PAOI TWO PA1LY EDITION for . j j i. p t i Mjuie ui me xamous mpm seeds. $ You Get More Value In JULIA ARTHUR Street Shoes In All Their Latest Creations Gabardines, Suedes and Kids in Styles Unsurpassed. Call In and Be Convinced Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. FRIN'CE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F PULL EN - - Managing-Editor News Department Telephons gS Ad?er)LMnr and Cneulatton Telephone fts Membter ot Audit Bureau ot Circulation Saturday, March 19, 1938 EIRIITV THOUSAND VISITOKS During the month of June last year eighty thousand persons visited the field in the English Midlands When beorge Russell grew his wonderful new lupins which have been named after him. Eighty thousand was the number attracted, by a field of flowers of only one variety grown by an old man eighty years of age. i- i. ?fc was twenty years ago that George Russell, an Encash jobbing gardener, conceived the idea of growing these lupins which have caused such a mentation in the old coun- "jr. xlc whs men ceieuraung nis sixtieth birthday but he was sixty years young. He sowed various strains of lupin seeds and set to work to cross-fertilize and select. Four or five years after he started, a neighbor boy was taken with infantile paralysis which left him unable to walk. Russell took him and daily carried him to his lupin field and taught him the secrets of cross-fertilization and selection and together they worked, man and boyuntil the boy was recovered and the man began to see success coming his way. ' t As Russell gradually developed his new flowers many' visitors came to his field and wanted to buy seeds' of plants but without success. Not a seed could be purchased and not a plant would the old man sell. Last year one of the large British seed merchants spoke seriously to Mr. Russell of the future of his young protege and suggested a plan by which the world would obtain the Russell lupins and the boy's future would be secured. The man and hnv still wnrk terror w nn A WONDERFUL ATTRACTION mt a t . m . .. ine point ot tne story is the wonderful attraction that a single flower can he at a country place difficult of access. What might Prince Rupert do if the local gardens - 1 - -! it j i . . . . V were mae suiiicientiy attractive ; iiy the combined efforts of the -provincial government at its court house gardens, the ,N,R. at its sunken gardens, the city of Prince Rupert at its Totem Park and the hundreds of individuals who are now taking an interest jn bcautif ipation, "Prince Rupert could be made so attractive that every visitor to Alaska would want to call at Prince Rupert and many would make the trip just to see the city. The possibilities are endless. Once it gets going one objective after another might, be reached and passed. Prince Rupert is right in the course of tourist travel. Already people are looking forward to visits to the city, chiefly because of the flowers. The fame of the: local gardens is spreading .and yet the work has only commenced. This summer should see all past records shattered. Splendid work is being done by many residents and, if each continues the work and others are added each sea-i fdn, we should have achieved fame from a source which at one time was not only unsuspected but thought impossible. f ; The Prince Rupert Recreation Centre is a busy place these days as fhe members, both boys and girls, are working hard to place 'U in the coming -competitions. The high bar is continually un and in use in one corner. In an other comer, when there are mats to spare, the grunts and groans of specialist wrestlers are heard