Itone Goes he careful training they had re- ited The commanding officer. S D Johnson M.C., V.D., was i present mi Prince Rupert Chamber of icr at oemg aDie 10 preside sucn an important occasion, lit an analogy between the Iay- oi me cornersione ana tne iff nf th rarnpfdnno nf Hfi eVromnt Mr andMrs.Hanson had csnif from Ottawa for occasion and also the visitors Van-juvr who Included J. ffnnil t3 a It. . t n-til-i il Oeorge McNicholl genera'. cnnftA. . . . cv,vriii. ijuiii vaiiiuum others They could go home tell the people that, in spilt he low price of halibut, Princ'c ert was still on the man. Ke vn mat this new building nv IfAn 4 City Commissioner W J Alder 1 1 1 1 IT tmin IT. 1 . vtiww wic icuciai uuun- " WIUVIUIIIU U UUllUUlU Rlshons Are Heard u, l, IliX, U1M1UU ui ).hI. ... " vuuumrcu in me con- t.lll9Mn. t- 11- - . - - . iiH.ii.snri in jenpiiriniz buildirw. Mr Itnnsnn hnrl hepn the HklrUt 11.1.,.. -, iut miriy-uiie ycuio nin ... "vi tuijii-n m rpsnppt nr an. considered him a worthv reD- UU LllU UUHUlim i" nr u m ii . . . . i " nit: lruirs nr nic nnre nop of Northern British Colum- and Yukon. n on nlrt tlmnr nf Present tn witness the lavlnir lhe found at.tnn elnnn nf cn Im. . . "" U . . . . . .'JU I "1 M 1 1 1 .J 1 r 1 1 . Mir., I. I . . - wj uie representative mohici u naa been finally Instrumental and ". 4c. curing the building. Prince (Continued on Page 4) land 4c. Into Place fin Till! Aaln Speeches Suitable to Occasion Arc Made By Member For District And Others A large proportion of the population of Prince Ru- I i 1 l i 1 ..tL i I . , i I - .. ........ .. ..A i. 1 i" 1 I I ' T 1 " 1 erected by liennett and White Construction Co. on Sird Avenue. The sun shone brightly and there was a I 11 1 1 I 1 A ,1 M by tne presence oi a guara 01 nr mr liic iiitriiiLnri iui liic ui who represented the minister iiuiii: wui iwa iui kite ULLaoiuii. a t. . m k. i. rr Lieut T. D. Johnson looklne smart In their uniforms giving an excellent Impression SPY DRIVE IN' FRANCE Campaign Started to Kid Country Of Alien Operators One Thousand May Fie Deported FRANCE, April 21. The ministry' of the Interior Is Instituting a nation-wide drive to clean all spies out of France. Already some two hundred arrests are reported to have been made and it Is said that one thousand aliens may be deported before the anti-splonage campaign is ended. United States Is Checking Up Upon Japanese WASHINGTON, D.C.. April 21. Is Undisclosed Andrew Carnegie Whitfield Not Seen Since Quarrel With His Wife a Week Ago NEW YORK, April 21. Andrew wnnX , 6 Bvernmeiu I still unreported after having drop-wonderful f postal service byLj ; !, iaf svih Pni- oi wnich a letter could be r " i ,, wifo New Frontier Treaty Signed at Belgrade Yesterday Between Two Balkan Nations BELGRADE, April 21.- A new frontier treaty between Jugo-Slavla and Bulearla was signed with due formalities here yesterday. It Is based on an agreement regarding respect of frontiers which was reached In 1936. Halibut Sales Canadian II, 11,500, Pacific, RED HELP TO CHINA Huge Motorcade of Trucks Laden With Guns and Planes is .. Moving Out of Inner Mongolia I Japs Advance Chinese Arc, Apparently, Preparing.! io Tall Back Further Into I Interior SHANGHAI, April 21. A huge motorcade of 1000 trucks carrying tons of Soviet guns and planes is. reported to be headed from Inner Mongolia to Lanchau In Kansu Province west of Hankow to reinforce the Chinese resistance against the Japanese invasion. A new city of refuge In Yunan Province Is being planned, according to reports, this to be the future base of Chinese action. ! Meantime fierce fighting continues In the vicinity of Tlarchwang as the Japanese continue to organs lze their counter-offensive. Victories were claimed by both sides last night. After twenty-four hours of street fighting, Japans relniorced Shan tung Army completely occupied Unl