ee pan nets ee eI mes temenee ee PO LT ew ee: '] BIG FURNITURE STORE i THE DAILY NEWS. ANE i —- _ ————————e—eEe————————eeoo ee, ——O ——«—— $$ —____ : —= Pee et tne ae LP LAND LEASE NOTICE LAND PURCHAS} C} - the ground of their experience and progress during the past 1836 1911 en eee inde thea Duwi me : 4 ’ 2 | c istrict o Ons an, | “! 5 c ) ] he Daily News : year. Each are very much more valuable councillors than when | e Bank of OOeere neiee that we the undersigned, Geet Mahooten noe ot slar s t i *mié lay > Si 2 | Yhristian Garde and Wm. M. Johnston of Prince ance 0) . sy entered office a year ago. Of Alderman Clayton the same | Th Carleen are sconalia ing engineer and] ing student, intend to ap, The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. me) “ =o ; . He } ‘ined in nothing but bumptiousness | . Ruperts BC end 20 apply fof permission to] 10 Purchase’ the fobiowiny . - i a : Dp ye said. e has gained in . } ae cllow ing desc j land: ommencing at a pos Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited ere eae tal ex hildish | h North America 2! 'ter ieee te ee te ease of | oatt Ut ane fuer’ aber s ter f office, and the pitiful exhibition of childish | pes aD Station and approxim-| pre-emption ho. 3 mee during his term of office, I Station,G.7.P. Ry. Station and app b I DAILY AND WEEKLY > wee Tha “e the Zyee le ~ast of Prince Rupert, thence north] chains north, thence 94 i a . nf temper he showed on the plat form of the Empre ss Theatre on | ately 27 = sednae abet 0 chains, thence south 26] 40 chains south, following ‘ TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Centract rates + he alder if the A St British Bank, with | & chains, thence Ses to railway grade, thenss)shenre. 68. chains ccs: on application Monday night stamps him as unfit to be an alderman ¢ cis Th. hout the chains more or less following said] mencement; containing 5 : . Mar at : . rou 7 commana d co! r less, SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Dalxy, B0c city, just as his recent assault on an Empire repor ter ata public | ar ns = grade toy ae mmencement and ¢ aikae or les 6 ; . : ; in . ‘ce Com-! orld, 0 neres @ ‘RED CHRIST }ARDE per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All) meeting stamps him as unfit to hold the office of Police Com | Se eR OHNGON Dated Prince Rupert D Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly! Jissioner, for which he expressed an ambition. It would be} ar Date N Pub. Dec. 13 in advance. Ke 7 1p 9 Pub. Dee. 6, i sj 3s Dave nm at home on Thursday. Ske ‘ District—District of Queen] Skeena Land District—; HEAD OFFICE & kindness to leave hit * ‘ . Foreign Drafts nates “ harlotte Islands Range tle ® 13 : : f 3 4 ¥ fake notice that Arthur Tremaine, of Take notiee that I, Al : Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, 8° G.” Telephone 98. < : ; ; rgely an untried. quantity, but : Col chien, Bt pation farmer, intends| of Prince Rupert, f t BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES The other candidates are largely ¢ I pus Aesiahd | Agents in Canada for the Colo | 4 ty tor permission to lease the fol- intend shu apy, {0 peri 5 7 o : pveral ho should possess fitness for 4 d West | lowing described lands; ihe followihe described 4 : ’ among them there are several whe | nial Bank, London an e t ost planted at the Commencing at a | New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 2 S i , ‘ stay | , nats commencing at @ pol Seite ) so est corner of a " pap eau, 219 East 26rd St, New York City. the Council Board. This is true of Mr. John Dybhavn, who, in| Indies. We have special facilities south nee eat being elgniy . nebo “lite: rake ‘ive (98), Chaim EATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. ae . . 1. s Sce avié frie RS ee : 3 dane Or injers thence west Torey, enain , thence | chains east of the portt = addition to having the respect of his Scandinavian frie or IS | for handling business with Great set Inlet then e west Cory ee perin| saete Range. 