out oF » ¥* topay? Nows’ Want Ad. Way. : Th: NO. 8 ND-UP OF FOL. Il, I —— NEXT MAILS For South Prince Rupert....... Friday 8 a.m, "TION ti Fan TONIGHT | PRICE FIVE CENTS IG FIRE AT —_|BIG TUNNELS INDIAN HEAD | TOMORROW’S ELECTION Nu mber of Aldermen n Required for Each Ward—Two Trustees. NEARLY READY *"“""™" \l tomorrow s election the eiti- Ize ns are asked to elect one mayor inion Government Experi-/One at Kitselas is Ready for the| for the whole city, three alder- ental Farm Destroyed— Rails—One at Mile 44 Will Be|men for Ward 4, and five. alder- 75,000 Damage Alone to Town Ready iri Two Weeks Says Mr. men for Ward 2, also two school pf Macleod, Alberta. McDougall. trustees, This is a little item of - - _—— imformation which is asked for (Special to Daily News.) Mr. Archie MeDougall, of the|here and there, though apparent- Vinnipeg, Jan. 10,—-News has] firm of Rankin & McDougall, Gon|ly so simple as to be almost over- ched here that the Dominion] tractors, was in town this morn-| looked. ernment’s experimental farm]|ing, and stated that the big tun- ———___—__— Indian Head was destroyed by]nel at Mile 44, which his firm Pantcrium Pioneer Cleaners. nember Alderman Newton's| This Morning it-Was the London | rally in the Empress Theatre Fur Store that Suffered “inesday night. Moy pic IPs. music ete. >t (Canadian Press Despatch.) : Vancouver, Jan. 10 The gang} N INTERESTING PICTURE f Saeet? ope Sea a eet r this morning robbed the Lon ce Rupert News in Place of |/o Pur Siore on Lana ea onor at London Exhibition. if goods to the value of $900. ini aaa R. Clougher of the G. H. Munro for Ward 2. His} izher Syndicate has forward- | °Xperience will be valuable and he . s an old-timer here, 2t News a photograph of fo The REMIER INTIMATES THAT RAILWAY POLICY IS COMING ILL PROBABLY GO TO THE COUNTRY ON 7us GunaTeN OF GIVING PROVINCIAL AID FOR THE PEA : | RAILWAY—WILL HELP VANCOUVE TYPHOID AT ASHCROFT {0,—Important is believed to ictoria, Jan, Way legislation to a state McBride from Epidemic Is Reported to Have Eiroken Out There. on tap, according it today by Premier ’ hearing a deputation lower mainland urging upon Government the up Press Despatch.) (Canadian Victoria, (An epidemic need of suf Jan this morning. All the barns,|have been blasting out, is nearly | Ridings and machinery is in completed, He says that within two weeks if will be ready for fire spread to the stores|laying rails. This tunnel is at buildings on Main street, | the scene of the big snowslide ‘od, $75,000 damage being last year, and will protect the tra- | jffie from danger and obstruction - jat this point. telegraphic despatch has rhe big tunnel at Kitselas is all ntly suffered in transit mplete now, and work at lay- ably two fires are referred|ing rails is probably going on Macleod is in Alberta: Indian ow, Mr. McDougall informed a is in Saskatchewan. It is|News representative When the emely likely that the flames] ra through, another big fhe experimental farm at ection of the road will then be n Head could set fire to the nked up ‘ in the town of Macleod or. VANCOUVER ROBBERIES Phone 4. WILDEST GALE EVER TERRIBLE FIRE IN NEW YORK Equitable Building Goes Up in Dead—Money Loss Is Way Up in the Millions. (Canadian Press Despatch.) New York, Jan. 10.—A terrible fire broke out bere last night, in which the Equitable Life building was destroyed, with much sur- rounding property. It is known that six persons have perished and the death roll may be greater vet. | Harbor of St. John, N.B., Damag-| 7), property loss is placed at | ed by Great Gale jfrom six to fifteen million dol- (Canadian Press Despatch.) jlars. The fate of hundreds of St. John, NB. Jan. 10—The| Millions of securities ine th 1d - ivaults is unknown. The ruins wildest gale since 1863 is raging | so atin susie here today. The wind has a velo-|2'° SU!) burning city of from 70 to 83 miles and} Tae ee: at damage is being done. The | Remember Alderman Newton's ew breakwater dipper in the har | final rally in the Empress Theatre bor has shifted and it is expect- | Wednesday night. Moving pic- jed it will be washed away. jtures, music ete. 2t Flames and Six Persons Are| ARRESTED FOR MURDER Billy Swallow, an Indian Charged With Double Crime Press Despatch.) Victoria, Jan, 10.