PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Whifflets From The Waterfront V Except lor the Queen Charlotte Islands, Rivers Inlet and Smith's Inlet, all types of salmon fishing were discontinued In Prince Rupert district Friday evening at order of the fisheries department. As a result, quite an Influx of fishing vessels back to port developed over the week-end. Two salmon canneries remain open on the Skeena River Inverness and Claxton both of which are in hopes of obtaining fish from the Queen Charlotte Islands where the chum run has hardly developed as yet. Namu, Butedale and Klemtu are the only canneries still operating in the southern part of the mainland with Pacofi on the Queen Charlotte Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Findlay, arrived in port at 2:15 this afternoon from Stewart, Anyox and other northern points and sailed soon thereafter for Vancouver and waypoints. The vessel was at Wales Island at 8:30 this morning, at Port Simpson at 1015 and at Big Bay at 11:15 a.m. C.P.R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, soutnoound from Skagway to Vancouver, is due in port at 3:30 this afternoon from the north and will sail at 5 p.m. in continuation of her voyage. The Indian Department cruiser Naskeena Is due back in port at the end of this week following a two weeks' trip to Hartley Bay, Kitl-"maat and other points down the been renamed Impoco. The vessel was in port at the end of last week with fuel for the company's local tanks, the regular skipper, Capt. A. S. McGaw, being In command. IN FIGHT of prisoners. ON CRIME Silent Bill- Uitfiiir, Ex-convict, Holds Home Responsible For Majority of Juvenile Delinquency "Parents! Don't wait until it is too late to save your boys and girl from a life of crime! Boys and girls! If you are ever tempted to do something which Is not according to the law, stop and ask yourself if you would do it if your mother was watching!. Take It from one who knows through bitter experience: 'Crime does not pay!' The law will catch up with you sooner or later and the penalty will be exacted behind gray prison walls, possibly on the gal lows." Such was an exhortation of "Sil ent Bill" Biddle, one time notorious criminal and ex-convict, In addressing a public meeting In the Moose Hall here Sunday night. Bill Biddle was one of the three "Biddle Boys," two others of which, Eddie and Johnny, were shot to death after having escaped from Pittsburg Penitentiary after being condemned to death. Bill Biddle, himself, served eighteen years of a life sentence for train robbery. He, himself, had been condemned to death. In the course of his adt dress Sunday night, he told his own "f story. Born In Toronto 76 years "tro. h'c had been taken at an earl) ice to Pennsylvania. Raised in a Christian home, his mother had 'lied when he was a young Vy. Followed a clash with his stermother, a thrashing from his coast with Capt. Gerald H. Barry father, running away from home of Victoria, Inspector of Indian 1 11111 a career of crime which Biddle schools. 'claimed had been started throueh association at a tender age with The well known tanker Imperial i hardened criminals in a reforma-of the Imperial Oil Co. fleet has wherP there was 00 segregation "We are fighting for the boy of today who 1? filling our prisans.' A1aroW T3fM1A or Vi m n I ri 1 that In one year alone no less than 411 boys under 21 years of Freighter Chilliwack. being oper- united States. Sixtv-seven and a abiding people would find In police I officers their greatest friends..' People should co-operate -with' the : police every chance they got. If it were not for the police, no one's girl would be safe on" the street after dark at night. The lash, Biddle declared, was the greatest preventative of crime today. He gave as proof of this the case of the state of Delaware where the lash was imposed for hold-ups. In that state there had not been a single hold-up In a year when there had been 39,622 hold-ups throughout the United States. Biddle advocated the lethal chamber Instead of hanging or electrocution in imposition of cap! tal punishment At the conclusion of his address Biddle showed some realistic pictures depicting the fate of The Letter Box BOON TO FARMERS Editor, Dally News: I agree very heartily when the News concludes that "it Is a great boon to the fanner to have the price" (for wheat) "pegged in such a: way that he can make a reasonable living." All I would like to add to that statement is