mv AND NICIIT SERVICE Careful and Courteous Drivers Ncw 1938 Plymouth) w.t Career of Cardinal .. . i ..l iinmin Pnllinlir "i . Church's Richest woccse tnsFPH. New orK, bcpiern- (CPU atricK Josepn, ia.-Have!I who rose from the alts of New York to be a . in ihn Unman Catholic !, KunHnv at his summe; near here lie was seven ty- Visvlni hwn hnrn cau v. u -: w nnnnitnnii Wnvpmhpr 20 in city Hall Place In Five Ul W - - of Nrw York. There the first Cllt Vt.4 tras born among the very people In the lower part of (hn rim ni nnrp snin thought and love have I made up my mind year that If I could do anything vp iii, ;;i u new .vAii w, a uui cf u: to do." he i " of- fifteen, he enteren .. 1U..1. M ....t,. U F I II NIT 11(1111 W 1111,11 111. gradu:' in 1886 and finish- i j i 1 1 r In lwJ II' theological studies J at St. Joseph's T- N Y. With his xirdln- ' Cardlnalatc In the ? i', t h" Mne m.irin srerntarv "in, nTAit. vnrir to-i and, when Cardinal archdi icr;c was arduous, Car- HfW ... . time Hi was one of the best , ni m ftM . . i uit: it nil I'll rriui t nvniui - M,tij. iiia uiiLiLi&iiia ui wit in ni la.. i a t;e ui Kioruy .vi ui uiR uninrLunam s He was also distinguished donunnlfttlnns from thp w uiiuitu nnn rnn OiriH tr01 mOVPmotlf Kr4ti r,f MjVilfVl -naractrlzed as "pagan.' Iniereslrd In Ireland A - . ... . . . - tnuc oi me woman s anient for equal rights with 11 which he said oaiu was wits the iiiu "low KLUJcnce and temperance fits ",l:u i niuiviu- 1 ra 't u lrmPPrate but abuses unr , . oounu "v conscience .ostain entlrpiv v. u ova rn rilrt ..i. ned t "'"vi, l x vitu nil iipinr avow a. evident conclusion on Vaya Five) aye tie Monument at Mouth River Garonne (n France Is Dedicated BORDEAUX, France, Sept. 6. of Foreign Minister Georges Bonnet of France and Ambassador William C. Bullitt of the United States took part Sunday In the dedication at the mouth of the Garonne River of the Lafayette monument. The ever-increasing friendship of the two nations was stressed. TRIED TO KILL KING Youthful Ruler of Ecypt Target Of Would-Be Assassin's Bullet CAIRO, Egypt. Sept. 6: The "iEhteen-ycar old King Farouk of Egypt was the supposed target cf an assassin's bullet Sunday. However, the missile went wide of Its mark. It was during a swimming meet that the would-be assassin a twenty-year old student, fired at the youthful monarch. He was Dromntly taken Into custody by nearby guards but denied any In tention of killing the King Halibut Sales Summary American-- 121,000ppup4si, and 6c to 9c and 6c. Canadian 95,500 pounds, and 5c to 8.1c and 5c. American Arrow, 35,000, Pacific, 85c and 6c. Summit. 12,000, Royal, 8.8c and 6c. a i it i" rn ftittn fi m rl Weather Forecast (F"rnthvl .tmtiffh tb crmrtm of t, rvunlrlor Mt-corlo?ltl Buronu ftt ffctarla untt Prlnc Rupert. TM tor-Mt lii compiled from olrvftttorw w- ,n o Rum. fxi.V ftivl covers tne 0 hour nerlotl ndlrw 5 pm. tomorrow turp West """ UoaSt wv Ol vuncuun-i! low-1 Inroad of the lcvelllntr. of Moderate to pn " tt ... .. ... .. it. - -t .tii-rio r. was -vtw ... , iniercsica in i.:e,'uwt ml... , 1 lie Wm mnrn . i - Hvace I,,r t.hf Tr rVi iwnn o - -iuinais views on tempcr-' were widely quoted. "Ti e ,noc Church stands alwavs for . "c ne saia. "There are v rrim.. .. ... , oi instep, fort Hurt p fresh south to i cloudy and ctoolj Trial nfri ... ., nnnclnnnt fnir mtches mwiu oi ireiana. wniic' nvnm,, r-- movempnt. Sunspots May Affect Radio Greatest Eruption in Years Is Pre dieted by Astronomical Scientists SANTA CLARA, Cal., Sept. 6. -Aotrmers of Santa Clara Unl vcrslty predict the grcntcst crup- cn cunts In manv years. lS,&.conslruo thls " rcefl Magnetic dlstrubanccs resulting ,., " u"' wfainal Hayes re- thcreirom may u" 0"""" CQ a Point i iJt -o-nnfinn but the California VbUetad Act but said: "When scientists do not agree with the ' uflT Ulmsclf usd 'wine at forecast oi 'rcncu snots will be accom- panted by serious earthquakes on the earth. WAS DOWN : NEAR HERE Pilot Joe Crosson Held in Grenville Channel While on Mercy