Ladies' Bridge Club Ends Its Winter Season OCEAN FALLS, March 19: The Lucky Ten Bridge Club ended its second successive year with a social evening at Mrs. O. Meldrum's home. Mrs. Lamb presiding. Ladies present included Mrs. C Kelley, Mrs. C. Gilfillan. Mrs. T Neilson, Mrs. T. Goodridge. Mrs. O Bakker,. Mrs. R. Brydon and Mrs T. Gilchrist. All were presented wun monogram playing cards by! uie ciud secretary, Mrs, Yott. A delightful evening was brought to a close with the slinging of Auld Lang Syne. Seeks Exclusion Of Jap Citizens Vancouver Group Catherine in Formation For Investigation ton of Orientals into British umbla. E Col- "They do nnt reem to know anything about this question in Ot-awa, fo we are gathering authentic New Books In Library Here Several Volumes Added to Shelves Of Pay Section The following list of recent books 1 for the pay section of Prince Ru-1 pert Public Library is announced: j "Best Butter" Rlee. "Follow Youri Heart" Lyhd, "Hawk in the' Wind" i Miller . "John" Balrd ; "Lady be Good' Dunlap. "Lovely! Pretender" Wayne i. "Nobody's Ini Town" Ferber. Nights" Baldwin , "Pepita" Sack- Hester! lue"es1, naJws oiam worm Bledsoe i. "Strange Week-End" Mary Borden . "The Devil tc Pay" (Queen). "The Juice of the Pomegranate" fDellt. "The Nutmeg Tree" (Sharp), "The Prodigal Parents" l Lewis K "The Running of the Deer" UVlckendem, "The Sailor's Holiday" Llnklater. "Today is Yours" cLoringi, "Under Capricorn" (Simpson). Mrs. George Smith, formerly of this city and for the past few years . residing in Vancouver, arrived in vAvmtnrro VANCOUVER, w u March 19: (CP)the clt from the SQuth on roSion TJR" commission " h"1"8 to !n in- I Louise yesterday afternoon , t0 a vlslt with f rlendi testigate n Oriental penetration ofj British Columbia industrj'- - -- Six organizaUons merged actlvi- data on the subject," said Theo. ties along this line a year ago. form-' Horrobin, provincial president of ing the Congress of Canadian Or- j the League of Canadian Maples, one ganizat'ons t0 Combat the Penetra- j of the six organizations. Recently In Vancouver an organ. ization called the British Columbia Guard was formed, "to combat Japanese penstration into British Columbia." aster . . . . Will Soon Be Here MEN There Is Still Time To.Hayc a Made-To-Mcasure Suit or lopcoat Delivered For Easter.;1. - For the Newest Ideas In ' " Smarf, Clothes .... ,J: Tor the Smartest In Stjle Tailoring and Fit ... . W. K. JOHNSTON v; Approved Clothes Tailored to. YOUR -Measurement by-Union-Craftsmen $2.50 $2.00 $2350 :;. WATTS & NICKERSON Phone 315 506 THIRD AVENUE JUST BOUGHT Used Household Furniture For Quick Selling IcCIary Kitchen Range In very splendid condition. Imperial Oil Burner attached. 2 OH For quick selling at VvelUU Full Size Ik-d With Coil Spring and (Jood Quality of iUattrcss Priced to sell 12 00 Singer Sewing Machinc-In first class COff A A condition at tUU Hrick Lined Heater In good condition Premier Vacuum Cleaner QQ SpicSl,a" $6.00 Mena Special Vacuum Cleaner QOO A A Slightly used at J44.UU Mail Orders Promptly Attended To ELIO'S Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. i FT In preparation for the commencement of the season's fishing operations, overhaul work is now becoming general among the many units of the trolling fleet. Herring seining for reduction salmon offal from the canneries. It Is uncertain whether the Tucks summer. summer. Dojfish Valuable It is estimated that upwatds of 310,000 worth of dogfish livers have , been landed at Prince Rupert dur- pa)ijiprL;:,The';flsh arc caught con being brought to port in cans es pecially provided for the purpose. Jhe livers are delivered to the J. T. Carson Co. which prepares them Tor shipment to California where they are used in manufacture of animal and poultry preparations, rhe boats engaging in the dog fishing' during the