MGEFOrB Funeral Of Tommy King Well Wnown and Highly Respected Mining Man Laid at Rest SMITH ERS, Sept. 6: The funeral of the late Thomas King was held from the United Church at Smithers last Wednesday afternoon and was largely attended by the. many friends of the deceased The funeral service was conducted by Rev. J. E. Birchall and there -were .many floral offerines. Mr. King was one of the best known and most capable prospector? .of the north, country. He had followed mining and prospecting all his life and his work carried him all the way from Mexico to Alaska. His opinion on mining matters and on ores was sought by all the local prospectors and be was a very highly respected citizen of this community. He was interested in two properties on Bafiirie Mountain, these being the Hyland Basin and the Silver Pick groups, both of which have every prospect of making mines. Operations are being carried on by Axel I Elmstead on the Silver Pick property where a shipment will be made next month of high grade silver-lead ore. The late Tommy- King will be greatly missed by the mining fra ternity of this district. If you wtuj to swap ArtnetUing' Tt a classified. Warner Baxter In "1 11 Give a Mil-lion" and Jane Withers in "Keep Smiling" The story of a debonair millionaire who abandons his wealth and goes looking for a girl who Is looking only for love is the theme of "111 .Oive a Million," gay and hilarious romance, which is one of the features of a double bill program' at the Capitol Theatre at the first of this week. Warner Baxter, as the millionaires, after extensive travels finally ends up in a circus where he meets Marjorie Weaver and a hec-; tic romance reaches an astonishing conclusion. In addition to Baxter and Miss Weaver, the cast of "111 Oive a Million" includes such favor ites as Peter Loire, Jean Herscholt, John Carradine and Lynn Bari. The other end of the double bill program is "Keep Smiling" in which the favorite Juvenile star, Jane Withers, runs away from a gjrl-' boarding school to visit her movie-director uncle in Hollywood. Arriving there, she finds he has taken to drink so undertakes to rehabilitate him. She lands a Job In the" movies and helps the uncle to come back. There is plenty 0f action and fun in the picture the cast of which also includes Gloria Stuart, Henry wucoxon, Helen Westley and Jed Prouty. FURNITURE S42.50 327 THIRD AVENUE MILK We Have Grade "A" Raw and Pasteurized Milk Daily From Our Own Herd Delicious Sour Cream 50c per Quart Phone Red 608 For Better Dairy Products Dominion Dairy MacKENZIE'S BEAUTY REST .MATTRESS All sizes SLUMBER KING SPRING $14 25 Made by Simmons, there is no better. Sound, restful sleep assured Phone 775 nnnf Enjoy the advantages of modern kitchen equipment with a McCLARY RANGE For COAL, WOOD or OIL Drop In and see the new McClary Ranges Inspect their many features of superiority. Beautiful Enamel Finish Easily Kept Clean Splendid Baking Oven Fully Enamelled Inside ' Highly Polished fop Economical Fuel Consumption A McClary range with oilburner Installed will give satisfactory and economical baking, cooking and heating service It can be changed back for use with coal or wood in a short time. For Satisfactory Service Get a McClary . GORDON'S HARDWARE PHONE 311 THIS BILL ENTERTAINS McBRIDE ST. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED ' TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Anum.nium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphos- phatea, Complete Fertilizer Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand MetaTs Cold, Stiver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc. Cadmium, Bismuth. Timely Recipes RIPE GRAPE JELLY AND BUTTER To prepare fruit, stem about 5 pounds fuUy ripe Concord grapes and crush thoroughly. Add i cup water, cover, and simmer 5 minutes. Separate Juice from pulp by placing fruit in 2-quart sieve. FOR JELLY: Run enough Juice through a double layer of cheesecloth held In a small sieve to obtain 4 cups of strained Juice. FOR BUTTER Rub through sieve grapes from which Juice has drained to obtain! 