Wednesday, November 16, 1838. fAGK THREE ' A f IT- i i B t- ti li li I s p i LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. Lee Gordon returned home t-in nearce. this mornlne : on inc lo Vancouver. from a trip court yesterday afternoon. M, M. O'Brien, chief field for the Consolidated Mining & has the goodness of prime beef and that is why if builds strength for you: TRY IT! Linoleum Rus ' Size 9x12 9xl0i $13.75 $12.00 Phone 112 Taxi; new heated cars. Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skeena, i and Mrs Hansm arrived in thft Lutheran Sewing Circles Bazaar, clty on last night.s traln Uom Metropole Hall, today. Program Smithers and expect to be ln nd fancy work, sale 8 pjn. Every-, town for Ume Tneir son body welcome. Adm. free. (267) Olof Hanson jr recently arrived u ,in Smithers from Toronto. John Hakla, charged as an alien with being m pieUu u ...r i A. J. Cook, superintendent on lo- arms, 'as "ned wlln "n 01 cal construction jobs for the Ben-three days' imprisonment, by Map- nett & Construction Co., re istrate McClymoni in cuy pouce turned to the city on the Prince Wilfrid Smith, a member of the! George this morning from a brief I business trip to Vancouver staff of Martins general siore ai Mrs. Sebastian Embieton, who has Massett. arrived In the city on tne en on a trip to Salt Lake City, prince oeorge mis mumm on.Ci . wnere ner Jatrier, Mr. Pitt sr., re-a trip to Vancouver and will salljcently died ls a pasSenger aboard for the isianas uu John Friday night. the Prince the Prince George today returning I I The Anglican mission boat Northern Cross, which arrived ln port at the first of the week from Mas-! Bet on a mercy trip, ls stormbound at Prince Rupert before leaving nn her return to the Islands. She. will not be able to get away until there ls an abatement of weather j conditions. to her home at Premier. 3-Piece You'll Always Do Jkttcr At Twenty -Five Years Ago November '1G, 1913 1 Arrivals from the north oh the, Prlndess Sophia yesterday after- Indian Agent W. E. Colllson was n0on sUted that the new Chlsana! the speaker at the regular weekly gold diggings will make a busyj luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro camp of Whltehorse this winter.1 Club today, giving Interesting dls-: Already winter freighting has jstart-i course to a good attendance of club ed over a good trail along which members with a few guests. Presl- there are comfortable roadhouses. dent D. O. Borland was ln the chair. Mr Colllson delved Into some aboriginal Indian history. The "Ne Temere" decree was discussed by Rev. F. W. Kerr at even ing service In First Presbyterian Church at the Empress Theatre last night. The Roman Catholic Church, Smelting Co., ls a passenger aboard declared, the pastor, should not be the Prince George today going allowed to declare marriages be-north to Anyox and Stewart on one tween Catholics and Protestants of his periodical Inspection trips. , null and -void unless performed by 5 The company is continuing explor- a Catholic priest atlon of the ore bodies at Anyox! with a view to ascertaining if the, Joe Bayley. well known Victoria 'ism iinniiiwiiiiwnuiiiniiniii IlKllinitLHIIlWiliKIIH - -- Axminstcr Kugs Size 9x9 . Chesterfield Suite A modern suite Comfort spring units $29.50 built with genuine Kay $130.00 THE CANADIAN LEGION (Words by Winifred 0. Brass, music by H. Ty Lock, 1 introduced at Armistice Day banquet) We are the men who answered when the stirring call went forth: "Rise! Loyal sons of Canada! Ye legions of the north!" . ,u. From prairie brown, from hill and town, front forest, mine and sea, To fieht for Kinir and Motherland, to die, if it i ; Brigadier J d.vstnct offl tary district j (j - . - must be. Lieut. Col. R. L. Fort, officer com- r. anding. , Royal Canadian Artlller this morning on me rrince Lreorge from the south and tonight annual inspection of the 102nd. Battery will be held. Brigadier Stewart and Lieut Col, Fort will return south Thursday night on the Prince George. tr n rixii::i amiiarBcia mmiun warn mam uz r ma k ms uiMtxMwnmxmtvxmimsmmtm LINOLEUMS - AXIINSTERS - CONGOLEUMS 3-I'iccc Vclour Chester- sfi!dc... 399.50 8-Piece Bedroom Ensemble $84.50 Vanity and Bench, Chest of Drawers and full size Bed, Cable Spring, and Spring-filled Mattress and one pair feather pillows. . Allowance For your old mattress on brand new : spring filled mattress, all sizes Tea Wagon Solid Walnut with drop . handle.- Lined cutlery drawer, tray with glass 25.75 centre 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite $79.50 Bed Complete $25.50 lied, Cable Spring and Cotton Mattress, size 3-3. 4-0. 