PAOl fOUR Q. C. ISLANDS Madame Rajaut of Tlell returned i ConstabIe and Mrv L'Ie olser to the Islands on this week's voyage ! and famlly have also returncd u of the Prince John after a trip tolQueen CharlUe after spending a Vancouver. She vacation in Vancouver. disembarked at ; Queen Charlotte City. j I Game Warden Ed. Martin of 'Mrs. Gordon H. Jolliffe, who hasPrlnce RuPert v,s,tcd Queen char btfen on a trip south, came north from Vancouver on the Prince John this week. Mrs. Harold Lynum returned to Thurston Harbor on this week's voyage of the Prince John after a trip to Vancouver. s. George Sylvester, Massett cannery engineer, returned to the-Islands on this trip of the Prince John after having been in Vancouver. ' 1 r; George Rasmussen came up from Thurston Harbor to Queen Charlotte on the Prince John Tuesday-He expects to spend the next two or three months at Queen Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haan and family have returned to Queen Charlotte City after spending the nrjr scums - r ttmcJy. 1 Minion tonus iD- sincli iif mis why rOI IAD BREATH, SMOKER'S THROAT- BUCKLEY'S THROAT AIDS. lOe ELIO ci UCKLEYC I MIXTURE 3 PRINCE RUPERT JANUARY earance SALE THIRD AVENUE WEST Christmas and New Year holiday season in Vancouver. lotte City, Port Clements, Massett and other Island points during the past week on official duties. B. T. Phillips, Indian Agent from Massett, spent a day at Skldegate Mission recently on official business. A. R. Mallory, road superintendent for the Queen Charlotte Islands, was a visitor to Queen Charlotte City and Sandsplt last Tuesday on official duties. He drove down from Port Clements to Queen Charlotte. The Farthest West Dramatic Club of Queen Charlotte met on Wednesday night of last week tc choose characters for the presen tation of a "Show Boat" concert or March 17. The evening was spen-in games and refreshments wen served. The meeting took place lr the Queen Charlotte Hospital. REDROOM SUITE 3-Piccc Suite Including bed, chest and CCTQ CA dresser. Reg. $75.00. Clearance .... ?0OO9 SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUGS 2 Only Seamless Axminstcr Rugs Lovely designed, have deep wool pile which gives lasting wear and durability. Size 9x10-6. Reg. $42.00. COO A A Clearance Price Jd5.UU REDS COMPLETE 1 Only Reds Complete-cable spring and felt mattress. Size 4-6 and 4-0. COQ AA Regular $30.00 ?.UU REVERSIBLE WOOL RUGS 14 Only Reversible Wool Rugs A beautiful rug for the bedroom. In four colors, green blue, rose and mauve. Size. 25x48. Regular $4.50. AXMINSTER MATS 15 Axminstcr Mats Size 27x51. Reg. flQ ff A $4.50. Special t?d.U SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUC, 1 Only Seamless Axminstcr Rug Size QOA AA 6'9x9. Reg. $26.00. Special VW.UU CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL RUGS (i Congolcum Gold Seal Rugs Size CA A A 9x10-6. Reg. $10.75. Special iptJ.VU SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES 4 Only Spring Filled Mattresses Sleeping on one of these high quality mattresses is like CQO CZ ft sleeping on air. Reg. $37.50. Special . . tyOAOV BUNGALOW BED 1 Only Bungalow Bed Complete. Size C-j O A A 3-0. Reg. $21.00. Special JXO.UU WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront TH1 DAILT NKWf Friday, January 28, 1531 Capt. Peter Haan has arrived Trans-Canada air Lines .Make Tro her with his seineboat Beatrice H. sress in Radio Set-up And from Queen Charlotte City to en- 1,,lot Training gage In herring fishing. He expects to be here for some time. MONTREAL, Jan. 28: With ground radio 'equipment cstablish- C. P. R. steamer Princess Ade- ed and. in operation at Winnipeg, laide, Capt. S. K. Gray, is due in Rcgina, Lethbrldge, Cranbrook and port at 4 o'clock this afternoon Oliver and to bp ready at Van-from the south and will sail at couvcr by the end of the month 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouvci ths main set-up or the Trans-and waypoints. j Canada Air Lines, providing two- '""J iiiiimiuiiituuuii ui.-i.vuiu and ne welcomed several new Union steamer Venture, Capt. planes and airports, is now practl- mcmuCrs to the meeting. A. R Ernest Shcppard, relieving the cally completed on the westen Mallory of Port Clements, vlce-CTardena which has been with- wtinn Info-maUon to this effec presidCnt, was among those pre Jrawn fr0m service for annual is Included in a progress rcpor. ,ent overhaul, is due In port at 6:43 presented to the department of I Prior to. the election of officer this .evening from the south and tninsrort by rhlllp O. Johnson an interesting discussion on th-! vlll sail at 9 p.m. on her return vice-president or the air lines. Mr. hosoltal situation followed the o Vancouver and waypoints. The Johnson is now on his n-av west rcacjng 0 the minutes and tht enture will be on this run for on an inspection trip which will treasurer's report which showed "ive