—The Provin- cial police here have been noti- fied of the arrest at Salmon Arm j}of an Indian named Billy Swal- low, who has been taken to Ver- non on a charge of murder. His supposed victims are two other Indians, Pierre Jack and_ his younger brother, (Canadian Choicest liquors and cigars— Savoy. coLp AT THE SOO Terrible Blizzard Strikes Town— Man Killed in the Storm Canadian Press Despatch.) Sault Ste. Marie, Jan. 10—This city is in the throes of a terrible blizzard. Two feet of snow have {fallen in the last twelve hours nd the temperature is 5 below. One man was lost going home, The at a stand still. run into by a rig and killed. street cars are COUNCIL RENDERED AN ACCOUNT At Public Meeting in the Ennis: Theatre They Faced the Public and Told What They Had Accomplished During the Year - IT WAS A REAL LOVE-FEAST ar the immediate building ol typhoid Is reported to have he Peace River railway to tap oe , and | broken oul in the vicinity 0 resources of that district and) brok we es ig trade to the coast cities. leroft The Provincial ¢ ae s 44 Af 1 ‘he Premier, who was much are making an investiga rested in the claims se! forth Diphtheria 1s also rep eed to be the delegation, stated that the prevalent in various SARE of| way policy of the Goyernme nt, the Okanagan valley ich it is assumed will provide the desired connection, will so dasoniiant | announced to the country dut i progressive s Aniin or a got = the next few weeks. at eee ihe atthlen ee ake Att le : : ’ ms > ahr J. H. Hilditeh for mayor b erihan Bulloek Webster, | vole me At | and be sale, Al rd 2 ALAS! ALAS! ALAS! , Bera stand at oY wats Sale of Hovsstietd Gdods. IMijioé Made a Lengthy Piateacat! in Review of the City’s Affairs—-Discreet Sil- mn! *xhibition in ondon P a ey ‘Cloughet are the exclus On Friday afternoon at 2:30! @enee Was Maintained on Several Matters—Ald. Newton Says That the Council Kuropean representatives for] Mr. Frank A. pi vat aa i. Will go Down in History for Its Settlement of the G.T.P. Assessment rading ewspapers n Can auction sale of completes GUSUe ’ 3 PERCE HOW FOE MO| fhold furnishings in the house at Before a large audience of citi-|dled on the Engineer's depart-|to the hydro-electric system by cupying a prominent posi lihe corner of Sixth ue and the Empress Theatre last ine ne a poe? it was wares ape aoe oe Rae Atl chen nd is | | tol street Everybody in- ; - i ’ a | Hot Hable, 1@ defense was en-| water supply or 1e@ Clly, 1e on. the handsome stand | eal d 2t gh Mayor Manson and th corsed by the generous, applause| proposition was to give 835 ‘ PI f The Daily News It is the | mbers of the Gouncil of 19144 of the audience horsepower to produce electric dé opy of September | e an acco. 0 eir steward- ‘ s : pre a ete ay py sor | 7 Vote for §S. D. Macdonald, gay ae int oF th ee WarOS The Mayor’s Address. light and power for the city. This ant e Ck lres ¢ ship Ve meeting yartook oOo ssheme a 16 E ‘ ‘ nd Duncan Ross can be|Labor candidate for school trus-| | tnt f love faaat hie Three important questions had ch me the Couneil had well inc nee Sbened wii ae ve have been to be dealt with by the Council of |St#rted. In spite of difficulties discerned. : who all year have been in} '® 08 Nem : rhb and drawbacks, things were shap- rs, Glougher have done a} ; ti state of constant war with one | 1914, said Mayor Manson. These ing hadeen RE the ilent: peoans 11 to establish reciproca Marine Department Supplies. tt smbined to express their|were the G, T. P. assessment, the| 9° | : Bee ts Pe » . 'wenty crates of supplies for; @obser & Bee hydro-electric undertaking and|Plant which would more than vena, Vaana: 600 S06: | he Marine Department construc-|™utual admiration of each other Pet ce ae hia ie} ey vag | pay, and with the additional units d their stall at the ex-j| ‘%! Marini ys ae van ad (RR f the Mayor in particular. the selling of the city debentures. ahis thé HoAKASlectiié plan ion is replete with the grains, | Works Ws RAPE AM elaimed that the Couneil had|The Mayor maintained that on} iA rain iaho et chandsome cron I : I i by the Henriette last . 