M mmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmjmmammmmmmm Woodburys Special Woodbury's Facial Spap , Cream 50c Jars with tyo cqkes cakes Woodbury's Facial Soap All for 4Pc LIFEBUOY SPECIAL Lifebuoy Shaving Cream anfl pnp cake Lifebupy Soap Both for 35c .'.. William's ' ., SHAVING BLADES,' Leather Honed. Made, of finest surgical stee 1 5 f?r .25c Start the Day with a Sn StvillE RAZQR BLAPiS, 5 fpr 15c Ormes Ltd. Tx UsU Store ....'Jl? 11 W Open Dally From I 4n..UII II fJn. rrom on till S .. Sundaya and Dolidayi 7 p.m. till V-m. TODAYS STOCKS (Courtuy S. p. Joluiiou Oo.) yancouyer B. C. Nlckol'oel" Big MUspuri, .23. Bralprne, 8.00. Aztec,' .06 (ask). Mlnq. .02 V2. Fairy jew, .05. Ijloble Flyp. .02. Pend Oreille, 1.45. Pioneer. 2.40. P.orter Idaho, MVz. Premier, 1.90. peeves McDonald, .26. Reno. .31. Relief Arlington, .10. ' Reward, .03V4. Salmon Gold, ..07.-Hedley Amal., .03V2. 1 Sllbak Premier, 1.65. Home Gold, .01 ask): Qrandvlew. .06i2. Indian, .02 (ask). Quatsino7.03.' ' ' ' 9))? A. P. Con, .J2.'"" Calmopt.'p. C. & E., 1.75. Freehold, .03'i. McDougal Segir, .ip.. Mfrcury,' .06,' Okalta. .90. Pacalta, .05 (ask). Home Oil, .85. Toronto Beattle, .95. Central Pat., 1.99. Oods Lake, M. Little Long Lac, 2.40. McKenzle Red Lake, .07. Pickle Crow, 4.15. Sari Antonio, 1.05. SlVerrltt Gordon", .95. Smelters Gold, .04Ji (ask). McLeod Coclcsliutt, '2.60. Okferid, .10. yoshpr. .15. Madsen Red Lake, .34. Stadacona, .30. Fr'ahcoeur, .20. Monet'a, 1.13. Bouscadlllac.. .05. Thomuson Cadillac,.' .17 Preston E. Dome, l.ua. Hutchison' Lake, .02V2. ldermac, .3. Kerr ddlson, 1-i9-Uchl Ooid, 1.52. Int. Nickel, 46.25. Noranda, 64.Q0. Con. Smelters, 49.00. Athona, .05. Hardrock, .1.34. Barker Larder, .15' (ask). Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rUONE 57 CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK 1 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldr. .it.-! i , n 4nff ' ' .it. OFFICERS PCTID fjnistian youth Society IJecidepTo Continue as Jqterenprrjinallonal Organization Election o officers and gcnerrU plans for the ensuing year jwere thp pJilef Hems of biyslnfiss at a meeting of the Christian Yputh Society last night,' held In first ynM phurch. Officers yerq elected as follows: President, Tom Johnstone. Vice-President, Lewis Cromp. Sjcretary. Miss Eileen Hamlin. Tieasurer, Miss Edith Wllklpson (reelected) The society will continue as an interdenominational organization and it is not affliiajd wljl the United Church. A motion was passed that meetings should be held weekly on. M6nday nights. Committee conveners wflj be Elected at next week's meeting, Arrangements were; made to hold the annual meeting oil October 14 In the form of a jianquet anc dance; to which visitors will be Jnvltd! A committee to take charge of this event was appointed "cbnslsl-Ing of Miss Edith Johnstone, Cliff Madlll and Jim Oreer. Following the business session, a social hour was enjoyed, refreshments being served by the Misses Edith Johnstone, Edltli Wilkinson and. Isobel Connery. WINNIPEG )VUEAT JJP WINNIPEO, Sept. 27:' (CP) Wheat prices were up again yesterday on ,the:wnnipeg grain ejj-chence with advances of from 2V,c to 2 jc 0;tpber closed at 68c. Nurses Entitled