h.i nivht iii have made rhanrrllor Adolf iiT of Germany in retard to German minority in this i jt. uhfrrnv iirrman ui- n li t ' ts to be administered by Ger n nationals would be estab- ,rl on the basis of giving over nrrnf nf arlnilmc . iitu .j u-arnlnr In f!Pcho Ciccho-Slovakla Mere given UUCllj UI VUiat HIV v. ,,-nniri ti i9urn nv inp In Czecho-Slovakia as had Renounce Alliance i . tiii .in..... i mi r - ptict wun ucrmany, r-mi u r Rovsian alliance is said to Hitkt's basic condition for an inninn. Informed persons said it was AN A 1 1 A IS Passion of - given, amily Tradition to NOT ASKED Consultation Yet Willi Ilrltisi Says Premier uiMi government was awaltuj f rcsulu of consultations with c Dominions before Prime Minis Kpnn K ant I n xvi A m. V l yM vji llf Till-on II I . w iiunurru icars aiucii first-Rorn Have Been Boys Mrs. John Alden birth a ooy Her husband is a dt, ""if ni inp jnnn Amen wno And Founders COPENHAGEN, March 19: (CP) The Oerman steamship APPEAL TO SPANIARDS Once Oay City Nothing Bat Shambles Now British Freighter Destroyed People Terrified 'Great Britain and France. ..Ark That Halt Be Called To Such Carnage LONDON. March 10: (CP) Prime Minister Neville ! Chamber-, lain announced yesterday that another appeal had been made by both Oreat Britain and France to both sides In he Spanish civil war to call a halt to attacks upen helpless civilians such as the raids which have been made during the past few days by the insurgents upon Barcelona, raining frightful death and destruction upon that once gay city. ,man, Italian and Spanish pilots. ; Where they may strike next there is no idea. I Meantime. General Francisco Franco's rebel forces are continuing their drive toward the Medi- aa a rnnrnrt.pr in l.nntrTPi-i . p- - w. vuui tuuiff v iuiivy ax Un tarm roducts lo - r ljfiiiii PREPARE MORE AID IS ASKED . . . .uunicipai convention Would Have Dominion Take Over Fifty Per Cent of Itclicf Now and All Later OTTAWA, March 19: (CP) The Clause Boge, enroute from Oslo : Canadian Federation of Mayors and to the Spanish insurgent port Municipalities convention accepted of Huclva, sank in the North ' from the resolutions committee, of Sea off Hornsrev Light today which Mayor George C. Miller oi after an explosion of undeter- Vancouver is chairman, a resolution mined origin. The Swedish .asking the Dominion government tc x alimp half thp met. nf fpHpf rt Settlement is reported to t M Qf the twenty.one.man municipalities, pending taking over crew except the captain. i , the entire cost Including medical I assistance and hospitalization. The present plan provides grants-jln-aid by the Dominion to the provinces which, in turn, assist the municipalities. In no case does the Dominion pay more than forty pci cent. I Government Aids !In Fight Against Floods In Fraser VICTORIA, March 19: (CP) - The provincial government an nounces that pumping facilities in : the lower Fraser Valley will bt doubled as a" flood precautionafj measure. ISVITAL PROBLEM Foreign embassies moved out ciCOunsei for the Province of British Barcelona yesterday for safety an'lj Columbia, declared before the Itow-thc subways arc crowded with ell R0yaj commission on lntergov-crlnglns humans seeking safcf y , ernmci)tal relations that unemploy-from the deadly bombardment.. ment nacl attained such dimensions mm work nf dlccine the dead, dy Neville Chamberlain made his ( anA iwrihlv wounded out of finite statement of policy In re- thp wreCkage of the city continues. - u vuc curuutan siiuuiiuii, rMnt mp runner rams uiu icauu. .uuer wniiam Lyon Mackcnz'c that it required treatment "for I peace, order and good government" of Canada) Knnator I Farris advocated the The insurgents arc now said to. Domlnion taking over full respon- niui, wic v,uiuuuui bua- navc seven nunarea uumuuib i cihllltv for the empioyaoie unem uuu urn nSKPfi inr nu M UnAo mrcr v mnnr in iifrnmiiv . ytlkXl HO) iWVIJ - opinion ana noi e ana Italy, In operation wun uer- Uncniployment Has Become (iicst-lon Affecting Peace, Order and Good Government, Says Farris VICTORIA, March 19: (CP) Senator J. B. deB. Farris, K.C.. ployed. j It was not(now xi sectional, seasonal, temporary