L.urday. March 19, 1938. Igerifce Pamer here 1 a Jot to be said in favpr ,.uo.L!iiitB nerched on stilts! I rt of Oakland's suDurn. Alter tinly trying to walk arouna ome thP miniature laices, i just siiui I . eves and splashed through hem It reminaeu ui mc iun used to have fining me Dig bid on our way u scjwjui, ik- neen Second ana inira Avenue r.ear the old mill). In the spring used to have water lilies Just too ttr out for us to wade to and, in he winter, it used 10 ireeze over. Snce I fell in "testing" the ice and, before I managed to get home, had i very thin layer oi ice lorming on by clothes cached an ajl-ume njgn wnen u lame to rain but this year it would ppear that California is out to icat her on record. There has ,een considerable minor damage ilth Hooded streets overflowing info basements jand so Jorth right m In Oakland but Los Angeles Lems to be in a P.".ty serious con- Billon For some reason, or another, bin r'tmir a joi worse in uie cu,y ton out jn Uie country. Perhaps ton)j)laUiUv: of Uie weather also tare are more canvas window t(l iiiir -eayw- 10 qnppie wa- down your neck. I guess. I ter ever war very fond of it, anyway. fveryUiw:; linn: is "Snow White" I these days! I understand one of the Imlnor) studios Is trying to cash in on Walt Disney's famous picture and have resurrected the ojd silent film of "Snow White" i and have Jt out on tour now. Some are being taken n by the hoax and it does seem rather a shabby thing to cash Jn at the expense of the ve lust returned from spending cniidren. Did you know that Eng-i . jZ., vidtinff in San Lorenzo ; aa naa lurnea inunios down on1 the picture because of Queen and its probable the tender minds of the children? At the same time, they are holding gas-mask drills and supplying gasmasks to children for their use in case of possible, war. .Somehow the two ideas don't make sense to me. I am glad the world is becoming more fairy tale conscious again. For a while the pendulum .swung to the other extreme and children were to be told the truth and nothing but the truth. Poor little dears! I have met some of these children. They don't believe in Santa Claus and last winter we thought we had t-hey laugh if you mention farles. Life must be pretty drab without any imagination. And at the crest cf all this new fangled psychology, along came Walt Disney. Mickey Mouse swept the country and, instead of being Just a national hero, became one of the leading figures of the world! And with all the odds (and most foremost educators) against him, he went ahead and produced "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" because he wanted to. Now, from all accounts so did everyone else! Why, everyone I know listens to the Micky Mouse Broadcast on Sunday's now, too! Sec Oakland, California. CHEERIO! BE ENTERTAINED ROYALLY "Hill Billy Courtship" 3-Act Farce Sponsored by the Ketchikan L.O.O.M. At Moose Hall Saturday Night, March 19, 8 p.m. Adults 50c Children 23c . Jlcserycd Toe CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ; JI MINISTF.il. Rev. II. fl. I'uiiston K.A., Interim Moderator Mrs. E. J. Smith, Organist 11:00 Morning Service 12:15 Sunday School 7:30 Evening: Service Mr. Funston will preach at both services Everyone is Cordially Invited UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES. T.S.S. CARDENA FKIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Due Vacouver. Thurs. pan. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnight If convenient pleaso purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave, Phone 568 THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWSy i will comt to jour home cvf ry (ly through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Jn Inltrnatitnal Daily Ktwift" It retord. for rou th. world ! clem, con.tructlr ' Jj,1".'-; r, 0t"i", tout dula correctively with them. rtu" for bum ,Ba.n " " Umi)t, indudlnf tlw Weekll Milnt Section. . Tlie Chrlitltn Science Ptibllthlnt Boclrtf I One. Norw etwet, Boiton, MMchueltl ., Monitor ;or , Jlrwirt' ' ,ub"cr,Ptlon t0 T1" OtrlitUt fttt it 0(1 I mosthi It 50 3 month M .JjPTSnnUt WedmtdM Utu, Includlni Mtiltu Section: 1 ef M' ' w,u" "m. . ..... i Addr. DANCE Tonight, Boston Hall. till 12. Ladies 25c, Gents 35s. (65) Tonight's train, due from the the cruel: East at 11 .o'clock, was reported eneci on this morning to be running on time. Mr. and Mrs. James Currie and daughter, Mrs. DeCarlo, sailed last night on the Princess Louise for Vancouver. They plan on locatinj in the south. E. A. Bence, sales manager of the Standard Oil Co. of British Colum bia, sailed by the Prince Rupert Thursday night on his return to Vancouver after spending a few days in the city on company Children's Story Hour Is Ending Final Session for Oldsters Was ILeld This Morning- The last Story Hour of the season for older children was held this morning. An Irish tale. "The Wishing Chair," related by Eileen Ham-blin, proved most entertaining. Dr. J. T. Mandy exhibited moving plc-j tures of local scenes which were' greatly enjoyed. Mrs. J. T. Mandy amused umu&cu with Willi "Fat King rwing rcni Peter and tuiu sented to Beverly Barry and Sydney Youngman. The last Story Hour for children between the ages of four and elght; charge of Dr. and Mrs. Mandy, Kitty Cameron and Mrs. R. Camer on. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert Norman Boyd and R. A. Dlffln, Vancouver: Mr. and Mrs. H. J, Hanson, Ketchikan. Itoyal A. Nlelson. Vancouver; Otto Berg-seth and D. Wedge, city; R. R. Rea-jan, C. M. Whipple, A. Rdd ind family. William Olsen, Ward S. Xarn .and Jim Selland, Ketchikan. Steamship Sailings Kor Vancouver Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m Thurs.-ss. Pr. Rupert 11:15 pjn. Friday ss. Venture 9 p m. ss. Prin. Louise 10 p.m. March 7, 17 and 28 ss. Princess From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala ...11:30 A.m. For Ocean Falls Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 11:15 p.m. Friday ss. Prin. Louise .. JO p.m. From Ocean Tails 732 DAIL7 PAGE THRjna LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Gold. Bulgers. tf, Mrs. Rudolf Braun of KWroaat Iwho has been spending some tim 9! in the city, sailed by the Car- dena last night on her return to her home down the coast. William Goldbloom called last pight on the Cardeh: lor a brief business trip to Butedale. He wi'.l return to the city on the Cata'.a tomorrow evening. James Flewin, for drunkenness, was fined $25, with option of seven day's imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont in city police court yes terday morning. OCEAN FALLS, March 19: Two next Saturday morning, will be in 'successful performances of "Cin derella In Wonderland" operatta were given by the local troop of Girl Guides. The show was con ducted In an excellent manner. Glouston Makes Australia Trip London to Port Darwin by Air .Accomplished in Two Days and Half PORT DARWIN, Australia, March i 119: iCP) Flying Officer A. E. Clouston, who had left England on Tuesday In company with Victor Rlcketts, arrived here yesterday two days, twelve hours and eight minutes after leaving England. His last hop had been from Singapore a distance of .2100 miles. They failed to establish a record which Is still held by the late T. Campbell Black and C. W. A. Scott. Clouston Norali 5:30 p.m. ani Rlcketts hoped to reach New from Vancouver- Zealand in a further day and a Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn. haf- Wed ss. Pr. Rupert .10:30 a.m.' ; j .. rt T in' 4 n m ' I r riuuy---oo. . - i- Ss. Venture pm- March 3, 13 .and 24-ss. Prin. Norah am- For Anyox and Stewart j Sundaj ss. Catala .-8 p.m. Wed. s. Pr. Rupert 4 p.m. ' From Stewart and Anyox Card of Thanks Mrs. Julian Pederson wishes to thank many friends for kindness and assistance extended following her recent bereavement. All has TuesdayHss. Catala ...1U30 a.m. been jauchj pptecijed Ttiurs; Pr. Rupert 8 p,m. 1 ' ''f For Naas Kivtr. and ronjsimjavq. . ,,. ,, - Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 10:30 ajn.j Banti parents' 1 Friday ss. Pr. Louise pm.. March 23 Ss. Venture p.m, For Queen Charloiic Islands-March 11 and 25 s.s. Prince John 10:30 p.m,j From Queen Charlotte Islands, March 9 and 23 s.s. Prince John a.m, For Alaska-March 2, 13, and 24 Princess Norah a.m From Alaska-March 7, 17 and 28 Princess Norah p m PRINCE RUPERT DRY PQCK AND SHIPYARD ShlptmlMcre) bimI Kmlio, dewula mmi A.cty 1 1 If rJlUto , $rrmBt mi Mtl MaehlMrr. AH Tjf mt Cm EngiiMa 1Uit)4 anel OrirluiulMl. Announcements All advertLtements In thb col-amn will be charged for a full month, at 25c a word. March 25 and United Church, DnnlrAiUnll Fin VW' ton Hajl. Association 1'ea, Anglican Tea, Mxs.S...C. Thom ,son, March 24, Recreation (Centre Poxlng, iooM I Hall, Thursday, JVla.rch 24, I Orange Spring Sale March 25. In Af u 26, CIRCUS, S.OJJ. Masquerade, March -.28. April Klt : Bos- Presbyterian Easter SaleApril 6 Salvation Army Sale April 13. Queen Mary Daffodil Ten April 18 Baptist Tea, April 20. Prince Rupert Operatic Society present tlve "Plrates ol .Penzaiwe" Capitol Tlieatre, April 27 and 28. ' ,V United Sale, May' 5. St. Peter's Bazaar, Miy 12. dons yi Norway Farewell Party Two Hundred and Fifty Persons In Attendance at Delightful Affair Thursday Night in Honor of Fishermen Another enjoyable