PAGE FOUR As Modern as. Tomorrow . . SKYWRITERS . By Watermans A Real Pen and Pencil by the World's Lead-ing Manufacturer of Ideal Writing Sets Newest Streamline Shape Modern Styling x Brilliant in performance and appearance. In f Grey, Green, Brown or Jet. "7 The Pen ... $1.25 The Pencil . . . 75c or $1.95 for the Set In an attractive red and gold presentation box. Also New Skywriter Desk Sets Makes a splendid presentation for old or young A worthwhile and beautiful gift Pen has latest type visible ink section. 1 t . 4.' 1 me bet- I So people don't knolttfthol in 186! ttten ty-tm1'.camel Mre im'poitfldfrom fllndo-Ghina at Aack Cariboo Road.' s te Only $2.90 There is a Personalized Waterman to Suit You Especially Some people hive not Ujted, tansy rehwhing Uld 5tyle Beer! Itt imooth mellow soodneu and delicioui. bodied flavor are still unknown to them Don t delay any lonqer. Join thomandi who daily enjoy this cooling refreshing, invigorating beer. Phone 654 for free delivery CAPILANO BREWTNO CO. LTD, VANCOUVER, B. C ii eMaMvs.Mi j Old Coins Are Found In Desk the Bank of Burmuda and an estimate made of their value. The coins included Spanish doubloons, pieces of eight, and German and Austrian pieces. The desk had J. Richardson, an Valnabla Cache Taken Including ; oW Bermuda family name, carved Spanish Doubloons. Pieces of Eight and Other Old Money ' HAMILTON, Burmuda, Sept. 13: 1CP) Interest has quickened in old desks and cabinets In Bermuda following the discovery of 151 gold coins valued at approximately $15,-000 by a cabinet-maker of Flatts, Bermuda. on it, and the cabinet-maker believed one of the early members of the family must have been a collector of old coins. Written in Latin, In one of the drawers of the piece of furniture, was the inscription: The hidden will be revealed. BEGINNER'S LUCK TORONTO, Sept. 13: (CP) N SmttVi'e rir rlK,. ... - o 6Un uiuui iiiauc news, tie r, ., , , . 52 UVflf,arm!n:Jnefortunate sco hole-in-one on the 164-?e2SV' B?U?'yard. 17th hole at the Humbct called the effort he had made to Valley golf club here " tell an old desk to an Englishman, . for $30.00. Glad he had been un- mvrviv cm( Contest Between Opposing Trades i Unions Probable C. I. O. and A F. of L. Organizations May Seek Control of Boston's Waterfront Workers BOSTON. Sept 13: (CP) A fresh contest between American Federation of Labor and Commit tee for Industrial Organization forces along the Boston waterfront is threatened within the next few weeks. ' President William Green of the A. F. of L. announced that the Federation had established a new Maritime department, thereby Indicating that once again hostilities between the two rival unioni ;for control of waterfront labor 'similar to the struggle of two years 'ago, Is probable. While Thomas McGowan, head of the C. I. O.'s seamen's union in I Boston, made light of Green's an-nounccment as a holler to let us know he's still nrnnnH " VronV (Fenlon, A. F. of I, representative m New England, mllitantly declared that thf FprfpraMnn neither compromise nor co-operate witn the c. I. o. Fenton said that the Federation would set up maritime councils in key coast cities, similar to the Duiiomg trades councils In which memDers of the construction unl ons combine to work out iheu problems. In these maritime councils. Fen ton explains, all waterfront uni ons, Including seamen, fishermen longshoremen, masters, mates and pilots, fireman, oilers and 'team sters working on the docks would De represented. He predicted tl e new setup would be In ODeratlor, vlthin a month. The prospects of a union struggle here seem to hinge on the attitude of the loneshorempn With the C. I. o. claimini 58.00C seamen members on the Atlantic Coast alone, and the masters mates and pilots organizations re maining loyal to the American Federation of Labor, the balance of power lies with the stevedores who, while they have remained affiliated with the Federation on mis coast, have shown no nrtivp objection to working ships manned oy c. i. o. crews. Such tacit co-operation to tYt dual-union situation on the water- iront must cease as soon as the new maritimp dpnnrtm Court-eaeraton wini begins u"K to function vjcjjk. ia. fuccessiul as a salesman, the is- mourning for two weeks has been Fen ton declared. Isnnpr aM ha hir i . . .... .. I SUH4 aiucii.. urcerea ioiiowmz thp ripath nf upon a secret compart- i Prince Arthur of Connaught. A meni in tne desk. military funeral will take The coins he found were taken to Friday. place Trre Dally News Is an I