September 6, 1933. THSlHAICT H6W1 fill Lowest Prices On School Opening Supplies rvpuriSE HOOKS Best quality Ink paper, full count. Reg. 5c. Picture covers. Special. iq lor 25c rpc 10c leatherette cover Special. 3 for 25o Rce 15c' leatherette covers. Special. 4 for 25c Ret 20c' leatherette covers. Special 3 for 40c PENCIL SCRIBBLERS Large size, plain or ruled. 6 for 25c LOOeTeAF BOOKS and RING IJOOKSHeavy ' black '"covers. i ins?LEAF REFILLS Best quality ink papei. 3 pkgs. 25c Pi'vriLS- Royal Sovereign Drawing pencils. Each 10c pfvc LS-Sterllng and All-Right Beat school quality,. H-B. 10c Dozen 35 3 for - pfncILS Buckeye, second grade. Dozen 25c rit SEKS Reeves and other standard makes. Various types, ea 5 FitvSERS Reeves and other standard makes, var. types, ea. 5c CRAYONS-Wax crayons, 8's. Special 5c CKAYONS Reeves Terrachrome, 12 s . ..... ..... 15c crayons Wooden pencil crayons. Reeves and Schoolmaster, 10c. 15c - 20c pst& Peerless Paste, with brush. Bottle 10c p unts- Reeves best quality school paints, including brush ... 35c P4INTS- Reeves best quality paint reflls. 2 for 5o INDIA INK-Reeves. Bottle ............ 15c. INK Peerless 10c Watermans best 15c- Schaeffers Scrip ""0 hl'LEKS School rulers, various kinds 5c, 10c and 15c err SQUARES Wooden 10c Transparent 15c iiiOTUCTOKS Reeves transparent protractors iuc COMPASSES--Measure compass 15c Reeves superior " Quality 25 MVrHKMATICAL SETS Complete la metal box 75e MacLeaa Writing Fads Number 33 15c JlacUan renholderi 5c and 10c Nibs-Pkg. of 5 5c r.Mnh Work Books 15c Music Dictation Books 10c Drawing Portfolios 10c Pencil Sharpeners 5c and 10c Scribbling Pads w 5c School Bass and Cases 65 up Bookkeeping Blanks 20c iinmvu'nrk Memo Books 5c ,i u u - Pencil Boxes 10c Pencil Companions 25o, 45c, GOc and 75c Typewriting Pads. 2 for, .... 25c Steno Note Books.. Each. 10c Doien $1.15 i,,ct-i nn Mall Orders, is Extra Cash With Order Our Stock ol School Supplies Is Larger and More Complete Than Kver lteior nuy .uw una nuncj Ormes Pioneer Drm&tets (School Supply Headquarters), Value . - To Write About Medford Linen Finish Stationery CO Sheets and 4& Euvelopes. 49 c The ,U,U Store JTl " Open Dally From ;.m.,tUI 10iJn. Sundays and Holidays From It noon till 2 Tom. till 9 p.m. December Frozen HERRING MIT Cold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert,. B.Ci csh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 j CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS, ana, w a 5t For fiest Household Coal MRS. Ci E. BLACK LOCAL NEWS NOTES William Lemble returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide Fri day night front a brief trip to Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Kennev re turned to their home at Smithers after a holiday motor trip to J. Shaw, public works department engineer, who has been spending some time In the Atlln district, was a Dasseneer aboard the Princess Charlotte Saturday afternoon going through to Victoria. ' Miss Pat Anderson and Miss De-vlna Warner returned to the city on Saturday evening's train from Walcott after spending the .sum mer vacation at that Bulkley Valley i point, with the latter's parents. Mrs. S. D. Johnston and son, Kenneth, returned to the city Fri day afternoon on the Prince Rupert from Victoria where they have been, visiting with, Mrs. Johnston's mother, Mrs. Mrs. Joshua Klngham. TRIBUTE JSPAID Trades and Labor- Council Delegates Honor Memory, of Late S. D. Macdonald The Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council. In the course of. La ibor Dav nroceedlngs yesterday, vis- ' Ued: Falrvlew Cemetery during the morning to pay fitting tribute to the memory of the late S. D. Mac donald. for many years president of the organization, who passed awav last year. A wreath was llniaoprl nn the orave and J. J. Gll- 11. now Dresldent. spoke bneny. stating that it was fitting that tri bute should be paid on this day tc the departed brother who had done so much for the advancement oi labor and promotion of good sport J'. A. Frew, who was a close personal friend of the late Mr. Macdonam also spoke along similar lines after which the delegates observed a per lod of silence. Those who attended the cere mony were J. J. OHHs. Frank Derry, Jack Campbell, Thomas Elliott. W M. Brown, James Black, Thomas a Black. James M. Campbell, J. A, Frew and Hugh Smith. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Anglican Tea, Mrs. C. V Evltf September 9. Rebekah Tea, Annette Fashion Show, September 15. C. C. F. Bazaar, October 1. Catholic Bazaar, October 12, 13. Sonja's, Bazaar November 4. Baptist Bazaar November 5. Cathedral Christmas Bazaar No vember 17; St. Peter's ember 24. Re: Certificate pi Church Bazaar Nov- LAND REOISTKY ACT trlct. to. the raovmw Tv (81. Township of the bov ruMcfit otf- T1U lu in the nam K a. Moa h been Cited la OI. i- i. viomhv slven that this oiucb, ""--"; " Jf oTtiTilrrt publication in u ol said lost certificate un. J2S, nto Tmwintlme valid objection be made to me. to lttog. . nJui RuDBTtT B. oTthla 3rd. day o( August. A. D M-T nuMow Deputy Begtotrar ot- Tltlea. lM ACT N.itlre of Intention To Apply To ltiirolt'lkja IjlBll Lnmd Recording DU- In the Skeena trlot of Brltlali uoiumam 1 ,h- Etotell River thirty miles south of Port tMm. w,,.m , Tlt nataoe w . .... nwWv of vanoauver, B O., occupf PtorMltiui Engineer, to to apply M pmlSv to purohase the follow- '"fjomncig at a pet planted at . ccl"fi vrm.r txwt of- Mineral (& MSTlit more nr 1 to the Western toouiidary ct 'ButPhlde No, 7 MUierai vian ana iDur ii inn ar less. ranwiwis, llMl GUERNSEY Dated August 22nd, 1838. Phono. 112. Taxi; day and night. William Webster, charged with drlnklnit In a public place, was re manded from, today, until Friday. G cor ce Walsh, returned- to the city, on th Catala Sunday night from- a brief: trip to Vancouver. Mr: and, Mrs. Thomas. McClyraont and daughter Pat( who. have- been on a vacation, trip to-Vancouver, re turned' to. the city from the- south on, the Catala Sunday night. lC James, E, Lee and-son, Forbes; who. have been spending the sum the Catala for -a' trip south. They will disembark at Campbell River and motor do,wn Vancouver Island. Miss. Mary. Q film. and. her. young niece, who have been spending the summer vacation In the south, re turned to the city, from Vancouver cn. the Catala Sunday, night. (FEWER ARE 1 IN QPHOni TORONTO, Sept. 6; Dlavlne fields to modern versions nf thi little red school house. QnnHov nlaht frnm a. vnratlon trlnttha hiirh eVmnl attenriancp nf 44. yiuiuujr .up... " f I Jlic lllglA OV11W1 to. Vancouver, accompanied by their g7o Was 81 per cent higher. As In daughter. Miss, Edna Vlckers., who' many other parts of, the Dornln- 1 - L.n. tH fvinlntil fsv 4Va nntf ii. . m -- II J A tf n4tnrr t i f i iir'trii in ruiKiaiiu avjx i&a uaai i rTi iPii'r rniinrfii Hir. aLditiiia year as an exchange teacher. 'school, but they stay longer, be- cause fewer Jobs, are open. Miss Betty Miller returned to the Laree Provinces Lead fho PrlnipS5 Hharlntte siat. rv.otwi. on fhitarin a the larcr . . J vi. --.... iquhrv. , w - - - a iiriliv nftsrnnnn from Stlklne scf nmnlni havn hv far thp most where she- spent the summer with students. Quebec has an estimated ler Drotner, uuncan wiuier, cus- 637,000 stuaents, aiviaea mio no-i toms officer. lman Catholic. 563,000 and Protes- Local school teachers returning (o the city- on the Catala Sunday night after spending- the summer vacation in the south Included Miss Hodgson, Miss .Mary Easthope, Mrs. B. Walker, Miss Mary Hartlnt Miss E. P. Grassle, Miss Marjorie rfhlel and Miss irene Mitchell Miss Eleanor Moxley returned to the city on Saturday night's, train from Smithers where she spent the latter part of the summer vacation; also motoring around Smithers; Burns Lake, Fort St. James after having attended summer school at Victoria. 