Flight Pilot Joe Crsson, noted Alaska j commercial flier, carrying J. M. Perry, 77-year-old Yakima financier, who had been stricken with acute appendicitis while on a visit to mining properties In the Fairbanks district, to Seattle for treat ment at the hands of specialists, was forced down in Grenville Chan nel, south of Prince Rupert, Sunday afternoon owlne to "pea soup" weather conditions and lack of visibility and was rorced to stay down for several hours before continuing his flight to Alert Bay and thence to Seattle where he arrived late vesterdav. The plane had left Ket chikan at 1 p.m. While down thel i i I, - - piane received weamei icpuio from Prince Rupert. I FRIGHTFUL AIR CRASH Ten Persons Killed When Royal Air Force Ship Hits House and Explodes I LONDON, Sept. 6: (CP) Three j Dersons were killed and nineteen! seriously Inlurcd as a result of a frightful crash of a Royal Air Force plane In Edmonton, a suburb of London. Sunday. The plane crash ed Into the roof of a house and burst" into flames; exploafng as" the r t I sppthine mass hurtling Into the 'street, spattered pedestrians with 'hurnlnsr easoline. Tnc aeaa in cluded the pilot, a woman who was In bed In a room of the house wnicn the plane struck. The other killed 8.5c'and njured ere people Chelan, 25.000, Cold Storage, and 6c Arcade, 13,000, Booth, 8.8c and 6c. Canadian Norman, 15,000, Royal. 8c and 5c. Kerellle, 9,500, Pacific, 7.7c and 5c. Oldfield. 14.000. Atlin, 7.9c and 5c. Melville, 23,000, Cold Storage, 7.8c and 5c. N P. Dorrcen, 15,000, Booth, 8c and 5c. Gulvlk, 19,000, Cold Storage, 8.1c and 5c. in me Another Note Sent To Mexico Sharpest Missive Yet Dispatched' in Regard to Oil Expropriations j WASHINGTON, D.C., Sept. 6. J Another note the shVpest yet, has been sent by the United States -department of State to tne Mexican government In regard to the recent expropriation of the property of American oil companies. V-antlme it Is reported that the M xlcan government Is negotiating with Germany for disposal of oil. General Synopsis Pressure aP 'Priripp Arthlir icars to be nign soumwesi u Vancouver Island, cooler weatner r l 111 prevails over the Interior wh'U .eriOUblY 1" .... l i Una hnnn rrrm r rn 1 i on ine cuumi ium , Prince Rupert and Queen Char lotte Islands Moderate to iresn sctia prayers in London Churciies south to south-east wmas, unsci- for son 0 uke of tonnaugin tied with much the same tempera rain and fog patches and Grandson of Queen Victoria i I. nn T1rlniAi Lightning Bolt I 05 ONE - 80 Taxi mm Muim Tomorrow sTides NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1938. :MR5 MFFKS I Serious Forest btation House IC i ni tern Fire Is Raging California Woman in Hospital After FINAL BULLETINS PULP MILL STILL ALIVE "We, like you, are very anxious to get this pulp nyll project under way and really believe we can conclude it this fall or not later than next spring," says Edward A. Thompson, prominent San Francisco financier, in a letter to City Commissioner W. J. Aider. During a recent visit here, Mr. Thompson stated, that his syndicate had already put $100,000 into the undertaking and had no intention of dropping it. Mr. Thompson's letter suggests an early visit here by F. U Buckley. DROWNING FATALITIES VANCOUVER Three men died over the holiday wee-end by -(drowning while traffic accidents sent "elght'tw-hospital,1 none bo-ing critically Injured. The dead are: Frank Irvine, 16. fisherman, who was drowned in the Fraser River early today as he was pulling a net over the side; Norman Wilson, 21, drowned at Cultus Lake, 60 miles east, on Sunday, and Harry Fisher, 21, drowned in the Bridge River district while bathing. REBELS HIT BRITISH SHIP .MADRID A stoker aboard the British freighter Mania was killed when the vessel was hit by three bombs and fired on during an insurgent air raid on the port of Alicante. ANOTHER CARDINAL DIES ROME Camillo, Cardinal Laurenti, prefect of the sacred congregation rites, died today of a heart attack at the age of seventy-six