J i it - ilSEOTNre Shoes Of Distinction . STYLED BY PERTH v Receive The Utmost In COMFORT, VALUE and V WEAR by Purchasing These Delightful Shoes In All the Mod ern Stj'les And Shades F-Sold , AiltY SHOE By- STORE LTD. V The Rome of Good Shoes EDITORIAL Hdlf fill thtl., .u.. wrt Monogram , Gin, li pert French TtiMiyuui, pari Italian Vermouth, bhake we I and serve with green olive or pickled. onion. Friday,. October 28, 1938 WHY WEALTH? Yesterday we mentioned that people who bought Jrishweeptake tickets were foolish because the chance .of , winning was too .great. In thinking about the reason why people want .to win a little for.tune all at once we ran acrossthe opinion of a biologist who says that the Ltliree;great impulses in human life are to love, to be important and to escape work or, in other .words, to get the .opnortunitv to nl FIRST Handicap Totals Royal Lunch J. Currie 460 Use tall glass, two' of three cubes ,ol lee, Juice of lemon, teaspoon lujaf, 2 ounces Monogramin.iFill up iUig with soda wateri TIME ,698 4 M. Montesano ..M134 S. Dominatcf .'. 431 144 D. Houston 143 148 D. Montesano .154 JQ8 Roma -129 Handicap Sti 22 Totals (743 692 GyroXlubr- .1 2 Brocklesby 124 149 Bulger . 423 151 Cade .'. 446 164 Borland '. 435 139 Carter 115 12,7 Handicap 15 15 Totals ,...1 ,658 745 Pioneer, Laundry I 2 Brass 418 18 B. Smith .453 139 Woods 134 118 rfiupux tanu or-mey want to be able to play instead of work to date: " v .wheat, 41 importance is thp mm it io an attnimn 1 i " ", v "''"""mna mat lias . ,, . f. especially in these days when people are taught to sne,er at prominent people. If the opportunity ,,,pjay lssqutrht, one must be sure that he knows, how to i?jay. any .people come to the end of their business or professional careers and find themselves out of a job 'with nothing to do that interests t.h ,a sad yay. They usually die. What is there to live for? e ' Many people who win sweepstakes find themselves with more monev than thpv ran hcp nn ;u Rupert Motors .11 Parker's Garage 10 Royal Lunch ..: .6 Electrical Workers .'.....5 Gyro Club 5 Pioneer Laundry 4 Canadian Legion .. .4 North Star 3 and.either run through thp mnno, MHi,r n Li u 1 . A Yarmouth, YARMOUTH. n.s N.S.. work or they find that the money ttitKIK .is a cursp. ratnpr than n hipac 15 PZ. 25 z. 1 2 .6 "i 1 ; '"8 8 9 21 801 vEW BOURSE OF STUDIES ( Continued .From Page ,Qne) mercjal iBowiing League jat .igjitjparqularly ,l;pw tp express them-at the hands of Roval Luneh'. loslne two ameSitd one. Pioneer Laundryju're time. n social' '4Jes, Xated'-!?? Club- ,twp James' to which was really a combination of ture Gyr er for the evenine .with 166. As a cord ifi rrv.o J95 must be no regimentation for , all 2 3 'wprp rflffprpnf nnrt thp rilffprpnrpt 141 111 A must be respected. The course had wheat everywhere W L Pts Pone at all for Rupert. u:L' -v.xu uiuci opeim jl wise-' moum in a car oeanng an Egyptiam shabbiest shabbiest man man in in the the who whole ;ly theyave to change .their mode of life "cense entirely. If they I plate, belieyed.to be.the4irst Icannot you dress better?" .haye .always lived in the kitchen it is difficult to adapt iof lts klnd to reach Nova cotla- Husband: -No, j can't af themselves to life in the drawingroom. Sudden wealth is e c?u arrived at D1 NS- : ""why not?" not Otten an af vantao-p. ........ u uetman ..reignier.Las 0 Dek. havlni? piparrf. frnm. r?airr Mn in lliA M I fTlCUl ill U1C 1T1UUU ! This adverUsement Is not published or displayed the by Liquor Control Board or by.the Government of British Columbia MOMS) IStill Working ;Qn I virpnroent and adopt'a friendly at-' I4palfh ItlClimtirP 11ail11 1"3UIUHX JtUude. At,r0tli.pol(terere f teachers .who had not done this VICTORIA, ,8: CP,-.Qp. " P05" from vari0Us sources caus Motorseft on Xop i I -teaching of English; said.ed he government tp rstppne ac- Parker's Garage suffered its first Mr. ,-In-the Sutton, the course was badly tion on health Insurance after a defeat of the season in Jhe .Com-j overloaded.' Students had to learn . heaIth Insurance act was adopted but 11 10 .Lloyd George Is a comforting old, 6,soul. He, evidently, sees the'Brl-5 tlsh Empire, sinking slowly into pb. - 5"ilvioniust ,because'he'ls nbt at the-4 head of .affairs. Poubtjess, he re-4 members that nearly a quarter 6f 3 ; a century ago he was a dictator."' EGYPTIAN LICENSE vwe sometimes think of the Czechoslovaks an a corlnnc nonnla Oct. 28t CP) i but ..evidently! thev ar nnt. wer is (rom a Prague paper: Wife: "Really, Jphn, you are the town. afford it.' .Husband: 'tBecause vou arp th 1 Knef A-r.-.J . . . . . ' - ' j ..v-oocyi nuiiiaii jii ine town, j i Wltlpn. "d after the. -true' 1 J .MITKH HUMB1A iQSHUBr ,CO Xm'tj bottle $ V - . ',9$ j bottle - 1 .75 i bottle 2.0 4 tion with the opening of the Legislature this .week. Since last year a new approach to the medical pro result of last nights play, Rupert had to become socially minded. !tne act ln tnat quarter but there; Motors is left in undisputed pos- . has been no arrangement made as session of firsfnlace in the .stand- ..iQHy ;there was .a .period for Vet. " jng. "" " 'WTOOCe. in which students were The health insurance, commission, Individual scorfng 4a?t nlghtwas f??Pe.Q, lnicn mauers as.cnoosing as follows: " rse in life to be followed after Parker vGra5e il 2 3' WJr .schcvl life was ended. They D. Wick ...1 159 ,185 142 Mue.dr?uch matters as conditions Rood " ..'....'l:..."'"r, il09 151 141 5fJor 'arid hours of wprk, indiyfd- Armstrong !ll7 150 ill V1 r!?hte 5Pd .respect for the W." Smith :16p 158 138 '.rfSnk others. The teacher was 'McMeekin ... 453 t5l 148 expected to be counsellor and guide set up by the government has con tlnued to function though the act is not ln forqe and the Liberal convention urged the government to consummate the plebiscite of the people (held June 1, ,1937) and the platform of the party by bribing into effect a health .insurance act. Blames Alcohol 1 I - ... J & t II..IJ...I 1 I A Afm 15p! ,Mr. Sutton urged that all take an jwt yuuov interest in the schools, visit them at 426 :any time" and see the work that ,12 .was being done. Y ! I 3 r 144 168 119 223 120 15 .789 .3 125 169 .Wheat Is rolling to the coast but not a ,bus"hei, for Prince Rupert. We are told that we have the best fo II vim t nro H a n PunnHn tVo flnaet R. Smith ...r.ri.'"r.r.462 m 160 airbor in .Canada, the finest loca-Beynon Beynon 159 159 125 165 165 on on the. coast and yet we can't Handicap 21 Totals ... .747 21 687 have a bushel of grain. EVANSTON, 111, Oct. 28: (CP) 1 Northwestern University Traffic Safety Institute, after a three-year study on alcohol in relation to, traffic accidents, reached these, conclusions: Alcohol Is. a major cause of auto- ; mobile accidents. As the alcohol content in the 4th Avenue East. (254) FOK SAL.E FOR SALE One .walnut vanity bureau $12; one Nesco elec tric oven perfect, cost $27.50 fpi , sip; one Spartan. Radio $25; " Baby's bath. Phone" :Red 578. (25U FOR SALE 7-room house all newly remodelled, fully modern, 742 9th Ave. W. Price $1050, part cash, balance as rent. Duhamel, Capitol Barber Shop. (257) FOR SALE 1928 Harley-Dayldson Single Motorcycle in good running condition. .Priced to .sell. :Phone-Red-726. Cl44 .F.OR RENT Thirty-six rooms, re-' aecpratea ana mostly furnished in Alder Block. Some capital required for new mattresses, .etc. For particulars see -W J. Alder, City Hall. (252) THREE-rpom ?ulte .with .bath, furnished. Phone Red .444. (251) PERSONAL SCOTTISH Country Girl wlshe? correspondence with voting ran cher. Reply to Mary Bruce, Cas-slegiljs, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. (255) NEW PEP AT .40 FOR MEN,' Women. New OSTREX Tonic Tablets contain 2 stimulants' irom raw oysters plus ,4 general tonics to pep up whole body. Try package today. ,If not deliahted maker refunds its tlow price. Sold by all good drug stores. ;tf, AGENTS .WANTED CHRISTMAS Card salespeople. 3lg profits now. Sell the most com plete Christmas Card .line, .Make big money .every day showing season's largest selection. Printed to order Christmas cards, Nwjth sendees name and address. :De- signed by leading artists, .values unequajled at rour ;l,ow , prices. Four attractive lines including 25 for $1.00 Personals, ; Also rnany quierent poxed assortme.nts, 11 ,bg money nmHers. Canada's favorite "21" cardL .assortment ,is finest eyer produped, sejls for $1.00, your .prp'fjt i50c. .Make Mr money for tC)irlstmas. Start ;now; ..Cash in on .these fast isqlllng lines puDfisnep ,Dy ,the .largest company of its kind in Canada Branches frpm coat -to' tCoatj uet, ej?jer oraers.jwo experience .necessary, ,Wrlte for ;free sample book. Agents also wanted !n smaller towns. Liberal commission. Friendly service. Premier Art Guild, 570 Seymour St. Vancouver. ift blood Increases, the number of drivers involved In personal injury accidents increases. - As alcohol Increases, accidsnts n crease and at a rate somewhat pro- I portlonate to the increase )n 3I-I cohol. j There are more than twice as many drinking drivers on Saturdays and Sundays as on week days, .with the largest numbir.early Sun day. About 47 per cent ot drivers in volved in accidents had ben drink ing. sociation. C0IEO , WANTED WANTED Girl for housework. 442 conclusions were published Richard L.-Holcomb in the Jour-i the American Medical As - E) D-vJ.:i D .i . P.O. 577 If VOU hnvn Rackets of Quality I A Jrge.SclQtipn .to Choose From. Models to Stl hvery late and rocket Campbell's Shuttles Made better to play better and last longer. Spet- mi ii iv.co in ijuawiikica iu viuus, Get Your .Badminton Supplies at GORDON'S HARDWARE McBRIDE STREET GOOD Phone: USED CAR$ L Come in and See Them ROYAL MOTORS CENTRAL HOTEL iROOJHS.and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS..C.E. BLACK December Frozen HERRING Fhont Fresh Local RawA .Pasteurized M VALBNTIN DAIR1 PHONf 51 BAI Cold Storage Ice Canaflin Fish & Cold Storage sCo. Hi Prince Jtupcrt, JJ.C. n this paper will soon let you know if there is a My trip Ptr i.k'k.'ti .1