4 het si] had | YOu! furnish a hanc me profit s and hunting trophies of i 1 eRe faccomplished a great deal of}the . me a a ase a \As well as cheaper light. Dominion, ent lwork, ind congratulated each|kept absolute aith wi 1 1e | Morse w - Good Government. lother and the citizens generally|People and had submitted the Th mee ore re sahasih ne administration ’ ae " : ‘ : » aitizans Tho | e Mayo é eres 3 asis Nie: Pipi eo oD: Macdonald, | Safe and sal Sane re a : the G. 'T. P. settlement, Alder-| Settlement to the citizens. The lon “the: tnportatios of 4th water Bor candidate for school trus-|°! C!vic aliairs Is ces! *“lman Newton going so far as to}agreement meant that the G, T. supply of the city and referred to 1A vote for J. H. Hilditch for : . pita P, should pay $15,000 per year , , | say that .the Council of 41944 De : |the proposal to provide additional |mayor assures sound, progress ould go down in history for its|taxes, and lands had been secured} | A Law iain is ois Ries Cite avait HERE FOR BURIAL jive government ' : in settling the G. 'T. P, mat-|]in fee simple which enabled the carrying out, The ai enc ais sply mick Alden ind in starting the hydro-|¢ily to finda alte te hy city BRN Ht ald leat an oe eine die geal e body o e young Japal i n re, j oice: WW. atl st ys wi he body of the youn ed Hydonuile m | he I 10 WOLTER, yO Wy "9 Gi wey p and was of quality equal to that r. Yano, who was killed in a] \ big hydraulic plant has ar-| \ feature of the meeting was | take all the taxes from the Grand it present used by the eity, When ace ‘ anson Bi ‘1d by the Henriette for A. St pees bel te 9" aie. " : 7 9 mill accident at Swan n Bay | vi i by the H i Ne ede “lig {the strong and convinotie defense iunk ) —e ee [ihe This IACMR EKiRees cating Pridagioalpaee oer e:1O08? ‘nl Anis? OF Ee ante “and|of the Gity Engineer's depart- | rhe Mayors Wa. AQ0% Alb Wa was graded and the pipe from Sl ie Sie { ain basin: ompany ewto ant reas | } : ( | Princess Beatrice. It i lining ¢ pa Newtown, an by Alderman Hilditch. The]could get froma them. I don't] Moran Cite Sate: Sito nibh: dt the ee Mr. E, L. Fisher, who be shipped up river shortly. . lthink my friend at the back could | r PORK #804 ae Uet : sm o a eof tens | us | Alderman showed that the bepond ia ad }water question would be settled probably. ArransetOr. 'nver~ | n the Engineer's department, | "ve Sh OA |for a year at least, The Acropolis bt i nthe new cemetery. | Notice to Contractors. Ln ade earlier in the year showed) scueatiiectits System. | " ; iy - —- lenders will be Seater ion al denees of bias, and sad-| Proceeding, the Mayor went on Continued on Page 4. ae for T. J. Davidson fo! fe turday aroun y . ? wal at aoe . Ol trustee, He has many ee ction of 7 ea tor} s s’ experience in school board] N, Se hunm lh, Aes” f p w.| | He stands for eficiency | tes alions et vie office ¢ 2 ‘| Potter, architect. ‘ progress, et |" r,:.-@ NEW BEACON IS MUCH WANTED Launch Owners Running To and From Prince Rupert and Vicin- ity Point Out the Need of a Light onFairview Point. To bring a launch over from Digby Island on evén as starry and clear a night as last night is to appreciate very thoroughly the assertion by launch owners in Rupert that a beacon light is badly needed on Fairview Point. The coast line of Kaien Island viewed from the harbor entrance at night merges very closely into the dark mass of the hills behind, and only the long experienced can pick out the line of Fairview Point.. From the low wheel of a gasoline boat no lights can be seen in the city to guide close steering, and the light on the help of a small point would mean a saving of several minutes and much eye straining on dark nights. CONSERVATIVES TO MEET Mr. Manson will Have a Little Conference with Them Friday. of the Conserva- Rupert, who make A gathering tives of Prince up the Conservative Association, will be held on Friday night in the MeIntyre Hall, The occasion will be taken to have a conference between the members of the party and Mr. Manson before he goes down to take part in the Legisla- ture session al Victoria. Remember Alderman Newton's final rally in the Empress Theatre Wednesday night. Moving pic- tures, music ete. 2t TO KEEP DOWN THE BUSH FIRES Minister of Lande i. Bring ina Special Measure