PAG FOUR mr,m THE SEAL ' QUALITY slip i GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only talmos canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Good Japs Must Eat Whale Meat Authorities Taking Steps to Popularize it in View of Shortage of Beef TOKYO, Oct. 21. In view of the shortage of beef and other meats, Japanese authorities are endeavouring to popularize whale meat with the public. The Japanese do not relish whale meat but scientists are endeavouring to find ways of making it more palateablc to the taste. TERRACE Mr. and Mrs. C. Sanderson, both in failing health, were conveyed to Prince Rupert General Hospital last Thursday. Mr. Sanderson is an ex-service man. Both have made many friends among Terrace people. Miss Dorothy Little has returned to ljer home here from Stewart where she has been visiting for some months. Fresh snow has made its appear ance on the mountains around Terrace. The whitened summits and the bright hues of the changing leaf have added to the charm of Terrace scenery In the fine weath-et now being experienced. Mrs. Nieel Sherwood returned from Prince Rupert on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Vic King of Prince Rupert are staying, at Terrace for 'some time at the home of Mr King's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. King, who left Monday for an ex tended holiday in eastern Canada Constable H. L. McKenney conveyed a prisoner to the coast by the train which left-Terrace on Thursday. J. K. Gordoh left on Thursday for an extended holiday in R. M. "Cory has gone south foi some weeks' to visit relatives in Abbotsford. E. T. Kenney, M. L. A., left Thursday for Victoria where he will attend the Autumn Session o! British Columbia Legislature. Thf executive committee of the Libera Association held a meeting in Terrace Wednesday night for a conference prior to the opening of the Session. Lovely weather prevails with nc frost. Fishing is said to be good in the river. Duck shooting appear? promising. Potato diggers are working in conditions which arc ideal and the crop which seems to be on the light side is said to be 'of better quality than Is usually fjTirrSrSTl i I Canton Digs In For Its Last Stand I HONG KONO, Oct. 21: (CP) The Japanese drive against Canton continuing, the Chinese defenders seemed digging in for a final defence of the southern metropolis. Trenches were dug and barricades were being thrown p in. the streets of the city. Mass evacuation of the civilian population continued. Salvation Army Pictures Shown Adjutant Parkinson Entedtains People of Kitzegukla KITZEGUKLA", Oct. 21. Last Friday night Adjutant Parkinson of the Salvation Army at Hazel-ton showed slides taken from famous paintings of the life of Christ, together with pictures 11-ustrating the work of the Arm In Alaska and Northern British Columbia. Capt. Johnson conducted the meeting and he was assisted by B. Turner, S. Morgan and Rev. B. Black. Everybody enjoyed the pictures - nd the Adjutant was heartily ( 'hanked for his services. v he case. Flower gardens which anguished during the long dry ummer with a great scarcity of blooms are now la the most flour ishing condition. Many varieties if flowers which are usually In tHelr 'best shape a month . earlier fh'an this are In full bloom at this date. Try a Dally News want-ad. . . : AND A PERFECT HIGHBALL COCKTAIL or OLD FASHIONED REQUIRES A PERFECT WHISKY... OLD FASHIONED Muddle well In Old Fashioned sliSi, one-htlf lump sugar, tea-ipoon water and daih bitten. Add cubes of Ice, half dice orange, Kick of pineapple, slice of lemon ind maraschino cherry. Fill with B.CD. 13 Year Old Rye. RYE COCKTAIL 1 part B.CD. 13 Year Old Rye Whisky, 1 part Italian Vermouth, dash bitters, dash of gum syrup or a pinch of sugar. Stir, don't shake. Serve with Maraschino Cherry. RYE HIGHBALL 1 lgger B.CD. 13 Year Old Rye, 2 cubes of Ice, 1 twist lemon peel. Fill glass with ginger ale or soda. No other Canadian Rve Wrilstcy can claim the old age and downright goodness of this fine, Double Distilled Spirit. The full-flavoured smooth- -ness of B.CD. Rye Whisky comes from its being brought to maturity in oak finished "nature's way. ' The Canadian Government's seal on the bottle guarantees the aqe of this world renowned British 16 oz. bottle 25 oz. bottle 40 oz. bottle ami Columbia made product. $175 .$2.75 $4.00 LOOK FOR THIS SIALON tVLRy BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTH.URY CQ. Ijp "BRITISH COLUMBIA PRODUCTS BUILD BRITISH COLUMBIA PAYROLLS." DO 424 'TMsladrortlaement j9 not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government MTi; '; ol British Columbia ;, , imMIIIW THE DAILY NEWS Thanksgiving Social Is Held Successful Affair at KitzegukU Last Saturday Nisht KITZEGUKLA. Oct. 21. On Sat urday nleht a very successful so cial was held in the United Church. Gifts of vegetables and fruits and other useful articles weie donated and later in the evening sold. The social opened with the harvest hymn "Come Ye Thankful People Come" and the pastor, Rev. !B. Black, offered prayer. Under the tuition of Mr. aiU Mrs. Walter Wesley the school children were trained and rendered four songs. Speeches were given by Joseph and