5, Boris . iD— i ildi a “3 ‘ ( s j t ry his ae : Lom Oe ioe ence SoU chains to the] isiand, thence following wae on Sear ns Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar very favorably known as a man ol ound judgment ae * Britain and foreign countries. polls ‘or 7 ome ne Kent coubainine three a op riteasterly direct . . .3 i : . ac , as als ad expermence as a member > ¥ . eres (320), More cr} (20) chains w the north g itl jo én ty ; business associates. He has also had experience as a me Drafts on France, Germany, | hundred and twenty acres (320), mo (80) “chains the port UBSCRIBERS will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of of the Council of the city of Bergen. Afri Aentraiia, NEw ARTHUR TREMAINE, the shore ffne about noa-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. T! th , 1 G. Hi Mouse BBhockiey and South rica, us 7 a, ae 5, gous Young, Agent, to the Point of con mi ; oi a ree other candidates—G. H. } ae a aland, India, China, Japan an eee en! ore of less ei : ms i ae Herbert Dagnali—are experienced contractors, and favorably ech Indies bought tind sold gkaaercsape cu vs “ oe, (ABRAHAM 7 % z g and District—District of Queen Dated Dec. 6th, 1911 DalLy Epition. we Rhine WEDNESDAY, JAN. 10 known in the city. Their special training should fit them to pass ee a nariotte Islands, j f eee a " . 5 " ce r J ed McGregor, 0 Fores ett good judgment upon the various public works whieh the city) Primee Rupert Braach— vicutie eo, cemoration: broker, fatends Skeena Land District—D , . 0 ily for pe Ssion k ease te fOl- Angu: . j HOW SHALL WE VOTE TOMORROW? has in hand for the forthcoming year of office. F. S. LONG, Manager. Oe a ectided imnds i " 5 Vert ee ce e ‘ siiaiis . o one at a post plante about)» yply for on to pur : Mr. Bullock-Webster is a good type of man, and should : chresauarters at a mille soulnwest from moi " : 11-7 AY : : » sup- e 80 est corner of L 548, Masse “in . . Tomorrow from early morning till 7 o'clock in the evening! develop into a very satisfectory alderman. He should be sup inet Dane’. eanes that _chains, , tener ‘inti ations fey! R >j aken ¢ > ice C oH , . lord § 80 0 * north boundary o 2 S7,it ib puth f the b I : a poll will be taken at the Police Court to decide who shall be the ported with a strong yote in Ward 2. h h . south 10 the north boundary of inore of two miles south trom the sixt ms next Mayor and Board of Aldermen for the city of Prince Rupert. In Ward 4 Mr. W. T. Robinson would make a good colleague |] -Chure Services ye ee eee each: tnetice eiung Deuces tol theese Se teaiae cen’ the eas It is a task that none should shirk, for the privilege of expressing|to send in with Aidermen Kerr and Morrissey. Mr. Robinson |f WWW pored and tery acres (400), a Claiea ure eos » esmee ie mi i ‘ 3 os , bites Hina). ; istra- CHURCH sal , y " ANGUS JAM ul an opinion by way of popular ballot and of choosing our civic] js a business man who is out for clean, non-political administra rn accaenraaes aaa - ao less. ALFREDORBOOKs Dated Bepts 88, 1601. I “LE rulers is among the most dearly bought privileges we possess.|tion and has the makings of a good alderman. Empress Thestre, 11 a.m, and nied teaw- abe dain’ Young, Agent. | Pub, Nov, 2. . ‘ . ae ; a p.m. Sun choo! ated I ° é ’ It is also of importance if the civic welfare is to be considered. . " * 7 . Bible Ciase at 2.90 p.m. Pub. Dec. 15, 1911. Skeena Land Distriet— District a . * * * * * A good deal of the importance is taken from the election by the fact that the Provincial Government reserves to itself the right to control the license and police administration. It permits the Mayor to be the ex-officio chairman of both boards, but it takes good care to see that he is accompanied into office by two commissioners of its own appointing. There is nodaw to compel the Provincial Government to make political appointments, but if always happens that the present Provincial Government does make political appointments, and both boards are pretty well manipulated in the interests of the government in power. Alderman Newton, whose election is very probable, has