past winter have Included the Sea Maid. Cant. Hrnrv ' With the 1933 halibut fishing season opening on April 1, the end of i the coming week will see the de-, j parture of the first boats for the j grounds. The boats are going out ; in four separate groups at intervals, jof two or three days between this . spring Instead of in two groups as' j during the past few years. Among' I the Prince Rupert boats returning' to their home port shortly before the opening of the season after j Phones lg and 81 P.O. Box 575 FOR GOOD SERVICE 1 Try MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Groceries Vejetablcs Fruit Confectionery Tobaccos 317-19 THIRD AVENUE WEST Opposite Canadian Legion TUB DAILT KIWI Waterfront Whiffs Considerable Activity Here in Iluildin? of New Trolling Itoats Herrinsr Seining for Reduction Closes .$10,000 of Dogfish Livers Landed Here Construction has commenced at the Matsumoto boat Manhattan' building yard in Cow Bay of what will be Prince Rupert's largest trolling boat. The keel was laid at the middle of the week and the vessel is to be completed and readv for 50 hp. diesel engine of American make. This Is but one of a number of new trolling boats which have been under construction since last season. The work has been keeping boatbullders not only at Prince Ru having been in Vancouver are the Takla, Capt. Chris Parkvold; Pair of Jacks, Capt. Alfie Jacobsen; Gibson, Capt. Chris Henrlksen: Lois N.. Capt. Ben Peterson, and Charmine Arrangements are reported to have been made whereby the Park-Davis Co., pharmaceutical manufacturing concern, will pay 50c per pound again this year" for halibut livers, the same price as last year, and 10c per pound for viscera which ,FWfc J zrrr . , . Jr. iare also to be Put 10 use now in t3ai"1 I manufacture of medicinal prepar day in order to irusure spawning! 1 atlons. escapement. A day or so later the Port Edward and Tucks Inlet reduction plants, which have been running pretty well through the winter on this fish, closed down. Dr. Bedford's Successor Announcement is made of the ap pointment of Dr. T. L. A. Farr of . T tut vi.v umi tvn v. wto , . , , , . ... ?MHl.WUTl,4, j with the commencement of the halibut season, using offal from Prince Rupert hoppers and later obtaining J - England, as assistant bacteriologist on the staff of the Prlno Rllnori IT'S c orlop trvYailrMrt caused by the resignation some time ti i . in . . . . I ago of Dr. H. R. Bedford to take an Inlet plant will operate during the! ' .( . ... , , ..j . appointment with a large American " not operaie iasi fisheries concern In New York. Dr (Farr has Jus, returned to Canada from England and is due In Prince Rupert early in April to take over his new aDDointrhent. - A graduate ing the past winter season. Eight Tir V .Iv Viri T r or so vessels Engaged more orliless Intermittently In this line of 'fishing It Hasi Wen the orist tifhe that fishing for dog fish had been taken up lh .a- serious way. It woujd appear to have possibilities df ex- Dolron; Teeny Milly, Capt. George aPPoi.ntment, Cook; Fanny F Capt. James Batt; Bayvlew, Capt. Dan Wedge; Joe Baker, Capt. Clarence Campbell; Annabelle, Capt, Peter Wengham; Arctic, Capt. A. Peterson, and Fin-clla, Capt. David Ritchie. These boats arc all turning back to halibut fishing now that the season , Is about to open. at mcuiii university m uie Department of Bacteriology under Dr. F.'C. Harrison' lhl93j and a second similar degree? in he Department of Biochemistry; Cambridge University in 1&34! ' He has also worked on bacterlologicaj prpb- renlent to.Prlncc Rupert Only the i,cms connected with cclloloje ml-iivfVerfe retained at present, these T. Dr-.;Har.ol? Hibbard of-McQUl University and , some-ten yearj; ago did summer work at the Halifax Fisheries Experimental Station in connection with decomposition of rim muscle. He