! f I. I I EDITORIAL VALUE OF MILITARY TRAINING 'One dfthe benefits a community gets from military training is seeing the young men walk erect, step alertly and move with precision. They lose their natural slouch 'and attain a personality they could not otherwise get It is worth a great deal to note the boys who have had military training come to attention when the national anthem is sung. r - Something of the same bearing is obtained to a lesser degree by the cadets, the boy scouts and girl guides. The difficulty with these younger folks is that they seem to lack the sense of rhythm which goes with marching in step. By learning to co-operate in marching we learn to co-operate all through life. We learn to keep step with mir'neighbors, week in and week out, and this is a great advance toward fuller co-operation. -We are coming near Rememberance Day when the service at the cenotaph is held. There we see the smart boys of the naval reserve and the local artillery battery keeping perfect time as they swing along toward their goal. -Behind them come the women's organizations going pitter-patter, step here, step there and the guides and the scouts all finding it difficult to keep together and looking more or less like a rabble. If they had been thoroughly trained in marching when young they would never have forgotten it. It would be a treat to see at least one com pany1 outside the military and naval units marching with precision and keeping time to the music of the bands. HIGHWAY BLOCKED -loway Rapids, it Is impossible to J pass with a car and the public As a result of a blast In connec-! works department has notified tlon with the straightening of one people with cars that they will not of, the .bad turns on the highway be able to get past that point over near -Mile 6, one mile beyond Gal- the week-end. TP HE Dominion of Canada is, econom-ically,a small community on a large scale, The exchange of goods and services which takes place in a village or a small town also takes place between producing regions and industrial areas, between towns and farmlands, between Provinces East and West. Industrial Eastern Canada buys fruit and food as well as lumber, metals and other 'commodities from British Columbia. Vast quantities; of supplies are also purchased from all other Provinces. With the cash provided bythe industrial buyers, producers in these Provinces in turn purchase manufactured goods and foodstuffs from elsewhere in Canada. Activities Of ' iiEAD AGAIN En2,an1 and Wales Rotary Club W. 0. Fulton Tells Story Dinner Dance to be Held Soon At the Prinee Rupert Rotary Club i yesterday afternoon W. O. Fulton ;told a fiction story entitled "From : Barefoot Farm Boy to Premier of British Columbia" or something of that sort in which the hero overcame all obstacles in hi; climb to become one of the most successful lawyers of his day-I Visitors at the luncheon Included 'Norman Nelson of New Westminster. Olof Hanson M.P., Harry Rob-bins and C. W. Breukelman of Ven- : ezuela. j Geerge Mitchell was given charge of a dinner dance to be held some evening within the next week or two at a date to be set World's Largest Apple Pie Cut Wenatchee Festival Opened In Observance of National Apple Week I 1 WENATCHEE, Washington, Oct. ni . t-1 1 . i i i i i. iiic nuuua laigeit uypic pie was cut here yesterday with six pretty girls wielding the knives as Wenatchee opened its annual Apple Festival In observance of National Apple Week. The pie was ten feet in diameter and contained 1500 pounds of apples. For instance, much of the cash that is paid Prairie producers by the industrial East for its food requirements goes to British Columbia in payment of lumber, fruits, canned goods and manufactured articles consumed on the Prairies. The Dominion of Canada is prosperous when inter-Provincial trade moves goods and services in increasing yolume, when suppjy and demand it stimulated by large payrolls. Thus every Brituh Columbia family is directly and indirectly affected by the welfare and prosperity of all Canadian families including those of the Automotive . Industry which has 130,000 people dependent directly on it. For statistical and further information about this industry, writt to Automotive Industries, 1006 Lumsden Building, Toronto. AVTOMOTI' DUSTRIES DA IN BOWLING h Football Game Parker's Gare Takes Clean Sweep Three Games to Nil-Victory Over Canadian Legion Parker's Oarage, which has ytt! second fixture last night. North Star defeated Pioneer Laundry two ' games to one. A. Smith of Pioneer Laundry was high average scorer for the evening with 168. Individual scoring was as follows: Canadian Legion 12 3 Menzies l... 123 121 137 Skellum 105 128 114 Nelson 133 142 143 Long .. 152 168 Dickens C. 182 135 (Handicap 23 23 i Totals .... 718 717 1 Parker's Gararf 1 2 jD. Wick 153 194 Rood 167 136 Armstrong 141 185 Smith 183 126 135 . MiMeekln 131 158 151 Totals '.!, . 775 799 708 NORTH STAR 1 2 3 Jensen 155 127 133 Hill 176 159 158 Howe 115 124 190 McLeod 164 119 121 : "; v., International Soccer to. be Played at Cardiff Tomorrow I CARDIFF. Oct. 21: CPi England and Wales will play In International soccer here tomorrow. to taste defeat this season, scored,- another.dean sweep three games to' Wick 123 nil victory in the Commercial Bowl-' Handicap 37 ing League last night, the victims Totals 70 this time being the Canadian Leg-) Pioneer-Laundry 1 ion. This put Parkers back again A. Smith - 177 Into the lMeue leadershia In the . Brass 105 R. Smith 140 Woods .127 Bsynon .'.168 Handicap .. .... 20 Totals i7 112' Canadian Legion HSlrSvrn rinh 112 37 678 2 167 154 156 160 146 20 803 23 1 Royal Lunch 4 5 6 4' North Star 3 Electrical Workers 148 Plcneer Laundry 133 141 - Family Meat Market 112 37 751 3 159 136 141 136 133 20 725 The Comerclal League standing to date: W Parker's Garage 9 RuDert Motors .. 8 4 PU 9 8 4 4 4 3 2 2 Phone 957 Phone 957 Saturday Specials MUTTON g lbs. Mutton Chops lbs. Shoulder Mutton g Leg of Mutton Per lb. VEAL g lbs. If; ,,f Veal lbs. Shoulder of Veal Boned and Kolled Shoulder Veal Per lb. g lbs. Stew Veal Ler of Pork Per lb. Loin of Pork Per lb Fresh Side Pork Per lb. Shoulder Pork Per lb PORK BEEF Rump Roast of Beef Per lb Roast off the Round Per lb Prime Rib Roll Per lb. Round Steak 3 lbs. Short Ribs 3 lbs. 50c 75c 20c $1.00 50c 20c 25ci 25c 25c 15c 20c 15c 18c 20c 50c 25c HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 This adverti sement is hot published or displayed by theitl or by th Government of British CoMf Control Board Joard If It Is In RUBBER FOOTWEfl We Have It Now is the Time to Stock up While Our StoA Complete- Family shoe store lt Hi l f rW The Home1 of Good Shoes Canadian Pad Transcontinental Transatlantic Trans-Pat To Vancouver via Oiean Falls and Way Porti Ss. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday 1 P-"1-TO VANCOUVER DIKECT SS. TIUNCESS LOUTSE" SS. "FKINCESS SO Oct. Mth iuii Not. 7th, Hth. M CQfl Winter Excufslon'.are Vancouver and Ret""1' OO ets. on Sale Nov. nt'1938o Feb. 2tn, 1939-Return LinM .March 31st. 1939 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific " Ticketi and Reservations from W, L. COATES., General Agent princeW December Frozen HERRING BAI Cold Storage Ice Canadian Ffeh&Cold Sto ;Co. Ltd. Prfnce Rupert, B.C.