paper. A. B. C mm m ids wl J25tv U AS This advertisement is not published or disnlavctl l.v u i . n .TtH Govcrumcut oTii&iar " b' the THE DAILY NEWS Gardening i The gardens this year have been very bright with late summer bloom, so bright that many people have suggested they are better than last venr At anv rate they have been very beautiful and much admired by visitors. It seems to me a matter of regret that some of our best gardens have not been" entered in the garden compeUtion. Among thosi which would have made a good showing if they had been entered were William Millar's. Jack Johns, Theo Collart's, Tom Priests. Dave Borland's and Billy Reid's. Some of these were not Just In the right condition at the time of the show but they are all very fine gardens. The perennial phlox are making a good showing this year. This is look wis. lur for better oeuer luck iuck next next year. year, The me vwv uvwmjv iiAIC OCtU L11C Oil UV I arletles should be used. Man V parripnprs am nniu .nnfln Gilbert Hunt Defeated Riggs At Forest Hills FOREST HILLS, N. Y. Sept. 13: i CP t Gilbert Hunt turned In the first major upset in the United States singles play by defeating Bobby Rlggs of Chlcaco 6-2. 0-6. 9-7, 0-6, 6-4 In the fourth round match. Margot Lumb defeated Helen Jacobs 7-5, 6-2. Play today has hpn rvt ktnniwT nn n trtr f rf win X. nv(tvu V HVVVUttt f t Mat I but It is expected to be resumed! tomorrow. Many Baseball Games Prevented By Rains In East NEW YORK, Sept. 13: Baseball 1 1 ' . . . I , 1 I ITrt m n ( "Vrt nni (fulnn am Mr. iioweis dui ii nas nos Deen wiae.; 1 ijiuhcu tuuajr uu ingrown. There seem to have been count of rain include the National just two or three plants at the .Leasee games Pittsburgh vs. New beginning and the others were taken from them. There are. however, dozens of named varieties with a. wide range of colors. Next year the Horticultural So ciety might well consider whether it would admit vegetables to the annual show, if it Is to be held as late as it was this year. By charg- i one; uincinnati vs. Brooklyn ana In the Amelrcan League Philadelphia vs. St. Louis. Double- I headers will be played tomorrow la each case. BASEBALL SCORES MONDAY'S SCORES American Lea sue CYfnrm 1 - TVtmU . I.. a ouiau cunjr ice 11, tuuiu uu game, made almost self-supporting. I I have had practically no sue- 1 nnnfrrv nrror cess with mv water lillles. Thpm J has hot been a single bloom but I shall try to winter the plants and English League First Division plants have grown pretty well and 1 the water popples bloomed a little " I UUlIttWCU but other than that there has s been nothing. Ten Years Ago t i - . . An nnn wrwrr clfrtnAH Vtr noyai aanuas in William Millars . J mj the arden. They have crown so well. UJJ w""ul" mucn aiicnuon, hat they have practically monop-says the victoria Times, It, marked illzed the beds where they were i comPleton of 10 years since the planted but it has been worth the ""ss-oriana paci 10 ouuaw war acrifice of the other flowers. Thrv , a-s sl?ned by reD"esntatlves of 15 iave maae a grand showing j " shucu iwm 01 uie . French Foreign Office In Paris. It Gladioli seem to be late this "'as nalled on the day of Its signing year in some gardens and so areias "a sreat forward step in the dahlias. It has been suggested that , preservation of peaceful relations in late mne eardens onlv parK i oeiween ine naitoni and therfore win prove to be an historic - At that time. 10 years rfV" after the . . J - ..wn i-UHili.- ng their plantings of all plants, close of the World War. 3,000,000 ind flowers to named varieties lack Fuller refuses to accent any thing but named plants and so do a few others. The nractlre ;eems like a good one but I find it very difficult to get the nam? of so many of mv rnck nlants wholly lost when It comes to rock plants. Hazelton recently had a successful flower show, staged in their own Horticultural Hall. Sweet peas are said to have been well represented and gladioli surprisingly beautiful In spite of much -Iry weather. William Horwill of Dorreen judged the flowers. The disDlay was made up of roses, car i nations, aanlias, asters, snapdras-1 ons. stocks, sweet ncas. clad i bowls of nansies and collection of wild flowers. H. F. P. Child Died From Ruptured Liver Native Woman From Bella Bella Under Arrest Charged With Manslaughter BELLA BELLA. Sept. 13: Hector Windsor, two-year - old T 1 liro 1 T T 1 .1 . . 