that every Canadian, whether he or sho is aware of it or not, across the nigh 3000 miles between your desk and mine is directly or Indirectly affected by the amount of purchasing power in the hands of the Canadian wheat farmers. You speak anxiously enough, Mr. Editor, of the possibility that "should the market price of wheat fall to fifty cents, however, it would mean a heavy tax on the rest of the country. . . There Is one aspect of this wheat price problem to which. I think, ated under charter by the Frank hlrd of JuvenUe delinquency Us valuations through the depression! deplorable i read Beside by Waterhouse line with Capt. A. W Ogden in command, arrived in port at 9 o'clock this morning after a voyage to Juneau and Taku with freight for Tulsequah and sailed at coon in continuation of her voyage to Vancouver. On the way south she will load canned salmon on the Skeena River and elsewhere. Be Sure To Visit ALMER'S Coffee Shoppe f Corner THIRD and SIXTH 5 r u Tne Brightest and Most up to j! 5 the Minute Eating Place In S Prince Rupert f t $ Open 7 a.m. t0 2 a.m. " day. asserted the speaker, could years and. exclude the 220 wheat bo laid squarely at the door of the of the war and Immediate post-home due to lack of home environ- war years. rnent and parental training As I see the problem, therefore "Fathers, be a pal to your son. a decision to maintain Canadian Mothers, be a companion to your wheat at today's modest low Ipvp! Without such seeregation, boyslthat the Board must selkcontlnu-i ould only learn what was wrong nrtead of what was right. Happily i'ch a system had already been dopted in British Columbia and Tpw Brunswick. Religion is the greatest thing in he world, said Biddle. There Is nothing better parents can do 'nan send their children to Sunday School and church, to have one of the children say Grace before every meal. "God bless the nen of the cloth. Too many people ire making the mistake today pf -taying way from them." The police of Canada the speaker described as a wonderful lq-titution. One of their greatest difficulties was obtaining the' cooperation of the citizens. Law- PRINCE RUPERT ously would, of course, need revision over the long term. My view Is tht, at the 80 cents level, we are not paying the true costs of wowing the grain. Nevertheless a decade of 80 cent wheat rather than 0 cent wheat would help mightily. FARMER, ' MILK REVIVED SEAL SCARBOROUGH, Eng..Sept5 27: (CP) At the height of a storm here Scarborough harbor's pet seal was found on the surface covered with oil, An ambulance took him ASSESSMENT DISTRICT vived a bath and a drink pf milk. T ;The Tax Sale of Crown Granted .Mineral Claims for Delinquent Uxes will be held as follows: In the Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C., on Monday, November 7th, 1938 at 10 o'clock in the Forenoon Mineral Claims upon which taxes are delinquent for the year 1934, .will be exposed for sale A list of properties to be offered at Tax Sale can be obtained by applving to the Provincial Collector, Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. - 6 Tho Tax Sale List will be published in thc British Columbia Gazette, prior to date of Sale.' , - -; ' 1 ,3, A. J. LANCASTER, 6 Provincial Collector. - .Don't Be Fooled About Constipation ! llwj people, when constipation hits them. Just reach tor the medicine shelf, dose up with a physic, and try to forget H-tiu the trouble comes beck. And come back it usually does-more and more or ten-till you get at Its cajx. . you eat what most people do -lust bread, meat, potatoes-chances are lust this fact causes your trouble: lack of 'bulk" And "bulk" doesnt mean a lot of food. It's a kind of food that lsnt consumed In the body, but leaves a soft "bulky" mass In the Intestines and aids elimination. If that's the reason for your trouble, what you need is a good dish of crunchy Kellogg"s All-Bran for breakfast. It contains the "bulk" you need plus Nature's great intestinal tonic vitamin B,. Eat It every day. drink plenty of water, and Join the "regulars." Made by Kellogg in ixmaon, unt SEE HAVEN IN CAN AD As war Britain (By Gladys M. Arnold) BRATISLAVA, Czechoslovakia, Sept. 27: (CP) You find a gas otner comer piaster ngures or a small boy and girl held masks and between them a card explain 22 cents ,the bushel below the ing what they must do In case of long-term average price for the U gas attack. The instructions top grade ot the bread grain ! were Drinted in larep lpttrs tn v. mougn