not have a chance to get a'rnoose, the giant pf the prov ince'is forests.' An act passed" at the last session of 'the provincial leg islature closed thfr season on moose. But the same act extended the season on deer from 10 days to 30 days. A closed term on partridge for three years will be lifted this year The season will extend from October 15 to October 31. We don't want to fight But. by jingo, if we do We'll have to line' up with th? right And make Herr Hitler rue. CITY OF WEEK-ENDERS ' BFLFDRT. France. Sept. 27: 'CP) This Normandy municipality nas aoprovea " plans for a "week FOR SALE I FOR SALE 303 Savage Rifle. Ap ply uany wpws. tf. HELP WANTED FULL TIME help required at Rid ley Home. Must be oyer 25 years. Phone Red 822. ("tf j BOARD AND ROOM" COMFORTABLE Rooms, excellent fare, reasonable rates. 814 2nd Avenue West over Prince Rupert Feed Co, (227) his Dean will be on I barrow down in the middle of the Chicago. There win oe iwinw -Thurs- ; "doublf -decker" tram-road, turned round, and made a Sn i on jvgjrjesday anj lmoutt,! . .. . rtnv Thpn rilrnpo will en to il. - . . TMr..X r.n Louis WWsWon wh the city presented to WR y w, - . ,W4,sMu,Mv(, .h- ., Cincinnati None oi yancouvers grace or uip, p,ffch fin,.h n at call round for that tomorrow. rm.TOurg ?U1 W?h ann"a3 d,onitv of Montreal, but Rrime and full full tm lin nnw now' .' I VUOS reuus-cu w.c ruw -j?t ... . ' f -.i -v i ,i nrurnrmiLV margin margin 10 to one-aiiQ-a-uau guiuco ThM may Strike home to some yesterday yesterday Prince Kuperi laaies by defeating tne jji. nc cm .,u,v. r canal alter midnight and were tfce t1 o..- xTAiii t tt woe fWfl firt nt pverv lock durlne Saturday LUC LlljU. ib WOO HC ' ' ' " ' f day morning trje. vicar regrettid seventeenth victory for the Cubs morning so mat we aocKea ip that money was not coming In in twenty starts. hours eany ana, pi course, mere quickly pessimist enough but he was no in the only American League.- was. no one io meei me. inerp waa 'We have tried." he game yesterday, the New York also no telephone on the aocK, no said, "to Yankees nosed but the Boston Red taxi within miles, no railway pf ficlal raise monev in the usual manner Sox 4 to 3 We have tried honestlyf Now we are going to see what : a'bazaai Rnshnll SfanriinoM can do." I Including Yesterday's Scores ' to the postmaster. "Yesterday I re- Pittsburg ceived a telegram all the way from Chicago . London and when I opened It, thp New" York !gum on the envelope was still wet.". Cincinnati Boston ... ' The class was being examined in st. Louis general knowledge. Brooklyn ! lner, "and were being chased by an- New York other car, travelling at 50 miles an Boston 85 85 ,.79 - it 73 68 65 la 45 American League ..96 ..4 $5.00 ( hour, what would you do?" ' Cleveland 83 "".12! "Sixty!,'' replied a puzzled but ( Detroit 78 ,50 . hopeful candidate. iWashlngton 72 , Chicago 60 i Dad: "If you want a Job done st, Lquu 53 g ort properly, do It yourself. Always re- Piiadelphla 52 member that." I "Well, Dad." grinned the little .02 boy, "what about if you want to .25 have a hair cut !done well?" 58 61 72 77 78" 99 50 60 63 69 72 79 90 95 SPORT CHAT time in the Girls' Onen Oolf Championship near Slough, England. She was defeated five arid three in the first round Reuben Ruenalf broke a world endurance record at Brisbane, Aujtj-jiHa, by punching a ball for 96 hours' 17 m'lnuts mnrp thr.n 12 hcurs longer than 'the mark set by Leslie Parsons early tliis year ' p o. s. pulhrie, sjx foot. Vi inches tall, of the Stoics .Crlrfcpi Club. Is believed to be the tallest n.tw;r in me umtea Kingdom, He uses a" bat of 'ordinary size. ' Royal Air Force with 99 Vz points . Herr. Hitler must have counted the cost before enter- end citv thou tl ter-seryices swimming mg on a campaign such as; ttfat suggested by him. There of its kind, to' be inhabited oniytfJSps, Hnish .ahead of wnc nnf Hiiv;rr tV,o ... ':?p:lui. -.