problem but a definite national .condition requiring ;natlonal scale treatment, j Hon. George S. Pearson, minister I of labor, declared that there would hp no unemployed in British Col- tcrranean coast, driving me ioy-, j e lt not for tne Contin allst defenders before mem. rur-, . . transients from other thcr important centres have been captured in the drive. From Cerbere, France, comes iword that a freighter, nying ire British DrlUs" flag, IB' ran aground Br,1 in names parts of Canada to the mild climate of the coast. Take Over P.G.E. At the British Columbia spokes- ' government, Dr. vlnclal Secretary, told BULLETINS BABY DERBY SETTLED TORONTO Sir. Justice Middle-ton pave judgment "in Ontario Supreme Court today; ruling thai the $500,000 Charles Millar baby derby estate is to be divided be tween four Toronto: mothers Mrs. Annie Smith, Mrs; Kathleen Nagle. Mrs. Isabel MacLean and Mrs. Alice Timlock. Each registered nine births within ten years of Millar's death In .1926, The 1 ii rt ye threw out the (claims o( Mrs. Lillian Kenny and Mrs Pauline Clarke. MEXICO'S BOLD STROKE MEXICO CITY President Cardenas today expropriated British and American oil rropcrtirs valu--d at more than $tpO,6o6,00 in a hold stroke deplaned to end a ira year conflict between laboi and foreicn canilal. SimuHan- eoulv (he Central Mexican Rank suspended dealines In foreign currency and the President indi cated devaluation of the peso was under official consideration TWEEDSMUIR GOING HOME OTTAWA While fio official announcement will be! made un till nearer-the time of his depar turc. It Is reported there that the Governor General, Lord Tweedsmnir, will spend.-'. a holiday early this summer in Eng land and Scotland, VETERANS' ASSISTANCE OTTAWA The House of Commons last night finally approved the War Veterans' Allowance Act pension extensions and sent the measure on to the Senate South African veterans are now added to those who receive pensions of $10 and $20 pet month after reaching sixty years of age. IIAPPY ONTARIO TORONTO For the second consecutive year. Premier Hepburn reports a surplus in ordinary accounts. This time the surplus is $3,000,000. . The Premier budgets for a surplus next year of $287,677. There will be no increase in taxes and no new forms of taxation. Rewards Posted For Return Of Two Prisoners. WINNIPEG, March 19: (CP) Rewards of $50 each have been posted for the return of two long term convicts who escaped from Stony Mountain Penitentiary ten days, ago. Three in an escaped, unc HAMILTON. March 19: (CP) 'man, Senator Farris proposed that was.nlured ,n mM- nl3 cct. l n u. ii . ... iivui r t nArMininn rr i iii iu.ii iiiiiiiii i;in . V,,uu lamuy oi uamiaon yes-- . .tinrr tn the border UiC w.v- ;away vay was was recaptured recapiurca uut mere waa j ivcul iin n inrpo nnnnrrn - - .... .jnH Tha ruuiu r - f v.. v Vtnri hnPn T firllt IKJcU. ., i a. i car famiiw Mui 4U-4 4u-Jt" r . nrr.it Eastern, suggesting mat 1 .....j WUUIIIUII LI1UL L11C lllOV-l IJ rt havo firiVPll LllK , w in rr . - vi uv . . . i ka oYiPiinn niiiiiLiiuiv iai in u' - ..wcu generation snau dc a nshnrP and escaped. luu".rv ...uu ' ' i iio. junn a npn cave irnvp niri.n i viuc v..w . sary Paclflc coast "tlet to the Ben-, IT Q MIIT nrn 1 eral advantage of Canada. imn. ; .1 lwiaiiJi khiir nr rnp liriLisn i.niiimoi.L i no success as yet In the hunt for Weather forecast , .1 t l.r.kii'rl. Mil rimrU-iiT li' 1 the Com- tll Dominion Mlccruioilrl nircu tj mission that health Insurance was victr-na aim rnncp Ri.iwt. TiU vrf I primarily a subject oi provincial ktn at s aJn. unlay unci covr t)n. so i administration. It was inseparable hour pcrioti etKiinc P-m- 'oinorrow. Cannot Lay Country Open to vn-.n administration from public Gcnerai synopsis The storm Is! predictable Hazards, Declares 'health services wnicn nad aireaay dispersing after causing high Secretary of State been developed substantially by the ; wlnds on the coast. Pressure re- provinces: He submitted that thejmajns jow 0Ver Northern British . ,r.piit Dominion, besides continuing andCoiumbia and mild weather pre-NEW ini YORK. March 19. lurJ enlarging certain services that hadjvails over the interior. . Is mv considered Judgment . national, should adont a PHnpp nimert and Oucen Char- u in. (pui Mip nresent state of world ai . , measure nf national leader- tnifn TsinnHxRtronir southwest to "i C0VPMiw,ni i um n rf Ipss than IS IIU" . . , iu, flplri nnrt n.tslst. the....oct lnrli mrvst.lv. fnlr fair nnrl and prvnl cool '"mil IS ureSLIUlllK u un k" . .. .,. rvon tn ainu ...