PAOE SIX THE DAILY NEWS' - . wrrtu.. BRITISH SOLDIERS KILLED RY JAP SnElXS .1! District News NASVV This picture was taken shortly before- a- Japanese shelf exploded at this- British outpost in the International Settlement atf Shanghai and snuffed out the lives of William Christopher" Howard sighting" the Lewis nin and James MeUbiv 'holding the mounting with both hands). Following the deaths of these British soldiers;. orders were given all British outposts to opetv fire at will agajhst any Japanese1 aeroplanes which came menacingly close tqv British lines around Shanghai. Left'Hand Rule Of Road Asked MINERAL ACT (FORM P.) Tfrtlflratr of ImproTfinfnt X Sulphide No, NOTKR 1. SulpWd No. 2. Su:- GulcA Creek. ' TAKE NOTJCE that I, Frederick; Ifafllx, 46tlng aC agent for Northern Pyrtw Ltd., Free Miner's Certificate " rOUM No. 13 : .' (Section 39) ' ' IAM ACT ' In Range 4, Coaat Land DUtrlci, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert and etUitute on the east bank of the Ecstall River thirty miles from Port Esalngton. ' TUte notice that Northern Pyrites Ltd. of Vancouver, occupation mining', intxnids to apply for permission to TOUnchace the follOTn-lng decri.ted land: Cmmonctaig at a post planted at tnt K.W, Corner of lot 26C6 being Sulphide No. 11 Mineral Claim: thence S. 87 degreta 45' W. 2 chain following the now h boundary 'of Sulphide No 0 Mtncral Claim to tho EcataU River: tlvmce Southerly and Easterly follow-lirtgr the east bank of aald river 67 Chain more or lean to the wt bound. toy of B. No. 1 Fractional Mineral Ciftlm: thence Northerly and Westerly following the westerly and southerly boundary of 8. No. 1 Fractional, 8ul-phUle Na.'G and Sulphide No, 11 Mineral Claims 69 chaln more or Jeaa to Che polmt of commencing and con-tanning orty acres more or less. - Dsited, November 6th. 1938. NORTHERN PYRITES LTD. Fred Naah, gent. ' REX Bowling Alley For Health and & 811m Waist Line Bowl For Reservation! Phone C58 eominir vrfnter ln the central in COME OUT WITH BODY Remains of Martin Kane Due Smlthers YrMrrday From lUbine In terior within the next few days. IONDON. Dec. 15 CP They ,There is to be a tightening up1 oi Pave i?upJng games at Great Or-Jthe tie ratings this year which, It "10nrt streefc Hosnltal for Rick is said, will work a hardship oh the -n"an- wnais tne name or a tie makers. famous man. beginning with T? . asked four-year-old Frankie. When The public works department has 'TJl?nJT "P hC yeU' lclo5ed down its road camp at AI- .w. ken Lake north of Vanderhoof for e0-, .PuSSWdS S'; t,Sui?hlc!I' hhe winter.- Pra'ctitjlly aU the " " 1 No. 6. 6ulphld No. 6. Sulphide No. 7,5 . . , if ... , Sulphldo No 8. Sulphide No. 9. 8u'.-lvamj in uic mDiricvure now cios phid No. io, Sulphide No. ii it s. No. ed down for the season. 1 Fractional Mineral Galma situate In ttie SKwOti Mining Division of Hang 4f( .OoMt Dlatrtat. . 'Whepe located: 4 On the Bostell River on or near Red Miss Isobelle Dnton left onTues- wo. :waK b. antema, may aays irom uv inKVanMMf r.anoni; he date hmnf, to ,pply to the Mlnrncir"' ,? , " : for a Certllcate of Improve meintB. for the purpone of obtaining a Crown arant of the above claim, f And' further take notice that action, under eectlon 85, must be oommenced .JjeJore, the Issuance of such Certlflcaf of Improvonenta. jtwaiuyl tnt 1938.. BURNS LAKE fiuipiuai wurrc sue wm enter ine nurses training class at the first of the year. Try a Dally Nws cLvlffed. ad- irai cay or Novemier vertLiemerlt for best rewiiia. If A Select As-sortme nt Of Box Chocolates And