4ij cups pulp. Use the excess Juice or water if necessary to fill up last Vj cup. Ripe Grape Jelly Four cups (2 lbs.) Juice, 7Vi cups 3,i lbs.) sugar, i bottle fruit pectin. Measure sugar and Juice inio large saucepan ana mix 'Bring ta a boil over hottest fire and at once add pectin, sUrring Constantly. Then bring to a full rolling .boil and boU hard Vi min-ue..Remove from fire, skim, pour quickly., Paraffin hot Jelly at once Makes' about 11 eight-ounce glasses: , r I Ripe "Grape Butter Four and one-half cups 2 lbs. pulp, seven cups (3 lbs.) sugar, bottle fruit pecUn. Measure sugai and pu'P into large kettle, mix well, and bring to a full rolling boil over hottest fire. Stir constantly before and while boiling Boil hard 1 minute. Remove from fire and stir in pectin. Poui quickly. Paraffin hot butter at once. Makes about 11 eight-ounce glasses. Fred Dlngwell, formerly of this city, Is now mail clerk on the train running out of Nelson where he is building himself a home. Mr, and Mrs. T. Westhead of Triple Island lighthouse, who have been spending a vacation in the south, returned to the cltv from Vancouver on the Catala Sunday nignt. All the way from Portland. Maine. the small auxiliary sailing vessel igarasn, with Mr. and Mrs. Strout on board, arrived In port yesterday auemoon irom Alaska and spent the night here. The little vessel had come to this coast through the Panama Canal. CAR-OWNERS INCREASE BERLIN, Sept. 6: (CP) Number of power driven vehicles here has risen frpm 113.945 in 1933 to 214,-579 this . year. Thprp nro iimm v wfa-i private automobiles, amounting 5U percent of the total number. SEPTEMBER W.O.B. Back from the stream, the shore, the sea, Dear haunts of Joyous liberty; , Long, lingering, lazy afternoons In the soft shadow of the dunes. Of raptly fishing rippling creeks. Or scaling misty mountain peaks; r- So sped the happy weeks away, Within the wave, Upon the bay, Free as the seagull, wheeling slow. Or salmon leaping far below, Or bright-eyed fur and feathered , things In the deep stillness of the woods; Farewell to summer's happy moods, Now, once again, the school-bell i rings! AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture At 225 Fifth Ave. West Thursday, Sept. 8 at 2:30 Sharp Instructed by the owner I will sell j by auction the following: Studio Couch, 2 Arm Chairs, 2 Card Tables, , 1 Dinette Suite, with Buffet, Victor Radio, Kitchen Table and Chairs to match, Centre Table, 2 Walnut End Tables, 4-ft. Walnut Finish Steel i Bed with Spring Filled Mattress, 2 Single Beds. Carving Set, Wilton Runner, Wilton Carpet. 2 Framed Mirrors, Pots, Pans, Dishes, etc. , Must Be Sold Terms Cash Geo. Dawes Auctioneer THE DAILY NEWS TOMMY-COMI DOWN OUT OKAY, MOM, OF THAT IF I CAN TKll IT'S HAVE KIUOGrfS SUmR-TlMI! CORN TIAKES! CORN YoUNGSTEHS FLAXES I love Kellogg'a Corn Flakes any time of Av. With min or cream they're delicious, nourishing and easily digested. U tUe folki sleep better after such a sapper. Be sure to order Kellogg's Corn Flakes and keep a stock on hand. Everybody loves their flavor and crisp r.ess. Sold by all grocers, oven-fresh and ready to serve. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. M4DE IETTE MCKED JET7M TASTE IETTE WHIFFLETS From The Waterfront Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Flndlay, having been delayed through making an extra call at Ocean Falls with returning school teachers after the summer vacation, arrived in port at midnight Sunday from Vancouver and sailed i couple of hours later for Steward, Anyox and other northern points whence she returns here at 3:45 this afternoon southbound, sailing it 4:15 pjn. Southbound on Saturday afternoon from Skagway to Vancouver on her final voyage of the season jn the Alaska route, OPit. steamer Princess Charlotte had on board a total of 259 passengers of whom sleven disembarked here while six went aboard at this port for the 30Uth. Powell River Co.'s tug St. Faith. having left at Captain's Cove a tow