Sam Wesley, Alfred McDames and Peter Mark. Mrs. Cadwalledcr and Mrs. Fred Sam pare, visitors from Cedarvale and Kltwanga, gave a delightful 'duet "Sowing and Reaping." Fred Sampare made a jolly and humorous actloncer and the .Ladies' Aid provided refreshments to sll. Herbert Russell, assistant chief (Councillor, acted as chairman and rhe also accompanied at the organ :for the ladies. The- proceeds of the sale will be devoted to Epworth League activi ties. CPJt. steamer Princess Adefalde. Capt. Henry Anderson, is due In port at 5:30 this afternoon from Vancouver and waypolnts and will sail at 10 pjn. on her return south. QlsflEl WANTED WANTED Second-hand Piano Black 127 after 6. (249) ' HELP WANTED WANTED Two girls to do general housework and cooking In two private homes. Would prefer chums or someone acquainted with each other. Wages $17 ner month. Apply Hudson's Bay! Company. Port Simpson, B. C. FOR SALE. FOR SALE 24 Ford Engine. 982. (246) Xt. Cabin Cruiser. $125. Phone Green (251 BOY'S blue reefer coat and brown tweed suit. Size 12 to 14. Apply Box 29, Daily News. (246) HOHNER Piano Accordlan. 12) Bass. Nearest offer to $90.00. 10 free lessons. Apply Dally News. (247 ELECTRIC Range For Sale. 863 Borden Street. (249) WORK WANTED 'SITUATION wanted for lady cook, hotel, camp or institution. Best of references. Apply Box 31, Daily News (248) PERSONAL NEW PEP AT 40 FOR MEN, Women. New OSTREX Tonic Tablets contain 2 stimulant? , from1 raw oysters plus 4 general tonics to pqp up whole body. Trv package today. If not delighted, maker refunds its low price. Solo by all good drug stores tf. AGENTS WANTED CHRISTMAS. Card salespeople. Big profits now. Sell the most com plete Christmas Card line. Make' Dig money every day showing' season's largest selection, Printed to order Christmas cards, with sender's name and address. Dc- signed by leading artists, values unequalled at our low prices. I Four attractive lines Including 25 for $1.00 Personals. Also many different boxed assortments, all big money makers. Canada's favorite "21" card assortment is finest ever produced, sells for $1.00, your profit 50c. Make big money for Christmas. Start now Cash in on these ; fast selling lines published by the largest company of its kind in Canada. Branches from coast to coast. Get easier orders. No txperlence necessary. Write for free sample book. Agents also wanted !n smaller towns. Liberal .cpmmls-sion. Friendly service. Premier Art Guild, 576 Seymour St. Vancouver. , ti PRETTY, EXCITING "Valley of the Giants,- All in Tech-nicolor, Is Week-end Feature at Capitol "Valley of the Giants," a beauti ful production In technicolor with Wayne Morris and Claire Trever heading the cast, comes as the feature offering to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this week-end. The picture is based on the famous Peter B. Kync novel of the same name. The story Is based on the valiant which was waged some thirty years ago to prevent the des pollation of California's redwood forests by ruthless commercial interests. Graft and corruption, legal trickery and plenty of outright physical violence are depicted In the course of the tense and exciting picture. Most of the action is outdoors and the picture is not only exciting in a dramatic way but is replete with natural beauty. Wayne Morris plays the part of the hero of the tale, a young lumberjack who leads the battle against the despollers of the forests. Charles Bickford Is an eastern lum fix, r W IS CHAPPED SKIfl 2 i D.luu Miiunfc with lujall wt oil or ctmm. Apr If Met ur. for from ZW vm th Liniounc imly aad ' uadiluwd. No treubl. Vry haallag I jTKIMC OF WltCa NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE TIHUI) AVENUE EAST Phone RED 392 INTERNATIONA L TRUCKS III I.I.M AN CARS STANDARD PRODUCTS Prompt and Efficient Service NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19G berman who unscrupulously cn- deavours to gain control of the forest. When trickery falls, he employs violence to gain his ends. Be-' sides Morris, Bickford and Miss Trevor, the cast includes such well known and popular players as J rvmv fVTTiieh Alan Hale. Donald Crisp, Jack Larue, John Lltel, Dick Purcell, El Brendel, Russel Simpson and Jery Calonna. 6c. Halibut Sales American Excel. 23,000, Royal. 11 .3c and 6c Sherman, 9.000, Booth. 9.6c and Phone 63 Canadian Signal. 6.000, Cold Storage, 9c and 5c. Phone 63 Butter 3 lbs 83c The End of A PERFECT SUMMER Your Snap-Shots Need Attention. Now if the Time to Classify Them to Rest Advantage in Your Album. Oven Itst. Hccf 1 7 Lb, Rolled Pot Rst. Lb Legs Lnmh Lb 28c Shoulder Lamb OAn Trimmed. Lb. Lean Hrcast Land) 2 lbs. New Cercla Bound Albums arc a Real Improvement Open Flat at Every Page 25c Eggs 4R' Grade large, in car- ... nM Veal Lb Rolled Rst. 25(J Shoulder Veal JC 10c Peanut Butter, Fruit Mince Meat, Bakeasy 2 's 25c Haddic Fillets, Fresh White Salmon, Crabs and Shrimps Remember You Can Oct it at The Sterling Select One From Our Complete Stock Low in Price 35c $1.50 (icnulnc Kodak Albums $1.00 to $4.25 Nu-Acc Art Corners- Blade, gold or silver. 15c pkg, 2 for , ""I' Leave Your Photo Work Here for First Class Finishing Films Kodaks Sundries I I