.pace fous BOWLING IS TIED lures Kftx van t aaaaes to one 133 H.u-.dicip Totals Banters Bert Paieiam frost .Mwciiaaas while Bin Kttean-Bary Birds tettwte oa to the Map); Amy Bary Leafs. Mapie Leafs and Merchant- West ettea ax im tor Uurd jdaet while Handicap Bis Sisters, and Anoet- Totals It's are on even terms for fifVi ufc,ni.ti.-posi wit Km Hotel far In the basement MalST 1 . Last atk .was Qnnrteh Hculdcn Maple La&lg. ; Ba BMa 1. ItomBHShlwl. Handicap Sex. 3; XtaduAtKtos. 1. TaUIs Annettes, r. Knox Hotel. 1. Hich arena aeomr kut nteV was Frances Yager of the Bangers fjfj?1 wkh w. 5Lharff Frits IndirfthaU scoring was as fol- Schaffer jei-s: Maple Leafs 1 Nelson Jn McLeod isi H. Glass 97 M. Glass 110 LaBeHe h?6 Handicap 94 Totals 86J Bluebirds 1 Pelrce 137 Turgeon Boulter Croxferd Heron liar twit. Handicap Tatab Kij Sisters Besar Bkcs Beina Dr-fcrns Bond Alexaaee- 130 its : 1 197 191 157 96 137 307 8S6 i 145 104 147 3M 104 33 Kmx Httel . Cheater Handicap 3 Totals 133 Annette's Basso-Bert '"Johnson ml ml ttifi 3Ctl 137 n Skatteool Davis ? Dickens Handicap . Trtal WrcoantMses 39 B Sisters 7S Sawtm 3 Ajsnettes uf Xaox Hote: 9? 771 -l 1ST 19i Ml 1M is; MB iy. 36 133 Yaaer w MO Rex and Blue Birds In Deadlock HaMtowg Fc Leadership at Ladies" Moa -15 Lea eve BUar ... I Hunrtkap 4 Rex sad Bta Burd are now Uet Totals 194 fr fedaraMj t the Ladias Bowl- Rex 1 tog LeCe. In last aigfct s fix- Ethel Burr . . ill lit i .307 St ..so: l isi 141 in 194 J53 96 sas 1 us 156 13 117 96 144 SI 1 66 153 .43 S4J W n 10 10 36 34 931 9 141 M9 14S 9t S3 3 1 89 1(3 m m m :si 3 Ml 13 137 m M 144 St 3 1ST 111 53 S$4 L 9 t 9 11 11 11 17 141 14 SK 3 MO Harry Thomas Is Blacklisted Barred From Further FiRhtinr, Is Pennsylvania Fallowing Isnomin-ous Defeat by Tony Galrnto PHUAD8LKUA. Nov. 16: CP Marry Thomas, who lost bv a tecanteai knockout to Tonv Oal- 133;tHo In the third round of a 347! sefefldnted ten round boot her 1(7 Monday night, has been bonne-: 115 'from farther fijthtin? in Pennsyl. ?J vaam by the State Boxing Com-91 afeaon 3 '. 116 TO EST.UXM) B&TS 1REL.VND jjq wnm-raoiaR sag.. NOT. 16: 135 ,CfM tMBd hambled Irefemd 7 1(e to ail in an international soccer K today. 6. W Hall bagscd j.j nw goals and created a new re cord for Kmdand hi rateraationii 2 nisv 194 313 113 ALL ix -TWO COaVTLES LOMXXN-. No. W; (CP - " Schemes for sports stediuas and M ether recttatioaal taeittties in Xcr- thunOK-rlaod and Dwhaa coun-3 ties mvolrins mmv tiMn inn vi 3M MS 133 are under consMerition br the 1M MS ttoaal ntxms OoaoctL tf 31 1S 16; CLOSE SOCCFK 191 53 SOOTHSMD. Bag.. Not IS: C?4 943 -Two seconds before Beabare had scored for Oftrmpiatt de Mar-acaiast Soataend United. wferee baw his wsistfe for titar Freach taa xru J; beM to a 1-3 drY. r !'1 A. B r BOW AXD .VRKOW GOLF " FARMHAM. St Nor 16 ,CP O.Mjcedais suke and hole tp - T' 2?e? T aSaUSTCaU LaBaaH rv 12 25 40 .j OUNCES OUNCES OUNCES aaaaaaaaaaaa ir cMsTMfxt ffH I I j 1 I 111 aaaaaaaaaa w 9 a ivtiufvrr H0"I'a"4HFlllaH9jAmMaBaiM IHE if s rwwj H I B'G NEW wMMiki V CB rfca H I BOTTLE i En'jta t.antAa I MX. Biggest scrpre cl the 1933 suaiaier tearu season was the defeat of Bunny Acst Englisli ace in the finaii of the British hard court cha.T.pionships at Bournemouth The came of the derated jebroxs is tbazjt shore, the Chinese tenuis star. Kbo Sm Kie He downed Austin. 6-4. 6-4. 3-6. 6-4. New Canadian Mine Sweeper Given Trials VAXCOCYER, Xot IS: C?i Weather forecast lairaiew, Naale F5rt:" A4"i - -.' Ptad-Cetaseifto Ftaaeer. ItSa. ? Paner Hsha , Preser.isa. Reaa, JSi Rftef A2ceB,.as ; Sewasd, jak , Satean Oala. M, . PPJwBordesV.J4. aak Presaec. 