-'. m.A. j wiu. ln Koyal Navy and the Roval "uu f t"6 JlF 'fW tyai any ligniillK .on uerman v,v "1U3 tw,u Marines iilUUHU. .1L WHS a I Carried nn nntcirlo nt thair rmr wi" jfciiiuiC a ut- tory. Ph this Pfcayonf there is'war, the fighting is $erted lL likely to be carried right to the heart of the Empire. Ber- sailor-? holiday at jading, England, held 1111 lLSeil IS KP V m RIITTOV War riOm-oHotlnnc .v. it- ir. nnf "' oyt. recently vmv)ihj ilUU &Vfnn tua T' r'WyWU-W- PORTSMOUTH. Eng.. Sept. 27: a ccessiHl purpament at which verv fai. from the ' very frontiers where the fighting AyiU be (Cp.a seaman on shore leave ifathers p' role'of spec-torced across the borders, went on a "Mystery Tour," fell!0". :'ff is S 1mM4H1P miug LU cuiiutjuipiaie unai tne nations' ,ccu aim y.c uuiue line UD and destr.n'v Pnrh nlViPr incf Uonca o fan. mouth Dockyard where he Joined In Tasmania heavy fnli skiing during Jtiiy atic wanbw flaunt th His tiSl madQ excellent at treachery brought about the SUbjUgatlpp pf Apstra and been granted leave. (Lomond ' and nd once more he has t.ripH hnw iraarharvwnfA wmrr in Vna I were were pooular popular dealings witf the .pzpchgslpvaks and' Prime Minister Nev-' If !' you you wish wsh tc to ille Ckmberlain but he has met his match. Evidentlv.Try a c,asslfled nqthing that he can say or dp will excuse his perfidy. Thisi Possibly before this gets into print the Germans will haye started to cross the terrritprial line intq ipechoslb-vakia, if so it means the commencement of a world conflagration such as has npt yet been seen. And yet we still hSYS a. feeling that there may no.t b.e wr jut pow. We .fee that it may be another of Hirer's ifatU. swap something- Mother and son partnerships arq the latest In golf The Calcot Club Nat pnal park. Ben Mount Wellington with winter snnrti fans ' I One of the most popular crick-!lrs In England. Frank 'Wooliev. retiring after 32 years a a 'first? uiuo4 proiessionai. C. H TattersaU has been elected president pf the Cheshire Coun-ty field hockev ajuuvlnf.inn n rJ n s.uccf;sslQrj to Vfc late Qt A New Plymouth stalker recently shot a deer with antlers 44 inches long, a record for New Zealand and, probably the world. The right anter had 10 points and the left eight. ' Alt Padgham, noted British golf. fX, won the Kent Professional championship with a card of 135 for 38 holes. After a 69 in the first round, he had a record 6P. three under par, for the second 18. to give Information about trains. J ho jgulde of any sort. I thqugjit: ' '1t"ThU U Engiand" and, leayjng my Uuggage wKere it was dumped, I se.t lout to, find how tq get to, Wprpestpr. At uie entrance nee 01 of the uie clqpks uucks I 1 pressed his ignorance of railway : connections but offered tp drive me tl .11 tVlA . , , I 1 A , . . 1 1 j Mt......6, ...- tne mosii aisiani one, t of 27lfl38 ' Judging by the speech of Herr.Iav' year-old footballer, was kill-. course, as I discovered to my cost) ' Hitler t-4 inar I 1 should cnnii n think rninir he no is iff a o brag- nra cr 1 and three . w ubttiu th?rs Injured uajuLu u at b . Here r-i m r r the. n o porters ivprAis gathered mm v am around . . - I r-i 1 1 lEallne. England. England The Thp. youths vriiif hs were!t0 v.i. L . . r . . 1 was Impatient but I gasped: "I can't find my tpp" "Qe jn, ldy," he noppea intq the guard's van. As yfi PA?Vfd off he ?ad: "wh,ere did ypy leaye hlrn?" "Ar the back of the train.!' "Oh, them last coaches have been shunted off." he said and 1 as the train gathered speed. So turned unl i daren't eo home with oit you." But at Shrewsbury when I made another unsuccessful attempt to gf.t lifm a cup pf fea. I lost him again. It was the. end of Barijt .Holiday T . r. . rr r- - tj-vj; rirrnr ppt was confronted by a cheerful Un- ?k and tberewere so majiy peo- r - . 