today. The Chinese high com mand announced withdrawal ofj their forces from the battered, valled town and are taking up new defence positions two miles south Confers With Emporor ityJoEmpeTf-KlwhU-u. celved Premier Prince Konoye in audience as the army moved to increase striking power on th Shantung battlefront. scene of recent Japanese reverses. What passed between the sovereign and the Premier was cloaked by an official, announcement that Konoye had merly reported on the "status of matters under his jurisdiction." It was announced yesterday that' the United States Department 01V 1 J PA!lI.. State Is keeping a close check upon I LQWarfl IvClliy Japanese activities In China with: . . , a view to ascertaining violations of LaW Afifain the "Open Door" policy. I & 'awt V V "I mm . a mg with the first Post Office Wio Whnvnihrmf c Pt U, jlc rnmnWntPrflHIO U 111.1 UdUUUlO tj unfc, VUIIIPIUIICUII.U nanson on the success of his mat one by one dreams were Attorney Who Defended Bruno Richard Hauplmann Wins Case NEW YORK, April 21. Edward J. Reilly, who achieved considerable prominence as one of the counsel for Bruno Richard Haupt-mann, kldnap-murdercr of Charles Ausustus Lindbergh jr.. yesterday won his first court case since hav Carnegie Whitfield, grandson of jng left an institution following a the famous Andrew Carnegie, is , breakdown a few years ago. He was successful In defending an apartment house owner against a suit brought by a tenant for $10,000 to ihi . e" C0UR" i Whitfield took off from Roosevelt j damages as a result of a fall "J me Other fnr sn smnll n sum ! ........ ti. .. - iCT o H in a sma i airtiiane ana jus i at tne Arctic coast there wa3 . . ..... C... u . . whereabouts Since uavc uveu a in.1 u.r ivii iiiara i-o v j t- " JIUVV rt to uv- I . better in this respect than Ca- mvstcry i. The service to Prince Rupert he considered, been outstand- f Ql A J from the first Efficient ser-1.1 1 lffO-iMa V13 AHQ MVlll I rrlll lr"I 111 irillll LI1I? . h. -vi,c tu me puDiic. lie is nr lit. tt i . Weather horecast General Synopsis The weather is fair In this province, turning colder In Uie northern districts. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Northeast wlmK fair, prpbably Increasing to strong tonight and then turning colder with sleet or snow flurries. Chicago May Get Big Title Fight Is All A Question of Which City Puts Up Best Price, Says Manager Joe Jacobs CHICAGO, April 21. Manager Joe Jacobs of Max Schmeling said yesterday that Chicago had Just as good a chance as New York to get Xlc the Lewls-Schmellng title fight this summer. . It Is all a question of ...,-, innn riH Rt nraee. fl.fVr 1 where the best price can be ob- Uiauem, - . .., ,..v.- Today's Weather omorrow s Tides Prince Rupert Part cloudy, nor Wmln High 6:10 ajn. 16.3 ft. therly wind, two miles per hour; 19:54 p.m. 16.6 It. barometer 29.85 (falling); temperature. Low 0:11 a.m. 10.2 ft. 38; sea smooth. 12:54 p.m. 12 ft! NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER A. VYVTI ' ' NO. . G w PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1938. 1'KICE: 5 CENTS BREAK INTO MAD unshine And Fitting eremonies As Corner BULLETINS DEFENSE OF NORTH VANCOUVER Hon. Ian Mackenzie, minister of national defense, yesterday described the Canadian defense program as protection of the strategic trade routes, the country's coastline and ports and national neutrality. As a neutral, it would be Canadian responsibility to prevent enemy bases being established in the Queen Charlotte region. It was contemplated to have a coastline naval patrol but for the more northerly regions facilities were being established for both naval and air forces in the Queen Charlottes and at Prince Rupert. QUAKE TOLL 800 ANKARA The Anatolia earthquake toll of dead and missing soared to eight hundred after a night of continued shocks which fifty thousand homeless persons spent in mad terror. Eighteen villages are utterly destroyed and twenty-two others are badly damaged. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .17. Big Missouri, .42. Bralorne, 8.53. Cariboo Quartz, 2.07. Dcntonla, .082. Golconda, .04. LMintojt,fe02a 1 Fair view, .03 Vi-Noble Five, .02 i. Pend Oreille, 1.66. Pioneer, 3.10. Porter Idaho, .02 Vi. Premier, 2.04. Reeves McDonald, .30. Reno, .53. Relief Arlington, 18. Reward, .04. Salmon Gold, .05 li-Hedley Amal., .04Vi. Premier Border, .01 V. Silbak Premier, 1.65. Congress, .003,i. Honk Gold. .01 V. Grandview, .06'2. Indian, .02. Quatslno Copper, .03. Haida, .073,i. Oils A. P. Con., .22.. Calmont, .43. C. &E., 2.35. Freehold, .05. McDougal Segur, .21. MercUry, .13. Okalta, 1.73. Pacalta, .10. Home Oil, 1.30. Toronto Beattie, 1.10. Central Patricia, 2.60. Gods Lake, .42. Little Long Lac, 4.15. McKenzie Red Lake, .95. Pickle Crow, 4.75. Red Lake Gold Shore. .19. San Antonio, 1.22. Sherrit Gordon, 1.12. Smelters Gold, .01 V2. McLeod Cockshutt. 3.30. Oklend, .15. Mosher, .30. Madsen, .30. Stadacona, .65. i Francoeur, .35. Moneta,, 2.17. Bouscadlllac, .08. Thompson Cadillac, .27J4. Bankfield, .84. East Malartlc, 1.57. Preston East Dome, .89. Hutchison Lake, .Oei. Dawson White, .03 Vi. Aldermac, .52. Kerr Addison, 1.80. Uchl Gold, 1.53. Int. Nickel, 46.75. Noranda, 57.50. Con. Smelters, 56,000. Athona, .09 Vi. Hardrock, 1.97. Barber Larder, .38. . Rand Malartlc, .40. SPANISH INSURGENTS ARE AGAIN STRIKING AT CITY; DEFENDERS FALL BACK ETHIOPIA TROUBLOUS This Is One Reason, 'Tis Said, Win Italy Is Courting Favor 'Of Britain and France ROME, April 21: It Is said lu well-informed quarters here that one of the principal reasons why Italy has been anxious to quickly conclude friendship pacts with Great Britain and France Is on account of the situation In Ethiopia where native armies are continuing a steady campaign against the Italian occupation. It Is reported that no less than five separate native armies are serlous!y harassing the Italian forces there and the road from Addis Ababa to the sea -has been cut off. If the country is to be completely subdued, Italy must receive financial assistance from outside. Member Of United States Cabinet To Retire Soon WASHINGTON, D.C.. April 21, Gangsters Using Request Programs Radio Stations Being Exploited, it I is Alleged Investigation to be Made j WASHINGTON, D.C., April 21-iThe Federal Communications Commission ts to Investigate reports that use Is being made of late request programs from radio stations In large American cities by gang ster groups to communicate cocte messages between each other. Deputy Official Administrator Is D Rupi VICTORIA, April 21: (CP) J. Lancaster, provincial col lector at Prince Rupert, has been appointed deputy official administrator by order-ln-councll. Norman A. Watt continues as official Government Lines Driven Back On Outskirts of City and Suburbs Entered Passes on French Border Bombed IIENDAYE, France, April 21: (CP) Spanish in-surgent?, striking with sudden force against the weakened defenses of Madrid, drove back the government lines in the western outskirts of the long besieged former capital city. Insurgent reports reaching the border indicated that the dormant central front was once again active with General Franco's rebel troops fighting their way forward in Madrid's suburban west park. Insurgent bombing pursuit planes attacked Puig-gerda, one of three Franco-Spanish border passes still controlled by the government, killing an undetermined number and causing heavy damage. Express Official FASCISTS Has Passed Away , pyj J)QWN William Harold Nattress of Winni peg Dies at Rochester, Minnesota WINNIPEG. April 21, William ; Harold Nattress, 54, traffic Visor -for-Canadian National Ex . press at Winnipeg, who died In Iron Guards Being Demobilized In Roumania And There