years. REBELLION IN CHILE SANTAGO, Chile At least sixty-nine -persons arc known dead and fifty-eight arc arrested in a rebellion by a small group of Chilean National Scocialists which was crushed after three and a half hours of fighting. It is feared that additional deaths may lift the total to between eighty and pne hundred persons. General Carlos Ibanez, former dictator and presidential candidate, has been arrested and blamed for the revolt. He will probably face court martial. LABOR DAY DEATH TOLL TORONTO The Canadian Labor Day week-end death total is thirty-nine. Ontario had twenty-two deaths and British Columbia at least three. Weather This Year Is Finer LONDON, pepu '' , August Was Favorable Month With Arthur of Connaught. son of tYi the, aged Duke of Connaugni apa, ; crandson of Queen Victoria. Ls, gravely ill. special piaycia iui rpmvcrv were said in Lonaon churches on Sunday. Todays Baseball National League Boston 5, New York 6 (ten ln- Brooklyn 6, Philadelphia 4. St. Louis 8, Cincinnati 0. American League Cleveland 0, Detroit 0. (Bob fourthcen victory with nine de- A fine August contributed to I making the weather record so far j this year in Prince Rupert a much more favorable one than last yean so far mis year mere nas Deen a i total of 843.1 hours of sunshine compared with 720 hours up to a corresponding date last year. The nreclDltatlnn for 1938 so far has aggregated 36.75 Inches as against 43.16 Inches in the -first eight months of 1937. August 23, when 73 was recorded, was the warmest day of the year In Prince Rupert. BLACK PREDOMINATED BARSBY, Eng., Sept. 6: (CP) PRINCE HAS SUCCUMBED Former - Heir To' Spanish Throne Is Fatally Injured In Automobile Crash MIAMI. Florida, Sept. 6: ICP)- The Count of Covadonga, former heir to the Spanish throne, was fatally Injured In. an automobile crash last night. Hereditary hemouhllca. which causes profuse bleeding complicated his Injuries and he bled to death. FIGHTING AT ARMAGGED0N JKRUSALEM. Sent. 6: (CP) Fourteen Arabs were killed Sunday cf5, Luis 2 Chicago 8. An all-black lamb born here ,dur-! In a new outbreak of Palestine dls- nrUtori 5 Washington 7. (Jommy'lng a blackout has been ' named i orders on the site oi ancient Arm Foxx's fourteenth homer.) "Blackout." aggedon. Conflagration in Northern Idaho Experience with Abductors I 1 - . . . , . , nnnu rumi. luauu. uu,. u. W VTTTl H , ' I n r-t T K. I I II I " YUBA city, uai. sept, e: itn-, . : . ; , , ' , Fifty-five year old Mrs. W.R. Meeks, ' . . , . y The station house of the rancher's wife. wh0 was kidnapped jj' e,SSff fe Canadian National Railways at last Thursday from her home and Jl mS UtUe Henry House, nine" m'eait' Kefdfor ransom of $15,000. was fJ "SStSil pression n combatUng il .There J of Jasper Park, was struck by found staggering along a lonely llghtnmg In an electrical storm road In a weakened condition on'aretals(J JJnXZ o northern Idaho and Wash' in the Rocky Mountains last Sunday and is now receiving hos-,fartts l AHt A nrnff HflemroH hv 4 nlto1 troolmnnf Cno n-oc VtnM Hv legion. r c V vlllllg aiiu w ao uvv w; - ji bat uva kills, ii ly. n v fire. There was interruption two captors who denied her food to Canadian National telegra- and abused her Finally they de-K phlc communication pr a time ' serted her and she struggled from y but service had been restored the bush to the road where she was this morning. picked up by passing motorists. An intensive search is being made fo ' the abductors. LOYALISTS REVERSED Admit Losses on Ebro River But Maintain They Are Holding Elsewhere HENDAYE, Franco - Spanish Frontier, Sept. 6: (CP) The loy alists admitted reverses Sunday In fighting in the Ebro River sector but maintained that they w.fe holding the line elsewhere against a renewed Insurgent offensive in the Spanish civil war. The Insurgents, evidently con vinced of victory ion the Ebro, are resuming the offensive in the Val encia area. (MOVING ON Japanese Forces Are Said To Be Under Orders To Take Chinese Cily By End of Month SHANGHAI, Sept. 6: (CP) Jap anese forces in the Yangste River vallpv ai. are renorted under orders miles of it the city. .ti.. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. John ton Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .09. Big Missouri, .29. Bralorne, 9.25. Aztec, .06Vi Cariboo Quartz, 2.50 . Dentonla, .05. Golconda, .06. Mlnto, .03. Falrvlew, Noble Five, .02l4. Porter Idaho, .03. Pioneer, 2.92. Premier, 2.30. Reeyes McDonald, .25. Reno, .39. Relief Arlington, .16. Reward, .04V4. Salmon Gold, .11 12-Taylor Bridge, .03. Premier Border, .01. Sllbak Premier, 1.90. Congress, .00. Home Gold, .OOV'z. Grandview, .065a. Indian, .01. Quatslno Copper, .03. Halda, .02. Oils A. P. Con., .15. Calmont, .28. C. & E.,' 2.10. Freehold, .04. McDougal Segur, .14. Mercury, .08. Okalta, 1.16. Pacalta, .05. Home Oil, 1.05. . Toronto Beattle, 1.25. Central Pat., 2.40. Gods Lake, .44. . ' i Little Long Lac., 3.00. V McKenzte Red Lake, 1.15. Pickle Crow, 5.00. San Antonio, 1,23. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.17. ".Smelters Gold, .02. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.45. High 12:11 p.m. 135 ft. Low 6:04 am. 5.2 ft. 18:15 p.m. 7.0 ft. price: 5 Cents nternational Situation Now tasicr A. 4 r in ni r Va OF CHURC Friendship Of States-France NO ANSWER BY HITLER IN CRISIS Chancellor Adolf Hitler Fa ill To Give His Decision in Regard To Czechoslovakia 7 Says Germany Is Not Ready Has No Economic Worries But Not in Position to Fight is LOOKS LIKE PEACE LONDON, Sept. 6. Reuters News Agency reported today that the Czech government, in an ultimate offer to settle the minority dispute promised Sudeten Germans recognition of territorial autonomy of the Sudeten Gtr-rrian region,, recognition of full equality of Sudetens in the Czechoslovakia state and recognition of the equality of the German language in the Sudeten area. Reuters said acceptance by the Sudetens was practically cer- , tain. LONDON, Sept. 6 This was expected to be a momentous day in affairs for it was thought (European that Chancellor Adolf Hitler would I announce his future policy in re- Igard to the German Sudeten ques- tlon in Czechoslovakia, However, nf TI 1 TVfYlU Der Feuhrer completely ignored 111 tlAINMlW l Czechoslovakia In his proclamation aDoolntlne observers who had hop ed for an Inkling of German Intentions In Central Europe, There Is no Indication yet as to what course Hitler may take con tinue further peaceful negotiations with the Czech government lor a ... . ... 1 I , u .a.i.j iseuiement or marcn mw mc to take Hankow, provisional Chi- country on the pretext of aiding nese capital, by the end of Sep-the Sudetens tcmber. one or, tne mvaaing coi- Hltl Al.WVA exDCCtCd to make a ..... umns Is said to be within ninejy number of important speeches lriririT thp rnnrsp of an eleht-dav -. 'J " UU....Q Nazi party congress at Nuremberg for which 800,000 Nazis from all I., i parts oi Germany are asscmuieu. Speaking to the Nazi Congress today, Chancellor Hitler assured his followers that Germany was so healthy economically that It "will be without worries for a good few years to come." Hitler gave warning that Germany could no longer be brought to heel by economic blockade such as that which reduced the nation to virtual starvation tn the closing months of the Great War. He hinted that Germany was not yet economically ready for war r J and would not be so until produc tion was raised to higher levels. Labor Day Death Toll Was Heavy NEW YORK. Sept. 6: (CP) Uni- Ited States Labor Day holiday deaths numbered 396, most or them being automobile fatalities. r Oklend, .16. Mosher, .24. Madsen Red Lake, .42. Stadacona, .45. Francoeur, .29. Moneta, 1.52. Bouscadlllac, .06. Thompson Cadillac, J2Zz Bankfleld, .53. East Malartlc, 2.17. Preston E. Dome, 1.51. Hutchison Lake, .03. Dawson White, .03. Aldermac, .44. Kerr Addison, 1.90. . , Uchl Gold, 2.02. Int. Nickel, 49.25. Noranda, 72.50. Con. Smelters, 59.25. Athona, .06. , Hardrock, 2.10. Barber Larder, 22.