i... riir look iiacK un OU""J - ... m,i (irnriai Atas .xr net 28: (d'J now here's peace In our time" or, 4 an armistice, Londoners hen 1" .Mcrry island are "... iw. ovpnts of those "last Ultt I-"" , , weeks before the agreement rtaln most Britons wno and have their being in Lon-prable regions I yearning those days lor inai n the backwoods far removed air-raid precautions ana war i general . .i. th services ior protection are well organized tho authorities com- But John Citizen was nav- .. - 141. ills mrr i n onri incpnfl arv DOmDS 'In k . i I k f 1 .AnS f T , - I k asn to safeguard it againsw respirator we all- -don't get panicky. elowna Apples 0 Dry Prairies FT An.. . . . -inn, uct. m: lui'j r.isii- - iV0 . ' J. oueht ..,.... vauuaas rioads or OKanagan ap-, bclnir shinnpri to the wcas of the prairies. London gold price ndon UON. on. (r.m ThP 1! in prlw f bar gold dropped' Genri 5.03 per flnp nunpp on the market yesterday. .-6c r.dlDS. aftor inpnrt no a cZt months ln Vancouver on tof the illness of his moth-'W,health ls improved, tAV . no. trm a utk. io, iiri ft resuution urging the Domln Ion government to set a mlnn-mum price on fish was passed yesterday at the annual meet lng of United Maritime Fish difficult time wun .... 9nnmmPpH vps. ttefloorfwamlngiaMin-, prime Snlll'i'B - .twin? anH nancer. were some of the precau- CABINET IS NO MONEY, O.VE . RrnKIl) 80 Taxi Tomorrow sTddes High 5:19 ajn. IT 2 ft. j,y AM) NIOIIT SERVICE 16:48 pjn. 17.8 It. Cartful and Courteous Drivers Low 11:04 sun." 9.8 ft. 23:36 p.m. 6.5 ft. (New 1938 Plymouth) NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ..... Vll. V7 tVl - PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1938. PRICE: 5 CENTS ISIS IS I'll III 11 14 I . Cu IN LONDON jjj tiriA, ermen. R. E. Finn MP. urged i that the price be fixed In the same manner as western ; wheat. , -CRITICIZED British Opposition Feels That Too' Many Portfolios Are Being Held By Lords LONDON, Oct. 28: (CP) The Chamberlain again drew criticism from Opposition members at the numoer -poruouos neaoy very ?thP householder Air Raid Precaution' was urged bers of the House of Lords The . ' -f h Hnmfl. Office: "t"""-" viiiiuv u. - iir-vpnrtintr Hpnnrtmpnts Rhnnlrt hp ouhave not alreadj , acne so. - -Ior .y0Uf g" of Commons. - n i vti villi i wiuuun ji .u..' uhirt rmn iieiv luivjvw 'III. L. 1-1 . niitftlflG. L.1EIHV during an air raid. i ft- u. a ,ou have a garden, prepare a( trench a.1 protection against; NO TROPHY and epllnrs. ' Capt. Angus Walters Fails to Re imll rP T 1 7 ITM rillllll .a ... I ...... .. r .. - 11'I.r. St thf! cffe:'t of high expio- International Schooner shcn pr n: yourseli ana , Race myou nave a dux u """.iniernaiionai isnermens ocxioon- At- ...I W n rriTm n m 1 1 Ah.ia V ( I1VPI I r rl 1 1 V bVJ UV "- l WVHILflS 111 LI ltT lj Li 1 1 CI 1 LC 1 H. JLUVWii- , ntinvi v w v - - "siLcui me nousc. naa we pnc inuuvy j- wh - yiuu sneiver "u, 1 c tnpropnrv mom ... juu. m there with your res- nr f an Qiortvi la o vpn. j . Halibut Sales flyou are out of doors andj Summary aval ilOme a utmcir viHLiitaii aaa.vwv jjvvw w J Mia v V v aww " pwIH- V.UV VJ . wmmxx. 11 ... . 1UJ-1UM 1 -IIV HflllV V J I maur a if nnwin p. cover uici Norm, a.uuu. racuic. o.ou auu wv,. ' wth sheets of iron, asoesios celan, l8tooo: uoia siorage, oc aim .... Sea Bird, 22,000, Cold Storage, 8.4c and 6c. Yukon, 17,000, Booth, 8.4c and 6c. r nil . . II I " III! jwu wan ill an niiv.ftv... rf I VI UV 1111 IV lllk IIIU ma and phllHrrn I Mini k! . . t . AMmtr Large Oil Deals Dollars Worth Italy Also Negotiating With U.S. and liraiil companies and Brazil. 