4-6. A Good Place to Buy Ruj,rs ELIO Hours From 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone Green 916 3rd Avenue Felt Hi HI - i m m h i g g ':; ma isn wzwmm wmmmsammmamam c..i,. " CHORUS ' We are comrades of the Legion I -Comrades of the fighting Legion ! -Our proudest boast from coast to coast, That we are Legion men. They knew our guns, at Marne and Mons, the fury Ypres; Upon the Somme we harried them, in trenches, at Ccinit)rii With leaden hail at Passchendaele full well we kept our pledge, . : . 7': . In blood and flame we wrot&oiirj name. on death-1 less Vimy Ridge. iin V?r $ And those who kept their vigil, deep,twhere Flanders poppies gr,w, - ; ' Our comrades, wHo will hear no more the:. clarion bugles blow; ';. . "' . Still, as we stand . nlence and the years are rolled away, ''' " In memory They liveagain upon Remembrance Day. Our voices ring once more "-" we sing the grand old battle songs, Men of the Legion, marching still, though twenty years have gone; . . From coast to coast our proudest boast, from inland to the sea, ' V "We'll fight for King and Canada, ( again, if war must be !" ' . resumption of copper production boxer, will arrive ln Prince Rupert - there ls Justified. At Stewart, the this week for his fight with Jimmy! Continued Improvement Is re-Big Missouri mine and mill ls now Welsh of Chicago. Welsh is already ported In the condition of William producing on a profitable basis, i here. I Goldbloom. veteran district fur : . dealer, who is a patient ln the frince nupen uencrai uutubai. i I me i n ' I limeiy Recipes ; i WHY NOT CHEESE? C. Stewart DS.O. I whpn -old m either, eomn product, however, changes from cold to a hot food when combined with other foods such as eggs, milk and cereals to produce a tempting; cheese souffle or something similar. The wise homemaker may de pend upon savory, appetizing cheese dishes to solve the luncheon or supper problem many times during the coming months of cold weather. Cheese Souffle H Three tablespoons butter, 4 s tablespoons flour, 1 cup milk, A teaspoon salt, yolks of 3 eggs. i whites of 3 eggs, few grains cay- enne. '3i cup cheese, grated, pinch of mustard. 2 Melt butter; Blend ln flour. Add s seasonings and milk. Stir until a sauce has thickened' Add cheese. Add beaten egg yolks and when mixture ls cold, fold In stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour Into but- tered baking dish or ramekins and g DaKe in a moderately slow oven '325 to 350 degrees P.) until flrm-' a 30 to 40 minutes. Serve at once. II Announcements All advertisements ia.ihli col omn will be charged for i full month at 25c i word. Lutheran Sewing November 15. St. Peter's Church ember 24. I Dance December 9i I M iL M i man m uic muuii t loo Daa ine pnot car aia not get Ifthrough itne.lMonkroan .Pass.' this week. There were many disap pointed people when It failed to 1 1 arrive. Circle Bazaar Eagles Bridge, November 16. Cathedral Christmas Bazaar November 17. Bazaar Nov City Tennis Association annual dance, Oddfellow's Hall, November 25. 0h L. O. B. A. St. Oddfellows' Hall, Andrew's" Dance, November 30. United Bazaar December 1.' S.O.N. Play December 2 and 3. Christmas Fair, United Church, December 2 arid 3. Carnival and Dance, MetlakaUa, December 5. St. Peter's Seal. Cqve- Parish Hall Some of the orators were almost ln despair to think they had no I scope for tneir oratory i They should send a snow plow . over the Hansard end of the routs to let that car get out and contin ue proudly on its way to Prince George and Vancouver. If this "build your own roads" li. one hears, there ls no need for the businessmen to -stay at home un- Ull, the Christmas rush begins. I clr,41, Vio f1sVi4nir crilrlf still survives in United States. We are told that Tony Galento won a tech nical knockout from Harry Thomas I Monday night. A few weeks prior to that Ger imany won a technical knockout i from Czechoslovakia and is wear ing the belt. , An Aberdonlan was getting mar ried. After the ceremony was over the best man Inquired: "I suppose vou eave the minister a lee?" - - "Oh. yes," said the cautious Benedict..., gave him sixpence." " And what did the minister sayV asked the surprised best man. "Nothing at all. He Just looked at: the bride and gave me three pence back." Old lady to village urchin: "Does your father know you smoke?" Urchin: "Afe you married?" Old lady: "Yes." Urchin: "Well, does your hus band know you speak to strange men?" - ' commandlnj, mlll!health appetites automatically ' yptir Ignorance? '""'f , and. Ill show you. No. 11, Victoria, and,seem Pulre warm foods. Cheese, with Its high fat con is ah excellent heat producer tent, 41 b( i& Oil VAbVtlVtlV VV lllWUVb 1 for the