r mton Iskcn By apanese; Without 1NG OFF iSSENGERS ts and Hours Law Protest- American Telegraph Companies ORK, Oct. 21. The West- a Co. yesterday gave warn-the application of the new nd hour, law, which be- Ifcctive next Monday, may- laying off of some three messenger boys. Under ilaw wages for messenger Eld be $11 a week and up. ! laying off of the boys would In many cases be led Instead of delivered. t other alternative to laying lelp would be increasing of company says. DStal Telegraph Service Is Itestine the application of. ' wages ana nours iaw. irosv uimc ju uui uui.n.i." will be no period of grace Will Be Occupied After First of ext Monday for application, Year tawf wic auwiuttuw r Non-Stoj) ht Mark L Sought ' WL RULE IN SUDETEN ly Kccime Ends In Newly Oc- fcd German Part of Ctecho- slovakla ICHTESGADEN. Bavaria, Oct. Kturnlng to his mountain re-fcere after a trin to Austria ludrteniand, Chancellor Adolf ""ated that military iry rule rule of Rnlind, following rger Advocated l of Manitoba ifrccs Sales I ianizations To Get Together Eave been destroyed. ENTIRE ORIENTAL CONFLICT EXPECTED OPPOSITION FAILED TO CANTON, October 21: (CP) Japanese tanks rumbled into Canton today, scoring one of the most astounding victories in the Sino-Japancse war. The tanks were followed by detachments of the South China expeditionary force which just ten days ago landed at Bias Bay, 125 miles to the southeast. Apparently, they had met with no opposition from hundreds of provincial troops massed northeast of the metropolis. Early conflicting reports had said that the Chinese were setting up stiff resistance but they appear ta have been in error. READY IN TEN DAYS Miss Good Speaks I At Canadian Club 7NTPTTI (S ni - irPi A - r of the United Grain Grow- interesting Talk Yesterday pa the Manitoba Wheat Pooli noon on llzatlons was urged last night Missionary India After Work In fur at the annuaUbanquet of Miss Grace Good, who went from fianuoDa Pool Elevators, lie Ireland in iauj a"" Kv advocatpH rinsp rn.nnpra.HQ97 pneaeed In missionary work ctwccn the craln marketing ' in India, the most of .the time Eizat.irn nr v, ,.. n,airia i,i,,rr Afnhnmmedan clrls in a m "J W1C WilCU fr an : VCU;iiilf3 Wices. I Ii l n . chikan Unve Stray Dogs PCHIKAN. Oct. 21. The cam- E against contl the stray dog nulls school at Delhi, was an Informal PALESTINE I but interesting speaker Deiore inc. Women's Canadian Club at. St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral Hall yesterday afternoon. Mrs. . .mi. ...oc in t.he chair and there IS QUIET White Construction Co., will oe nn- Twenty Arans are reported o nave lshed with the building of the new been killed and fifty Injured since J post office and federal building here by the end of this month, or within ten days' time, and- the structure will then be ready to be it m a4 Avar n tVio atrhHipt Then it wtft'be a matter of installing fur- Inlture and equipment. Actual oc-mnatlon of the bulldlne Is not ex- OX, Oct 21: (CP) Three' ectcd to be made until after the Rcyal Air Force bombers end 0f the year. pried to leave within the! Wednesday the asphalt lane at the w days for Egypt wnence rcai. 0j the building between Fourth nil r "'.empi a non-stop "8"Hand Third Streeu was compieteu. Irai:a with a view to beating grounds are now being levelled fesc.it world's non-stop re- Qii " 1 6700 miles set up last yean It clrmen flying from Mos-I P I California iisaac foroes Passes Away Death Early This Morning Of Well Known Carpenter and Ex-Service JVlan Isaac Forbes, well known local and ex-service man, passed away at 6:30 this morning in fhp THnp( RuDert uenerai nu- plUl where he had been a patient for the past two weeks. A resident j nf iht ritv for several years, nt oH, sKty.Ilve years 0f age and a the recent .o-nH- e was un- mm, would end today withl . . . , en rv vaH hv a sis regime taking its place. Mr5 0'Brlen, of