4 4 Big Fire In Marseilles mtATfSKILLES. Oct. 28: (CP) NEW COURSE to MEXICO CITY, Oct. 28: (CP) Sale of several million dollars worth of oil by Mexico to Italy has been negotiated. Arrangements are also being made for sale of large quantities to United States A huge, fire swept ten build- lngs and caused three aeains t and twenty Injuries here to- day. It led Premier Edouard . Daladler to suspend until to- mnrrnw a' Radical-Socialist conference. His own hotel was among the buildings destroyed. OF STUDIES Principal of High School Explains Aims and Methods at Present in Use clared Arthur Sutton, principal of the Booth Memorial High School. In the course of an address on 'The School and Its Currlculm" at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club yesterday afternoon. According to Mr. Sutton the chief aim of the stats In supporting the schools is to prepare the boys and girls to take their places as citizens.' to promote social progress and sta-1 blllty. The Individual is trained to! be socially minded. reco?nbing the I rights of others. The outstanding aim Is character building for the, future depends on the character of ; its citizens. 1 The speaker indicated that each course was supposed to make a1 contribution to the all round development of the students, to en-nhle them to live successful lives 50 that, at the end, they might be, able w look DacK wunoui regret. Getting down to a closer study, of the currlculm. Mr. Sutton sa)d( the week was divided into forty , periods, eight In each day. covering ten subjects. The pupils were graded according t0 past achievement. Each class started In Its home room and, at the end or each npriftd. moved to the room where his or her subject was being tau?ht. The chl8f advantage of this method was that equipment for teaching the particular subject was always to hand. There was each day a. supervised study period In the home room in place of giving home work lit t ip nped of home work. I talking, other work going on, visitors present or other distractions. r,.f hnAl'I tt-prP Often nOt 3V- Bulletins GOING TO PERSIA His many friends in Prince will be interested to hear that Rupert Koss, wno was Dorn i I and raised in this city, receiving 1 ... . -11 t I ,1 V. . ... .n41l f. "The schools do not teach math- a" n,s tuuu" u"" 'c ematics. history, geometry or lan- went to University of British Col- guages. They teach children" de-, umbia, has been appointed chemist in the service of the Standard Oil Co. and; is about to leave Vancouver 'for' England whence he will fly to Persia in which country he will be located. Until recently, Rupert had been located in Port Alide. He is the son of the late Hairy Ross and in Vancouver, ncicic" www , allable whereas at school the pu- Seattle to Play at Spokane on Sun- niu could consult the books in me ctay iigni in seasons nri, schoof library. In the work of character building there was the increase of knowledge, the development of habits, development of skill, develop ment of definite interests ana appreciations, looking to the development of ideals. Taking the subject of health education, Mr. Sutton said the first Idea was the development, of a desire for health, making the student feel ashamed of not being In good health, the building of good habits and the cultivation of the desire for physical education. If the course the Department of Education set down by was followed out, a gymnasium would be necessary. However, they did the best they could ....a ihP circumstances. Pupils mitslde during fine WC1C vaivi... - ti,- nnrt nt other times the wo- was utilized. Sometimes the pupils were taken to the phys ii ation rentre hall on Sec .nti nnrt badminton had J OHU lit""" been played at the Canadian National courts. They had also been allowed to use the Amories for u..wh.,ii hp suecested that, as