THE DAILY NEWS. o Boraky PUBLIC) Vv. F. . GAMBLE CHAS. HUNTER’S amuel Harrison & Co, |, H™ SPEECH In Five Minutes He Said More W L. BARKER Architect 58. s THE COSY COR NER - 7 Second avenie and Third street Pri Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. nce DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN Rupert H. Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Lailey Paha nsaiipticahitalpraitilbicn scmnsncgs don hicvaah MUNRO & LAILEY Real Estate and Stock Brokers Than Some Speakers Said in Sits Chass Pillay ot 8 acs. fer ij This > a wie — tion of the paper N bich yom day to day will be devoted to Arenis »p pr ” ‘oof » “ ‘ Half an Hour—is a Labor “mM. TO on Jer = of special interest to women ny and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert rchitecta, APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED Worker. VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATELE a ene Se, gat ss aa. 9 _ o in its diseagsions. sug Stork Building, Second Avenue. *stions r cisms are ed by ihe editor, re hope is expressed that “The 5 R t d encima 7 8.8. PRINCE JOHN Cosy Corner’ will find a social need - nce Nuper - an - Stewart : i Every Wednesday at 1 p. m. for Stewart Given five; minutes to reply to} Also maintains weekly service to Queen | ————— ee es << ——— r Alderman MWilditeh on Monday. | GP4riotie Island points For particulars STUART & STEWART ; : “Y>|) Phone 260. AN INTERNATIONAL FAVORITE AN INTERNATIONAL ROAD ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS Charles Hunter undertook to Train Service to Van Aredol Law-Butler Building | Phone No. 280 . pes ome oes mars: — . rove that Alderman H te Minsk: week: Mave Prince hasesit 77. 2. cc ee a ee ee ; . aco a ee ee ahd atte the 45 Sea mar 7 ine Wednesdays and gaturdays tt Pp nn Deputation Asks for One to Be Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 ee eee ey omer Saud o- ate *| For all points East of Chicago travel vi rs A tna ree Pe ; workers. “Nobody gave it to us,’ | % (Grand Trunk” Railway ‘Syetomn (tnd E'uilt from B. C. to South. ————___—__—_____— —_____- ¢ 7 safety, speed and comfort - he ‘said... “"“We:Aook 214." ins cries ee inna ALFRED CARSS, C. V. BENNETT, B.A. sladie: J deta ‘ail PON apbIs ree ons and Vie tor ia, Jan. 10. A delega-| of British Columbia of B.C., Ontario, Sas- He told af the deputation of A. E. McMASTER tion from the lower mainland to-| %4 Manitoba Bars. beta Bere ren , oe tay ge 0 » Gover . ‘ workingmen to the City Hall, “in- GENERAL AGENT GRAND TRUNK tad were en mh anor re ees CARSS & BENNETT PACIFIG RY. CO jthe necessity of good roads BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc, cluding Fellow Worker Morse, Agency all Atlantic Steamship Lines throughout the province and | Office—Exchange block, corner Third avenue and especially the need of an inter- Bee sera . | national highway to the south and pone between the coast and Al- WM. S. HALL, L. D.8., 0D. D.8. jberta by way of Hope Mountain. DENTIST. cleectiniasitts. Mee XCrown and Bridge Work a Specialty. whom Alderman Clayton caller ‘a { t General ‘Merchandie - - “Largest Siok | conspirator. He was no con- spirator. We pay him wages to attend to the clerieal work of our . . organization and he has no voice Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. at all in our affairs. Alderman Hilditch and Patullo approached 8 sata ede oe rms ms re os es Ps ees us asking us to. wait until the I 5m ome arses ss secs sip rior — | Present contracts were finished. Nitin’ ala RAILWAY : 1 dental opera trea’ | Asa matter of cold fact no suc- local anuathets administered for the painiee x | ree traction of teeth. Consultation free. Offices e al Ee iness man in modern Helzerson Block. Prinee Rupert. fi-12 jtimes can be honest,—The Rey. R. J. Campbell. Alex.M.Mansoffp.a., W.E.Williams,B.a., L.L.D Some of them aren’t finished yet!