1. ' . . .. . nlA rr1 volllnfr thai til train nUA- JZ?i cashlre "Bobby" sq I asjeed Dim 7 ""v ule had Sf 2 which station I should gq to. Bit 5S i I was top pptim'lstlp. He shoved his 528 1 helmet up, scratching his head and .503 said. "Well. Ah'm shbor ah doan't .469 ' know." He made several friendly .455 .313 .658 .583 .563 .531 .5C0 .432 .369 .354 suggestions, however, while I Inwardly murmured, "Mu'ddlehead1" I trudged on'tnrough the little b,ack street which lneyltably 'surround English docks anjl suddenly paught sight .of a welcome notice: "Car for Hire." The driver was an old mar) with a beexy nose, so hard of hearlne tha he had to be accompaplpd by a dlrty-;acfd fd urchin urchin as as Interpreter. lriterpreter.1 Aiier my w transmitted 1 to be rilsnr?anlziH T cntH exhaustedly: "I'd rather travel 30b Interest Shown By Companle Government Scheme' "'""-"CI"" W fc V. 4 HllU'ALJLil . Hfn.1.1- I a a In gartof the worst type. Strong lead-!6311. help. Yps.'the lady could' get to . VICT0RIA- SePt- 27: CP-Mln ers do not so braeeine about the' struck hen running from their Worcester' bv that iinp h a lng. companies are co-operating a : . , ' ... ctronfh rt thpir omiM Thp game io sneiter qnf ijlalking and thinking war but ChancelloHitlsr did S!fSitK rtJ;o, fe? Jiqt not mpntmn rrjentipn wr wnr in m his Me cno'on speech at f Berlin Pa. vnrtJn r..Jv Prime ? rrencn .Doxer, caddied for his 17- . , "7 , , , .year old daugfife'f, Jacqueline, That Is why I have begn thlnjcinj when she .competed for the first there may be no war Just now. Even Mussolini has sense enough to suggest there is "nothing1 to fight about. Let him tell that to Hitler. .have to rhaP .1 ;,;' "J ; "X.- " Bri Columbia government a-place and such-and-such-a-Dlace i . u , p,an 10 traln inPd there werfonf iS? tV a aS' Z day n, draw f veI1 ov the restinTinesJ M,fh e'e' 0, of thp negotiations by the end of i ;whlch I-wkfurnlpith "'f lonsin? for the efficinrv raw Ja to?.9- and L?ht elementary gepL , ectnes? of Canada. ' pgy ana P" Prospecting at! I retumpH ih. h.w 0mmc "mps. Theplan Is to) th bobby skU T In h Z 7 u . . lu Prepare, them for worlc In pros-the a gh state of ex- pecflng fields next sDrine cltement because, "an old genMe- hal? Stdv made .r man wi whiskers" had come to rangeraent-; to nlace about' 25 of et T?- se.t me chasing after the beys who tqok our tralnmi n.Wan ?t lan I was reunited with course this"1 summer in mln fot my father and on the. train ' bound, the winter" the minister raid ' for "home." "Every day I am receiving letters' Rustlp Rpauty " from otheV companies ?ayjng; ihe can take one. two or th rep wi! uixed at top speed 'arid I am hoDeful that a rhnlorltvi w S about -f. .roajfimj my adventures nf thp n-i.t v ar I had time to fPast nvy e.lntaV can belaceJ" the delicious green of the little Thp ion. ,iii -.u' , J. , square fields, dotted with shady ground ' jobs during thV winter qaks and horse-chestnut trees, the training valuable experience foi gras? as smooth as lawns. The .future prospecting endeavours wheat and oats were thirlt nnrt fin.' er than any I saw on the prairies.' We stppped at Crewe and my father wanted a cup of tea sq I set AW tq get pne; We were at the back pf the train and the long platform was crowded with people. 1 1 pushed my way through t0 the re-' .frpahment room but, after waiting lr ain. thought I had better return. Just in Ume th guard was abp.tit (q blow his whistle I ran along, peejlnp through the car-rlagp wjndqws to find the right fPfflPMmfjH and rpcelvlng sundry Inyltatlqns frpm facettqus yppths to "nak? up my rnlnd. The guard ?4-year oia Kent left-hander, ls.saia, "I'll find him for you." S0 I BE SURE . . . : say "White Hotsq" 1A WHITE HORSE SCOTCH WHISKY 2-o?. 3.25. 