prescribed the the government course,' It would eventually have to gymnasium for the carrying provide a noticed out of the course. He ..... .u- rik.roii in ronventlon re- centiy had asked the government Prinpatlon and admin- lster It directly Instead of through tho mnnlclDalltles. any .u twwni and nrovlnclal au Ithorltles would have to co-operate to provide proper eaucauo.m. .a -Mill A CllH.M. . The speaker weni on io "' In the old days men would come . t.h nirt nountry or from some university and say: "I know my ....r Thnt. rild not go today. What they must know today Is boys and girls. It was difficult for some this. They must of them to realize realize the gravity of their job or ,m never cet anywnere. !S& mt not only know the In- divlduals they laugiu uu .v. (Continued on Pane Two) Game SPOKANE, Oct. 28: (CP) The Pacific Northwest Hockey League will open in Spokane on Sunday night with Seattle playing Spokane. , Fabulous Estate ' Draws Attention In Cape Breton SYDNEY, N.S.. Oct. 28:' (CPJ Money, $200,000,000 of it, ls attracting some rapt attention down , ln this Cape Breton city for a 1 number of residents are believed to be direct heirs to an estate .tot alling somewhere between $150,-. 000,000 and $200,000,000 which, has been unsettled fpr more than ( a century The estate Is that of the late Joseph Ball of Philadelphia who lied In 1821. It consists of land In he states of Pennsylvania, Mary-i . . . rt i ,r r V. ana, ueurgia, rk.uui.ui.., ouuiu Carolina and New Jersey. Valuable jropertles ln Washington and, Philadelphia are also Included. i The Ball family acquired Its' wealth through money grants paid It by early settlers in return for loans. Spoliation claims for alleged damages committed by French' troops during the American revo lution were also said to have swelled ttvBall st.rongTbpxcs.ju t He was a first cousin of George Washington and his English ancestors had a family History dating back to 1440. The descendants In Nova Scotia claim to have their connection with the Philadelphia caDltallst well documented. -a.ue mu a(tcrnoon. f , The estate has been the subject of many a lecal controversy in trie';century odd' since' Ball died. Some actions over It have ..lasted more than a lifetime. Now an as soclatlon of Ball's alleged heirs ls GOVT WINS CONFIDENCE: Pattullo Administration Endorsed Against Combined Opposition In Legislature Division Yesterday VICTORIA, Oct. 28; (CP) Pattullo government strength last I night defeated by a vote of 29 to 1C a want of confidence motion introduced by the Conservative Opposition leader, R. L. Maitland K C. The want of confidence mo tlon, In the form of an amendment to the address in reply to the Knpprh (mm ihe TTironp. rperptted Jlrs. Ross. His mother now lives t that "administrative nolicv and action of this government had failed, to adeauatelr deal with the mwu ftui riiuatvuie. problems of farming, roadss un-VICTORIA Retailers of gaso- employment atfd municipal aid line will not be prbsecuted for havine reeard to the ereat in .Aj...i 'reducing . . . ienorinsr.the order, gas oline prices while' the injunction of Mr. Justice A.( M. Manson stands, Premier TD. Pattullo said today. It was never intended that retail distributors should shoulder the whole burden of the decrease in price, Mr. Pattulli4 said. s' MAY WRITE OFKLOANS 'EDMONTON Actio to cancel $1500,030 in agricultural advances to Alberta farmers between 1917 and 1923 was. announced today by Premier William Aberhart. CHIANG IS NONCHALANT SHANGHAI The Japanese today captured Sienning, SO miles south of Hankow, and established a spcarbeast' for an advance on Yochow. Rleauwhjle, Gencra'l Chiang Kai Shek is reported to have termed the capture of Hankow and Canton unimportant. stating that no decisive battle ti tVil mpthnd there Should was imnendinr uj w.w - , Often home environment was not D 'ft Alnyfkurncf conducive to study as there was in'I aClIIL llOrillWCM some homes a radio going, people Hockey Loop Opens crease in tne amount 01 taxes and revenue being collected by the government from the people , of British Columbia." TODAY'b STOCKS lUouruay a. U. Jotmum Oo. Vancouver Pacific Nickel, .30 (ask). Big Missouri. .31. Bralorne. 