also carried out work at one timq on foul brood disease of bees. Dr. Farr gave up consideration of an Oxford grant in England In order to return to Can ada by accepting the Prince Rupert Capt. Ernest Sheppard Is now in jonn uyonavn, Dr. Neai Carter command of the Union steamer and O. C. Young will leave Prince Cardena. relieving r.ant .Tnhn n,.rt. Rupert on the Princess Adelaide! en who Is taking his annual va-next Friday night for Vancouver to) cation. The Cardena arrived in attend sessions of the Pacific sub- port at 6:15 lasl evening from the executive of the Fisheries Research south and sailed at 0 p.m. on her Board of Canada, Mr. Dybhavn in return to Vancouver and way nis capacity as a memoer of the; points. board and -Dr. Young in their Prince Rupert mental Station. warier ana Mr. capacities at the Fisheries Expcrl- i Appointment Is also announced of Miss Norma Rncprs nf Prlnrp T?n. Reach the most people iu cut and district with an advertisement In the Daily News. Learn To Play Violin, Viola, Cello, Uass G. C. WALKER, Instructor 212 Fourth Street Ear Test Conducted with the "Resonoscope" Free Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R. Brazil N. M. Rr&sell Different Ways To Relax Cited Three Different Types of laticuti Need Different Treatment WINNIPEG. March 19: (CP) Three different types of fatigue require three different forms of re laxation. Rt. Rev. Msgr. T. . Mor ton. Winnipeg, told a service club here. Muscular fatigue required rest. Mental fatigue required elimination of mental worries through reading, playing chess or some hobby. Ner vous fatigue could be cured only sea by the end of Slay. It is being built at the order of 'by congenial company with laugh .jonn rvencian. a loriy-iooier, it win oe equipped wun a:1" au" for good healtn, good manners ana well-being during these days of strenuous living. Doctor And K rSSTSSC' ? 2L biNurse Safe of them run from 34 to 36 feet, the . . - , . conventional length of trollers. There are also a number of new Nova Scotia. The Takla. Pair of engine installations mostly diesels. &M charmine C-In Prince Rupert trolling boats this:,, next spring. I Confirmation Received In Regard To Dr. Norman Bethune And Miss Jane Euan NEW YORK, March 19: (CP) Cabled confirmation has been re celved here of the safety In China of Dr. Norman Bethune". Montreal surgeon, and Miss Jean Ewan Vancouver nurse. They had been reported missing and feared killed Now It Is learned they are safe and uninjured, working with a Chinese medical unit In the wai zone Man in the Moon What I need is a new house, new furnishings and a new outlook on life. Then I'll be all right. Jake says he'll take a loan If they'll give him one. He earns a few dollars occasionally and Is thoroughly dependable. You can depend he will spend any cash he can get as quickly as possible. Jof the University jot, British Colum-! people suddenly deciding to forget tne past and move forward should- er to shoulder and work for the In Interests of the city. "What makes the Tower of Pisa lean?" "If I knew I'd take a dose at once," answered Miss Corpulent. A Yorkshire lad and his lass had spent the day together. ' On their return the girl's mother asked how she had enjoyed herself. "Aw reet," said Jane, "but Ahj think Joe's a bit mean. He nobbut spent sixpence on. me all day." "Well, If Ah were thee Ah'd tek him his sixpence back and mck him ashamed of hlsscn," said mother. Late that night Jane knocked at Joe's door. " 'Ere." she said, "tak thl sixpence back. Ah doubt If thl can ,aff0brd It." I "E'e," said her lover. "Tha pert as temporary technician in the I -ho"ldn't a bothered Vneet. It ' laboratories of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station. would a doon In t'mornln." k w m HMdilfire THE SEAL of QUALITY J2'r GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Silmoo