an- nounced that he expects to have the nominating of one commis- sioner on each board to help him secure a cleaning up. In this the trusting Alderman will find himself doomed to disappoint- ment. * * * * . * Who is the best man to vote in for Mayor? There are many among the business people who are asking this question. The News confesses that it finds it hard to become enthusiastic over either candidate. Of the two Alderman Hilditch is easily the abler man. He has been virtually Mayor of the city during the last year, Mr. Manson having done little else but spend his time in taking care of his own endangered prestige Provincial Member. But Aiderman Hilditch has lost the confidence of a large section of the public, He, like the Mayor, has played politics too much while in office. No one at all conversant with municipal affairs thinks for one moment that any member of the Council: has made a cent by any direct or indirect graft. But Alderman Hilditch has showed a disposition to grant municipal favors to those classes among which he private business, and to discriminate against those who were not actively supporting him. This has been much resented. The good work Alderman Hilditch has done chairman of the Board of Works would entitle him to strong su,. ort if it were proposed to elect him to a well-paid commissionership of public works, where he would be away from political influences. It is doubtful whether his acknowledged abilities, however, are sufli- cient to in publie esteem and confidence for the office of Mayor. . * * * * . as does re-establish him In regard to Alderman Newton, if his past career in the Council is a just criterion, those of his followers who expect that his term of office will be marked by progress or initiative will probably be doomed to disappointment. Though with exceptional ability as a propagandist and as a mouthpiece of insurgency, Alderman Newton’s career has always showed a lack of initiative and executive force. His knowledge of civic economics is also a minus quantity. On the other hand, he has won the confidence of a large number of people by his evident sincerity, and he has showed himself to be teachable. With a Council in harmony with him it is quite possible that he may exhibit a capacity for doing real work that has been denied him while in opposition. But in casting the balance of favor in Alderman Newton’s way The News reminds its readers that they are backing him on his good faith, and not for anything he has accomplished. Of the retiring aldermen there are only Alderman Morrissey, Alderman Douglas, Alderman Kerr and Alderman Clayton seeking re-election. Of these the first three are worthy of support on To send your New Year’s present now. Why? Because we have a few exceptionally cheap bargains left. The East is a long way and you afe flourishing in Rupert and was’ too busy to worry. Don’t hesitate, but come today where Far Eastern and Oriental goods will be sacrificed at Eastern prices. )z Second Ave. and Sixth St. Phone 62. Entrance on Second Avenue. Read The Daily News As Alderman For Ward Two The school trustees are all such a good looking lot that any| voter is quite safe in marking his ballot in the dark for any two of them. —_—X—X—X—KXX—_—_—_ VANCOUVER LAND SALE ——— = or Sale Comfortable 4-foom coitage with bathroom, toilet, pantry and Government to Sell 1590 Acres in Lots Near City. | (Special to Daily News. REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MCINTYRE HALL, 3RD AVE., NEAR 6TH ST. Services every Sunday at ll a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School 2.30 p.m. Baraca Bible Class 2.10 p.m. REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH BETWEEN CENTRE 8T. AND 2nd AVE. Services every Sunday at 11 am. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. REV. C. R. SING, B.D. Pasror Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands. 2 Take notice that Maleolm Wright Young, of Saanich, B. C., occupation tarmer, ip tends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner, being about one mile east of the northwest corner of Lot 1551, thence north to the seuth boundary of Lot 1550, thence west to the east bouuasary of Lot 1550, thence south along the said boundary to the southeast corner of said Lot 1550, thence west along said boun dary to the east boundary of Lot 1549, thence south along the said boundary to the north boundary of Lot 1552, thence east to the northeast corner of Lot 1552 thence north to the northwest corner of Lot 1551, thence east to the point of com- Victoria, Jan. 9.—The Minister |¢ellar. Price, including’ furni- ( a, Jan. 9.— wait lture. $3 le deposit, $800. of Works today announced the} eis ms ee G phe ae ada intention of the Government to} This cottage is only ¢ {McBride street on Ninth avenue, put 1450 acres of land adjacent to} McBride street ¢ ; Sec 6. Vancouver, in‘the vicinity of the |5*¢tion 6 The One Best Buy Country Club at Jericho, on sale by auction in the near future in Another Good Buy lots. } Lot 341, Block 29, Section 6, with a wi | 3-room house, Price $1,260. Good Government. | Cash deposit $600. Sate and sane administration telltale EE incall of civic affairs is desired by all. | A vote for J. H. Hilditch wor GR. NADEN COMP mayor assures sound, progress- | hae ive government. 4 simited. e i Es i Second Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C From a Dorsetshire Woman's | === gravestone: She far below this tomb doth rest; She joined the army of the blest. The Lord hath taken her to the sky. The saints rejoice—and so do I, | MADE AND OCS, .terairen JOHN CURRIE SECOND AVENUE od ° PRINCZ RUPERT SECTION : ONE Lots 27 and 28, Block 30, corner 8rd Ave. and 8th St. Price $20,000 0. M. Helgerson, Ltd. Real Estate and Rentals Offices: Helgerson Block mencement, containing six hundred (600) acres, more or less. ail MALCOLM WRIGHT YOUNG Young, Agent, Dated Nov. 16, Pub, Dec, 15, 19 Land District of Queen Skeena District lands: mencement; Pub. Nov. 1 skeena Take n¢ Nanaimo, to apply iolowing Commer southeast 10 chains forth 40 point of acres, Wo Date Ni Pub Charlotte Islands. Take notice that William Moore, of Saanich, B. C., occupation farmer, intends to apply for permission to lease the fol lowing described lands Commencing @t a post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 1548, Masset In let, thence east one hundred chains, thence south sixty-four chains, thence west to the beach, thence along beach to point of commencement, containing six bundred and forty (640) acres, more or less, WILLIAM MOOKE George Young, Agent, 14, 1011. 15, 10141, Nov. Dec. Dated Pub. LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 ‘Take notice that LeKoy F. Grant of Priace Rupert, E. C, occupation civil enginee:, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 3 1-2 miles in @ northerly directivm from the northeast corner Will You Kindly Give Your Vote and Influence to F. M. Lannic Your Ballot Marked in this Way F. M. CANNIC =X Alderman For Ward Two Georgetown Sawmill Co. Ltd. Lumber © and 4 Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice, Our prices are as low as aay, Call on us before ordering. OFFICE; Cor Centre St. and First Ave | Will be a Vote in the interests of the Wage Worker. Will be a Vote in favor of the business man’s interest. Will be a Vote in favor of clean, non-politic Municipal Govern- ment. Will be a Vote in the best interest of all the people and for a better and greater Prince Rupert. Phone 125 Whites Portland Cement... G. C, ENIMERSON AGENT Naden Block Second Ave <== SSS SSS Sy THE IDEAL FURNISHING Corliss Coon Collars F. M. DAVIS AT DAVIS’ BOAT HOUSE General Machine Shop and Ship’s Carpentering. Also agents for Fair- banks-Morse and Knox Gasoline Engines, Gasoline Engines and Ac- cessories carried in stock. Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf SHOE 3rd & 7th . SOL \ Sl The Best And Get Ali the News | Seo SOT sete iP EURP au aide tina Fs eed Procurable. ‘Absolutely pure | UNION $3, COMPANY OF 8.6, Lt The new steel Passenger Steamer “Camosun” leaves Prince Rupert every Sunday at 6 p.m. for Vancouver, arriving Tuesday morning, For Stewart City on arrival from Vancouver Friday night. Northbound, leaves Vancou- ver Wednesdays at 9 p.m, Steerage Fare - The ‘‘Camosun ”’ is the only steame | on the run having water-tight bulk. | heads and double bottom, thus en suring safety of passengers in case of co ision or wreck, H. Rogers, Ticket Agent, $6.00 Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 post of Lot 1349, Range 6, Couzt District, thence east 30 chains, thence north 60 chains, thence west to bank of river, thence south following bank of river to point of commencement; con- taining 160 acres, more or less. Dated Sept. 9, 1911. LEROY F. GRANT Pub. Oct. 10, Gordon C. Emmerson, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar Take notice that Herbert McLennan of Van | couver, B, C., occupation real estate agent, intends to apply for permission to purchase the lollowing described lands: |} Commencing at a post planted at the con- | uence of Blackwater river with the Naas river | about two miles south of the sixth Dominion Telegraph cabin. Post marked H. M. N. E, Corner, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or leas. Dated Sept, 24, 1911 HERBERT McLENNAN Pub. Noy, 2 Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar Take notice that Thomas Arthur White of Van- couver, B, C., occupation carpenter, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the con- fluence of Blackwater river with Naas river, about | two miles south of the sixth Dominion Telegraph cabin, Post marked T, A. W. 8. E. Corner, thence 80 chaing north, thence 80 chains west, thence 50 chains south, thence 80 ehains east to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less. THOMAS ARTHUK WHITE Dated Sept. 23, 1911. Pub Nov, 2. Skeena Land District —District of Cassiar Take notice that Charles William Ham of Vancouver, B. C., occupation inspector, intends to apply for permiasion to purchase the following | deseribed lands; Commencing at a post planted at the con- fluence of Blackwater river with the Naas river about two miles south from the sixth Dominion Telegraph cabin. Post marked C. W. H. S. WwW. Corner, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains | west to point ot commencement, containing 640 acres more or less, CHARLES WILLIAM HAM Dated September 23, 1911. Pub, Noy, 2, Skeena Land District Distri¢t of Coast, Hange 5, | Take notice that 1, Louis Caleris, driver, } Of Victoria, B. C., intend to apply for per- j mission | | | | to purchase the following de- scribed lands Commenting at @ post planted: at’ the southeast corner of Lot 1729, thence south 80 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement, containing 320 acres, more or less, . LOUte CALERIS, red E, Cowell, Agent. Dated Oct. 31, 1914. eee Pub. Dec. 9, Skeena Land District—District of Casstar, Take notice that James Ewing Macra of Vancouver, occupation real estate agent, intends to apply for permission to pur- | chase the following described lands: | Commencing at @ post planted about ; seven miles distant and in an easterly direction from the Naas River, and about ) Cleht miles north of Alyansh Indian village, thence north eighty chains, thence east elghty chains, thence south eighty chains thence west eighty chains to point of commencement, JAMES EWING MACRAE. Dated Oct, 31, 1941,. 7 NUSer Agent. Pub. Dec, 14, Skeena Land District—pistrict of Cassiar. Take notice that Clarence Bowen, of Se- | attle, Wash., occupation woodsman, in tends to apply for bermission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted four }mules east of the Naas River and about five miles north of Alyansh, thence west elghty chains, thence south eighty chains, thence east eighty chains, thence north eighty chains to Relat of commencement, aL ARENCE BOWEN, . P. Rutter, nt, Dated Oct, 31, 10414, agen Pub, Dee, 14, Take notice that Benjamin Russel Rice of Prines Tapert, oC occupation waiter, intends » apply for permission to purchase the deseribed lands: v yering Commencing at a post planted 65 chains south rom