charge an "A" team hopeful only to find that the best he can do with the running front somersault is to land on all (vp: IphImH r,t two. But up he gets, dusts off bis ruth landing gear and tries aaln. In moving about the gym one must make way for boxers sparring, shadow-boxing. sklDDinsr and punching the bags for the boxing nignt is only a week away. On Sunday morning these boxers will be going out from the gym for a little road work, leaving the fen cers and girls class tumblers and acrobaters to work in peace. The tentative card for the boxing on the 24th Is as follows: Blindfold Boxing Frank Hodge-klnson, Jack ChristoDher. Bofi Long, Ted Arney, Ian Grimsson. wrestling George Pearce vs lEmile Blain: Snenrer ni Jack, Wearmouth; Jimmy Bryant Vs. Robert Gibson. Boxing (3 two-minute rounds) Don '.McCouver vs. William Lone Dan Healy vs. Steve Frost: Ale Bill vs. Kosta Klllas; Stan ScheiU vs. Bob Peachy. Bill Rirkpr vc Norman Hebb; Marcel Blain V3 George Rudderham; Darrow Go mez vs. Oeorge Ferguson. Main event (G two - minnfr rounds) Pat Berry (180 lbs.) v Frank Gomez (190 Jbs.). For Vancouver The competition for "A" class thirtfipn Monday in order to determine the six members of the centre thai will travel to Vancouver for tht Inter-provincial competition in Ap ril. The boys have been worklm. very hard indeed in order to per fect the compulsory exercises that are set for "A" team men on five pieces of apparatus. floral .development scheme tat the lupins are being . Uie more t, Mat Tumbling Running forward fomersauit, extension roll back wards, standing hand sDrine. High Cross Box Vaulting Lon'i . arm hand spring. i TTIfrh T.nntr Tin v T7n 1 1 1 1 1 ,1 . C(i.n.l rllo Tjniilt iJClrt Horizontal Bar 41ang, forward swing, backswing upstart, high un derswing, full uprise (stem upstari at end of back swing), back circle to front rest, underswincr. rear uu- start to sitting, supported hollow back l.ivnff TEB DAILT NEWS Saturday LIST CENTRE IS 'PLAY OFFS ARSENAL IS VERY BUSY Preparing For Competitions Here And in Vancouver IN HOCKEY; NOW ON TOP irsi Piace Series Between AjaplcJ Wolverhampton and Preston Leafs and Bruins Next Thurs- diy Cajisulijjs and Ameri-cans Have Issue to Settle TORONTO. March IS: iQPi National Hockey Leaeue cham pionship playroffs between the Toronto Maple Leafs and Boston Bruins, leaders of the inte.rna.Uori; and American divisions respective ly. will commence next Thursdav in Toronto. It will be a best three out of five game series. The first Second and third place play-offs will probably commence on Tuesday. It has yet to be settle-! whether Montreal Canadiens oi New York Americans will be in second place in the Internationa! division.. This will be decided this week-end when the followin- games are scheduled: TonighU-New York Rangers vs. Canadiens at Montreal: New York Americans at Toronto. Sunday Toronto vs. American. at New York; Rangers at Detroit: Chicago at Boston. The Canadiens are now half a point ahead ot the Americans. They assumed this position with their six to three victory over tlie Maroons . at Montreal Thursdav night while the Americans were losing five to three to Rangers at New York. In the third game Thursday night at Detroit. th (Toronto Maple Leafs inflicted the worst defeat of the season on the Detroit Red Wings by a score of 7 to 2: Bill Thorns morio um - -unu ?Lsts to raise his point total to 35 for the season and win a $1000 bonus.i;.i lf .... ., The heroin Thursday night's play, however, was old Nels stpw art, who scored the three hundredth goal of his major league vuicci wjiicn nas extend AH nvo. men will be held at the Centre on. record in history The league standings to date: International Division ' Toronto .23 9 14 141 120 fanadiens .18 12 17 122 127 Americans .13 1 27 107 161 Maroons 13 7 29 107 161 .American Division Boston 29 7 11 136 63 Rangers 27 6 14 145 91 Chicago ;? 