Xmas Candies That Will Please You All the Best Makes in Stock MHSSvUXEM'S CONFECTIONERY " STEWART , ; Waller Browir ol Hyder left last 'week, for Portland, Oregon. here he will spend the winter : Rev. -A. L. Amierson, United ' Church1 pastor at Stewart, ret urn - - ed home nfter paying his usual SMITHEnS. Dec. 15 The party rnonthlv visit tr Anvox laU week. which left Smlthers In charge ol -Life Wllh a Plus" was the sermon Police Constable Davidson on Mon- subject or Mr. Anderson In his day to go Into the Bablnes to church-here this Sunday. .bring ot the body of Martin Kane - (who collapsed and died on the Mr. and Mrs. Ted James of Big Hugh These big, hutlcv Good years are designed to keep trucks, bucf , tractors and graderaon the move. They provide maximum traction forward and back ward in deep mud or snow. Ride quietly and amoothlyon hard and improved roads. STUDDED TIRES For cart GaoJrear StuJJeJ tlrea arc "lop' fe rural ebJ roaJ" tervice. IXwi't wait for bad weather, trouble and delay . . . aee thcae lire at your Good year Jealer today l IN II A w L-?ro 0 u I.-. m.aKi'Ki on on Baol uaoiie ie mountain mountain A a Christmas Christmas hamner hanroer fund fund for for tlw-'rame thrame time time ai ai Marttn Marttn Kane Kkne goodIyear MORC PEOPLE RIDE,MORE TONS ARE H AULED,ON GOODVEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND KiDPIESi Give the Kiddies the Treat of Their Lives With a Visit to Toyland At KASEN HARDWARE ko if ,9 AO ED, BLENDED AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND Thn alvrtif tat nt is not pttblUljed or displayed by the LimlT' Control Hnl or lr the Onyfrmncnt of Kritith Cnlumhi, PASSES AT is'cts's'!s HAZELTONI Suurduunli" MiKay Die M trail about 20 miles out from Sml- Missouri' spent a few days In Blew- U'a Well Knwn Old Timer jf there, did not expect to be back art last week. i- i S before yesterday. Kane was a partner of the late Splro.Postula of Premier left SMITHEns, December 15 Wort"! has reached Smlthers of the death GIFTS Tommy King who died her, about 'Zl That All The Family Will En j three months aeo. Together thev at hi home In Prince Rupert an few ,w days avm fti "J TT Cfl had owned the mining property a,so a Vancouver. passed away a ago. Mr. McKay wa one of the best 'Known as tn I hup Joe otouo but T netannntttlM of th tforth SkvXn e here, and was famllUrly known, .v 21 y2r left li week 0 return south. "Sourdnugh McKay II, un Basin property. Both propertl the district thirty yenrs ago tit the Baby Swlrs Complete with Sprint. Blue Pink . y 1 ,. ' Bahf Itlli OittirEwuneled lh tray IT $14 and Bbj WalkerVery hetoiul lo-leam how and not vers' far apart. They shlo- help of neetly ba been opened at jTommy King and other wellknou-n If ' waic ' ; 4 Xj n. ced ed about about nbiiut about frn ten tone tons nf of hitrV high n .. i. u . i . coincldenr . " v ginejr was on his way to ihe pro- ... i wrtv when he died on the trail 4flnd ,he body w" found b Elm" Va uiilr nrmiAAr KHi Ii lr istead wno came ln 10 town t re- j Sunday. J Robert Reid has taken out a per- Kane hud been ln "the Zeballos mlt to erect a modern hotel on d'strlot oil summer and had lust . Burrard Avenue In Vanderhoof. Ar- left there, recently. He and his ' ' rangements are' nqw being made nartner Klh; wer amoni the first Suggestion of Four Members Made for the construction of the new to settle in this district ravine ar At';itecent Session of Legisla- hosteiry. Fergus Park Is making rivrd M Haelton about thirtv & .