Tq Aeqyate Pay CAPETOWN, Sept. 27: (CP) All-round Increases. In the salaries of nurses In Cape Province of the Union pf Soulh Africa were an np.urjced bjy the administrator, J. II. Copradie, when fie "laid th? foundation stone of JJjp Jlq'ttentots iiqiiana upsnitai here. "One. .of the. respns for the shortage in tjils proyjnee Is the fact that i'he scales of salary have beep less attractfye than those obtained In 'the Transvaal and the other two provinces,"' said Mr. Conradle.' "I dp not mean to suggest that this is hp prily rpasoh, or even tne most important rea ispn, for the, shortage In the. .Cape I'rovince, lor It is Inconcelyabje to rqe vnai ine avauapie supply oi trained purses should W "directly proportionate tp the attractiveness of th,e salary spates, tjie nursing profession, has, always been char acterlzed by It? self-sacr (flee, and devotion to du),y, quite Irrespective or remunerat on pr reward. But dp brieve those who enter the nursing profession sljpulcj receive adequate remuneration fpr their services. "Under the new proposals sisters will ' receive a commencing salary of 150 ($727.50)' Instead of 130 ($620.50 a year, and they ylll tc able to progress d 190 ($921.50) Instead of drily 160 ($776,) a year as at present. For staff nurses the annual salary will be Increasecj ay uu i$o.ouj. .. To4nJglfs train, due from the bast at 11 o clock, was reported this morning to be oti tme. (V W Ub m ftft? PEAS ChooM thy) i ui of RtAi.Crry Pe that U bt uiteti to your need! SU2 O the Petit PoU for garaUhinfi Slat 3 for formal dinner Site 4 very popular for general we; SUe 5 economical for family meak. ( LOCAL NEWS NOTES Emil Bostrom sailed this after-. noon on the Catala for Butedale. Mrs. W. C. Asplnall will be leaylng shortly for the Peace River district to Join Dr. Asplnall. Dr. J. C. K. Preus will speak ip the Lutheran Church tonight at 7:45. (226) Allan Davles of the Post Office staff is sailing this afternoon on the Princess Louise for a vacation trip to Vancouver and Victoria. N. Christiansen of Bella Bella, who has been on a brief visit to the city, sailed by the Catala this afternoon on his return to his home down the coast. Dr. J. C. K. Preus, secretary of the Board of Education of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, of Minneapolis will pe. arriving on the Princess Louise this afternoon. Dr. f reus has been ylsitlng Lutheran congregations n Alaska in .the Interest of Christian elementary' education and will bp in the pjty untl afternoon when he will be leaylng by train for Phone 112 Taxi; new Jieated cars. PQA). Nanalmo elljngtpn Lump, Interior Spotless,' Tea Coal Jprau'to-rnajlp ?tokers, Nut and get Cpai for ranees. Albert & Mf'Caffery, Phonjj 116. J.f. Miss R. M. Daves O. B. E. ell pn 'i'ast' evening' train for Lop-don and Hamilton, Ontario, to Attend sessions pf tte Dominion, Woman's Auxiliary of trig 'Anglican "Church. LA$4,liAD Get two ounrei w pcroxln powdtr from your qrugiriif. 