40.pi. Sj.M pgTiutp and iprrup cpn,tj) i'nu aavwitincmwit u ij5C jJUuiViilu or displayed J?y t- Liquor Cwurol Board pr by the' Ooyermntnt of BrltUh' Columbia UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Stcamefs"f:eaye pFlnce Rupert ror'Vancouv'err' ' Py, 1.39 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Vffn.fP.HYcr, Thur;. a.m. )u YwcMTcrrMonday a.nt. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and TickeU From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Ajent. Third Ave. Phone'568 ii 1 1 iksduy s... . X t ft i Man in the Moon CUB AND Impressions Of England, Revisited JfW WH i Julia Arthur BUGS NOW IS USEF Possibly you may have heard By runm mm the story of the lady tourist who, ila y Boats whm nck-prf hnw she enioved a pruciaj Series in Rational Jeafue KelUCtqiU a 1 Was 10 leave i nnte luieit, jreu i ex-' ..T. , Vit ytv Moorii, n rde at Jasper, said shg cpuld hot! Baseball Starts at Chicago perienced a thrill of anticipation as we came in sight of', 8 etr'?ltt fillp.i inis .Alicriiuuii renin, I I with hay could have been .t iiiii a? i .Mi. HTft. ML S s r s B B B t: 2: H j: j: :: it a it t: 1: it 5; s: ii 1; ;t ti i; :; it it s 13 ti tl tl 18 i4 T We hay just received a large sjiiR-: rn.eiH qf fajls lalesi footwear jij all . . i IHejr eqiiisite beauty. Have You Seen the Latest in Black Suede. Pumps with Zippers and (hp Newgst Designs jn. pjatjp Pqrp Straps? Vp WW be pleased to shpw thesp pev lines tq' ygu. Family shoe store ltD The Home of Good Shoes A scrap Iron merchant Jllnn V I o tin mAttt n 1 rV fT U1U1K iiiO UAltun ttiV"t v- . road. Behind him the Impatient nttagurg Pirate?, commence jhis and that-the long, gale line . ' 'V Tup 0 and obtain tV driver of a motor car was hooting crucial series with the Buccaneers g the regiments of , ? fnf J di' Wi and-lf apt fp vvhat 1 s out. "No. 3 platform 1" he shouted M.B'wj - dark, box-UKe nouses marciung m SCrflCU (UW3 UJJ Olv uwnii va. va !. tU. JAIIUlA.4attrof" tram- fresh water line and haU and Burnabv porj, Ruth. Q Adelaide, le. Mary Louise Zenardi Pi I i ran arouna looKing lor wumoer 3', ... viueu)t platform, heard another guard's. .wrks dePMto tnis u, In hlstle and headed headed for for the the fiound fiound.i""- put " althoueh """"ugntto train train in In a a dark dark bxv bay. "lfffi l Thfre 'hprp was n . . vll lng down the platform, his open .V T - D" raincoat flapping In the " breeze'; -W a fre shouting: "Stop! I've lost my tt ' running guard pushed us both In 'and 'we I suPf,Jr than i really were off at last. RK " ' My father mopped his fevered I.:. " """" uurm P1 the wttr the :,WCCK ave been the m Pacbrl hi Beatrice H t rollers Atbq' cr 11. ana uape Spear, . 9UEENSCLIFF AusWi 27: (CP)A four.fom Isharjc ' wa? caught in Wt manner ,Mn nere when whfn 1 1 a-.l mllh on the Canadian than 30 K-'iJuniped pnS"7 - V !. ' r from a nier. ttM Liiirac: sluu uiiu inrai irnini " though I often think guyf'" U Prince Rupert harbor arid ' thej ... "" huckleberries and .even the fellow' Devil's Club leaves, yet these misty I RLX autumn mornings are Incomparable . nf' ? wft"d hpt jecharigp tjphjp; and haws and brambles ard rpwan berrle? and gorse for them at le'ast j not Just yet. p 4 1 Xr 1 wishes had been thu:FlFmS AlQ iQUthS to him (and to all thd - - -5s HrM? gaping neighbors) he llkew-lse ex-( n 111 1 raining piai Bowling AM fpr ifeaith and a S't Line Bot) For Reservation Ptws KENRAY1 For Voor radio mm MODERN' EQnr.UE.'l REASONABLE RATll rhone BLACK :iJ Tom Andrew PIES rORK, CHICKLV, STUI i KIDNEY Sold at All Leadinj Mi and Grocen plant Your PEKENNU1 Now Foe best results next f-We can supply shriibsolf description V HAIR Florist and Xurarja" T ' ...rVlT NEW R0YA1 HOTEL J. Zarelli ProprleW A 'HOME AM" HOME Kates $1.00 P Hot k r- 'u . " 9V fVUUI(l3 "', " Prince Rupert, b r'h.one 281 r.o.801 THE SEAL ! QV0 .pan gS GQLP SEA!- Fancy Red bocw' PINK SEAL Finest Packed by the cnW "J w . canning company the vear rouiw 17 Prlnc liu"