9.50. . Aztec, .05 U. Cariboo Quartz, 2.25. Lentonia, .02V'a. Goiconda, .07. Mtnto, .03 V3. Falryiew.. ,05Ja. .. Noble Five. .03 Pend-'Orielie. 2.10. Pioneer. 2J5. Porter Idaho. .03 Vi. Premier 2.28. Reeves McDonald, .37 (ask). Rend. .28. Relief Arlington, .14 (ask). Salmon Gold, .08. Taylor Bridge. .02i2. Hedley Anialg., -OJi. SUbaK Premier, 1.82. Cohgtest.' .ol-s. home Gold, .01. u rand view, .09. Indian, .ull'a- , Quatsino, .04. 0"s ,,,, A. P. Con., .17. cairnont. .z&. C. & E., 2.20. , . treehold, .04. Hargal. .25. McDougal Segur, .12i2. Mercury, .06. Okalta, 1.31. Home Oil, 1.10. , Toronto Beattie, 1.25. Central Pat., 2.45. Gods Lake, .39. Little Long Lac, 2.80. ' McKenzie Red Lake, Pickle Crow, 5.10. San Antonio, 1.20. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.53. Smelter Gold," .05. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.35. Oklend, .18. Mosher, .17. Madsen Red Lake, .45. Stadacona. .52. Francoeur, .21. Moneta, 1.35. Bauscadlllac, .09 Ji. , Thompson uaaiuac, .oo. Bankfleld, .372. East Malartlc, 2.17. Preston E. Dome, 1.45. Hutchison Lake, .04. Dawson White, .02, Aldermac. .59. Kerr Addison, 1.79.. ,t Uchl Gold, i.45'. Int. Nickel, 56.00. Noranda, 79.00. Cons. Smelters, 56,75. Athorta. .08. Hardrock. 1.95. Barber Larder, ,19. Fernland. .16Vi. 1.32. 1 WINNIPEG WHEAT PRICE WTNNTTPF.O. Oct. 28! (CP) Win- A tn K .nnnnLm tVn c U LlnaiT TltlOot nflfPS VitKC Oil SC tO ? Something of - the home en-1 the hope of settling It once and forjttc yesterday with October closing KnOW 3W SOUlC SOIHC""" B m.,. -11 nt RQn INJUNCTION Gov 1 :' WSS , CONTINUED :i BYMANS0N ' LONDON, Oct. 28: (CP)- In the first British by-election . . Gas Retailers Seek Ex-Munich Vancouver fought out on the issue of the ) to Pwtwt ThemselTe, id.ent. agreement, the Na- From 5000 Fine tional government was sus- 1 talned yesterday when the Conservative candidate In Ox- ford won over an Independent Progressive opponent. HIS MOTHER NEAR DEATH Radio Amateurs Endeavouring to Contact Henry Walther, Somewhere in Alaska ULTIMATUM ! TO FRANCE Air Mail Rate On Newspapers Being Reduced t OTTAWA, Oct. 27: (CP) A re ductlon in air mall rates on newspapers and magazines for the north country Is announced by the postal department. Germany To I Start Drive NO CHANGE HERE . Gasoline is siill selling at 30c and 33c per gallon at all pumps in Prince Rupert. In fact, no official notification has yet been received by Prince Rupert dealers of the order of the provincial government commission to reduce the price." "Ail we know about it is what we have read in the newspapers," said one dealer this morning. VANCOUVER, Oct. 28: (CP) Mr. Justice A. M. Manson yesterday continued until "Monday or Tues day of next week" the injunction The vote was along straight : ' ' . f. Petroleum Commission from .en- pany lines, eignt Conservative,, inline seven C. (J. b. and the lone Labor ln , T , Yi "v, M prices. " member voting against the gov- WTest ' Seiuitor J. W. .DeB..S..coun- ernment, two supporters of which "enry J, ' T u nl lsel for the oil companies, said that b hat area that his mother d, - were absent. was .u..