8prlnkl dn hot, wet cloth d rub' th f rt gently. "Evirr blackbud will b dissolved. Th ou uf. ur and tlmpU way (o rmoy bUckbetds. U , lUUrtiood cottpWxVia Peter Lakle, C. N. R. dlvlslorial freight and passenger agent, )eft op last evenings train ior a np to Prince ueorge ,ana omer m-tetf " o tAftyniclal duties. Hqtel Arriyals Jtoyal Chris Peterson and Dan Healy, city; F. A. Duthle. Vancauver; A. Mllt- chin, Winnipeg; O. Phillips, C.N.R.; Chris Jensen, Terrace; J. Freestad, Digby. " ; Knox M. L. Clark,- Georgetown; H. Roberton, M. Macleod, C. Johnson, I fSfa Carlsen and Clyde Moraes, city; " Mr and Mrs. Lyrium and s6n, Haz- elton; W. Johnson and N. Johnson, . " .bsland; J. Christie,-Skeena Riyeir; Beri Erlckson, Prince Rupert; F. A, Dutile and R. Smythe, Vaneouyer. Announcements All advertisements In this col-nmn will be charged for a full month at 25c a word". Eagle's Bridge, October 5. prpcery Shower, .Ridley IJome, October 6. Easfern tar tea, Masonic Hall, October 6, tyrs.- Parker pre? eri Ml Lady's Trousseau. Catholic Bazaar, October 12, 13. Presbyterian October 13. Canadian October 19. Tea "The Manse Legion W. A, Bazaar- 50iillte! Anniversary Supper Ocm . East' Malarfic, J.75.' - .-tober 20i. Hospital Auxiliary Tea Nurses' Home, October 21. Lutheran Bazaar October 22. Hill 60 Tea October. 27. Sonja's Bazaar November 4. j Baptist Bazaar Noyfotber 5. .Presbyterian Bazaar Npy. 10. Cathedral Christmas Bazaar N9-yemer 17. :- - " 3 v St; -Peter's Church Bazaar- Noy- emBer24. LAND UEOISTRY ACT R: Certificate '6T 'Title No."" 13144-T. po the' Eaat Halt of 'the South Wert Quarter of Seotloii Five (5), Townthlp Three (31. junge TUve' (jl. 'Qoaat Dis trict. In the Province of BrtWsh poi UTObla, uli to contain pigMj I8p) acres, more or lese. WHEREAS proof 'of Iom of the above Crtmoal' at' TltW Jsaued in jthe name of JoJun A. Halvarson' luu been filed n this office, notice la hereby given (hat I shall, at the expiration of one month frail &he dfcte or the Ilrat pubLKallor hereof, laerue a Pxov4slona4 Oertlf loate lit Tttlo'tn lieu of sold loaf certificate p leea ln the ptanUme valid qbleotlon b nVade to" me Ui' writing," ' Kl ' DATED at the laXul ReirUtrT Off Ice A-lnce nupert, B. O. thla 3rd. daj August, A, D, 1938. ANDREW THOMPSON, Dputy Registrar of Tltlaa. New Tory Leader! Shower For Miss HON. It. L. MAITLAND TODAY'S WEATHER Prlrice Rupert Overcast, southeast wind, "ten mtlJes per hour; barpmeler, 30.12 (falling); teni-pe'rature, 52; light .cfiqp. '''Triple Is'lancl Overcast, southeast wind, fjfteen miles per hour; moderatec hpp. Larla'gara Island Raining, east- erly wind .four mllps'per hour; barometer, 3014; temperature', '51; .light swell! l Dead Tree Point Part cloudy; j1fre Kn t-nmnlnii On in. a. Mr. and Mrs. W. G.Valpy and son,, light r:.' sweli! fr9' lra Victory Coye; Jah Sam Wpng, city. Prjiice Rupert F. Waterman, Seattle; J. Stephen's, Victoria. Central Ralph Gillies, Otto Olsen, J. Anderson, C. Swanson;'Mf. and Mrs. Llnum, J. Pedersen, Fred Simpson; EsteyanCleor, easterly wind. four nWes per hour; barometer. 30.12. Bull Harbor Dense fog, calm: barometefi' 30.12;" temperature, 2; ngnt swell 'Alert Bay qvercast, calm; barometer, 30.14; temperature.' 51; sea smooth. Viclpria Clear, northrely wind. six miles ner hour: barometer ' "' " 30.10. , Vancouver Cler, calm, barometer, 30i0f. '' Prince George Clear, easterly wind, four miles per "hour; barp- meier, au.n. Terrace Cloudy, calm, 53. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 54, Alice Arm Raining, calm, 50. " Anyox Foggy, calm, 51. Hazelton Cloudy.calm, 50. Smltliers Cloudy calm, 49. Burns' Lake Cloudy, cam, 45. Stewart Foggy, calm, 48. Weatr f-prast Geperal Synopsis The pressure -remains high over British Colum-Ibla and fine warmer weather has Basket Social Dance, bddfelliw'5 been general oyer this province Hall. September 29. p. p. F. Bazaar, October 1. with the exception of the North Cqas where rain has occurred Pr)nce Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Moderate southeast ip south winds, mostly cloudy and cooj with occasional rains. West Coast of Vancouver Island Moderate northeast to east winds, mostly cloudy and cool with occasional rains. Owing to the illness of the presi dent, P. H. Llnzey, resumption of regular meetings pf the local Brlt-jsh-Israel Society for the season has bepn deferred. 1Y1U51C Ruth Nelsorj A.T.G.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. Phone Green 390 Mrs. Ilernard Lundahl Voice Production PIANO and THEORY Phone GREEN 994 431 4th Ave. West Walker's Music Store Large Stock Music Helnliman, Nordhelmer and Lesace Pianos Piano Tuning with "Resonoscope" Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. Cox Last Night Ancther Delightful Affair "Popular "B'Ade-EIect thrpe-tler wedding cake, which contained all the gifts', was pj-es-Gndy, p. Sinlth, Jean Ma.cLpan Baby F ented tp the bride-elect. Those present were Mrs. J. Black, Mrs. F. Barber, Mrs. j. Barbe, Mrs O. Geddes, Mrs. . Geddes, Mrs. J. Murray, Mrs. C. Boulter, Mrs. O. Krause, Mrs. p. for'V. Cox, Mrs. R Murray, Mrs. Jfamts " Jlfrikevsky, Mrs. Laurie', klr?. jE. Alexander, Mrs. Bond, Mrs. 0. A dellghtfuj miscellaneous show- j. Dawes, Mrs W. J. Cpnnery', rMi. er was held last night In the C.ismitn, Mrs. Monckly, Mrs. J; p-. r. jomrj rpms wnep Mr?, r. Barberf Mre.' W. A. JldLean arid Ir?. D. Parent were" joint hostesses in honor "of lIlss Ros Cox, whose rn,arrage to Dan Healy will take placp qn. October f. The eyenlng was spent In playing bridge, tfte prizg winners blng Mrs. Japifs rik$yskyj' irs. Jphh Johansenarid 'Irs. 'r. Murray. Af- jter refreshments werp served, a hansen, Mrs. O. Howe, Mrs. Richards, Mrs Jack Preece;' liflp, M'cUan, Mrs. H. Klllln, Mrs! W, Davidson, Mrs. M. M. Lamb, Mrl, J. W Moorehouse, Mrs. J. R. Mu ray, Mrs. H. B. Eastman, Mrs. V W. C. O'-Neill, Mrs D. A. MacPh Mrs Quyan, Mrs G B Church. M: E. Tattexsal, Mcs( D. Parent. Ml-R. Apderspn; MrjJ. H. tnltfi JjjrB Misses Eleanor and Betty Barber, Nancy Dawes, M. JClrkpatrtcK, Margaret Smith, Doris Webster, fe. and Rose Cox uriiiture CHILD'S BASSINETTE These bassinettes are niade pf eastern harclwppd in ivory enamel fitted with cable spring and easy running castors. Size 18x3(3. Special $4.95 ' ' " ' V . ( BABY CARRIAGES English style baby carriages, have all steel body, finish Royal blue. $29.00 CHILD'S HIGHCHAIR5 Eastern hardwood f jtted with removable tray. Color pink, blue or ivpry. $6.75 FURNITURE EXCHANGE jlours From 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 3rd Avenue Phone Green 916 Decepiber Frozen HERRING BAIT Cold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. ....... - i j . : 1 til Li 1 i-ni I 4 tk