Hoof time 1SQ CO Uy Flying ir.l llh to Mail rent 4 r k nck I'Une IMpt t . . 1ft CP Help ,m- ru.th of ChrlU- Emoir routes Is boat Mercury 1a m the trnn-, . runental hop In of From VEG (lives TROPICAL HEAT fiet a Ton Tomorrow I i no.ithampton she jlvc to three by ellralnatlon of the f back of the steward and the flight-clerk.'' A j. 1UST fA CHRI5TMA Forsythe Shirts Ttnlav's Christmas ift special! i this mar-vV; shirt value. Seldom are we aide to prcsiiit such" hVoutalamlinjj eitialit'r'ht such a low price. Visit us to sec the Xmany other fine men's wear gifts on display. Trices arc always reasonable. Fraser & Payne's 5 F i '.. Current, retail prices here,are a follows ' ivc? Presh Extras. Orade A i targe, cartoned, doz. .4' Pullets doz. .23 Oranges, doz. 25c to Mala and goes non-stop to Egypt. ' Jaianese' , bp ine return flights are made b..8at0UJn? easy eta lies, tafryint. lighter loadf.1 aatwhM, 'b- " . sibling Mercury to take off ob , r-mi or utW l. her own, Cranberries, lb, ... Alf. nr fitted Intn. urvlr tnl. Appl- hnnHU' Vi Im mtl. . t h aOltfiCtlWrK. DOX ' ...... -, "' -. . iTr..riit fnnj.li wmmrmI new imperial Airways 21-ion ny- lng boats. Cabot. Caribou and Con nemara. They are operating between Southampton and. KUutnu to Rome Beauties llutli-r Fancy, cartoned, lb. No Karachi on the South African and ft0- 1 mery, id. A"'nlla! routen. J tMtA This U the first time Mer?nM.lPure' lb in- ben flown In regular sehed-, Vejeiahit. uled air mall servlees. KTUrcury and'?- c r;tatoe' 10 lh .lh.r n.w rit,ln Krvt. r. nl WCt Potatoes. 3 JDS Uprlver carroto. C lbs, Panstoy, bunch, -.... D. CBeeU. 6 lbs 1 B.C. Hothouse Tomatoes lb California Lettuce, head W Green Cabbage. Ib vS Celery, head, 10c to fSl Veal Shoulder, lb Beef Steak, lb. 25c to ,3B3!aWi3WwW4 Kippers, lb j 1 Salmon sccona meni Ontario, mature, lb. r.it,.. IK -5UIWJH, iu. rioquefort, Ib. 2U squasn, id. .. . A Vegetable Marrow, lb. .03 Pympkln Spinach.' 3 lbs. jfe Uprlver Turnips. 8 lbs. Hay. Bulkley Valley Timothy $ 1P0 tb PH Wheat fS.Bran 'Middlings ..: r Shorts v2 OaU . . . Fine Oat Chops I i Barley Laying Ho.ri .. .1.. Turkey. Ih, ? 1.50 155 1.50 .:. 195 175 - . i 0 ....... 1J35 ,3c;.fltd 3 .... jo: . .25 ..-.5 .15 .15 C.N.R. Trams J5 Lamb. Leg. lb. JO Lamb Chops, lb .r 20 .15 15c. and 20 red spring, fresh, lb. ... .25 Mont Flour. 49"s, No. 1 hard wheat 1.85 jsjj Paltry nour. iu ids m Not' 'calllornlaAValnutalb. 20c. and 5 Walnuts, broken shelled .. .40 WitniiLs. shelled halves. lb. . .45 Carvinc Sets,-Iland Sleighs J ZT.Zr'. 1" ' it . . i r,. Pocket Knives ir vecans, ... -ft it ' Almonds - r f Safety Razors JS reanuu l.v ...... 2 lbs. 21 ...'. . .it.. Tnc ffdiwhit riM. lb .15! t-opptr .iiark Cooking Hgs. lb 10 "f . . 11- iv I a IS Mechanic's Tools Covered Roasters Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. i hone lot 235 TIUIUI au.w, " " I Bulkley Valley COAL TRdPICAL .A . Il.lIM nil 1 K.. 1LI.. w.-.ajv. w rj - Citron peel Prunes. 30-40. lb 12 1 Prunes. 