of logs from Queen Charlotte Is lands for delivery to Powell River, ailed in port from 1:30 to 4:30 yes terday for fuel. Smithers Chinese Passes Suddenly Chong Kee, Laundryman, Had Lived There for Years SMITHERS, Sept. 6. Last Thursday evening Chong Kee, a Chinese laundryman at Smithers for many years, passed away suddenly at six Vclock. He had been around all 'ay a usual and had been talking jrlth friends Just a few minute.4 before his death. He was 49 years of age and leave? large family in China according to advices from those who knew "ilm well. Heart failure was the apparent ause of his demise. FINE ORE IS STRUCK Massive Cube Galena Found on Corpnada (Iroup Xear Duthie Mine SMITHERS, Sept. 6. A new strike of massive cube galena war mdc roqently on. the Cpronada group of mineral claims near the Duthie Mine on Hudson Bay Mountain by Fred Griffin who has been nrospecting and doing assessment work on the property. Samples of the ore reached MUSIC Miss N. Lawrence Teacher of Violin, Theory Harmony Classes Commencing September 1. phone 580 Three Violins For Sale Very Reasonable (SIDEWALKS TO TRINCE OF CHURCH (Continued from Page One) that He might have used anything else but that he took wine. "It is not in my Judgment,- he continued, "the proper thing to ask our children to consider as vile, something outlawed that which we use day after day In our worship. If Immlrality flows out of Intemperance, theie must be prohibition but that doesn't mean that such prohibition should apply to all." Before the establishment of the Free State an Irish leader said: "Whatever Ireland gets will be due in a measure to the efforts of Archbishop Hayes." After the Free State came into being. Cardinal Hayes continued his efforts to bring about peace between the government and the followers of De Valera. When civil war seemed Imminent he sent a message to Archbishop Byrne of Dublin warning both sides that such' a conflict would shock Am-eiica and cost Ireland the loss of many sincere friends on this s'-dc of the 'Atlantic. If the Cardinal possessed one tratt more outstanding than another It was his sympathy for charitable causes. What was considered by many as his moA Im portant achievement was his de vehement and co-ordination of Catholic charities. In this federa- tion work he directed a campaign to raise more than JJ3.5O0.0C0 through the clergy and people of the archdiocese Was Patriot Cardinal Hayes was a champion of patriotism and made frequent public appeals for his country. During the world war, while he was still auxiliary bishop of New York, he served as a member of the National War Council and was appointed by the Pope bishop of the American army at the front, the appointment carrying ecclesias tical jurisdiction over Catholics in' . the service wherever the American Clifford Fisher Passed Away Sn-flag was raised. . .,., -r ,..,, As chaplain general he visited niLr?7 ml ln u.t "llJ the.UnIt?d 6tat's ir "... m 7 Vu " overseas Impossible. His other war work Included ac-L "r,'t,; " " T . I' on a' Uke tivities in behalf of the various1 ? P"ty f"er on Liberty Loans and in helping "Slil? a lund of $500,000 to aid French! Tatholic ainolic vfrt(m victims nr of ' ne w decorated with the Order of the Crown of Italy for his work on behalf of Italians dur-'ns the war. The call to Rome in receive the -"d hat of Cardinal came so sud denly in March. 1934. that Cardinal Hayes had to cancel plans to cele- brate mass In St. Patrick's Cathed- -al on St Patrick's Day. He sailed 'hree days later with Archbishop' Mundeleln of Chicago, also a na- i Mve of New York, who was to re-1 elve similar honors. The return of the new Cardinal g New York was marked by an "nthusla.