to Protect the Forest at the Coming Legisla- tive Session. Canadian Press Despatch.) Victoria, 40,—A Jan measure to be known as the Bush Fire and Forest Conservation Bill is to be brought down by Hon, W. R. Ross coming session, It is upon the conelusions and recommendations of the Forestry Commission of 1910, and embod- British Dominions and United ie sthe best suggestions and fea- tures in similar legislation in the States during the based Voters: Attention. For a good, progressive admin- istration of the affairs of the city Canadian Press Despatch.) Victoria, Jan, 10—Arrests have at New York and Los connection with the recent of the Bank Montreal at New Westminster, when a sum of $274,000 was sto- been made Angeles in robbery of len, The robbery took place on Sept. 1st. This morning, Attorney-Gen- eral Bowser telegraphed to the British Consul at New York ask- ing to institute extradition pro- ceedings against John MeNama- ra, alias Australian Mac, who | }was arrested by Pinkerton detec- | lives. Similar steps are being ltaken to bri ing Dean, arrested at lLos Angeles, to New Westmin- | ster. vole for J. H, Hilditeh for mayor and be safe. 4t Most of them are voting for} Bullock-Webster. At VERY FINE HOT COFFEE DRINKS Refreshments Supplied This Cold Weather by Dennis Sonoris so Much in Demand That Dennis Got Fined $100. Dennis Sonoris, fined $100 and costs today for running a blind pig on First avenue, took a most ingenious method to evade the law. For long under surveillance by the police, his premises seemed innocent. Yet Chief Vickers knew that men were in the habit of soing there and getting liquor enough to intoxicate them. At last the truth was discovered, Sonoris sold not whisky in the regulation glasses, but cups of hot coffee into which the spirit was poured plentifully. To sell liquor in any shape without a license is an offense under the act, and Dennis was fined this morning, accordingly, on being found guilty. For practical running of the city’s affairs support G. H. Munro for Ward 2. 2t COUNCIL'S LITTLE LOVE FEAST Mayor Manson Entertained His Colleagues Last Night. After the “rendering of ac- count” by the members of the City Council tast night the whole platform party and the represen- laftives of the three newspapers were entertained to a light sup- per at the Grill on the invitation of the Mayor, Alderman Hildiich, Alderman Newton, Aldermen Douglas, Morrissey, Clayton, Kirkpatrick and Kerr partook of the hospitable spread at mid- night. All were merry and in the best of good humor. ‘The lion lay down with the lamb,’ so to speak, and Alderman Newton shared in good-humored conver- sation with Alderman Hilditch, Even the much abused press was given the glad hand. It was a regular love feast. Remember Alderman Newton's final rally in the Empress Theatre Wednesday night. Moving pic- tures, music ete. 2t “Shrimper Jack” Back. “Jim the Shrimper” returned last night by the Beatrice with a new outfit of nets and trawiing gear. He intends to develop actively the shrimp fishing in- dustry, which he pioneered in these waters. None knows s80 well as Jim where the lively shrimplet frisks in the channels and bays about Kaien Island. St. Andrew’ s Society. annual general meeting of Andrew's Society will be The ihe St. i} 1}: iday | o'clock. | | the Carpenter's Hall on evening, Jan. 12th, at 8 Business, election of of- ficers, etc, 3t 5. D. MACDONALD, Sec. held in TWO MEN ARE ARRESTED — FOR THE BIG BANK ROBBERY JOHN M’NAMARA IS CAUGHT IN NEW YORK AND CHAS. DEAN IN LOS ANGELES—DETECTIVES ARE AFTER A THIRD MAN AND BALANCE OF $27,000. After a Third Man Jan, 10-——With J. Me- Namara and Chas, Dean under charged with the robbery Bank of Montreal at New the detectives are directing their efforts to capture Albert Anderson, aileged to be third member of the gang and to recover $230,000 of loot not ac- counted for, Detectives here who have done most of the trailing place no cre- dence to the statements attribut- ed to Frank Helloway, under ar- Seattle, arrest, of the Westminster, rest at Chicago, that he partici- pated in the Westminster bank robbery. They investigated his story last October and found he had no connection with the ae wt RE ere BS 3