PAGE FOUR MCDONALDS Sirs. W. II. Goodsell and Mrs. Gooselin Joint Hostess At Affair Last Night II. Mrs. H. Gooselin and Mrs. H. Goodsell were hostesses last night at the home of the former, 112 Eight Avenue East, with a cup am) saucer shower in honor of Miss Agnes Guyan ' R. N., who will be Nic Mrs. E. J. Large sailed last night on the Prince George for Specials At Selvig s Cash & Carry Robin Hood Oats OQn T-Bonc Roast rtn With silverware Lb. 2UC Quaker Oats ftOp Sirloin Roast OA Coupon., . l Lb 20C Iodhed 7f Round Steak Off Salt M 2 lbs OOC Butter-First grade. OAp Pot Roast j0 3 lbs QUI Lb 1JC Mcintosh Apples jJ Boil Beef Grimes Golden oA Hamburger Applcs-Box t?XOV 2 lbs ZtC Bananas Golden np Leg of Lamb C ripe. Lb. Lb Zt)C Oranges Large size. Oft Shoulder Veal A Dozen Lb lt)C Jewell Shortening- OCn Leg of Veal ftP 2 lbs Lb 4t)C Tlionc 7G5 FREE DELIVERY A Hot Time Is What You Want This Winter You can get it by using our famous Edson, Bulkley Valley or Nanaimo-WcIIington coaL PltlNCE KUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 or 558 303 THIRD AVENUE I NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE THIRD AVENUE EAST Phone RED 392 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS HILLMAN CARS STANDARD PRODUCTS Prompt and EHicient Service HTCAP HIGHLAND , oUqusiuA ClMulnif l&OZ. 160Z. AOOZ. S35 S10 SJB This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Miss Agnes Guyan Shower Honoree Moose Ladies Tea And Sale Union steamer Cardena, Capt.1 John Boden, is due in port at 8:30 Successful Event Yesterday Pick. The rooms were attrarfivPlv ' son in provincial police court. All 'he hosU? and Irs- .Hugh! Tfndrrs for thf -on(ruction of two buildings, alteration ami addition to two rUtlng buildings, and for thr construction of a ntm-rrte apron and kllpwajr at the Koval Canadian Air Korrc Station, All ford Ilay, ILC. CEALED Tenders, enclosed In envelope nuu-kem "Tender for Buildings, All-ford Bay, B.C., end addresKOd to tb! Director of Contracts. OoparUnent of NnXtonaJ Defence. Ottawa. Ontario, W3'. be received until 12 o'clock noon of the 14th November. 1938. Tenders will not be considered unle3 made on the forma supplied by the Department and In accordance with the conditions set forth therln. These forms, ' tcgeuier with the plans and specltlca-Gons, may be obtained on application to the Director of Contracts, Department of National Defence, Ottawa, or to the DlBtrtot Officer Command ln. Military District No. 11, Victoria, B.C. Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of National Defence for ten per cent (10 percent I , of the amount of the tender. The cheque 'of the successful tenderer will be forfeited should he decline to enter Into a contract tot the work, or should he fall, after accepting the contract to complete esame in accordance .with the plans and Hpedflcatlons. The Department does not bind ltaeif 10 accept the lowest or any tender. L. R. laPLECHE, I Deputy Minister. Department of National Defence, Ottawa. October 11th, 1938 I H Q 921.106-3). IX THE St'PRF.ME fOL'UT OK HHITISII . COLUMBIA In the. Matter of the "Administration Acf Arid In the Matter of the Estate of Manuel Oonialro, Def eated TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU Honor Judge FUher, Local Judge of the PuPf"i Court or British Columbia aay or ooxober 1838, 1 ' appointed Adnilnlfitrator oX all the Estate within British Columbia of ttael above-named deceased, late of Mayo I Yukon and Stewart, BrlUah Columbia AH persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to m xortnvrtth. and all' persona having claims against the said estate are required to file the same ' properly verified, with me with In onel month from the first publication ot! Mils notice, otherwise distribution of the sold eU.te wlU be made without regard thereto ! .Dated at Print Itupert, B. C, thlsj KORMAN A. WATT. OUlclal Administrator, Prince Rupert, B. O THE DAILY NEWS At io mgni irom tne soutn ana will ,iome of Mrs. Sam Hougari sail on time at 10:30 