40-50, lb 11 'Drtitiw fin. lb .09 nnicinv Aitctmllnn seedless, lb. . .14 lAprlcoU, lb. -25 t Apples, dried .18 j California Table Dates, ID ju Table HgS, lb .20 .White. l()0ilVi." : ... 6.C0 (Yellow. 100 lbs 5-50 Honey. ,'Etraclcd .Honey, per Jar 22c to 20 Comb Money ' ' ' V Chee Ontario solids,- new,f;lb. Edam. lb. '.25 .50 J5 , JJ5 ' For the East " Mondays. Wednesdays ahd Fridays 0 P-m- From the East . 'Tviesda js, Thursdays, and,, ,. .. Saturdays H P-J"- THE DAILY NEWS ThpMartpfQ!KING AND OUEEN SHARED "THQ'ONLY'INTHEITIINS Comintr Visit to Canada Recalls Their tflajWi Varied M 'Ham, first rad5 ib. . J5 J fy A I V n . I- . i..t J J 1. AC. iP..rk. shdulddr. lb,.... 3& Pork, loin. lb. (Pork. leg. lb. Pork, dry salt, lb. .Veal. loin. lb. - Beef. pot roast t.., -12 to to Halibut, lb. JO Activities in Country's Services JO htvp hen pureed back to health In IV "i-eat pile of Olamls Castle, 2 00 then a war hospital. Perhaps they 2-5 even were tended by the Queen to-m be herself. Thw?h then In their teens, both V IU. lrln vA kant anon, of- z ureamery. id 6 fnrtto .20 s .15 .05 .05 25 .07 mi eerwd Is ihed- camtng passengers. Their entire D- - n'on. bs 5 Ftancc . fu-fhts between pay-load Is devoted to mail arid ar,lc- Imported, per lb. MARKET rhone SS3 and JONES FAMILY MEAT MARKET rhone 957 Specials Per lb BEEF ROUND STEAK Per lb RUMP ROAST Per lb SIRLOIN TIP ROAST Per lb PRIME RIB ROLL Per lb POT ROAST Jer lb. BUFFALO STEAKS and ROASTS Per lb. PORK LEGS of PORK Per lb SHOULDER of PQRK iPerlb. LOIN of PORK Per lb AYRSHIRE BACON Per lb SUNNYBROOK BUTTER Per lb Phone 957 BULKLEY VALLEY L.MIB LEGS Of LAMB Per lb LOINS of LAMB Per lb SHOULD ERof LAMB i Per lb; 63 VEAL f'1 SHOULDER of VEAL M 4 lbs 21 ! r-TT T VT nt VPAT Per lb. LEGS of VEAL Per lb. J5W RUMP ROAST Of VEAL Per lbi 25c 25c 15c 50c 25c 20c 20c nntiori ctrntTi rTn nf vr.At. fit A imnn nnd Orange. Peel 5t ,u AiUi . . . and the loveliest pair of blua eyes I'd ever seen." . Memorable Dirthday One of the most memorable days of the Queen's life was surely her 14th birthday. The day falls on, 15c 15c 18c 18c 10c Extra Special 20c 2 . . . . i i - , 25c FKESH KILLED POULTRY ROAST CHICKENS 3 0 C 1 Cl 1U 22c 18c 5 c 1914 she sue was in ' 'August t ana ui aid their country. "The King , .,i,Mtir,w nriih a trin to TlrtfH atrtr find flnd- In thft Battle qf Jutjfjv!. untfllence wre arou$ed by news of the scrum uwi anc wy:' ! i-i Mwlaratlon mecjarauoji oi war ui ana in ine a r that u f 1 ..... 1017 forced him ashore. After ,,, ffM tvirp tt-nis pheerinsr. 23 he fnwUfl a-, a - nllot and 'rr''dlmiiifarv i uiiiicui J bands UllU) and the' tramp of W. Tl If 1 O ataff i.rr at tt Mann I ! H.M.AS. Maney. marching columns. . 