P-. ftrsC" She he sold on we nomoy .." , - Ims of iand settlement and he hi , the country between Prince uid Prince Rupert would I:;'" favorable locations for the A .,:n f the plan In this prov- I. t:.:k pc. wa: plenty oi gooa iana arrd and the plan seemed Inn :3und. He said he had ex- t.cd i ar fully and could not E- f faw in the scheme. Hei k it a i;ood man or group of. ld be sent to England 10 : :s up with the settlement - 11 appeals HI miu mi. DCl" TlkNlKk Til lty "that Brltaln wl11 ave t0 U EiljlIYLl 1 J I change its policy from that of the BE ACTIVE Every Effort Being Made to Keep Local Elevator Busy Staff Being Retained For Time Being "Everythlng possible Is being done ir-Hh a vlpar tn epUInp the Prince rl been voted by the .., vtnr In nnoratlon aealn." jment for Just such a sUtcd R Hetherington of Fort Wll- 'llam, .general manager of Cana-.mprovement that Mr adiaa Oovemment elevators, this y favors Is the build- mornlne in commenting on the sit- province Just n& soon it under lease for'years.- "Yoirrtft bianced Us budget and' rest assured that we are not an- slnklng fund, should xlous to have anything to do with sc by contract and have an empty house." j in a very, short time. Mr. Hetnerington announced d it much more lm- that William Finlaysoh, who has n many of the schemes been superintendent of the elevator x-nt which , have been for the pool here, would continue ; in charge for the meantime and ,.iri (hi Prince four of the present staff of six rre single men, if they wished, .4.5c I obtain board and lodging and Rose Spit, 6,000, Pacific. 6.0c ana Ml urn such as a dollar a day 4.5c. 1 " V. days when It was the only great shipbuilding and shipping nation and either subsidize its builders or steamship companies or both." Fires Are Now Under Control Only ay iann th Uhnd to stav. Clipper II. ll.ouu. uoia Bwraseiw - fy would be kept ln touch with 6.5c and 4.5c. tmploymcnt offices all over the vlncc and might be called upon and 4 5c M Cl any time to takn work when it I " 1 m offered, He thought employers ana 4.oc. pi much rather take a man wno ne from a job of that kind than pn who had been walking the fe'u and was unused to manual R"r The objection that this would a standard of pay he did not wa.s a reasonable one. It l pia DC slmmv a relief nrolecti nlJ,i.u 10nn n.nv.1I. hib me pien woiua nave tuc. r ...UI, ... .. ..." while there, it would be only tt"e waiting for a job that they urn stay u offered a job at reg- r rates of pay they would net be ?cted to rem.iln. rnn such r.amn ?ht bJ established on the high- east of Prlnrn Tlnnert. Tho time 'r Ptrru Urn. I. 1-1 1-J l 1 inancial condition of Prince Juration undrr, ; femmis-, r e said he" much enloved Cape Spear,. 14,000, Cold Storage, 6.5c and 4.5c. D. S. T., 8,500, Atlln. 6.5c and 4.5c. ' ., Gulvik, 6,000, Booth, 6.7c and 4.5c. Unome, 300, Cold Storage, 6.5c and 4.5c. ... "n a brcni.h nfin.l tifirt. rlnudy "cat of the Interior. slonal showers, u.uc ann Viking, 11,000, Booth, o.oc ana oc Tramp, 15,000, Atlln, 6.5c and 5c, Weather Forecast i7.inf.rt and Queen Char- Moderate north lotte Islands - cloudy not much winds, part change In temperature. . .. West Coast of Vancouver Island to fresh south winds, -Moderate and cooi wuu u-v.a- New Forest Blaze In State Of Washington Is Near Issaquah SEATTLE, .July 30. (CP) An- - highway through to uation as, affects the local house other new forest lire nas oroKen ,,f Even If the cost is following the withdrawal of the out at Issaquah. Otherwise, all fires - dollars. Mr. Perry says Alberta Wheat Pool which has had are are now now under unaer control. coniroi. would s retained for the time be-( n. a weekly newspaper Ju,y 30The clty of MJnto at least, i!i vc i irmcrly operated by the ing R, A U'nwlck. Since he has, ni :) the paper nas oecn rh ir -irovcd and its circulation P'-ry was tascn around (ics! Ruprrt and expressed sur- n u iprcclatlon at the num- I of bf.i!i' iful gardens to be icen .'wVr Unemployment (Question 6c. pn hnw he considered the un- and 6c Halibut Sales Summary Canadian 162,700 pounds, arid 4.5c to 7c and 5c. 1 American Wnhftsh. 