-. ... lng In Chicago. Various amateurl 4 tha ild that he taorl road con- operators have relayed the appeal, Ifpdpral field .... . bv attemDtinE attemntlng to to Irom Chicago here. sfructlon including the transprov- n.c.ai highway through British Columbia's northland. I regulate trade ami commerce be cause the oil companies operating in British Columbia were connect ed with firms in the United States or in other provinces. Attorney General Gordon Wls- ;mer said that the provincial gov ernment had no intention to aeiy . 7 'a court Injunction but had merely t i -M-, -Mea-. . Japan Threatens to Take sures" t Arms Continue to declared leglslatlon was ultimately China from French lrom wouW be efectlve -Indo-China datg prlce cut order wa3 " 'supposed to become operative TOKYO, Oct. 28: (CP) Japan namely October 26. today sharply warned France to close the Indo-China -borders -to arms shipments to the Chinese army. A note threatens "to take adequate measures in self-defence" if France fails to comply. Anglo-Japanese talks resumed today In what well-informed sources termed a "supreme effort" to lay a basis for an understanding between the two Weather forecast General Synopsis A storm ls i approaching Vancouver Island . from the southwest. Light showers have occurred on the north coast 'but weather has been fair inland. Prince Rupert and Queen Char-Jlotte Islands Storm, east winds, or .gales tonight, cloudy and cool followed by showers. ' West Coast of Vancouver Island t' Southeast to east gales, cool with scattered showers. Manir Ahsprvprs believe ithat .the legal battle will, go to- the t Privyf Council. Protecting Themselves Meantime in Vancouver retail stations sought various expedients to ensure that they are not' laying themselves open to a $5000 fine. Standard Oil stations refused to make cash sales, selling only on charge accounts. Some other sta tions got customers to sign receipts for gas Instead of paying while still others continued to sell at the old price of 27c for ordinary grades., A few stations sold at the reduced price of 24c. A point of uncertainty- sem by some in view of the government's statements was the possibility tnat, If the legislation was finally founa valid, those not obeying 'the price- fixing order between now and then, might be liable to .prpsecutlon. TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert Part cloudy, northerly wind, four miles per hour; barometer, 29.55 (falling rapidly); temperature, 40; sea smooth. Triple Island Northeast wind, eight miles per hour; light chop. Langara Island Overcast, east erly wind, thirty miles per hour; barometer 28.51; temperature, 47; sea model iWly rough. Dead Tree Point Overcast, llgnt northeast wind; barometer, 29.54; temperature, 45; light swell. Bull Harbor Overcast, southerly wind, twenty miles per hour; barometer, 29.42; temperature, 50; moderate swell Alert Bay Overcast, southeast wind, 25 miles per hour; barometer. 29.54: temperature, 48; light 1 chop. . Estevan Clear, southeast wind, ' 12 miles per hour; barometer 29.64. 1 victoria uiouay, normei.y w.uu Prf PnlnniAC 1 18 miles per hour; barometer 29.74. 1 UI VU1U11ICO 1 Vancouver Cloudy, calm: bar- ometer, 29.76. BERLIN, Oct. 28: (CP) In-' Prince George Clear, northeast tenslflcatlon WtJUM'""'""" of Germany's " wind, four miles per hour; barom- drive to regain pre-war col- , eter, 29.96. onles was foreshaaowea to- ( day when "a house for the for- matlon of colonial policy" was Inaugurated ln suburban Lan- deburg. The purpose, ls to prepare Germans systematic- ally for unified colonial action. Hazelton Foecy, calm. 29. .Smlthers Part cloudy, calm, 26. Burns Lake Fog, calm, 29. Terrace Cloudy, northeast wind, 36. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 31. Alice Arm Part cloudy, calm, 35. Anyox Part cloudy, northeast 1 wind, 37.