1trlV(n Wlthtn n a niulr ueek ill fill IT flf the Onlv 14 when war broke ont r , Rtrathmore bavs Patrick, Jotiru irr i .an vj i:ii7irti.n tnwv.i.vfiii KiAhnAi Ann h'iraii ri wa n iti;iifii -07 brothers overseas and did what she could to aid the nursing staff at Olamls, the seat of btr" Barents, the Earl and Countess ol Strath -more. The grave little girl with the tuopv smile was a valuable aid to the hard-working nums nnd oc casionally a mired tho troops by playing the piano or harp. The account of one patient at the haraltak Sergt. Pcarnel ' of the Gordon Highlanders, records that the army, Olamls was undergoing Its metamorphosis and her elder sister, Lady Rose Bowes-Lyoir, was' training as a war nurse. ) It was not long before war took .. .... . M . i iaic ci.! IIS ion. in aepicmoct. eus was killed in action at Loos. Two years later Michael was re ported killed but actually naa oeen taken nrlsoner. He was held in one , of the worst of the German prison camps but that did not prevent mm ' from refusing a chance to be sent fker who was badly wounded For the King the war reached its. climax on that May day when the o-s of Hlpper's cruisers hov3 out of North Sea mists before Earl Jel- memento of Jutland In one of the ed-to' the-Royal Naval Air SeryieejJ; white eiulffiu -flown by the-Colter K,H recorded that on"theday . ,. .,,, . wa-i to take Ms final test a a wood A durln? the battle. He once ftnd: wmd wm blowingi made a humorous reference to the waJ rtrcn,iy advised not; to go1 cocbi episode when preparing art up iria But this suggestloti r 4nacRiinrii nom- .v..iH10 aoveai ip ini pnncewun make the'eoeoa " hfeald tohls fl; itiark; -J carf? nave lunari; and gflestVtewwr all about In O'er try nW na wenuuji ana : - H s ... parted wjtn iiyinx mwv , t R-Ton after Jutland. Uhuitn sent , suuoni,aMuij. mrauui,- the prince ashore.. and rollowM. x 'pr at Nancy, France, he steadily i . h. nr.rA 4. nrcaressed ua the ladder through , , i i r 1 flf ' ... . ... 1 , f 4 ....... .4 ...... ImiUp-. nnH fruit yqx many Canadians wno iougnt m ine ureai war ! of land aut; nw-ir me ran- viuau.. Orane fruit. California 5c and .in l" the the visit visit oi of the me Kin King anil anirvjiieen Queen next nexi spring spring Will win mean mean a lrservJjesUll . without ; a roral VT 7,in vnr nnmc "ZV!v . . lUmons, Doz. 30c to 40 rrMnillW rekindling of of mnmnrio, memories nf of their Hip,r nvprcpns overseas service snrvice 20 20 vears years recruit recruit and and the the prince prince was was attach- attach, captain captain before before peace peace came. came. " jA tee as they traverse the Dominion may have served, With 2Mi the King in the navy or in the Royal Naval Air Service. - ulcere, lnvaucea 10 uiiEniy, may BBBBBUMBBBBBBBmaBl il toy! -y-At MM U TimttMopltlMatchjSur Having graduated from the Royal .lgig Nival College at Dartmoum jusi :"fore the war, he had reached by then the post of second-ln-com- and of No. 1 turret on the batUe-hlp Colllngwood. Cited By Jetliroe In the brief engagement of the jrand Fleet the Colllngwood took in the cruiser Derfflinger and ought off some destroyers. The big shells made fountains around the ship. At a high point of the engagement the youthful prince as sent to make cocoa for the sweating gun crews. The Derfflln- aer scored hits unon the Colllng wood but herself was badly crip--led. After the battle Earl Jelllcoe cited Prince Albert for courage and roolness under fire. The King still has a cherished Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk ... VALENTIN DAIRY rOONl 57 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Kldg. VenetianBlinds Pioneer Brand PHIL LYONS rhone Green 885 1 roini No. 13 . (Swatlon No. 39 ; LVNIl ACT "r In' Range 4, Goost DiatxlQt. Land Recording Dlatrtot ot Pane Rupert and Slt.un.tfr en the WeA bonJt oX toe Ec-attUt Rive ixurty follca ffom Port Es-slnctnn. I tv 1 h.t rarbo WlllUm .... 