district, arrived In the clly'ln the Tnl. valuable dairv! Son: Daddy., who was HamleW Daddv: Arent voU ashamed of Bring me the Bible ' Caller (excited) : Is the do:tor ln? Maid: No, sir; and I don't know Unit inntr 'oil Ho 'V.'s hppn railed "The general's been sick." "Really? Why?" "ph things in general!" II0BBS WINS AT GOLF MALDEN, Eng., Nov. 16: (CP)- Noted England and Surrey cric ket batsman, Jack Hobbs, partnered with D. S .Bennett, won tht amateur handicap prize at the Croydon Golfing Alliance meet here. He ls a 12 handicap player. Dressmaking Nub'one Foundation Garments EDITH MILLER Room 14 Smith Block Phone BLUE 276 PHONES 18 and 81 'Salvation Army Enjoys Program Entertainment by' Home' League "At Citadel Last Night Is Well Received In SDite of very wet and lncle ment weather a -well-filled hall greeted those who presented a pro gram at the Salvation Army oiia- del last night. The event was given under the sponsorship of the Home League , of the local corps. Vlollr pupils of Miss Nellie- Lawrence assisted ln making the program a great success. Accompanists were Miss Swanna Olafson and Miss Clara Pierce. A candy .stall super- bv Mrs. Boulter and Mrs. 1 1 people may close up, the town for gwanson did well. II a few weeks and all migrate to It push the road through to Skeena City. According to some of the stories The program was as follows: Opening song, "What a Friend we have in Jesus." , Prayer, Sister Clara Pierce.. Reading. Mrs. Ivan Halsey. .. Song, "Blessed Assurance," The Home League. Vocal solo, selected. Miss Rose Smith. fikPirh. "Wanted a Wife.! The Home Leagues Violin solo, Selected, Walter Mor gan. ' - . ... Recitation, "The inventor s Wife," Mrs. Smith. Vocal duet, selected, Ruth ana Grace Jones- Dialogue, Where is Sylvia," Th3 Home League. Cornet solo, selected, Captain Halsey. Violin solo, selected,- Eileen Vocal solo. 'Tell me the Story oi Jesus." Mrs. Weeks. :-' Piano solo: selected. Miss Rote Krolth. Cornet solo, selected, Captain , . I ' ?"''"'" "ssass mmm GRUEN MASTER yslio'w CtiS $i9.7$ I 'f .1 Beautifully modern. UJtefully simple, curved to fit the wrist here is new GRUEN that ex-pressei all your, ideas of a he watch. Accurate,, and handsome in a rugged masculine . design, the Gruen MASTER ii the kind of watch you'll always proudly. ' wear. S thi MASTER d torn-pUU nW tint of Cruen Watthu tt cut itou SOW (Jewellers .THE STORE WITH THE CLOCtS P. O. BOX 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" I.B.C. HANDY SODAS 40-oz. wood box 47c AYLMER TOMATO SOUP Large 22-oz. tin. OQv 2 for LIBBY'S BABY FOODS Six varieties to choose lAn from. Tin CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS Fresh stock. QCs Lb. COFFEE Chase .& Sanborn's. Per lb. PEANUT 2V2-lb. palls 37.C BUTTER Squirrel 39c CORN FLAKES Kellogg. 3 pkgs 25c BLACK LABEL PINEAPPLE Choice quality. Cubes OQp or slices. 2 tins FRY'S BAKING CHOCOLATE Premium No. 1. 1 On V2-lb. pkg. MONOGRAM MOLASSES For cooking and 4 An table use. IVi's. Tin LIBBY:S TOMATO CATCHUP Per bot. 15c ROSEDALE ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS Qn H' 2 tins Established 1910 Independently Owned and Operated QUALITY SERVICE PRICE FREE DELIVERY ON $1.00 ORDERS Two Telephones For Your Convenience Boat and" Mail Orders Receive rrompt and Careful Attention Halsey. - --' Violin solo, selected, John chrls- tenson. ' " Dialogue, "The Charmed Circle," The Home League. Recitation, selected, Ruby Suden, AFTER 40 ... your ladneyi tend to (low up. If these blood filters become inflamed, excess acid stays in the system. Needle pointed acid crystals lodge in joints and muscle setting up Irritation and rheumatic pains. Take Gin Pills to stimulate kidneys and ert prompt relief. 5 I pills III "Pro their merit througti their DM." Look As Nice As You Are Making the most of your looks is a "must" today with any clever woman. And choosing the right shop as your beauty headquarters is another sign of wisdom. We are lully equipped to advise with you concerning any of your beauty needs, and our work and mod ern methods arc of the high- 5! 5 est possible quality. Try us S soon! 1 MI-LADY Beauty Parlor Lillian Oavics 305 3rd Ave. NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE THIRD AVENUE EAST Phone RED 392 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS HILLMAN CARS STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS Prompt and Efficient Service 2 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZareW Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19C THE SEAL f QUALITY 1 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll ln Prince Rupert Try a paly Jew$, cussified ad. ,4 T f K "im m ( e P i