1 It's No Surprise That You re Constipated ! If constipation has' you bogged, down so you feel tired, sunk. all. played out-It's tune you asked yourself some questions-' .What have yov had to eat lately? Just meat, bread, eggs, potatoes?. Iff no surprise-you're: constipated!. The chance are you dont get enough "bulk." And "bulk" doesn't mean a lot of food: It's a kind of food that Isn't consumed In the body; but leaves a soft "bulky" nutssln''the intestines and helps a bowl movement. . If this ls what you lack, your ticket ls crisp crunchy Kellogg"s AU-Bran for breakfast every, day. It contains- the-"bulk" !yoti need plus Nature-'s great Intestinal tonic, vitamin Eat AU-Bran every, day, drink plenty of water, and take a new lease on life) All-Bran ls made by, Kellogg in London, Ontario. Sold: by every grocer. Major J. Gs Rycroft, district: ar mament officer from Esquimau and Serzeant J. Mlddleton. after spending a few days here on busi ness In connection with the 102nd Battery are sailing-by the Catala ithis afternoon on their return to Victoria, Powder Puff Beauty Shoppe Permants, Marceltj, Flngec-waves, etc. Children's Haircuts a Specialty. Phone- Green: 881 foe Appointment Muriel Eby- 4374th-R. Try a Dally ttewt cuuiitflcd 4d. Wont 7innn Thsro arp R44 000 In UH1I " - ' I berta, former Member- of Parliar ( secondary schools 1 nent and one of the national lead-1 Average attendance In Ontario ;rs ot the Co-operative common-, las year was 604,734 compared with wealth Federation movement,, wUlt 575 'fust 10 years ago, Attendr be a visitor to Prince Rupedt to.lnnee ii-condarv schools "was lo4,- irards the end of this month. fi04 ,ast vear 55 Der cent higher than 10 years ago. f Saskatchewan schools, hampered "by years of drought-caused poverty, j were attended by 215.600 stuaents; last' year, divided 180,148, In elementary schools and the remainder In secondary schools. Alberta's school attendance last vear was 167.950. British Colum bia Increased by 2,000 last year to( 120,360. Nova Scotia, there some rural schools openea last weeic, leads the- Maritimes with 117,000 students last year, with New Bruns wick school attendance at 86,946 and. Prince Edward; Island's at 18 146. Better Teachers While summer vacations re over for- Canadian school children, for many of the nation's 700,000 teach ers- school opening means some thing; like a holiday. Schools, from coast to coast con stantly demand a higher education al standard for teaching staffs, which means the final term's school bell for. the children summons roughly "rialf the; teachers tr- sum mer schools; for extra training. The summer schools, geared for fast-Daced feachinji. soften, make their pupils work harder than' the same teachers work when they re turn to the schooL rooms. Twoi Canadian provinces, Manl tnhn. and Alberta, have- raised the 'reaulrements for normal school - students thlsyear. They now must tiave grade 12, standing, equivalent Utroualiiv first year university. PrlnrA Wrlaurd Island wllL de mand a higher standard next Jrear Two years training, one year aca demlc followed by one year of normal training, will be required to obtain a lowest class teacher's licence. Raise School Age New regulations going Into effect In Prince Edward, Island Include raising of compulsory school-at tendance age from seven to 13 years to seven to 15. Charlottetown prln clpal& are to be given additional heln to enable them to concentrate on duties of a supervisory charac ter. Dr. Robert Fletcher. Manitoba deoutv minister? of education, be lieves Increased high school regis tration ls due to realization of pupils. It Is to-their benefit to remain In classes rather than go out Into a world In which Jobs are scarce. Changing curricula make heavy demands on teachers. Ontario and revisions o their teaching courses, meaning extra work for their teachers. - Raxlcntfhewan. teachers face a brighter DtosDect oC higher, wages ' and better, school, equipment than More- r-u Than. onniinnn 2.000,000 n,iHn Children Are thrmirti l?..ict.r1 In Panada i ' . . "I."