canning company with n U the year round payroll In Prince Rupert REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Junior Chamber of Commerce Working for New. Aids to Navigation A report from J L. Roaf on the recent observance of Traffic Safety Week told the Prince Rupert Junio Chamber of Commerce Thursday night of circulars being distributed to motorists, publicity In the press, addresses to school children" by J. C. Ollker. G. P. Lyons, Sam Joy and Mike McCaffcry and a sug eestlon to the city commissioner that school stop signs be renewed and repaired. Hugo Kraupner of the marine safety committee told of action which had been taken with a view to obtaining a light at Beaver Pass. the replacement of the spar buoys in Metlakatla Passage with red lights, the installation of a light at Butterworth Rocks and the replac ing of a dolphin at the entrance of Porpoise Harbor with a light Co- operation of the boat owners' and fishermen's organizations had been sought and endorsation obtained In regard to the matter of having ! a railway diesel car placed in service on the railway for local traffic, Mr. Kraupner stated that thlr matter had been gone Into and It was felt that the time was not opportune. G. P. Lyons of the university ex tension committee referred to the forthcoming visit here of Prof Rechnagel of Cornell University, eminent authority on forestry management and the pulp and paper Industry, to give a series of lectures. R. O. Van der Sluys reported on the matter of railway freight rate' from the Interior to the city or produce. In this regard, everythin depended on an Increase In traffic KETCHIKAN VISITORS Week-end visitors to the cl' from Ketchikan arriving th morning on the schooner Fore most are Harriet Selland. Jcr elland. Mildred Gillis. War Sharp, William Olsen. Sylvia O! sen, Charles Flniziel. Marian Flni , , . il. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Townsend & PertMarlorie Boos. Celeste Gerde Charles Whlpolc. Alice Nearguard Mrs. Bong. Esther Jensen. Haze: Brown. Jeanette Erickson. BetM Und. Georgia Wick, Mr. and Mr Jim Hansen. Alberta Re!d. Marior j jonnson, Mel Howe and Ralf Rea ?an. The party will leave tomor row morning on its return home 1VT i 353- -Southern Portion Q. C. I. f'ompmi; i Saturday Mar,;h 1t,J TWOLU MI hit? ucgmning Honuaj Lore begins in urnm wh.n the socks hi in the eyel An untamed heiresi fro Texai decides to marry ( wild young man wh, aoesm ware nr.- f r JTAHVWK MARSHALL T0RW0 GLENDA FABKELL ERIC BLOEE PLUS ordt Womtn $eraml Kori di laughing! ltd H LAST TIMES TO.MCIr Claudette Colbfrt in "TovAiticir lt Show Starts ):U Charts For Fishermen Now" is (lie time to rrplruMi your chart Mipply It always paj to have the latest charts on board. NEW CHARTS 1583-Quccn Charlotte Islands complete . 3C0 Harbors on West Coast O c t $1.00 it W'c have a complete stock of RrilMi Ailmlraltv, U S,;ra' phic and Dominion Government chart, for this district 1917 Vancouver Island S1.70 1923 Caamano Sd. to Port Simpson Z.. "Z. $i-f 1927 Cape Caution to Port Simpson Sl" 1933 -Cape Caution to Caamano Sd. . Sl.f 1737 Eddy Pass to Portland Inlet ; S2.U 2130- Banks Island to Cape Omaney J: " SI.70 21 port Simpson to Cross Sd '"Zf $3 2453- Browning Entrance to P. R. Hdrbo'rf. s'-3 3751 -Parry Pass to Port LouU y .f '1. $5 3751 -Dlxon Entrance S1.70 313- Skccna River jf .Jc 314- Hecatc Straits 324 Caamano Sound ,..... '.'glT 5c 320 Laredo Sound . "5C 323-Mllbank Sound ..ZZ.IX. .: :3c 335 Chatham Sound P. R. Harbor . j. "3c Ouidc Books Dividers Parallel Rules ' "S Books Course Finders Free Tide Tables 'MAM Cheaper Feed Having a surplus of Bulklcy Valley whsat it is necessary to' reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, ZarelU Propria -A HOME AWAY FKOM HOME' IUte $1.00 up 90 Rooms Hot & Cold Wr Prince Rupert, m r.o. P"1 1M I I