1-S0. JHoaw Gaud. Jia. veuaoo, .5. Cak A- P Cos, 05 CUmaal assj a & E.5U4. Freehold, JO.. Okxgta. ijrr Becae CO. U Teroat Beanie. 1-il eairU Piu its, GU Like. aSH. LaWe LaatU.OSS. MeSeaaae Bed Lake, U4. Htkle Crww. iis. Sxa Aaiosia. Hi. Sberrau C-or&ia, 13a. SsefcetsGaML j. Mrled Occkshtjt ri9 Oilesi 17 Meehtr. Jl Sei Like, JU. Staaaeaa Psasooesj, Waatta. 1. ; BaaseWKac, ji. T5aa5lS Causae .2. BiakfieaL Ji. - IaaiLUarU.i4j, E. Daa Lil Eatoatsaa Uk. jsl 1 -SVkavf Dawswa gj. AJderaar. 5 .EACH MADE ! DttWtt Raagers LONE GOAL Boston Brains and Toronto Maple' Leafs Play to Tie in Hockey BOSTON Kot ifi- ,rPi oi& Buttders of the new mine sreener is? a one to mu nrn i Oosiox fcr the Cana1un navy re- Toronto Maple Leafs last night, port that trials run off in Howe Boston Brains assaaaed exrfostw' Sound were, successful aad they Pssa of secaad place ui the! expect the ship will be handed nocxey larae standiag. over to the Navy next week. raf m "T"" Eawks. j New York Raagecr.. who had ' woa over the Deiiott Red Wa Getvral SyxPressure r.- tSSSSl SZ ere QaSChsstesSe lsUnds and rales n(,M tJt LTx. T . wfefe rate hare occurred on the tIicxns fcTTtte loVfcantT idace ' . J .3r Itheiatenor UKjetenor of ot British snusa Columbia. coiasbia. to -n i1 .t, " "aa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw ai m aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBvaaaaaaaak aat c Pnace Rapert and Queen Char- Kr ue Raaseo to as many aws ictte LsUsds- Strong sooth and sstfcwest viads or rates. tssetM ed. mum tit . 1 aac aiM with rxin rem 1 TVest Coast of Ya&cosrer Islaad StB saatliwest winds or rales. T aeae taanrti-m: .rain. TODAY'S STOCKS Yxncaaver Pacaac Xtetrt. z. Big ISesaail S. Btalare4L5i. Aitc jas. Oaiseoa.Qaartz,, riL Boesaa Aavrleaaa ' Sterjfeody .Tatrta WIT V 1 n ti is ; Ji 1 1 t 1 I I i 1 ij J 1 1 I 1 l 4 a .Jk 3 4 IS tk Daar Na IaL Mekei. 55.33 Naiaada. 31 J6 CaMa.Sawiters.64J5 Atbaaa, jots. Hardrock. 1J0 Barber Larder. 3D FerahUKi 1S; Doatlnior. Brice 38 50 R.E.EyoIfson Chiropractor 3 EIGHTH AYEXTE TT. Pkaae &LICK 31 1 Bowling Alley Fc EnZh xad a SEa TTiist liae BcW. Fcr Sesenalifias rbnae C&t CENTRAL HOTE XOOKS aata cux T 11 Far Beit Bnjbtdl Cil !? r "! 4immmmw BUNNY AUSTIN'S CHINESK CONQUEROR CUNA15TAR w iiiumms The Popular "A" Liners "ASCANIA" MALAUNIA" "AURANIA" "AUSONIA" Wetkly from Canada to Plymoath. lUu and Loo Jo o. will carry Cabin and Third Class only. CABIN CLASS. The mwimaai rate it Kmcc: te 51 J2.50, with sabMastial rcducnoat in tb hitter tkan auaiaaua tooaw. An even kmcr rate u orerijw ia Wauer from Halifax to Britain. . Gfey "S lctk space ayaifaMe taroaefc lis ehjamwaoa of Towist Class. THIRD CLASS it iaMYoroi ar the aJditioa oi uae-room aconauaoJitioo xad othroWaiies asrd kvect Toonsi Qass, including potvrc room aaj Jet.k vr.r, 7r frTf,fcr f th sUtt imn Aer - kcalTrwrf fcw imteaH M Christm Cards Finest Assortment Reasonably Priced Make Your Selection Now . .f Ormes Ltd. Jhontcr Druggists Ibe UiiXl sure Pb.aei fl O W Dairy Fran 1 aja. tl It ms. Sraasjs tad BaUdays Frm 12 ins to I a-B- Ma. tSl t ra I U u J Canadian Pacific Traxucontkental Tran.AIIantic TrajaS-Pxcifis Ta TutMitr via Oreaa Fail and Way Pert -PriarcM .UfUMe- Eitry Friday II a& TO YA.NCOCTEB DHtrCT NtesaWr 71. nth. 34th. Decetaber It. 1Kb &s. rwxerss Noaur Sfi W,tw Escarsiaa Tare Tumm and Krtata-Tkt "U U w Sale .Vrr. lit, 1JK U Feb, tttb. MS. Ketara Limit )lmh 31t tofttinai at Yaacaa-ru vita Ci-f'a Pacilit Srrrkn W L CaTCS, LJ Gorril Altai Pri