Will Be t No March on Bucharest BUCHAREST, Roumania, April 21x Fascist activities in Roumania, have been definitely, checked and there will be no march on Buch- Kocnester, Minn, mesaay, was wen arest u Js defmiteJy declared bv I known throughout the west. After government authorities. As a reentering the service of the express suit of ralds jn Bucharest and It is stated in reliable Quarters here company in 1909, he was employed noumanian cUies. it is de- that Secretary of Commerce Dan- successively at Vancouver, Edmon- clared that two thousand lei C. Roper will retire from the ,on and nnallv in 1921- came t0 members of the pro-fascist Iron i cabinet of President Franklin D. Winnipeg where he was appointed Guard have been arrested. The Roosevelt to assume a diplomatic supervisor in 1929. fascist forces, alleged to have plot- post. Cabinet Shuffle In Great Britain London Still Hears of Changes Planned By Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain LONDON, April 21. There are ! fresh rumors of an early reorgan ization of the cabinet of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. It is suggested 'that changes will centre on the co-ordination of the defense departments of which Sir Thomas Insklp Is now In charge. air. naure&s naa Deen ui mi- tea against tne government j Chester a week prior to his death, King Carol, are being completely I suffering from heart disease and demobilized, j the effects of a severe stroke more j , . man a year ago. Burial will take place at Bramp- Plptirv Of Wafpi ton, Ont., Friday, as all relatives v " reside in Eastern Canada. I 1 i A 17 U He was born in Humber, Ontario, I Hi UCean F BUS and had never married. SING WHILE THEY FIGHT Chinese Will Win War, Educationist t REGINA, April 21: (CP) Dr. I continued. "We have to consider two things in our education: It must be cheap because China Is largely agricultural and It must be rapid to unify China fast enough to repel the Invader." Consequently a system of relay oonVior? Viae hpnn incMtnt.nrl F.vprv m. 1 r , querea it, saying me aiaiiuaiu ui Named ror Kupert'iivinK ,n Mancnuria had definltely Become lower amcc iw tuinjun u) Japan." Dully and Rainy Weather Brings Tlenty of Moisture to Taper Town OCEAN FALLS, April 21: With Dull and rainy weather of the past couple of weeks, the level of the lake at cean Falls nas been Declares gradually rising and there Is ample water. There has been over one Inch of rain on some days re- i.i. . t Heng Chi Tao, -ted Chinese edu- h nnHnnier coin In or onriroce norn . milder with 54 the maximum ther- China would win the present war j mometcr reading for the weck and with Japan, bacause "the Chinese jlng as they fight." "In China we are delivering edu- 38 the mimimum. cation like you deliver milk In this I P-,,, Vnv. country, right to the home," he JLUYYCl nxA70 1 TlLCi) I Ui u home , from school to share cv,, with .ith their parents. Dr. Heng Chi Ta0 redlculed the claim Japan would build a paradise in China, once she had con- Radio Sets Likely Dominion Tariff Board Starts Investigation Into Price Level in 1 Dominion OTTAWA, April 21. There is a Possibility ctnriont hoi-nmot n t.Mehpr F.vpn that lower prices for ... rnriln rerrlvpr sett In Canada mav the little children bring neir boons " - -7 - , ., 7: ' be the outcome of an Investigation which has been instituted by the Dominion tariff board. It has been suggested that It Is only because of the tariff that prices of radio sets In Canada are maintained at a level of from ten to twenty per cent higher in Canada than in the United States. ,1 Vancouver Wheat The fire department was called, out at 2:30 yesterday afternoon to: VANCOUVER, April 21: (CP) a grass' fire at the corner of Third Wheat was trading at $1.34'8 on Avenue and Seventh Street. No the Vancouver market yesterday, damage was done. ' dropping sharply to $1.285 today.