| B.C, Coast service — Famous Pri cess | \ } Aside from that, however, Dr But’ we stayed with our demand Line Cc; : a i ar ; WILLIAMS & MANSON rave tand got the 45-cent rate for our- eeu Te business men Barristers, Solicitors, etc. aA : Box 285 . selves. Our quarrel was with the Princess May contractors, not the Council, and the one mistake made was when a few of our hot-headed lads lost -— Prince Rupert, B.( A Swiss newspaper has boldly announced that’ it will lead a P40. BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT Saturday, January 6th, at 9 a.m. For Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle “FROM HOME TO HOME." HOTEL ELYSIUM ing aie thé ethuon: rots Aik wit oe ; ass Onannis weenie pec baton ‘att itr aoctat: JOHN E. DAVEY ’ irito trouble pt Ralig's col. Aerts NSPS pe MME. DE NAON, ee. a awe ea Te on eee The Finest, Newest wadlun thet sath Hotel in Vancouver me, ‘why I ‘stand. for Alderman New Regence un, sao, - Wi se i. eee ea Newton is simply because 1 be- acae the Here GEORGE LEEK & CO. lieve he will give 1 | ton, is one of the most charming “ve he rive us a cles s0V- : ts m “ait ee and talented of the ladies of the jernment,” af Knox | diplomatic set, Her house at] | Washington is a centre of social | The property owners ask you Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Fire, Life and Accident Insurances 142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. Phone 8500. : 618 Srd Avenue Phone 208 and Green 252 to vote for Bullock-Webster. 4t} PRINCE RUPERT , ee a. meeting place for | Hotel the best in beauty, wit and power. —-- a e, j é o to Reid af ad Prince Rupert’s leading hotel—| In addition h r ther dis-| netions, Mme, de Naon is the A. M. BROWN HARNESS & SADDLERY MANUFACTURER Repairing a Specialty. Complete Stock Carried. Outside Orders Promptly Filled. 2nd Ave. between 10th and 11th Sts THE [IROQUOIS Savoy. |BESNER & BESNER, Proprretors| mother of five beautiful children. | | The New Knox Hotel is run on the European — ———~---~- — 4 4 . 4 | hen in Vancouver You Should Stay at the $) | plan ae class service. Ali the Latest Modern | | ; COUNTY COURT | Enprovensentee ens” BEDS ene OF Homo Hints. | 3 | |FIRST AVENUE. PRINCE RUPERT| T° Remove Machine Oil Stains | ; 4 4 PAPAS CARL I ON HO I EI ; ; Rub with a little butter or lard} | NEXT MONDAY and wash with warm water and} minest Cafeirn B.C. European Plan. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. >| | soap. F | Sonya Labor Benefit Society Hot and Cold Water in each room. 3) Noii68, K3.5.8, ~ a a i n wae is pe $| Disposition of Obnes to ooue) painful from long standing toueh CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS 3) Up for Hearing Before Judge! secinus held every in and tnt Sunday of he | With a little OT of peppermint | POOL Vancouver, B.C. $ Young Next Week in the County | month in the Carpenters’ Union Hall and sou " ee will be wonder- itnglioh eid: Assarinan ‘inshaha 2; Court. G. VUKOVICH, T. MAZLUM. fully ease¢ : é > SS Secretary P.O. Box 991 _ President Garbage pails should be emp- | Twelve Tables SECOND AVE tied daily, and then rinsed in cold seni Se nhs ice ll i ken | The County Court will sit on : ‘ | water. Once a week scald with Robinson, set for heariug on Jan- | east. It will improve the Tena of Him. aps5, eyes Monday, January 15 The fol-|@—@®—e—e—e—*# — @ -¢—*—e—-e-@ || ‘7 \¢ > Resse oe PPP PL eee e reese es os a s a ys : | 10t soda water and scrub weil, | Se NESE NEMENES SESE Bh oe alates a; EEE Se Sg She 2 EIR | lowing disposit ion of the cases ’ FRED. STORK } 4 then dr y in the sun. | Hotel Centra Con Pet Ase: ee 6j has been made: ° Varnished wallpaper will stand : ay ‘: European and American plan, steam “fe Sawle vs Arnott, adjourned till} If ~—General Hardware }washing, therefore, do not omit menses, saidern eyaverienees: Rates _— - | ‘ .00 to $2.50 per day. $ ve | Monday, January 15. to have every room papered in W | y; 3 . | i : “ Fo the The best NE we Atlin Construction Company veq Builders’ Hardware this way washed once a year at |His Grand- Dad Is Very Proud Peter Black Proprietor PPD PAL AIL LAL AIL LD AL OA Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves or « uary 15. | Mathieson et al. vs. Christianson, ~~ } Graniteware Tinware * awe . | ¢ [| 2) | | pearatice of the paper and make 4) 1 | the room sweeter. | Looks like a live Prince Rupert =—-EK, EBY @® Co== Y E AR present January 15. REAL ESTAarTs * is a year’s sub ft . Tl ehest Gn ti t and pin the|belong | ighbor, just * Tonson vs. Gamozzi, stands for IT . sheet on 1e carpet and pin 1e eiong oO your nelgnbor, jus é judgment. iL SECOND AVENUE ¢ ’ curtains out on this. If. very|around the corner. But he isn't, Kitsumkalum Land For Sale scription to Sean aes GC. P. R. Ry. vs. Stewart Trans- | *—-®—®—@—® — @-@—@—¢@—@—@—@ | Jarge fold in half before pinning|and doesn’t. He's the grandson KITSUMKALUM - R.C. yut. se sure to keep the curtains!of William Hohenzollern, better| ~—- pes.” = itd gS Do Not Iron Curtains—Lay a]youngster, doesn’t he? Might ec 2 ‘ 29 « s « fer Company, January 15. quite square, and do not pin them|known as Emperor of Germany, Poppadipulos vs. Duks, date té be set later. too tightly or they will not look | to whose throne the boy will sue- Chimney Sweeping and Fumace Cleaning In the case of Dorrel et al. vs. ell when hung. jeeed some day—if he lives and | Prepare for winter by getting your fnr- Bere ; This new naces and flues put in order by Monti for the assessment aedkin- the throne survives. ages judgment was given for the) Pat in Rand Block, corner Sixth Avenue Brazil and Peru have estab-|photograph has just arrived from C. H. CUTTING at Home . : . » 8160 ¢ nate ; llished a string of ‘eless sta- | Berlir ; ; S33 plaintiffs for $160 and costs. | and Fulton Street. lished a string of wirel 8 ta hae : ae ara Practical Chimney Sweep Address: Knox Hotel, or * eae gee ¥ | Also stores in same block. tions across South America, a G PHONE 71 oye Your vote for G, H, Munro will | Pwo cottages corer Second Avenue and | —_ ———_—_- ood Government. sys not be lost in the interests of your! Ninth Street. ‘TT to surpliced choir chanted the Safe and sane administration Hf Oy mn | FOR SALE | 7 6th psalm, “God Be Merciful,’ "1 of civie affairs is desired by all. i e ae ii ae: ‘ th a jas the bride and bridegroom ad-|A vote for J. H, Hilditch for E. L. FISHER 3 in, 8 a ATES OF 1e y. ed Ret ember Alderman Newton's Sea 0 e€ 3 ; y | Vi anced to the altar.—#dinburgh|mayor assures sound, progress- Funeral Director and Embalmer ie 33 | anal rally in the Empress Theatre FIRE INSURANCE | Scotsman, ive government, 4t CHARGES REASONABLE A} W ai edit iy night Moving pic- We represent some oi the largest Com-| —— — Sy = THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. . po : ” panies doing business in the City. | OPEN DAY AND NIGHT ’, x4 tt tt tt 9 Ph Nt 9) Fs Yt FF 8 wt C. D. RAND i TIARAS Second Ave. Phone 112 j An Honest Man for the =City Council=——— « Seer }tures, music ete. | | HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS Funeral Directors 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No, 86 It has all the news of the week’s progress in the city and district. It tells more about the place than 29 ~e we Prevention of Eye Trouble > , | - >| TO PRESS ON GQ, T. P. Important Meeting Held Between | President Hays and Premier. au PPV All Electors of Ward Two Desiring Good, Clean, Progres- sive City Government Are Asked to Give a Vote to Prevention is better than cure. It is cheaper, It is possible when cure is impossible. Eye owe : th i. trouble may pa Avoided by the iketg me: a Dail ans: ident PHONE 301 P.O. BOX 804 sly use oO ylasses, avertin | awa, * 8 you could write in a mon . owe Rn ee suttexints and nar Hays and Mr. Wainwright of the hn bhavn PONY EXPRESS ve manent impairment of sight. We G. T. P. had a conferénce with @) i SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE 2 are properly equipped to adjust Pramicr Borden. and Mr. Monk | Baggage, Storage and Forwarding Agents. For ss | | h q glasses and guarantee satisfac- ‘ Rigs or Motor Car day or night It will come regu ar y eac ys tion. ae Seventh A a Pulte: Phone 301 eps 000006 a r. eines asking he ee at He has had experience with municipal problems. sitaues)