-tic welcome by the Catholics of the city. A nontifical mass was celebrated attended by for-ign dinlomats. federal, state and ity officials, educators, financiers and leaders of the bench and bar MANCHESTER, Ensr.,Sept. 6: 'CP) When nroccss oenartment of 1 newfpaper here was flooded dur- storm to a depth of eight Inches, workers stayed on in bare feet with their trouser-legs rolled up. Smithers Thursday and, while no assays have yet been made, there has not been seen any better grade of this kind 0f ore in Smithers for a long time. C. R. Ooodacre, a Smithers merchant, Is one of the owners of this property. Walker's Music Store Large Stock Music Ilelntzman, Nordheimer and Lesage Pianos Piano Tuning with "Resonoscope" Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES. DAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. FIGURES ON FISH PACK Total In This District for 193S Shows Substantial Increase Over Year Ago The salmon pack In Prince Ru pert district for the 1938 season up; to the end of August totalled 658,-892 cases as compared with 457.4811 cases In 1937 to a corresponding date, 866,393 cases In 1938. 556,681 cases In 1936 and 584,382 cases in 1934. The sockeye pack or the Prlne Rupert district this year was 210.-034 cases against 177354 cases in 1937. 183,200 cases in 1936. 239,627 cases in 1935 and 193,047 cases In 1934. The pack of pinks In the district for 1938 had reached a total of 279.361 cases In comparison with 162,112 cases in 1937, .487,525 cases In 1936, 187,333 cases In 1935 and 2 66 J 60 cases In 1934. The Skeena River pack total for this year to the end of August stood, at 270,623 cases as against 159,377 cases in 1937, 329,913 cases in 1936. 191398 cases In 1935 and 218,208 cases in 1934. The Skeena sockeye pack was 7X1,500 cases In comparison with 53.975 cases In J937, 96.174 cases In 1936 61-6W cases m 1935 ana 63, 268 cases ,n 1B34' The pink pack on the Skeena this vear sUx)A at WW cases as com- parea wun be,6Z cases, in 1937, 175,640 cases In 1936, 93,155 cases' in 1935 and 108380 cases In 1934. ' The Naas River pack showed, trends similar to those on the Skeena in individual varieties. Young Smithers Man Succumbs SM,ITHERS, Sept. 6.-The death took place here very suddenly Thursday afternoon of Clifford . . - . . 1 i UP the mountain when he complained of pains ln his ches( They discontinued their trip and returned to their car and drove back to Smithers. Mr. Fisher was still feeling 111 when he got back to he hotel and went to lie down aoout 2:30 In the afternoon. Snrrp Plterwards a physician was called but he nad Passed away before help eould be elvcn to h,m' Mr Flstlcr came here about a year aRO from Vancouver. He was about 25 years of age. Be wis. Keaa oi want ao "Build B. C. Payrolls" USED PACIFIC FOR YEARS "Pacific Milk keeps sweet when kept ln a cool container" and whips nicely," writes Mrs. W. E. C. from her home up-country, "I use it for any kind of cooking, and we have two children that were raised on it." When a family uses Pacific Milk right along, that speaks plainly of Its quality and flavor. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated of Course Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday am. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave, Phone 568 qr7.fctstraw..Ti i i : i '-J n i n Last Complete Show ijf LJUtT T 1MES Toying WARNER BAXTER In niGiv ea Millii lion With Marjorie Weaver, Pejer Plus JANE WITHERS in "Keep Smiling" (At 8:28, qnce On!;) (Al 7:00 and 9:) WORLD NEWS 8;1J om,, He SEATED LONDON LONDON. Kent ft ipul I Beauchamp, who Lomsl seated for 50 vrars It itJ . .. . I park behcfies and made arru ments for seating ent-.. . I Ingham Palace and Windsor CuJ Kuiucu parues aurinj me rei Phones 4 ft 81 P.O. Box j;j Your Quest For Service Is Ended When, You MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Hate Man Cents Quality Groceries Opposite Canadian Ltrica Musii Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M! Teacher of Piano, Theory and Ihrmony. Phone Green 390 HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 For Sale By Tender Tenders; will be received W the undersigned up to noon, Monday, September 12th, 1W-for sale of pleasure gasboaj l "CUadyi M." now moored Armours Salvage dock. H'8" est or any tender not necessarily accepted. WATT Official Administrator Try i Dally Hews wnt-A