on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. A very successful tea and sale of The case of the halibut boat Bay- home cooklnS was eld Thursday view, Capt. Dan Wedge, charged a"ernon b.y Women of the with having halibut in possession Moose at the home of Mrs- Sam in Area No. 2 without a permit, is Housan, Fifth Avenue East. Many proceeding today before Stlpen- ladies called during the after "-..J , u" , dinrv Maaictmto Anrfro Tt, guesw were received Whifflets I From The Waterfront x I steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. Henry Ander m. arrived In' rjort at 2:20 this afternoon from Vancouver and waypoints and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return south. Southbound from Skagwato Vancouver, the Princes Louise, Capt. a K. Gray, is due in port at 3:30 from the north and will sail at 5 p.m. Three western vessels from Area No. 3 and a number of cod fishing vessels from Area No. 2 marketed halibut in Seattle yesterday. For I western fish 9c and up was paid I and for local halibut 10c and up. TELLS ABOUT PEACE RIVER Kev. Roy Durnford Speaker Before Presbyterian W. M. S. And Young People - ' j bmiin, benior Kegent oi the lodge. . . . , , , . . , , . decorated in pink and white. Nu-1 morning was spent In hearing evi- Durj the afternoon hlis Bp ' merous pretty and saucers 1 The Women's Missionary Society cups dence and noon adjournment wasDeane of Vancouver rendered' vo- In1? ZV t0t If, M?XeleC takcn until 2:30 Pm- F. Jones cal JijSSZ. J? j In a buggy decorated in pink and . ., J , . . T n .,, ,... t F1"1 Presbyterian Church Joined 15 Prosecuting and J. T. Harvey de- C, Carr. which were very much white. on Tuesdanight under the chalr. The evening was spent in play-' fendlng" I priding at the tea table, which "Sg ' rs- Stu ine brldee. the Drlze-winners bein? L. . -...v. -..j,.,. president of the Missionary So- Mrs. W. H. Goodsell and Mrs. J George Geddes. Mrs. Oscar Smith Mrs. H. K. Christerisen and Mrs. Clf y' to.heaL a v restin? Wozney. Delicious refreshments refreshments Mrs. trc J. t McLeod, Mrs. o Richard m,., Long. Mrs. J. t o Carr v, had ZTr address n7 by Rev. Roy Durnford. ' were served, R. Smith, C. V,, I Mrs J Wwnpv PVi,v. Tro- rhanro nf tha. Vlt.Vion octets h,, Cl0r 01 &l- "ters Anglican Those present were Mrs. A. Guy-! si eEssil,ysM IJmlastany Mrs. M. J. Keays, Mrs. Jensen, vS?' m'ssiotJnary ork and an, Mrs. J. L. Mcintosh, Mrs. F. H I ley, Miss Elsie Finlev. Mrs. C. H Mrs. Peter Peterson. Mrs. Peter f.?1!1?ns lT the Pcace dls Cameron, Mrs. M. Walters, Miss Finley, Mrs. S. Dunqan, Mrs. Oscai Wingham, Mrs. Knut Slatta, Mrs. f n . . Dorothy Ballinger, Mrs. R. Strach- Pick, AUss Cathie Eastman and Adcock. Serviteurs were Mrs. W. & t?,?5Ce upeT' ollw" an, aits, wiiuam Geddes, Mrs. Miss Betty Eastman. B.-McCallum, Mrs. T. Morgan and Mrs. W. Llneham. There was ton ifKl HTstU 1. 'MSI. T V'.u . tcoiiomical Sxmdiated - Snfr. cup reading by Mrs. F. W. Grimble. lng the address,- Mrs. J. YV. Mc Kinley proposed a "vote of thanks ,to the speaker. In the W1L devotional aevouonai In charge of the home coqklng part oi tne table were Mrs. W. Tattersall and meetlnS. Mrs J- A. Tens read the ,Mrs. R. McCarthy. Scripture and Rev. II. G. Funston Ied in Mrs. O. Stegavlg and Mrs. R. Praver-Glske had charge of the raffle? A musical program included vo-the winners being as follows: cal solos by Miss Betty Woods, ac-' Cocktail set, donated by Gordon companied by Miss Ruth Nelson, and Anderson, won by Mrs. W. B. and vlolin solos by Miss Englna McCallum. Christian:! n, accompanied by Miss Cushion, donated by Mrs. Harris, Margaret McMeekin. . won by Mrs. H. Christensen. Delicious refreshments were scr- Chlcken, donated by Jones Meatived-Market, won by Mrs. R. McCarthy. Mrs. Wilson acted as cashier for the afternoon. The Dally Ntws la an A. B. Darier, THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only iilmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Uupert HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 Annual Prizes Are Presented liorden