4.500. Cold StoraKC, 7.5c I- T.i'-Tif question could De Canadian tlcl. Mr Perry said lt'was a big 0ony g 5ooi cold Storage, 6.8c -( a but there was one method anA 5c t m!:ht be employed that would ( Melville. 10,000. Atlln, 6.9c and 5c KUUh if pvlls rnnsldrrablv. He nrr. n 2100O. Atlln. 7c and Pugct Sound City Is Faced With Tie-up Of Its Garbage Collection Service 1 an additional $25,000 over and a- bove the present contract figure rat artly advocating It but I r hf prove useful: He thought mgrfd II.. 12.000. Pacific.. 6.8c and' ,,xcculIvc U ln Canal Zone K-lblc that several iinemploy- 5c. t ... i-i.t,i i r..nin... ut 'amps might be established Margalicc. 4,100, Pacific. .6.5c ai July 30. President Roosevelt was at Pan- St. 3,. (end sixth). Washington, 5; Cleveland, 8, Dr. A. L. McQuarrle, medical officer of the Indlfjn Dgpartment, sailed by the Princess Adelaide last night on. his return,.to Vancouver aftpr'.havlne spent thei"past few weeks ln business, Reward Russia was the aggressor. BOOZE PRICES REDUCED VICTORIA Attorney General Gordpn Wismer today announced reduction of prices of eastern-made liquors ranging from five to twenty cents per' bottle for rye whiskey and fifteen to thirty-five cents for gin. It Li also announced that a wider range of eastern liquors will be stocked in government stores. Thr, government will also pay about 10 per cent, less for provincial distillers, passing the saving on to consumers. The distillers have objected to the price reduction, which follows several weeks of negotiations. Aztec Cariboo Quartz Dentonla Golconda . Seattle Is threatened with a tie- .... , up of 1U garbage collection service Pioneer ; 2 UUC lilt tcaiiiovci s ov rvv. n "- Porter 1 ui LCi Idaho luauu A. P. Con. Calmont .... a Xr V ama today aboard the United States P" hn,'H" Tccnle Milly, 15,000, Pacific. 6.5c Navy cruiser nousion irom hooq ,IarBal . MnnniIM, isiana oi uiv Gaudalope uituuaiLfc group biuuh where he enjoyed some tropiqal . . . . , , . , UI. I II nsning in inc coui&e ui im """"i pacalta day tour. Home Olll , . n rirnrMsinn is ccntrtd Detroit, 0. End of fourth Inning) Pment bureau would have to' off the Queen Charlotte Islands and "" "rgamzed and a means cs- shoWerS have occurrca on w.w "snrd forthc men to keep ln:COast. It has become somewnat wun the whole province all.COoler over the interior Today's Baseball National League St. Louis, 8; Boston, 2. Chicago, 4; Philadelphia, 5. Cincinnati, 2; New York, 3. Pittsburg, 9; Brooklyn, i. American League New York, 9; Chicago, 6. Philadelphia, 3; Detroit, 10. (Grcenberg's 36th home run). (Second game, Philadelphia, 4; IJUSIUU, i, Ok. Louis, uuuio, u Beattie ... -4 , " n Mercury Oils. Toronto. jffe. .07 2.45 .04 j .08 .0434 .OVA .03 90 03 u. called . for . Monday , unless , 1.. has been Premler t 2 25 j wages are raised by then. The gar- Rp M:Donaid""I.r.Z'". .25 American-4.500 pounds, 7.5c and the cUy tnat ,t wlu require 6.5c Reno 45 Rellef fArlington .16 If it is to be able to meet the de- Taylor Bride mand for a wage Increase. Roosevelt at Panama Today .033 Salmon Gold .11 Hedley Amaig. Premier Border ... ask .03 .05 .01 Sllbak Premier 1.90 Congress .... I Home Gold J Grandview j Indian , Quatsino Copper Halda .01 .01 Y2 .08 .012 .033,4 .03 Vi .10V2 .32 2.50 .06 .15 .15 .12Vi .07 1.27 1.24 Central Pat 2.70 Gods Lake .55 Little Long Lac ...... 3.60 McKenzie Redlake 1.20 Pickle Crow ... 4.80 J Redlake Goldshore 124 San Antonio 1.25 Sherritt Gordon 1.48 Smelters Gold .... MY2 McCleod Cockshutt 4.20 Oklend ,23 of 'tMosher ..;... .24 wiasen Redlake 46 Stadancona Francoeur Moncta Bouscadlllac Bankfleld East Malartic .... Preston E. Dome 4.... .57 .38 1.90 .074 .70 2.21 1.68 Hutchison Lake 1, .03 U, "this district oU. official Dawson White ' OiV, Alldermac . .55 Today's Tomorrow's Tides High 3:59 a.m. 21.1 ft. prinre Pupcrt Cloudy, calrpr ba 16:29 p.m. 20.6 ft. 2598 (falling); tr rometer Low 10:15 a.m. 3.0 ft. 53; sea smwuu . 22:46 pjn. 45 ft. ,Hrc NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER gk XXVIL, ,No. 177. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1938 FKICE: 5 CENTS round EVELOPMENT OF COUNTRY BETWEEN HERE AND JASPER Where Ship Struck Ocean GOVERNMENT DUTY - PERRY I Member For Prince George Also Approves Early Building of Hoard From Prince Rupert To Interior MUST ALTER ITS POLICY This Is Opinion of Sir Edward Ileatly on Great Britain And Shipping QUEBEC, July 30. (CP) Re-, i turning from a visit to Great Britain, Sir Edward Beatty, president rhP rlovelonment and settlement Of the country be- of the Canadian Pacific Railway, U Prince Rupert and Jasper should be one of the declared that the transpacific serpen miiu i vl oI tne Canadian - Australian innrv nbiects of any liritisn tjoiumma government n linn nmnM Hn rnntlrmrt Hilt. 9pr. believed by H. G. Perry, member of the Legislative As- Ud that Great Britain would have BULLETINS BUILDING PERMITS Building permits in this city for the month of July totaled $3200. The principal item is $2700 for a concrete residence for G. A. Bryant on First Avenue near (he junction with Second and Third. PROTEST REJECTED. TOKYO Japan today rejected a protest by the Soviet govern- A 41 .1 U 1. ....... Hv for Fort George, who paid a brief visit to the city, to change its shipbuilding policy to .,, an, ,anat horder irning to the interior on the train last evening. He meet the threat of foreign competi- patroIs on the fnnds that M. .Thick MILL dAU Serious Situation Continues In i Southwestern British Columbia With No Let-up in Hot Weather VANCOUVER, July 30: (CP) with continued dry, hot weather, the forest fire situation continues serious In southwestrn British Columbia. In the Similkameen district near Princeton bad fires are raging as well as in the Cariboo with a particularly bad one near Like!) mining camp. The big fire on Vancouver Island also continues a!- Alaska Salmon Pack Decrease Output So Far This Year Less Than Half of 1937 Production JUNEAU. July 30. (CPt Alaska's salmon pack to July 23 totalled 332,018 cases, 354,980 cases less than last year. The Industry had a late start this year owing to labor troubles. ' . -pj.r v TfPlf C 1 TIJI I " fr...., .---.-yi.LAJLiA t o ojiULNo A,,. IVIiccinn IC" ' (Court! 8. D. Jahintoii Co.) IIIIOOIUII lO leamsters otnke C 1 ' virw. TUnr h Ovor In Seattle Looms B. C. Nickel , 09 , Big Mlssouir ' .30 Bralorne 9.50 British Commission Meets Minister Of National Defence in Ottawa pilots here. Teachers Here Are Appointed Victoria Man Named to High School' Assistant in Home Economics Also City Commissioner W. J this morning announced the ap pointment of Leonard Denton of Vlctoria'fn?Sf V. L. "Denton, prln- the teaching King ent attending summer school lnl Victoria. FIRE IN SEATTLE Lumber Plant Destroyed by Sncc tacular Blaze Last Night Oil Area Off I Phillipines Suggests Fate Of Flying Boat May Have Sank or Made Effort To Smooth Waters For Landing Search Is Continuing MANILA, July 30. (CP) A thick oil ,area, sup: posedly marking the spot where the Hawaii Clipper hit the ocean, Was found today by the United States Army though not so badly out of control, transport Meigs five hundred miles from the Phillipine From northern Alberta also c0mc the where the oil IsiandSt whether the marked spot plane ireuuius ui icugc luiti iuca, uic , . 1 . - - . - . i ! il smoke from which Is hanging over the capital city of Edmonton, plane which then drifted is still a matter of speculation. The great flying boat became missing two days ago on a flight from Guam to Manila with fifteen on board. The search for wreckage continues. Anniversary of War Is Ignored Twenty-Fourth Anniversary of Austria's Declaration Against Serbia VIENNA, July 30. The twany fourth anniversary of the declara- : ; w lioatoUwarbyAustrla and -.Serbia.