we mciuae me the children. us in front of the window stood a group, of little boys with their noses pressed against the nane. "What are they saying?' I "The big one said his littlt brother howls and won't let his daughters. Encouraee them In wrwirf AVPF Via vmpc oner fnn MMAt.. a. t - . healthy pursuits that wiU keep dian buyers nolhing and. Instead plied Madame Wolfova with a grim mem away irom sireei, gangs oe of Immense economic value to smile Biaaie SDOKe strongly in support the secondary industries in terms of the Borstal system foi segre- ' of market stability on the domestic gation of boys whom It became front. The uneconomlb and unnecessary to send to Institutions rbustness-lik statutory Drovlsinn to the fire station where he re-, ugly, such diabolical-looking after fjer "These windows have been dressed especially for children and women," she continued. "Many such have been arranged In every city ahlLtown in the country. They arr to teach the people as quickly as oosslble how to use masks and many organizations give personal demonstrations In the more out-of-the-way districts our local council branches, for example. "We have a new law Just passed that anyone without a mask will be heavily fined. If people cannot afford to buy them they need only register their names with thcli municipal council and their case will be investigated." Envies Canadians We looked Into the sinister window silently a moment. These duV grey masks are so monstrously i con- traptlons that one shivers Invol untarily. "What happiness It must lv tnr the mothers' In your country to1 (know that they shall never have! to put their babies into such terrible apparatus," Madame Wolf-, ova said wistfully. "Can you wonder that we mothers in Czechoslo-1 Powder Puff Beauty Shoppe Permants, Marcells, Finger-waves, .etc. Children's Haircuts a Specialty. Phone Green 883 for Appointment Muriel Eby 437 4th E. Phones 18 & 81 P.O. Box 575 FOR SATISFACTION Try MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents Quality Groceries Reliable Service Opposite Canadian Legion vakia today ask ourselves If it nPIIOII I IM"1 is not unpardonable that we have j ' I fftVlLiLiI 1 1 lt haht rllrtron into the world'' . . lIUMjii Here In Bratislava on the Hun garian border and the Danube, the! . . I . . 1 -1 V nn n n A m . cniei danger wuuiu uv an cucuij fleet on the river, the hotel manager told me soberly. "We-are planning here to put supplies of gas masks in the schools, for In case of trouble no child would have time to go home and find his mask. Personally I have two you never know what might happen," he said. In travelling in Czechoslovakia three questions and exclamations greeted me over and over again when I was identified as a The most frequent was, "What press describes us." And then there was the young man on the train in northern Moravia. When he heard us speak Ing English it soon became evident that he was dying with a desire to sneak He consulted with two friends who quite obviously egged him on. Finally he took courage and said, "Please, how are you- please?'' and he was overjoyed when he realized he had been un derstood. "I learned English In school -here. In a little village In the mountains.' he waved his head toward the panorama of "Littlt Tatra'' mountains outside the raln windows. "This is the first Mine I have had an opportunity to speak English to ah English person. You understand me-surely?" Canada Beckpns When he discovered I was from Canada he lost his powers of speech in his eagerness to ask questions and I finally learned hat was his greatest wish, to o o Canada. "I have cousins living near Atchelitz In British Colum-bia what is it like there? he Inquired anxiously. I was ashamed to confess I had never heard of Atchelitz but as- surcd him of the beauties of the Rockies. "And must I have a lot ofi money to enter?" he questioned "I am very strong and health and willing to work hard If they let me come in." I The tradition that Canada Is the Promised Land still exists-! and ir we compare it with thc un -nviablc situation of many a European nation it is evident the tra-, dition is not far wrong. TERROR TO FULHAM LONDON, Sept. 27: (CP)-Des-' cribed as "the Fulham Terror," Arthur Dobley, 28, was, sentenced to six months' Imprisonment for smashing two windows. A constable told the court that Dobley was feared throughout the locality. 