1 1 1 i uuuia muuaur, uKiitx ucna inauin, I died suddenly on Sunday, August n. ine doctor in charge of the R. W. Large Memorial Hosnltal considered the circumstances war ranted a post mortem examina tion. At the examination it urn1 evealed that thp. livor .-a rr.- urcd, apparently from a" blow. ThP coroner. Judge Hill of Ocean Falls Droceedpri tn tili-, Tiniu u.u . - anu 111 iu xn inquest on the body, following I preliminary hearinc. ThPl mother was placed under arrpt tnd removed to Ocean Falls! awaiting trial for manslaughter Steamer Catala is due to arrive in Prince Rupert this evening at 10 ina is due to leave at 10 50 Vancouver and way ports. If you wun uswai, ome thing rry a classified. ' for men were under arm?. Todav. 10 years later, more than 3.000.000 men are under arms and there is' fighting in Spain and China. Since the Kellogg pact outlawed war, there have been no declared wars, . but at least 3,000.000 U,UUU,UUU men IUCI1 ., w (Even people who are supposed tt have been killed In conflicts, such. ue juuges oi nowers seem to Dens: two incidents between China! and Japan, the Spanish civil war. Italy's conquest of Ethiopia and the Grand Chaco affair between Para- very guay and Bolivia. Powder Puff Beauty Shoppe Permants, Marcells, Finger-waves, etc. Children's Haircuts a Specialty. Phone Green 883 for Appointment Muriel Eby 437 h E. KEN RAYNER For Your RADIO SERYICE MODERN EQUIPMENT KEASONABLE HATES Phone BLACK 712 Try ANDREW'S PORK PIES Obtainable at all Leading Butchers and Grocers Sold at 5c, 10c, 20c and 30c Each Phones 18 & 81 P.O. Box 575 FOR SATISFACTION Try MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents . Quality Groceries Reliable Service Opposite Canadian Legion Whifflets From The Waterfront Steamer North Sea arrived In port about midnight bringing two cars of frozen fish and a car of mild cured for transshipment east, She was southbound from Ketchikan to Seattle. The salvage boat Fearless, of the Armour Salvace Co. which was sent to Ketchikan a week ago to help In the salvaging of the steamer Chatham, Is expected to return to port today, bringing back the pump which was sent fro'ra here and for which the Ketchikan people sent a wireless message. SO.ME PICKER, Ell? BELLEVILLE, Ont.. Sept. 13: CP Gerald Spencer Is ready to challenge any and all tomato pickers. He established what many here considered must be close te a record the other day by picking 120 bushels In nine hours. A REAL PIONEER BALLINAFAD, Ont., Sept. 13: (CP) Celebrating her 100th birthday here, Mrs. Agnes Young membcred the rebellion of 1837 and said her father had MUt; sympainy lor the rebels. She helped her husband clear the land fci a farm. BULL GOT WORST OF IT LISTOWEL Ont., Sept. 13: (CP) Driving along the highway In his car Gordon Knoblauch met a bull wno j10, lowered 'ow"ed ' Its head head and tt"d crash Leicester City. 2; Birmingham. 1. lu "io me auiomobile. The car was damaged and the bull had to be killed. THE THRIFT Cash & Carry 1-Day Sale of Terrace Produce Carrots, Beets Large En bunches. 2 for Cauliflower Snow- OP-white. 2 for Potatoes Terrace, OQ new. 10 lbs. ut Lettuce Large heads EXTRA SPECIAL Duchess Apples Wonderful cookers nice eating. 24 T""" $1.09 This produce arrives fresh on every train from Hamlin it Thomson Terrace Pineapple Juice Doles No, 1 8-oz. tins. OCTrt 3 for OC Fancy Biscuits Molrs cello pkts. 16 varieties. Each DC n Lobster Eagle Brand. 4Qn 'Vs. Each XSfl; Paragon Tissue Large J rolls. I C Soda Biscuits Red n Arrow, Large packet Graham Wafers Red Arrow Made with honey. 4n' Packet IOC PEACH SPECIAL Liberia or J. H. naie Free. stone Varieties nn Crate UUC At their best for Canning Large baskets ZJC Salad Dressing QlA 16-oz. bottle flC Miracle Whip CO. 32-oz. bottle DOC Corn Starch-cahada. 4 A Packet 1UC Buttcr-Nu-Thrlft first 3 ibs.' 83c Fruit Juice Special Pineapple Juice, Grapefruit Ju ce, OranSe Juice, Prune Juicc-12-oz. tins. 4 Each J.4C By the dozen or cj-f off assorted $liuv l'hone 179 We Deliver f a t?Vt I 2Shows. 7:00 n?. ! - n YOUNG In "Four Men AMJ A n rtnu n rrayen With Richard Greene, Datid J Smith (At7:lUnd7 ADDED Edgar Kennrdr in "YEARS Of EXPERirw "BONE BENDER'S PAE.lDf I HUKLD NEWS J. H. BULGER Optometrist vvuuu Arrivini Smi Direct from Holland -OrfJ Yours Now From WW. GAIR, Florist NEW ROWL HOTEL J. ZarelL Propntot -A IIOMK AWAI ROM noMr Ute 11.11 1 Prince Rupert, BB. 1 un uj r.ll. MIDI THE SEAL QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeyi 11 PINK SEAL Finest Pink Sajmon ' t i Picked by th faalj w!a Jeie yeju romd, ptyroD.H i , I Knpce Knjprrt HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580