1 n. vtuv.W. rvriiTVt ! nil ll vtvivtiaMjr. ..ih.'uiwi- - - j i Mining EngUveer. totenrti, to ppiy titonal Mineral Claim to the Westerly i Ka..w . - cwt.n mrM" t.iunr. Weftl-I erly and Northerly following said ban! Hntindarv rJ Rulnhlde No. 9 Mlnersl PlnJm- llmni R. 87 decrefea 45' W. - 18 1 v lUHii a . vanMkv e I chains following the said boundary to BOIL CIHCKENS OfJ th P01 01 ewrimMVnt and con- Per lb. I forces wiujam guernsey. , ' 1 na,td Novambar 6th. 1938 5 I permUBUsn to purchase the following ( Oomirwenclrat iu. post planted at wc 1 South-west corner of Lot1 3607 t tag Bulpbide No. 0 Mineral Clatai: tlience South 40 ialns: thence East 30 chains: thence 30 chains: thence. East '27 chains more or less to tlie West bound n nf air.hiri No. 7 Mineral Claim f tvirio TrA 2fifl4: 4Jvelvcc NortlwrlT IS A3Ci chains following the West boundarlea. QUAKER OATS HELPS MY CHILDREN! GROW BIG AND STRONG. IT'S I THEIR FAVOURITE BREAKFAST) AND IT'S SO ECONOMICAL vA . . - - 'fM It Is now known that Quaker Oats is rich in "THIAMIN" (Vitamin Bi) a necessity for Perfect Health. Quaker Oats it the richest thrifty ource of -ThUmln" (Vitamin Bi), the iul food element your body must replenish every daj In addition, Quaker Oatf contains health-promoting minerals proteins to help buUd muscles, and the carbohydrates that help give pep and energy Bcontmkat . . . each big breakfast costs less than lc. Give yor family delicious; nourishing Quaker Oats. Order a package from your. grocer today I no wish of the wounded men, ever to HoUand in favor of a brother of-1 cpo., m rw tv?'' TA'" ol;" a-mpr!'s:k1SS: sk! went ungratified. The wholefam Mly " he said, "tried in ivety nessible itLtv. trt- rmn f mm ViMr ;miMtJt i r v . . . fc UIVUIVIJ V. . H . w 11 j. lie remeraDr.s nuie uaiy bcth as "a p,lrl m a print drrss with a sunbonnet win!?!n': in her hand Popular GIFT SUGGESTIONS From Our Electrical Department Toasters Waffle Irons Sandwich Toasters Sunbeam Mixmasters and Shavemaster Razors. Silex Coffee Makers and Percolators Electric Clocks Lamps Table Lamps Complete with shade q4 Qff and globe. From -7-yr Bridge Lamps Complete with shade and globe. From Floor Lamps . Complete with shade and globe. J gQ SPECIAL! 8-USht Set Complete with two extra bulbs. ()5C $4.50 Trilite Lamp Complete with shade and globe. QQQ S,ee Also Our Larje Selection of Bed Lamps in Silk, MetaLand Bakelite In All Colors . .- 'i- .V Get Your Christmas Tree Lights Early . GORDON'S HARDWARE McBRIDE STREET Phone Jll x) - - Nanaimo-Wellington Alberta Foothills and Bulkley Valley Coal Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Teleph9ne C5I or 632 ...... - v.4,..r.. ' - . -' WWW i, 1 , M Kit' J1-