9 ;25 J)0 139 .11 n 25 94 129 Springboard Tumbling IlunniupKr ; - forward pike somersault. j, tne lteams P0 S a m"iik fiinynasuc table Tlie method of sewing is as 55 48 31 34 unlt ijows: Perfect. 100 noints: Fvmi. 90 points; Very eood. j joints: Good. 70 points; Fair. 60 inolnts; Poor, 50 imints; Very Pooi nu points. A sliding scale of ten points is added jtor approach to and rpi from apparatus and additional jpoints are added for vigour, etc In addition to these combulsorv m. tne "ent of hs rip being exercises, that are et in order to., , possible- tne will bt establish a high standard, each '? " m the ps Louise ' . '.Mondav. March "0 ... rcuiujji;iuur musi execute an op- v.. -u, uniIUi6 van- tlonal exercise on each apparatus ff0"ve' Marcn 30 time to particl- b ik.iM . ..i"Ate in rphMrsnla fni. (l, iiwi n- mav nemonstrate ni'lj, mC nm-. own particular ability. Naturally 1 fwP y April 1 and PIeP foi difficult the exercise thHT?. wtltlon April 2. The team simple exercise done in good form may gain more points than a dlf ficult exercise done poorly. Also at the lnter-centre competl will embark for home Mnnriav a ril .4, arriving Wednesday, April 4 The only expense will be Uie transportation as all the visiting teams will be billlted out during their stay in Vancouver. "I'm not toMpg ot big a ti,I oi.yow think . , ,." 'y.i you or., if you'r. th m who tipd h. boi'i Sw.. Copil" SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "Tht purttt form in which lobatco con bt tmoktd." But One Point Behind Rangers and St. Bernard's lo Scottish Cup Semi-Finals LONDON, March 19: (CP I Arsenal defeated Grimsby Town five to one today to assume exclusive Readership of the English Football Jeague, First Division. The Wolverhampton Wanderers played a draw with Stoke City and fell back into second place after having been tied at the top with the Gunners two will be in T uun"ers- games Toronto and 7 r,J Jr Preston Northend won over Man- thP the stph scene win will then shift cwf, to Boston "Chester City 2 to 1 and is now in a Ue for the runner-up position with Wolverhampton. Thirteen teams sonUnue the struggle against de-notion to the second division while Sheffield United, Aston Villa and Manchester United are fighting hard lor promotion from the second division. Another feature of Old Country Soccer today were the Quarter finals for the Scottish Cup. As expected, Glasgow Rangers eliminated Falkirk 2 to 1. A surprise was St. Bernard's 3 to 1 victory over Moth erwell. Kilmarnock and Ayr United played a tie as did East Fife and Raitli Rovers, necessitating playoffs. Today's scores: Fourth Round Scottish Cup Kilmarnock 1, Ayr United 1. St. Bernards 3, Motherwell 1. Falkirk 1. Rangers 2. East Fife 2, Ralth Rovers 2. Scottish League First Division Celtic 1, Third Lanark 1. Hamilton Academicals 5, Morton o. Hibernians 2. St. Johnston 2. Queens Park 1, Hearts 4. Queen of South 1. Aberdeen 0. St. Mirren 2, Dundee 1. English League First Division Arsenal 5. Grimsby Town 1. Blackpool 5, Leeds United 2. i i IHCDSONSBfifg s' life SCPTCH - a mm m ' . f 33 1 ' -' ' ti'' I0, JBFsrr.:. This ftdvertwmen.- i nrJ- puljlbhed it displayed by :Jvi Liquor Control Brtl or by ' le awnnw. or Brituh Columbiu ts tim: st cm:. mi: oi i:i m uuiiimi Ol.l Mill A IN j-itoi-.yii: lii llir .Miller nr Oii tilmliil-tnitln Act" Jkml In tlie M.HIrr of (hp IMiite of D.inl.