fishermen's farewell function prior to the opening of the 1938 season on the fishing grounds was a social and dance held Thursday night in the Oddfellows' Hall . by Sons of Norway Lodge, a crowd of some 250 persons attending the affair. A delightful feature of the early part of the evening's proceedings was' 'the showing of moving pictures of Norwegian views by B- Myvold of John O'NellJ of the Royal Bank Winnipeg. I of Canada.staff returned to the city 1 Dancing commenced at 10 p.m. t0 he strains of music by the Fos-J on the Princess Lpulse yesterday af-1 temoon from a vacation trip tosuna pothers Orchestra and cQn-, iljnuea unwi a a.m. wim . Vancouver 1 mission at midnight for the serving!, - - 1 - .- j 0f refreshments. There were yocal en in in CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtubs, Wt-shbasina, Window, and Mirror. Cannot JcratcfL Operetta Staged . "I 1 "J 1 the Whales" and finished the mys-. Kv tYC (jllldeS vanww tery tery serial. serial. Book Book prize: prizes were pre-! J At Ocean Falls solos by Ray Fossum and Oscar ' Haveroy. I Oscar Haveroy was master of cerempnles and Erllng Wick and Arnold Peterson presided at the door. The committee in cnarge consisted of Mrs. John Gerstad, Mrs. Qeorge Anderson, Mrs. John Iyar-son, Miss Lillian Lund, R. Hundeide, Anton Strand and Nels Vasseng. Peter Myrvold, general agent of the Norwegian -America Line at Winnipeg, left by last evening's train on Ws return to the prairie city after spending a few days Jn town on business, FOR SU, 1 EIGHT-ROOM house and lot $50'0, half cash, Capitol Shop. (69) IITCHEN Range with oil burner. Phone Green .893. (691 TOR SALE Perambulator, gorid condition. Cheap. Apply 233 West Fourth Ayenue. (66) FOR SALE 8 h.p. Heavy Duty "Vivian Gas Engine" in excellent jcondition. Price $300. A snap. Ward Electric Co. (68) FOR RENT MODERN House, 229 7th Ave. E. Apply Room 29, Inlander. (68) WORK WANTED PLASTER and stucco work, also brick and tile. Estimates free. Pete Rilshede, phone Blue 823. (69) PERSONAL MEN! To get vlgoi, vitality, try raw oyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants in New OSTREX Tonic Tablets. Tone up worn, exhausted, weakened system. If not delighted with results, maker re funds price, $1.25. You risk nothing. Si'd by all good drug stores. ctri PRIVATE HOME KINDERGAR TENS' PAY. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute. . WhrriiDeS. ' tf WE HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as Lei ter Carriers, Postal Clerks,-Customs Examiners, Clerks, and Stenographers, etc., and can help you. Write us for proof and free information. M.C.C. Schools Ltd.. Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. tf, Sliced Bread We axe now in a position to supply wrapped sliced bread, all varieties at lflc a Loaf Sold by all grocers orto out of town customers by express Sliced bread Is economical, convenient, makes neat sandwiches, good toast arid is sanitary. ' Housewives Are Asjdng For it Van's Bakery Prince Rupert, B. C. When colds bring OR WAT Tr2li Sl0raach ni I tis" 'A Intestines to The speed with which "Aspirin" tablets act in relieving the distressing symptoms of colds and accompanying sore throat is utterly amazing . . . and the treatment is simple and pleasant. This is all you do. Crush and dissolve three "Aspirin" tablets in one-third glass of water. Then gargle with this mixture twice, holding your head well back. This medicinal gargle will act almost like a local anesthetic DEMAND AND GET- AS PI Rl N I The New s on the sore, irritated membrane of your throat. Pain eases promptly; rawness is relieved. You will say it is remarkable. "Aspirin" tablets are made jn Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company, Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every tablet. Halo Permanent Our hair styles must change to suit the 1938 spring-bonnets. Let us create for you a more charmlns. and stylish lff ure. Only genuine oil solutions used on all permanents. Modern Beauty Shop 530 THIRD AVENUE Phone 947 Attention Fishermen! With the Fishing Season Opening in a Few Short Weeks Remember Your First Aid Supplies We Carry a Complete Stock of First Aid Cahincts and Supplies Call today and let us help you compute your requirements. We Respectfully Solicit Your Business Ormes ltd. "Jjie Pioneer Druqgists The YtexU Store Phones: 81 & 81 Open Daily From a.m. till 10 p.m. Kundavs and Holidays From 12 noon till Z 7 p.m. tlU 9 p.m. v.m. Fresh Local Raw And The Central Hotel Pasteurized Milk R00MS nd CAFE Phone 51 VALENTIN DAIRY For Best Household Coal mONE 657 MRS. C. E. BLACK If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city.