Cumberland Land was commenced by the Bri-j outbreaks are becoming fewer. I Vessel Has Odd ; Steering Gear PICTOU. N. S., Oct. 21: (CPJ- nrv. fiemnin f rnffrVi tor Mans Tjrn- being Investigated although reports of an official inquiry are denied. It has been known for some time that Important Information has been finding Its way outside the department. inno v - f r i con caov u " r was a good attendance ol mem-. cioudy with mist or fog patches bCTS A VOte ui wianiw f" posed by Dr. L. I. Pugsley and 0VV- Weather Forecast General Synopsis Pressure remains quite low oU the coast and high over'the Interior. The weath- pr nas been clear and warm throughout this province. Prlnrp RuDert and Queen Char lotte Islands Fresh east to south easterly, part cloudy probable mist or light rain, wpst Coast of Vancouver Island- Fresh east to south east, part TnHap w. E. Fisher returned to Refreshments Hprresnmenw were nc served at the the nv city on - last night's - train from conducted ses and there was a brief gmlthers where he a nuen opening ne . . ,, court. business session. nuu j Samuel Hoare, Home Secretary, de- . . i i ji.. . Ciarea mat, wuuuui mcuuiy icia .tlons between England and Ger- " many, there could be no substantial' peace In the world. The, British WAS ONE OF MOST OUTSTANDING VICTORIES IN! armament program wpuld contln i ue Sir Samuel said, to make of I Great Britain a fortress able to 'withstand any.,aiF"attack. Great Britain wanted peace but was resolved to be ready, If necessary, for war. Will Continue Water Projects Further Federal Financing to be Available for Dams and Dugouts in Prairie, Drought Areas REGINA, Oct. 21: -iCPf Hon; J. G. Gardiner, federal minister of agriculture, announces that there I will be federal financing for further community dam and-dug-out projects in drought areas In Saskat- Rebcl Outbreaks Pretty Well Curb- chewan, Alberta an Manitoba, ed Now Following Military j There will be 180 such projects. pro-Occupation viding work this fall ' for an esti- I mated 4000 farmers. , TV,, .rmtrnrlnrs Bennett and I .TFTITJSALEM. Oct. 21: (CP) 1 "i " 1 . . haidt, which slipped out of here without clearing at the height rr the Czechoslovak crisis, has at tracted wide attention because ol her unusual steering arrange ment. On the Leonhardt's bridge there are two wooden buttons, aDout three inches in diameter, placed 'on each side of a needle indicator When the port button is turned, the ship turns to port and the needle Indicates the deviation from a straight course. The starboard button operates similarly. Defence Leakage Is Being Probed Departmental Investigation Proceeding at Ottawa No Official Inquiry .Nova scoua. fcnl Mo.lrAfinrr I Funeral arrangements are In the (yrrAWA) Oct. 21: (CP)-AUeged f-rtl lTldrKcllUg hands of B. C. Undertakers. ks f lnforrnation from the De partment of Nat onai ueience are TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourtuj 8. D. JohiUuta u.j Vancouvert, Pacific Nickel, .30 (ask). Bie Missouri. JO. Cariboo Quartz, 230. Dentonla, .02c. Golcorida, .07 V4. Minto, .04 (ask). Falrvlew. .05V. Noble Five. :03?i". Pend Orielle. 2.15. ' . Ji Pioneer, 2.65. Porter Idaho, .03 Vi. . " Premier. 2.27. Reeves McDonald, .42 (ask). Reno, .38 (ask). Relief Arlington, .15 (ask). Salmon Gold, .03. Taylor Bridge, .02V2. Hedley Amalg., .03 Vi-Premier Border, .OOi. , Silbak Premier, 1.82. Congress. .00Vi. . . Home Gold. .OOi. Grandview, .098- ' . Indian, .012. Quatslno, .04. Oils A. P. Con., .16. , . Calmont. .28. C. & E., 20. Freehold, .03. . Hargal, .25. McDougal Begur. .12 Vi. ' -Mercury. .06. Okalta, 1.23 (ask). ' Home Oil. 1.10. .;: , " ' Toronto Beattle. 1.20. ". ' - Central Pat.. 2.40. Gods Lake, .40. . Little Long Lac, 2.85y-v McKenzle Red Lake, U2. Pickle Crow, 5.15. San Antonio, 1.25. :'... Sherrltt Gordon, 155.-' -Smelters ( Gold, .04z. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.45. ... Oklend, .18. Mosher. .19. Stadacona, .48. Francoeur, 25. -J. Moneta, 16. t Bouscadlllac. .09. Thompson Cadillac, .35. Bankfleld, 38. East Malartlc, 250. Preston E. Dome, 1.33.' Dawson White, .02. Aldermac, .6034. Kerr Addison, 1.93. Uuchl Oold, 155. Int. Nickel, 56.25 Noranda, 77.00. Cons. Smelters, 65.25. Athona, .04Va. Hardrock, 2 02. . . Barber Larder, .24. " Fernland, .18. I town) 80 Taxi mm Tomorrow's Tides High 0:16 ajn. 205 ft. Uy AND NIGHT SERVICE 12:21 pjn. 22.2 It. ireful and Courteous Drivers Low . 6:20 a.m. 5.0 ft. (New 1938 Plymouth) 18:54 pjn. 22 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER . hi. Ho. 246. -A V-i PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, OCTOB ER 21, 11)38. PRICE: 5 CENTS In Resistance MUST BE .PACT MAY FRIENDLY! COLLAPSE Peace of World Depends Upon" R- United States Not Satisfied With lations Between Germany and Britain, Hoare Declares CLACTON - ON - SEA, Oct. 21: (CP) Speaking here last night, Sir I Concessions in British Trade WASHINGTON, D. O, Oct. 21: (CP)-Jsegotiation of the proposed trade agreement between Great Britain and the United States is at a standstill, it was The United States government has taken the. stand that further substantial concessions on certain American products are necessary if negotiations are not to collapse. Great Britain has been so notified, it is reliably stated. It Is announced that concessions granted by Great Britain are so far not sufficient to war-I Tant United States sininr the t pact. Further concession In re-, gard to automobiles, hams, lard and bacons are said to be asked. Failure of the Anglo-American pact to materialize might have an effect upon the Canadian- American pact. i Bulletins ACTKESS IN' DEATH FALL NEW YORK Dorothy Male, moving picture actress, plunged to death early today from a sixteenth storey hotel room. TOKYO TYPHOON TOKYO Train services and communications are disrupted and 23,000 Tokyo houses are flooded as a result of a typhoon in Eastern Japan which killed at least 226 persons, injured 590 and left 25,000 homeless. JURY HAS - i DISAGREED Northland Gets Warm Weather New Record of Waterborne Freight Handled Into Northwest Territorities EDMONTON, Oct. 21: (CP) Late warm weather Is favoring the winding up of the transportation season into the Northwest Territories. Railway and river shipping contln-ues.and southbound traffic will get through well ahead of time. A new record of 36,000 tons of waterborne frelaht was handled this season. iMost of it was In connection with northern mining, activity. Gasoline Price Cut Four Cents By Gov't Order Made Today Prince Rupert Will Pay 26c Instead of 30c per Gallon ! Change Effective Next Week Price Zones Are Set j Up By Commission j The Prince Rupert gasoline price, under the new t provincial government order issued today, is reduced four cents from 30c to 26c per gallon. 1 VICTORIA, October 21: (CP) The British Columbia government announced today that it had ordered three cent reduction in the basic price of gasoline sold in the province on recommendation of Dr. W. A. Carrothers, the one-man fuel commission. The reduction, effective when Lieutenant Governor Eric W. Hamber signs the. order-ln-council, means that gaso- lllne wU1 sel1 m Vancouver for 230 n r T rt rirnn CD L V V per gallon, compared with the pres- r VflViuO I iJ ent 27c. Seven cents of the retail price is maae up oi lax. Trfc Rl IKlMINli rhe cut- whlch amounts to 511 1JU11"11 VJ cents In some of the fifteen price zones which the government has One Man Loses His Life as Flames se UP( becomes effective October Sweep Over Valuable Timber 26, the government announced fol-Land in Washington 'lowing a cabinet meeting today. jThe basic price of gasoline is the INDEX, Washington, Oct. 21: Vancouver retail price. In many (CP) Forest fires, which have parts 0f the province the present swept over one thousand acres ofprice considerably higher, being 1 timber land near here, destroyed : calculated on the Vancouver price ' . 