-.. u ine Alhprn t ".,-... ,,1H he to lay tne cuuuwj, .j"-- ,in-p. flnanel.illv lnelurilnir , . - L,ix ijt'u i vi :i i.iii tw 1. 1 1 in u- nwuiM - . j nM m rnr uiui - -' 1 loe wr taxatlnn on farm nmducts unpredictable nazaius. Brants in aid to health insurance m than taxation direct on the Secretory of Sta"'"- schemes. a n two two per per cent, cent tax tax on on first first in in aaaressms aaareaB - ..forrii,cr referrli.g Tne ine commission uuninussiun win win rc, resume us cond mortgages Is also con- Club. Mr, Hull saia " 3 mMthni heHrlng liere on Monday. mplaterj totheniv.lexpano..p.rMn, with some sleet or rain. West Coast of Vancouver Island! -r Fresh to strong west winds ! ' mostly fair and cool with some sleet or rain. STAY WITH UNCLE SAMf Teople of Phillipine Islands are Agreed Upon Inadvisability of Independence Dominion Idea Favored MANILA. March 19: (CP) Gov-! Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .19 Vi. Big Missouri. 2Z. Bralorhc. f50. --- Azetc, .09, Cariboo Quartz. 1.90. Dcntonla, .03 Golconda, .05. Mlnto, .02?ii. Fairvlcw, .03 Vs. Noble Five, .03. Pend Oricllc, 1.80. Pioneer, 2.90. Porter Idaho, .02. Premier. 1.93. Reeves McDonald, .32. Relief Arlington, .Wz. Reward, .04. Salmon Gold, .07. Taylor Bridge, .04. Premier Border, .01 li. SUbak Premier, 1.70. Home Gold, .OIH. Grandview, .07 Indian, .02 V2. Quatslno Copper, .04. Haida Gold. .07'2. Oils A. P. con., .20. Calmont, .3C. C. ii E.. 2.20. Freehold, .05. Hargal, .19. McDougal Scgur, .10'(2. Mercury, .12. Okalta, 1.50. Papalta. .09. Home Oil. 1.00. Toronto Bcattle, 1.20. Central Patricia, 2.50. Gods Lake. .38. Little Long Lac, 4.80. McKenzie Red Lake, .80. Pickle Crow, 4,15. Red Lake Gold Shore, .20. San Antonio, 1.27. Shcrrlt. Gordon, 1.29. Smelters Gold, .02. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.05. Oklcnd, .17. Moshcr, .14. Madscn Red Lake, .35. Stadacona, .22. Frontier Red Lake, .05. Francocur, .32. Moncta, 1.90. Thompson Cadillac. .22. Bankflcld. .79. East Malartic. 1.30. Preston East Dome. .90. Hutchison Lckc. .05. Dawson White. .03. Aldcrmac, .50. Kerr Addison. 1.07. Uchl Gold, 1.42. Martin Bird. .37. Athona. .08', ',. Hardrock, 1.C6. Int. Nickel, 48.50. Noranda. 55.00. Con. Smelters, 53.75, Polish-Lithuanian i IS Averted By EDMONTON, March 18: (CP) The search from Alaska for Sig-tsmund Levaneffsky, Russian transpolar filer, and his five companions, missing since last Aug- -jmA i usi.ion .a. projected . night rrom,, Moscow to the United States, having been abandoned, Sir George Hubert Wilkins and his two pilots, Herbert Hollick-Ken-yon and Al Cheeseman, arrived here yesterday from Aklavik en-route (o New York. REGINA, March 19: (CP) Every time Sir Hubert Wilkins filled his huge ship with fuel at Aklavik, ai the mouth of the Mackenzie River, lt cost the Soviet government $8000, C. J. McFarlane. gasoline company representative, said in an address here. Mr. McFarlane travelled 7000 miles by air, 1000 miles by boat and 1000 miles overland to carry gasoline and batteries for the searchers. Gasoline costs between $4 and $6 a gallon in the far north, because of transportation difficulties. I At Fairbanks, Alaska, he said, earthquakes occur somstlmes at OTTAWA. March 19: (CP) Senator James Murdock, speaking In the upper chamber on the Canad ian railway situation, said that I much propaganda was being broadcast about Canadian National defl- cits but nothing was said about the ! fact that Canadian railway rates wcic the lowest In the world, i Senator Murdock moved that a committee be appointed to investigate and recommend to the Senate plans whereby Canadian taxpayers would be saved $75,000,000 annually In, connection with the railways ;whlle at the same time railway labor was protected, , . j Canada Still Has Advantage WASHINGTON, D. C, March 19: (CP) Even with equal tariff, lt Is stated, Canada would still havt the' advantage In the United King War Latter Giving In To Demands ernment leaders of the Phillipine ' islands are agreed with President "Nothing Will Be Done to Humiliate Lesser Nation, Says Manuel Quezon of the advisability Warsaw Atmosphere Was Tense Pending of United States sovcrelsnty being Answer io...