- - Hmnr.v returns ti,m frnm improved farmlands. About 2,100,000 sturdy, Canadian National arrived from Mattresses Surest, Spring Filled Mattress $20.00 1 fcSIi WEDDING OF FELIX BATT A wedding of tnuoh Interest to prairie many, friends xjI the . groom, In i Prince Runert took tilace at - 2:30 ada's. future statesmen, doctors.! lnl othej. teacners report.. gener-1 Church. In the bride's home at Rob- general,, craftsmen. Yfrs r1 ,,ally an upward trend In their, sal son In the Kootenay district when pan&ers, navuig uiu, kucu. gries. books, today trudged past inviung Miss Edna May Reid became the bride of Felix Edward Batt. eldest Six carloads of frozen fish for 0f Mr. and Mrs. James Batt transshipment lr4 Mtluv'UU East .over Capadian 0f this city. Following the cere- 'W" nawuuai Railways ivaunaja iwui mOny, CAI. ana JVirS. Bail. IBll. tWB- boys Doys and ana girls gins with wiui a a healthy cuhij happy ' Ketchikan KetcniKan over over the me week-end; weeK-ena; The me son by by motor motor for for a a honeymoon honeymoon trip trip iimmpr behind them, resume their mnfnrcVi'.n Morthlanff mc mer vacation visiting m the-south, fonts are five young ladles from returned; to the- city from Vancou-.callander, Ont.r the Dionrie quln-ver on the Catala Sunday night. Uuplets, whose chubby fingers will I .nA.n,it- latton unrivr tVin tmldance i w. i; uu ivv.iu u. Misses Dorothy and- Evelyn Macv 0f miss- Oaetane Vezlna of Ottawa. - ..lltMn'fKln.Af4wtAnU rfts . . . 1 1 t il J - .111 Ua ft donald are saUmg-thlsraftemoori on training. There are fewer pupils Sunday with three carloads. The row Lakes district after which '.they In. the, lower erades with, an In crease- In high school registration. Most, famous of' this: year's sju Prnbablv the children will be taught In French only, at first, as "desired by their father, Oliva Dionne. Provincial' departments of edu cation have estimated a slight de crease- in the total school popula tion this year, probably vabout 60,-000 less than last year's total. ! Canada's peak school attendance vear was 1934 when 2,527,000 chll rf'rpn nvwrrowded the nation's .Tnhnnu Kenneth Powell i o A ttnHanrc trends vu....... . - " ' dtllVAU lU.Ui.lMi vv. xnH tpvq Pnhprts nil Tnrilans: U'preti -t. nanorta hnvp hApn L.11M u i m - - - , .- ,111 iilU9v lai ,u v - -j t- ml X. 1 .1. .1 m.., . . , . . . , I . eacn iineu ?iu, wua wpnun ui ki- aominapea Dy iwo maui jn days' imprisonment. In, city. po. .'economic conditions and' a fallbg lice court today for drunkenness. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vlckers re turned to the city on the Catala birth rate Manitoba's elementary, school attendance last year of 95,563 was 28 per cent less than. 10 years ago, but Cn I .kn vt 1. n?. aten In QnniloiT with ' I . - 1 J . n (.1.. . . raiiuauiui nao cou uuimaj win, Wlil pTOCecU IU IU tit&C Up mv uiiumu ouu mc ituiu jco- resiuence. me onuc iiaa uccii a terday with one carload. ! member of the office staff of the . f consolidated Mining & Smelting jCo. at Trail for some years. The The Dally News ls an A. B, C, groom is' also Identified with the paper. service of Smelters. D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE 3rd Avenue- Phone Green 916 Floor Covering Dominion Printed Linoleum Square Yard 85c Trade in your used furniture and stove in part payment on new. USED FURN1TUR 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite at Snap Price 1 Roll Top. Writing. Desks 1 L. C. Smith Typewriter 2 Singer Sewing Machines Jl English Prams 4 Dining Room; Buffets-6 Dining Room Tables 3 Steel Cribs 6 Reconditioned Kitcperv Ranges for burning 'Woocror coai itvucnen'naTige wun an un isurner 5 Dressers 6 Uouches b Kockmg unairs iz umer rii!i;r-2 Rnnrlnir' Chnirs 2 Kitchen Cabinets 6 Kitchen Tables 1 Barrymore Axminster Rug, size 9x10 'J 1 Electric Range 3 Vicfrola Gramophones 1 I 1 ! 1 Cn..n.Ciivnnl,nnll 1 An. cordion t 23-jewel Vanguard: Waltham 1 Diamond Tie Pin 1 National Encyclopedia 1 Rcatty Vacuum Cleaner 1 Hoover 2' Premier Spic Spans 1 Hoy s Bicyclei. School Books Bought, Sold or Exhangcd HH Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Transpacific ( Tq Vancouver via Ocean Falls, and Way PoTts SS. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT SS. "Princess Louise" SS. Princess Alice" SS. Princess Charlotte Augt 6, 17; 27;. Sept. 7 Aug; 10.20. Aug. 3, 13, 24; Spet. 3. Connections-at Vancouver, with Canadian Pacific Services - '? " Tickets and Reservations From W. L. COATES, General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.Oi