- ture Applies to Pedestrians arrangements to erect a hotel on years ago. They were both very 4 the site of the old .Vanderhoof "' Vnnwn and considered to be y ' Hotel which was recently destroyed imoncr the b?st Drosoectors to ar- E. t; Kenney. Mil. for Skeena. by fire. rive In the district. was one of. four members. of the - In conversation with friends ln tegislaurewlio fduring the recenti fy? .Columbia Power Co., which; Pmithers un his arrival here last lhe electric ,i6ht SFStem-Thurtdar he was very optimistic Srf-of'the LrislatureUt of the Legislature Vlc-'0Perat.S vic-at spsslori ;ar SmJlners u conslderinff en(Pr. about the prospects of early aetl- toria, interviewed Hon. F. M. vanderhoof. Lelth in A. Murray, vlty mlnlnsr for this district and Phersonf'minister of public works, manager or the company; was ln ras enthuMo'Uc about his own with the request tor a left hand vanderhoof the most of last week torooeriy which has responded so rule of the road for pedestrians lxvjgoin mto the possibiUties. well to recent operations the interests of saftey. The others H1, manv frJend, the dlstrlft associated with the request were , Canadian National Railways were greatly shocked to hear of his Frank Putnam, Nelson -Creston; iwm iccuine tie contracts for th hidden rialn?. uapi. J. it.'nuu, ouuui uiuinaguii and Ezra Hennlngcr, Grand stewarf and a good responre Is be-. prospectors and it U a $4 grade ore. from the Hyland jng experienced. that he pasted away at almost rx k lbout three years ago which netted nctry mf time as Marttn & .them about 5150 per ton. This year W. J. Crawford has been 111 but lafKane who died Saturday nltht on a shipment was made from the now abte to be up and around again Jnf troU rjabine Mountains. Silver Pick by Axel ElmHead who in hi home. - j Mr McKav n9d m bfen In good fwas operating the property and It - .,. health ror the nast few years and ;too aven-ted -150 ner ton It was lwnv " "'ihis riMth wms not unwnected M to nay a visit to the nrorerty and Slewrt- Nftt mh lnl ls be' "e ie h.d e SpL- S talk matters over with FAmA n? taken in mmUcip! affairs here . .h"d T-JI?! U that Mr. Kane had lust arrived these dys from Vancouver and with an e.n- -ty and Us.1 acquUi wry many friend throuihout the north who Hi I? Will'atw or Vancouver mid will deef ly w.nt to hear of his a brief visit to Stewart last week nassin if it u Sr? YonneMcrs Af;e From 2 to 6 Wc Sutjr4 KrUat- Kar Tr,f,f"" S6.50, S7.00 ,,o uunie,, $5.00, $6. "w $5.00 y VISA CM Thai 'All' the Kamily Will Kniot CoffreTaUe .1 Te Hain With glais tray LltlnC Rmm Tabl , , t .58.75 $11.73 $6.50, $9.04 Wis I-'ashtoncil In Her Ta-lt $10.04 $21.75 I $1100, Tln Ltauriotu twfed covrred mleM zri;e jf J titr "?d $12.50 518.MI And For (icnllciiH-n OUdatuue lU8iie 34 rmbasjed elk a Covhld , , . . Sisf-iMecC; Itcdroom Suilc CoruhUmr of Vanity, Dencb, Che'ffbnit. Cable 8prinn and Spring Filled Mattrtss .....' . J-Piere ChetrTf Irld Solte . Floor Covering S22.M j Smoked "Rupert Brand Brf $82,041 S79.5M Uominlou Inlaid UwAt uiu-Slic frtt wide 2.55 Klt IUm Uut--inxpenlvf floor. rug that m CQ jja j"iu lyoiH (Mum ana iivaQie. owe miu'i ; lteerIW WmI Itar Thwe rererslble wool W f0Kf tet shades suitable, for bedroom 34Z' Prinlrd l.lnolrnni 2 square - - SliOJ' 7rtw ELIO'S Timrti icrvi'tx ' rrintf "'t"" Mild Cured Salmoi For Limcft on Toasted Santlwiclies or Hors trocuvrc One ?acKager,Bcr?M Four Pwpie ICe f ps tti vVetlcs. In RXriffrator Canadian Fisfa 4 Cold frlnt r Rupert C. Uif. BrllW UIXliii.....A...UlMAWWy" .... - ij-oM f If you have Bomething to Mfut Wf m mis paper win booji let yoM khow u the city.