- 4.. to TTi:..,n.. Ultimatum Phiilipines continued over the in- stead of complete independence which it had been agreed to grant. WARSAW, March 19: (CP) War was apparently in 1946. , averted between Poland and Lithuania through uncondi- a form of autonomous Dominion tional acceptance by Lithuania of all Polish demands. SXbX News that there would be no war eaused great satisfac-a majority of the assembly, a plan tion here. The Polish government has determined to do somewhat similar to that of Canada nothing that will humiliate Lithuania. The Lithuanian In relation to Oreat Britain Is ; pointed to. Business and government leaders , are agreed on this. Complete Independence for the Phiilipines in I view of the present International 'situation would be inadvisable, it is conceded, and might make a I battleground of the country. TODAY'S STOCKS (Cuurtcjty ii, D. Jobiiolun Co.) SEARCH IS GIVEN UP Every Time Big: Ship Gassed Up It Cost $8000 government has reportedly decided to establish normal diplomatic relations with Poland for the first time since 1920. Pending an answer to the ulti matum to Lithuania last night, Polish troops had been moving up all day to the Lithuanian border In large numbers and were poised to commence an Invasion should a satisfactory reply not have been given by the deadline. Among oth er things, Poland demanded that Lithuania relinquish all claims to the port of Vilna. There was a fever of excitement In Warsaw which died-down-todayHJ8 The neighboring natkihs of Latvia and Esthonia were watching with grave alarm. FISHERMEN ORGANIZING Central Assembly for Province Is I Being Formed Prince Rupert Heard From VANCOUVER, March 19: (CP) A committee elected by peprcsen-tatlves of seven British Columbia fishermen's organizations has laid plans for the formation of a central fishermen's assembly In the province. A committee was named at a meeting here attended by delegates from organizations chartered v.n. ,akc u, . a. uj,. thp T rtp. nnrt Tjihnr nnncrrest broken dishes and cracked walls,' ' . . ...,. 4t, little damage was done. nin t r-a,H, FACTS OF RAILWAYS Two Prince Rupert organizations the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union I and the Prince Rupert Fishermen's I Co-operative were not represented but sent full reports to the meeting. Well Known Senator Murdock Suggests Plan to v Save Taxpayers Without En- k ll&r TllAC dangering Employees X 11V1 lIVi) W. Hunter Wells, Head of Wells Air Transport, is Victim of Heart Attack in Vancouver VANCOUVER. March 19: (CPi W. Hunter Wells, aged 42, manager of the Wells Air Transport and well known British Columbia filer, col- lapsed and died In Vancouver last night. Death Is believed to have 'een due to heart failure. Saskatchewan Redistribution Size of Legislature in Prairie Province Reduced From 55 to 52 Seats REGINA. March 10: (CP) The government has presented to the legislature of Saskatchewan a redistribution bill which would make the, membership of the provincial house fifty-two Instead of flfy-flve scats'. Eight of the present con- dom lumber market, it Is contend I stltuencles disappear while five new cd, due to lower labor costs. ones are carved out. 11 Today's Weather omorrow s Tides (I AM.) prince Rupert Overcast, show-rv High 3:31 a.m. 20.9 ft. westerly wind, ten miles p?r . 16:13 p.m. 18.0 ft. our barometer, 29.28; tempera- Low 10:08, a.m. 4.3 ft. 38; light Ctiop. 22:09 p.m. 7.3 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVII. No. 66. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1938. f RICE: 5 CENTS '1:1 upean Situation Easier Today NCESSIOi V Vi BY CZECHS': G,erT S1VP . . I., f Tl ft II ir i(in:i mi h aw iva v Setting Up UI uernian Districts ...... M...-h !! 11 I'linr It.ll.'.l r P7rrho. Slovakia was is Diown up I