-I An-lijp, lipcrusi'd TAKE NOTICE Uvut by order of HI Honor. W. E Fisher. mul an tht, Uti. ! pointed Administrator of the estate of Daniel Archie, deceased, and nil parties ihnviliiR claim egalnflt (the wild tat ,orc h-oby required to fuxiUsh wme, .properly verified, to me on or before the lGth day of April, A. D. 1938, .and U parties tndeixUd to tlie estate art rwiUml to pay the amount ot their I lndibledrurwt to me forthwith. OMfcU u!h 16Ui day frf March, A. p 1038. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Admlnjfttralor, rrlnce n.aiert, B C. (iovi:k.mi;nt i.kji ok Atrr- Kolire of Apili.aliin for Consul I 1 runsler of ILn., i lo.,.,. li5)'I?CE ,s toreby given Um.t on tM 25th day of MarrJi nort. ih ljned tnter.d to apply to the JJoucx i Control Board tor consent to transfer of beer licence No. 4374, Issued' In res- loect Of ITTemlMM hnlnv nart a V...IU. ine known Spruce Creek Hotel. ltu-.""Sliruce Creek, eight irUlen from Atlln Townnlte, upon lanuVi described a J??fT Cm "8ally" t Spruce Creek. British Columbia, Prince ltupert Land Imtrotlon DltrUrt. in the Provlnc of Brttteh Columbia, from MllTord Oos-Py11.. Caawell to Spruce Creek Hotel uuiLiLTu, m opruce creek, British CoN (umblo, tlie Traruiferee llOas1"11 tW" 18th day f FbTUar7. BPnUCE CREEK HOTEL LIMTTFI) AjplUnt and Transferee. : e Scotland Wins I Rugby Title I TWICKENHAM, Eng.. March. 19: iCPt Scotland won the international rugby champion- ship here today, defeating England 21 to h. The Scots . were ahead 12 to 9 at half time The victors had previously de-, feated "Wales and Ireland and needed only a draw to clinch the tourney. C.F.RR. PKOf.'RAMS SATI'KDAY P.M. 5:30 Opening. 5:45 Limousine Lady. 6:00 Request Program. 6:30 Dally News Broadcast. 6: 45 Variety Program. 7:00-Man About Town. 7:15 Cecil and Sally. .MONDAY A-M. : 11:00 Opening. J 11:15 Message Period. 11:30 Weather Forecast. 12:20 Stock Report. ' 12:30 Dally News Broadcast. . 12:40 Monitor Views the News. 12:45 Eb and Zeb. Bolton Wanderers 3. West Brom- wlch Albion 0. Brentford 1. Liverpool 3. Derby County 3, Charlton Athletic 2. Everton 2, Mlddlesbroueh 2. Huddersfield Town 2, Birmingham 1. Leicester City 3, Portsmouth 3. Manchester City 1, Preston North End 2. Sunderland 1. Chelsea 1. Wolverhampton Wwiderrrs 1 Stoke City 2. REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Blix-ii PIIONB 65 i FOR J 4 rnv a... IN A 1 1UN LVrit, II . J rsc r.niered for ..r,miaMw Canadian W in t ornrst Tim LIVERPOOL, March 19 l(J The accepted entry , Grand National Steeplechas Alntrec on Frldav r r, ... . - , j ... ca. mpp Tnlff fr-t m .... . vvijr. i lie list rvi hirtv The list Includes Roj J years winner and th : .... . horse is entered- Rock Lad of r onto. However. Ji r Qwner, has no ,spccui t::pe oft riing. Try a Dally New cn.stii.fd , HYDE Transfe BIRCH JACKPINE CEDAJ Sajisfaclion (ill a rant red Ph one Two wives gossiped the other QefSo faoWS day &ziinoortwo. And I heard one to the other Abeilt tAe.CO&t Yeseu to you: say' - , , i'iy ma jiud js a tlearold soul, s7 1 He always buys me L'vitt's 'll ' 4 SOME r 315 SKCON1) AVE. INr SlTMMKR IJI.TRX Dry Wood 580 ' 'sa Ik Tor The Rest Coal in Town PHILPOTT EV1TT & CO. LTD. 651 - PHONES - 652 HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut digestiblt, with egg sauce is palatable, satisfying, CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prjnce Rupert, B.C. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Studio Couches Covered Jn beautiful tapestry, with bedding compartment. Mi(S double .or Twin beds. Priced at $34.50 and $47.50 Phone 775 327 Tiiinn avw'