1 . . . nil frt - f - ... . . 1 an esumaiea iwo buuwu 01 piUj nanqung ana omer cnarges. logs ana umDer ana nave caueu at least one death. William Regan, a fire fighter, was trapped and burned to death in Bear Creek Canyon. Another fire f l.J fighter saved his life by Jumping lVlrS. ROOSCVClt S into a mud puddle and staying there until the worst of the names VlAafinor StnlPTI had passed. "'""b Logging camps have been closed j 'own' owing to the outbreak. TODAY'S WEATHER southerly wind, ten miles per hour; barometer, 29.89; temperature, 50; moderate swell. Alert Bay Scattered clouds, northerly wind, eight miles per houh; barometer, 29.89; temperature, 48; sea smooth. Estevan Clear, northeast wind, four miles per hour; barometer, 29.92. Vancouver Clear, calm, barometer. 29.98. Victoria Clear, northerly wind, eight miles per hour; barometer, 29.98. Prince George Foggy, northerly wind, four miles per hour; barom eter, er, 30.04 ju.u. wind, temperature 36. Aiyansh Cloudy, calm, 40. Alice Arm Clear, calm, 38. Anyox Clear, calm, 36. Stewart Clear, calm, 31. Seventy-Five Sweepstake Prizes Drawn In Canada; Vancouver Man Is Lucky DUBLIN, October 21: (CP) Seventy-five Canadians have so far drawn prizes in the Irish Hospitals Sweepstakes on the Cesarewitch Stakes to be run next Wednesday. ' Thomas Good, 52-year-old secretary of the Army and Navy Veterans Association in South Vancou ver, holds Wueen's smiling, using tne nom-ae-piume ' y- Chicken Feed. His ticket Is DP76602. WINNIPEG WHEAT .Good stands a chance to win $150,- WINNIPEG. Oct. 21: (CP) Win- nines-wheat prices were up VzC yes terday, October closing at 61V2c. , 000, $75,000 or $50,000 by win, place or show and will get $2166 if the horse falls to run. In the money. Gate Receipts At GREEN BAY. Wisconsin, Oct. 21. While Mrs1. JnMinDRoosevelt v wife of the President, was- address-Ine a meetine of 2500 persons here last uv night, Ouvl sneak - thieves ' stole the Prince Rupert Part cloudy. cate receipts of some $2000. southeast wind, twelve miles per New Trial of Mrs. Sidney CoJbourne temperature, 61; light chop. Island Overcast, light: VICTORIA, Oct. 21: (CP)-Jury Ple disagreement last night ended the cnP- , . , , I . Laneara Island Raining, south-, is charged with the murder of her east wind, 14 miles per hour; bar-husband. Sidney Colebourne, who eter, 29.60; temperaturp, 52, 1 u 4 uB roi- tjQ lieht swell. ad Tree Point - Overcast,! it v,ar,h si a nPw trial southeast wind; barometer, was ordered for October 31 by Mr. strong 29-68; temperature, 50; sea moder- Justice D. A. McDonald. The Jury announced disagreement after ai!iy"6": three hours' deliberation. Bull Harbor- MINISTER TO RETIRE Hon. R. R. Bruce Leaves Japan and is Not Expected to Return TOKYO, Oct. 21: (CP) nf Unn n R Rrnce Canadian Scattered clouds, Minister to Japan for Canada today gives rise to the expectation of his early retirement. In fact, It is not believed he will return to Japan. Wr. Bruce Is seventy-five years of age. Iowa Truckers Talking Strike Wage Icrease of VAc Ver Hour Being Demanded at Des Moines DES MOINES. Iowa. Oct. 21: Twelve hundred American Federa- tlon of Labor produce truckers are Terrace-Part cloudy, northeast V threatening to nn on strike ctHlrp ..,.- unless go thev are eranted a pay Increase of 7'2C per hour. Fifteen companies have signed up on the basis or uie wage Increase but thirty are holding out against It. I Slept Soundly As Their Home Burns Flames Fail to Disturb Slumber! of Souris, Manitoba, Family SOURIS, Manitoba, Oct. 21: (CP) Three members of a farm family near here slept soundly throughout the night while their barn and part of the farmhouse were being destroyed by fire. The first they knew about it was on waking in the morning when they found others surveying the damage. . f