the southeast corner of Lot 3060, Post marked B, R. RS, E. Corner, thence 76 chains west, thence 65 chains north, thenee 70 chains east, thence 65 chains south’ to point of ecorm- mencement, containing 455 acres more or less. BENJAMIN RUSSEL RICE Dated October 21, 1911, Pub. Nov. 2, skeena | | Take nh } driver, of } apply for vuwiig d Comme 80 hence W Hains, tb SU chalis Dated ¢ Pub skeena | lake bb of Victor VAD 4st irom thence chayis, thie 1a th talning Pub Skeena L Take m Wf Victor fiissiol Culiin north sid fom UM i Cullbiue inore of Dated ¢ Pub Skeena L Take f¢ gardener, scrived la Commet north hains about thie w-way ¢ uth 40 thence lt chains to taining 1¢ it Dated ( skeena Take nm Victoria, k lo apply following Comumet lo the south to point of aundred less. Dated Pub, be Take to apply following east along shure, then the point tore or ‘ € { Wash., Dated N Skeena La for , perms if and intake of back 80 from chains, point of acres, more Pub, files east ighty chai ighty Dated Oc Pub, Der Vated Uct. 11, 1911, Land souLnWesE ¢ taining 480 purchas buuudary nitimal branch of Dec, 9 permission back Pub, Dec, 9 Land and Nov, Skeena Land notice Saanich, B. Commencing hortheast corner of Lot 1650, th to the north boundary of Lot 1 Pub, Dee, Dated Oet, Dec, 9. ‘Take notice that Miss Mary ane ireland, occupation spinster, appl for permission to purchase tne | rina 1. District HKange tice that |, b. on for { descri icing corner of | , thence chains, then commencem re less DAG( Pre rv. 10th, iv Dec. @ and District hang otice that 1 Victoria, t periiis seribed land icing at @ then chains, est 40 cha ence west 4 to puibl of acres, mK Mev I free ivi jet. 37, Dec. 9 and siice that ft a, idbeud Ww © lin heing at a4 ria ou ence south 6 Fred and Kang jtice that i, a, B. L., to purchase scribed lands ata Williar DCE «© of Lreck, creek u thener heelent, less. ct MI Frec ivit Jct. 31, and District ang hotice that of Victoria, to purcha ids; cues ol ata Williar from tt y chains hitumat branch of Will the cha Posse 8 chains, rion 4uU point Uv acres, ™ SAMUEL Fred E ot, 31, 1041 District Charlotte ptice that Ell 3. U., occupa for pertiiss described ki icing @t a outheast corner of Lot hortheast corner of Lot t beach, Wet cotnmenceinn four (1 west mer of i of ¢ Commencing at a post planted of the southeast corner of Lot 40 chains, thence east 20 chain chains, thence west 20 cha containing eight Mi: Jobn © Dag ‘ ‘ fis, Coll re pO: it 1. District-—D Vau appiy 1ohow ig Poot 40d about suulheast ¢ chains U Cla ¥ oV Gains to poms of coma 180 sufes, Inore v1 PALI BE. Low Dated Oct, 31, 1011. Dec. ¥. District—Distr 4 e & Michas | intend tu 4 4 tue post | us jins, Lhenee e854 40 cha suv Chains, west 4u bal CHAS 1k. et se the post | us Ure 1 the U. i ‘ jams nee east ins, the! uumet wre or | BE Cowe Distri Islands eh Mariob ° tion spil ion Ww p nds: post pla 1552 we @lolk ent, conta Us) acre ELLEN MANION YU ueu 15, 1914 ce, 1b, 1014, District Charlotte » occupa permissi for described at the Ace of said be JOHN SCOTT Geor ay. 15, 15, 1011, District Kange nd sion lescribed lands; ‘ Commencing at @ post planted 4! one-half iniles nh Trout River the Wes sce > or less, that John following commencement, three hundred and sixty-one (50! less 1911 ree Younes District Islands Scott tion fart on to pu lands: @ post plant sundary t aloug th yo ree Young, A District 5. Take notice that 1, John Argirac! penter, of Victoria, B, C., intend | to purchase the [ ortheast on the W Of Lakelse Lake, and about tive waterfront, thence t 80 chains, horth 80 chains, thence east 80 cls commencement, conlainibe JOHN ARGIRACLI®S Fred 34, Skeena Land District Take notice that Frank Furey, of > occupation ipply for permission to purchase ¢ lowing deseribed lands; Commencing at a post planted al of the Naa ns, east t dag chains, west eighty f commencement, P H t. 341, 1011. » 14. chainman, E, Gowell, A¢ 1911. District of Ca intel he s River and seven miles north of Alyansh, thence chains chains to | "RANK FUREY P, Rutter, Age! el sant creck ae southeast x