1 1 HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 DRAMATIC Childhood Friendships and, Loyal ties Laid Against Background Of Racetrack 'Thoroughbreds Don't Cry," a dramatic story of childhood friendship and yolaltles with thrills of the race track as a background comet as the feature offering on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here at the first of this week. The picture introduces Ronald the in-(Sinclair. New Zealand boy actor, are regulations for getting tn Canada? I it pmv? it must b.'h Is Earned with Judy Garland, wondprfui tn iivp in a roimtrv liicpjchlld singer and actress. Sophie (Canada where you are never ln,Tucker and Mlckey Rooney. The Idaneer or war! ouiMHb u.wuia v. nuu The second was, "In case ol in Europe, do you think Ca- would stav neutral If Great bakery in the towns and villages b thf f"'tudt.ot thc Unl , t fo.t . ! States Is it true?" a, nf thJ "Canada!'! was the third. "Tell Ul rey Smith, Forrester Harvey, Fran-kie Darro, Charles D. Brown, Helen Kolker and Henry Troy. -vrl I 4 1 .A. 11 1 a entered?" Or very often w"mn sump! jmo in this form. "If things came to the..h.ears of 3"" and tiie war I wouldn't blame you Canadians for staying out of It but do vou think you would? We often hear that Canada would be gov- macninauons oi tunaom, tne pic i,f m.i ,,roii " "icy wins we are sucn . " - they stock toothbrushes. The prices range from 87 crowns to as high a price and fancy a model as you wish to buy ($2.25 up). j I encountered my first gas mask store In Prague. Madame Wolfova, honorary secretary of the National Council of Women In Czechoslovakia, accompanied me In my rambles and we stopped one day before one of these stores the display being exclusively children's models and medical supplies. In this particular window a cradle had been placed and in it a large baby doll wearing a mask insufficient attention has been aSovp it htmir a list, nf nrfr,,r paid by Canadian editors ie. tions lllustratlncr exactlv how thp that the present "peg" at 80 cents mask should be adjusted. In an- for the; top grade of the grain, with appropriate "spreads' for all lower qualities, Is approximately barbarians as some of the foreign horse racing sportsman, a young American Jockey, the keeper of a generation and childhood Joyalty are all woven Into an Intensely human story, Tuesday, I jepttn. LAST TIMES TO.Mcaf s snows, 7;0Q nd ,:J Another Grand Adventure! "Thoroughbred: Don't Cry' With Mickey Roomy, joJj Garland, Sophie Tucker, c, Aubrey Smith (Atl:lltl ADDED LAUREL and II.UtDT In "GOING BYE Bir NEWS and CARTOON ture deals with the friendship of niifKlpV I nimnrr a little English boy. grandson of a' "UCIICJ VUlIllUg Before Making racetrack racetrack boarding boarding house house and and her her'nn T ri niece. The Jockey is deceived into 1.1111 llnWII Kncf c l.i . . ; . . . r v v ti 11 mui -6b" U&feA?M3 VUtl j J Ml Bitu; J W Waw J i j it i Deixavinir nis inpnn HAmnrw mi. A letter from E. A. Thompia, president $f the Anglo-Paclfl: m . Comnanv. of Ran Franrfern cm The picture was filmed largelj erythlng possible Is being doni around the famous Santa Anita brlng the Prince Rupert pulp race track and jnany famous race ject a conclusion. Frank LBst horses and jockeys appear in the ,ey xpect to be in the cltjtiy week before going east Your Grand Opportunity To Enjoy the Music' YOU Like Whenever You Lilt Victor Record Society The Musical Opportunity of a Lifetime In Brief Here is What You Get Your own selection of Victor Rec-. ords. Value $9.00. Subscription to Record Rtvliw for one year. Value $3.00. All This for Only. $22.50 Latest R:CA. Victrola it-tachment with new type crystal pickup. Value 19J0 In addition you have other membership privileges including personal musical service and an opportunity to earn $7.50 In record dividends during the year. Don't miss this musical opportunity Come In for full particulars and Membership Application blank MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE SOLID WALNUT eQft 00 BOOKCASE $OU.W SOLID VALNUT DINING TABLE Gateleg with 2Qfi 50 two leaves. Extends to six feet VOW SOLID WALNUT DIN1NF TABLE-Oateleg 28.50 Phone 775 m THIRD AVE.T j RAILWAY I Canadian Pacific Transcontinental , Transatlantic Trans-PaciHc To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Parts S3. 'Trlnce? Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT PRINCESS LOUISE 1 September 7th, 17th, 27th October 7th, 18th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific 6ervlc Tickets and Reservations From W. L. COATES, General Ajent. Prince Rupert. V