or six weeks as the Cardena "ccupy several weeks and take him timely assistance from a nrovin-ollowing her overhaul, is to re- - far as Vancouver. rial government grant of $300, this ievc the Catala for a couple of Trans-Canada Air Line's pilots ' enabllne the new vear to be start. veeks while that vessel is given her overhaul. Skidegate Mission Young People : Officers Elected I SKIDEGATE. Jan. 23: Skidc-"t Mission Young People's So lety has elected officers for the 'ear 1938 as follows: Honorary President. Rev. W. I. "elder. President. Percv Gladstone. "ice-President. George Brown. Secretary. Josephine Wilson. Treasurer, Mrs. A. Collison. Executive Airs. George Brown Peter Martin and Edmund Calder Lines have twenty-four pilots 0P- TVinrA U'flrn t ii'n.i t cl v trnitnrrLll 1 . ', . . , ....... ......... j .tu.., iiSeople present. The meeting open led with devotional exersices and j lifter the election, there wen; I mes. Meetings will be held on "Itemate. Tuesday evenings. Timely Recines APPLES IN THE MENU Apples may be rightly regarded as among the cheapest and best or fruits principally because of - . their high nutritive value. Modern dietitians stress the fact that hrec vitamins A, B, and C are ound in apples. Vitamin A Is cs-entlal to growth and raises bodj cslstance to disease; vitamin P s essential to growth, stimulates appetite and promotes good dlges ;ion, and vitamin C prevents scur -y and also assists in tooth development, helping to prevent tooth decay. In cooking, apples lose none of their virtues. Apple Pudding (Old Fashioned) Four large tart Canadian-grown apples, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1 tcsspoon salt, 4 oz. stale bread crumbs, Vi grated nutmeg, 4 eggs. Pare and chop apples; mix with crumbs; beat yolks of eggs lightly ana add to crumbs; then add sail cinnamon, and nutmeg; then stir In carefully the whites of eggs beaten stiff, Mix thoroughly; steam in a well-greased mould for three hours. Serve with custard or lemon sauce. THE SEAL ' QUALITY lip GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 i GET READY FOR FLIGH1 Mr. Johnsons report shows, ar extending thcir training bv mak ' lng scheduled flights betweer Winnipeg and Lethbrldge anc from Vancouver over the Rockies to I ."thbridce. "Regular operating procedure Is followed on these training flights," Mr. Johnson says. ,"A flicht plan is nrerared by thfi jdespatcher and the pilot, before the plane takes off. signed clear-jonce authorizations are obtained. When the flight is completed a report Is submitted. In the simula tion of acuutu scneuuteo. iugr.'.,tctitn te mni,i,.- v. conditions valuable experience ismade to the life of the people of obtained by all the I personnel. In the Qucen charlotte Islands. The weekly meetings operating prob-, nosnlta, was bullt b the le lems encountered during the pre- and for tne most t was k t vious week arc discussed and con- I elusions reached for future pro- cedure." At present the Trans-Canada Air ciauim pmiics or unnergoing iram- lng. Three pilots are engaged in the daily service between Vancnii ver and Seattle. Two are assisting with Instruction. The staff will be augmented as facilities for train- me puui num - us consists 01 six stages instruo ion in the mechanical functions of equipment 8nd accessories, pri mary UKKneeci nylng instructions instrument flying, local radii range flying, local night flying, ad vanced Instrument and radio range (cross country) flying, seven V- A lJ VI 111 L1IL OLA II rtlJlI'I- Ground Staff The .nucleus of the communica lions department and the main tenancc and repairs staff number 4C men at present. There are sever, dsnalchers and radio operators at Winnipeg, one at Rcgina. one at Icthbrldii" nnd one nt Vancouver four technicians at Winnipeg and one at Vancouver. Air engineers, mechanics and others at Winnipeg, Rcgina, Lethbrldge and Seattle make un a maintenance and repairs staff of 31. In additions, there are five men In the stores and proiorty department at Winnipeg and one at Lethbrldge. Some of the nlr engineers stationed at Winnipeg are attending a special course of instruction In materials and material testing at he Universltv of Manitoba. Other courses provide additional training in other branches of work. Despite winter conditions, pro-cress In the construction of the hangars at Winnipeg and Lethbrldge is satisfactory, Mr. Johnson reoorts. Concrete foundations have been laid and the buildings will be ready for occupancy in April. TODAY'S STOCKS (Cow-tray S. D. Johnston Co.) Toronto Beattle. 1.40. Central Patricia, 2.24. Gods Lake, .56. Little Long Lac. 5.60. McKenzle Red Lake, .92. Pickle Crow, ,4.75. Red Lake Gold Shore, .32. San Antonio, 1.42. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.47. Smelters Gold, .0154. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.40. .Oklcnd, .18. Mosher, .14. Stadacona, .27. Frontier Red Lake, .07. Francoeur, .40. : Moneta, 2.39, Bouscadlllac. .oii. Bankfleld, .03, " East Malartlc. 1.38. Preston E. Dome, 1.18. Hutchison Lake, .14. Dawson White, .03 (ask). Aldermac, .51. Kerr Addison, 1.90 ' Uchl Gold, 1.47. Martin Bird, .48. Inter'! Nickel ,47,00.., Noranda, 56.75. Con Smelters, 59.75. HOSPITAL GOOD WORK Annual Meeting; of Islands Organization Held at Queen Charlotte City; Falrbalrn President QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, Jar 28: On Friday evening last th Skldegate Inlet General Hospital Society held its annual meeting with the largest attendance hi years. The retiring president George D. Beattic, was in the chair ed with a credit balance of $290 During the past year $529 was realized through subscriptions and functions in aid of the hospital Allison's Camp donated $127.50 the J. R. Morgan Logging Co. and camp $36; The .Lawn Hill Farmers' Institute $118; Skldegate Mission 1 $113.25; Lawn Hill ladles bridge I $15. and subscriptions from Queen I Charlotte City. $120. ! The opinion was expressed that the directors could feel a Justifiable pride In the contribution the by the people. That it carries on without debt was a source of satis faction. The great aim was to minister to the needs of the Isl ands. During the past thirty years 01 us nistory it has met and dealt with every emergency. In Dr. Duncan McCall the society had a splendid superintendent for the hosnital. a good competent physli 0f finP nromise The election resulted in the fol-'owing officers being chosen: Hon. President, Hon. T. D, Pat tullo.. Pre.s'rl"nt.. W. Howard Falrbalrn Vice-President. Capt. John Haan Secretary -Treasurer. Rev. William J. Seldcr. Executive Mrs. Oscar Hill, H, R Beavcn and Alfred Cook. Members of the Howltal Soclet 'nclude the officers and Mrs. Pitt Turner. Mrs. W. J Solder. Mrs. E C. Stevens. Miss Vclma Falrbalrn Miss Edna Beavcn. A. R. Mallory R. G. McKenzle. Ocorge Carm!-chacl, George Newbauer, Charles Miller. George D. Beattic and Jo seph Morrcau. Try a Dally Mews, classltlfd ad-frtlepment for best results. pitching TORTURE In A Mlnufr Tot nulrk rrii4 fraa th llfhinf of Mm, blot4, plmplfi, ithltta'i toot, vtrt, ruii nd stiff tkla ruptioni, apply Ir- IVrni'ta' ptir. cootinf, antiaap-t. liquid P. D. D. rRESCRIPTION. In I'ntla olla aoolba tba irritatcit akia. tlrar, rMilr and atala-1-aa dna (a. Mopa tna mnat iatenaa itralni la-Xantlr. 3S trial bottlf. at dnif tlor-a. pro'M Iter nonrr back. Aik (or D. D. D. FRCSCMFTION. it Hyde Transfer WOOD COAL TRANSFER Phone 580 315 SECOND AVE. Errol Flynn and Joan Blondcll In "Perfect Specimen" at Capitol Theatre "The Perfect Specimen," a comedy-drama replete with laughs and thrills, comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here as the week-end feature picture. Errol Flynn and Joan Blondcll arc starred. The amusing idea which actu atcs the story Is that of an immensely wealthy grandmother who, with ideas about eugenics and en-vironment.thinks that Flynn, her descendant, should be brought up all his life on her estate and trained to be a perfect "specimen. Chance and Miss Blondell get him off the estate and he has his own way to make In a world of which he has been comuletely innocent He proves that his tutoring had, not been In vain, even when lti comes to boxing and he comrsj pretty close to fulfilling Grandma's' hopes. There art two fights in the pie ture, both of which Flynn wins and a kidnapping scare. Amusing characters Include Hugh Herbert, as a goofy poet Edward Everett Horton. as a whimsical secretary; Allen Jenkins as a tough mug: Dick Fordn. as an energetic youth, and Beverly 1 Roberts, as an attractive lass. Ma;. Robson is the grandmother. Trv Dally r-w want-ad REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Block PHONE C38 AMAZING VALUE! MoJcl 86BT MAGIC BRAIN; with 6 tubes, new Save-tlie-IUttcry dial, Distance Booster; tone control, lupcr-scnsitive speaker. Gives amazing world-wide reception with tremendous power and selectivity. PERFECT FUN! When a PERFECT Specimen Meets a PERFECT Nuisance ERROL FLYNN IN 'The Perfect Specimen' lie can fight like a chamn. Sign a check for 20 million . . . And can even cook . . . But he's never kissed a girl . Start laughing; now , . . With JOAN RLONDELL Edw. Everett Horton May Itobson Hugh Herbert (At 7:29 and 9:33) Also NEWS - TRAVEL - CARTOON NOTE Sat. Matinee Starts at 1:30 p.m. With BOB LIVINGSTON in "Throe Mesqueteers" Complete Featifre Length Western Story in Addition To Regular Program! TONIGHT and SATURDAY 2nd Show at 9:10 r-TTTTTCTm R. C. A. Victor PROVEN Performance Don't Experiment K.C.A. Victor Radio in actual operation in Northern R.C. EXCELS in RESULTS. ' Write for full particulars, prices, etc. No Obligation and Satisfaction Guaranteed Consult Your Radio Specialists for Northern R.C. HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, R.C.