--which' started the' Great War was Ignored in nazified Austria. Today's Weather (Oovrmmont "lerM.l ONTARIO PREMIER VISITOR Hon. Mitchell F. Hepburn in Prime Rupert Welcomed by Local Hon. Mitchell F. Hepburn, Ontario's dynamic Premier, is a prominent visitor In Prince Rupert for a couple of hours this afternoon. After an aerial tour of the Canadian Northwest which took him up to Triple Island Cloudy, easterly lne i,. rim at the moutn of the OTTAWA, July 30: (CP) Fol- wind, four miles per hour; sea Mackenzie River and into the lowing its arrival yesterday, tl ft smooth. v Northwest Territories and the Yu- Brltish air mission consisting of Langara Island Part cloudy, iconi ne js nere aboard the Prln-Slr Hardman Lever, Sir Edward northeast wind, five miles per hour; cess Ance this afternoon bound Ellington and Frederick Handler- barometer, 29.96; temperature, 54; from skagway to Vancouver. The, Page went Into conference with sea smooth. intention had been to fly down the Hon. Ian Mackenzie, minister of Dead Tree Point Light rain, coast but unsettled weather alons; national defence, on the subject of ngnt easterly wind; barometer, the route caused a change of plans the manufacture of heavy bomb- Vggg. temperature, 52; light swel.. and the use of the steamer was ing planes in Canada as well as Bujj Harbor Showery, light resorted to. the trainin.3 of Royal Air Force cOUtheast wind: barometer. 29.89: Premier HeDburn was welcomed temperature. 54; sea smooth. -on arrival by a party of local cltl-Alert Bay Part cloudy, light ens who are showing him around haze, southeast wind, 29.99; tern- It Is his first visit to Prince Rupert, perature. 49; light chop. :The reception committee Included ! Estevan Cloudy, northeast City Commissioner W. J. Alder, F. I wind, el?ht miles per hour; baro-jA. MacCallum, president ot the ' meter, 30.06. j Prince Rupert Chamber of Com- Vlctoria Cloudy, southerly wlnd.merce, G. W. Nickerson, C. V. Evitt, four miles per hour; barometer, Lieut. Col. J. W. Nichols, J.J. Little, 30.06. W. L. Coates, J. P. D. Malkln and Vancouver Clear, calm; baro- D- O- Borland, meter, 30.06. 1 Mr- Hepburn's trip is entirely ta Alder . , , tu Ithp nntnrf nt a VinUrfnv rrjnce ueuicc lyicui, suuui- - -j- west wind, four barometer, 30.00. High School here, succeeding David . .. 1 . aiure, oa Miss Frances Watt of Manitoba has been appointed assistant in structress in the home economics; 1 department. Miss Watt Is at pres-, miles per hour;' Accompanying tne Ontario pre Terrace Overcast, calm; cipal of Victoria Normal School, to erature, 54, .u. .... ui staff of Edward m temp- Alyansh Clear, calm;; temper- Stewart Clear, calm, temperature, 52. Hazelton Clear, calm; temperature, 55. Smithers Smoky, calm; tem perature, 49. Burns Lake Showery, calm; temperature, 53. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, July 30. (CP) iirl t ... - n 001 AMnts SEATTLE, July 30:-An entire. y"cua;,u "au"'B the Vancouver market yesterday, lumber plant on Second Avenu3" was destroyed by a spectacular fire ' last night. Late last night no estl-1 WINNIPEG WHEAT mate had been made of extreme damage. Kerr Addison 2.25 Uchl Gold '. ' 2.22 International Nickel 50.62 Noranda n-& 72.87' Cons. Smelters "..! 60.50 ' ! Hardrock t,.-' 2.72 Athona .06 Barber Larder .27 WINNIPEG, July 30. (CP) The Winnipeg wheat price was a little stronger at OSa cents per bushel , for July option. I The winner of an electric iron for a bean guessing contest In 'connection with Spanish relief work here was Chuck Hill mier is Bernara miin, new xoric ' broker, who has extensive mining .Interests In British Columbia. 1 J. P. Bicknell of Toronto, with ...1. m 1 tr 1 j r tn 11. U..... 1 1 1 .k Alice Arm - Clear, calm; tern-.?""1" "B . oe.cu v8. uCu , perature, 55. Anyox Clear, calm; tempera-1 ture,. 52. I Vancouver last evening from Car- cross. They reported dense clouds of smoke between Prince George and Lllloet owing to forest fires. Australia Is Talking Trade .Minister of Trade From-Down Under to VlSit Ottawa and Washington in Course of Empire Tour OTTAWA, July 30: (CP) Sir Earl Page, Australia's minister of finance, Is due ln Ottawa soon ln the course of a tour of the Empire to discuss uniform trade agree ments between the various countries of the British commonwealth, Sir Earl will also go to Washington to discuss the possibility of an American-Australian trade Owing to heavy passenger business for the Queen Charlotte Is- who lands, the "Prince Charles will satj , guessed 441 which was the nearest at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning into the correct 444. stead of at 10:30 tonight.