Street School Pupils Receive Awards From Queen Mary 1 Chapter , A pleasant ceremony took place cn Wednesday afternoon in Booth Memorial School auditorium when prizes given annually by the Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, and won by pupils of grade eight, Borden Street School, last year were presented by the educational secretary of the chapter, Mrs. J. H. Norden. The proceedings opened with the singing of "O Canada." Mrs. S. V. Cox, acting regent, of Queen Mary Chapter, in the absence of Mrs. A. T. Parkin, spoke a few opening words, also introducing Mrs. Norden who then presented the prizes which, were as follows: Bursary, $10, for pupil ranking highest In final examinations, Harry Lee. First Prize. British History. Hugh MacKenzie. Second Prize, British History, Mltchl Yamanaka. .First Prize, Canadian History. Al-istair Crerar. Second Prize, Canadian History, Norma Currie. After the prizes, diplomas were presented to the Entrance Classes of last year of both Booth and Borden Street Schools. These will be the last diplomas presented as there is now a Junior High School. Arthur Sutton, principal of Booth Memorial High School, gave a short but Inspiring talk to the pupils on the necessity of pursuing such studies as would benefit them in the, occupation for which they were! g J. H. BULGER Optometrist Itoval Itank Hide. NEW ROYAL HOTEL . J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Vox ISC best fitted later In life when starting out for themselves. Another short speech by Mrs. D. C. Stuart of Queep Mary Chapter followed. Then a few words of thanks to Mr. Sutton- for courtesy extended were expressed by Mrs. S. V. Cox. The presentation ceremonies ended with the singing of "God Save The King." Present from Queen Mary Chapter were Mrs. S. y. Cox, First Vice-Regent. Mrs. J. H. Norden, educational secretary, Mrs. D, C Stuart and Mrs. William Brass. Arthur Sutton, principal, and W. W. C. O'Neil of Booth Memorial High School were in charge. KAN NOISE HALIFAX, Oct. 28: (CPt Advertising sound trucks and loud speakers on Halifax streets would be banned by an ordinance being considered by the city's lavs and privileges committee. The by-law would also prohibit construction work, loud radios and playing of musical Instruments within certain hours. inn RAW FUR SEASON Commencing .Must Unload Large Stork 25 Off-for Cash Come in and see our goods. Easy Terms Arranged Goldbl oom s KEX Bowling Alley For Health and a Slim Waist Line Dowl Fur Reservations Phone 638 TONIGHT and and SAri SATrnnTT Matinee Saturday j.j. Evening Shows at 7:00 i,. ANOTIIKK TItlUMPH From the Producer Vh r, 'Little Lord Faunt!eror? 1 Sthnick International frm MA11K TWAIX'S nBLOVED STORY THE (Mm OF Wiei TOM SAWYER In Technicolor Introducing TOMMY KELLY (At 7:28 and 9:28) ADDED Donald Duck in TOLA II TRAPPERS" SportlUht "Iluntinj Thrah' Phones 18 & 81 P.O. Box 5:1 FOR SATISFACTION Try MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where HavrJto Cen' ; Qualify Groceries Reliable Service j Opposite Car: ' . I' ' I Try a Daily Nrw . " '"H 'CB i K iTB .B .B LB a- B 't. B it J.'.BM H '..B . B IXB t R I D I I'l 1 il I a'l LCI 1 : ' ENTERPRISE Oil Burner Circulator Heater No Dirt, No Work, No Ashes. With Enterprise you get cleant healthful, Just-right comfort ill the lime. It saves oil too because you can turn it down low when only a little heat is nttiti New Enterprise Range for Coal, Wood, Oil Deauty, Convcnicpce, Value You positively should not buy a new range until you have sn these trim, streamline 1938 ranges now on display at Elio's 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite $79.50 4-Piece Bedroom Suite $59.50 Red, Chiffonier, Vanity and Rcnch ) Vel Fell Kuc- Size TVjxO ... S5.75 ConRoIeum Gold Seal CO QQ Dominion Inlaid- 6 i 1 d 2 square 2.55 v yards "f.rymjrc Seamless Wilton Ituit- Seamless Axrainslur KiiK- -A You'll Always Do Rettcr at BrBlBJBlBJBlBlBJBfBlBIBIBIB ELIO'S Hours From 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone Orccn 916 jrd Avenue