PAQS TWO THX DAILY NEWS Saturday m 'Ifta THE DAILY NEWS. HOOP PLAY PRINCE RCPEET - BRITISH COLUMBIA Max Baer Hits Come-Back IS DIVIDED Onyx Arch Grip Shoes Published Every Dally Afternoon, News. Limited. Except Third Sunday, Avinue by Prince Rupert Trail In Big Way; Beats Scythians Win One Game at Met-lakatla H F PULLEN Managing-Editor and Lose the Other Farr In Fifteen Rounder News Department Telephone 86 Advertising and luculatiun Telephone . 98 Member of Audit Bureau at Circulation! DAILY EDITION Saturday. March 12, 1938. EVENTS MOVE RAPIDLY Events in EuroDe are movine so ranidlv that it is al WAS IT A MISTAKE? There are a great many people who, when they consider what has been the result of education, come to the conclusion that it was all a mistake. They argue that the type of person who formerly would have grown up without reading or writing is now the type which gets education from the comic strips, the Red newspapers and the low type of magazine such as is seen at the news stands in this country. Without a system of general compulsory education, Red papers could not have existed and there 'would have been little demand for the third rate magazines and journals on display everywhere. While we agree that the effect of education has not always seemed advantageous to the race, we believe that thse objectionable phases have to be passed through and thalf eventually, in a few generations we shall find general improvement in the tone of our reading and the level pf our thinking. The ascent must be gradual Year by year there will be improvement and meanwhile possibly our governments might do a little to help by excluding 'some of the more glaringly objectionable literature. The Bennett government set too high a standard. The stan- J.J it. i i it it i uai-u ui uus government is unciciiDteciiy too low. HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. A party of local basketball enthusiast paid a visit to Metlakat-la on Thursday night when they played a series of two games. The Scythians, who represented Rupert, won the first gam but the second game was one-sided in favor or MetlakaUa. Both games were exciting and interesting. The boys appeared to be in fine most impossible to keep pace with them and to under-1 form In the fif gam d,tf?il tapir ni nrflMifo iVi Qvt ma rc stand their significance. With Austria, apparently, be-,madeanlpIMd;eihowin HaU. coming a Nazi annex to Germany, with Spain j?oing Eas-ltime score was 20 to 8 lor Rupert cist and with other countries uneasy and possibly ready and. when the final wiusue blew to change their form of government, the democratic na- the score stood 43 10 22 with the tions will be feeling uncertain what is their position in the fiSfL? ST u nr 1 . , . , . ., .-non was high nearer for the Scy- world. We are bound to watch events with grave con-" while Pfe cern, hoping it may yet be possible for Great Britain to vast of the panthers scored 10. Keep OUt Of the embroglio. J The second game belonged to the MetlakaUa Panthers. They took DISCREDIT RADIO COMMISSION 1 There is a campaign going on throughout the coun-j catch up with them. At half-time try' to discredit the work of the Canadian Radio Commis- the score was is to 11 with the sion iust as there is another eamnaien eoin? on continu- Scythians at the short end of a ously to discredit the Canadian National Railway. In connection with the radio commission a letter appeared in a southern newspaper last week which stated that nobody every tuned in to the Commission programs except when they were programs carrying the advertising of American advertisers. We find very many people who hardly ever tune in to an American station because the Commission programs are so much better and they are not interrupted by the objectionable type of advertising carried by the radio stations to the south-While Prince Rupert people are not satisfied with the present set-up, largely as a result of the radio blank suffered during the winter when radio was most needed. there is no doubt that the Canadian programs average f ar u.!lnto": ... above the American. Lectures and other spoken pro- trip w mad on the grams are not much use to Prince Rupert people as it is j . difficult to hear the whole speech. Usually there is a fade-. T I Jn out just at the interesting moment On the ether hand Lcdglle aomil LCcluerS n something seldom heard on the American stations.. 1 VALUE OF CHINA TO THE WORLD China has almost a monopoly of tung oil and is the leading producer of wolframite ore. The oil is produced in the neighborhood of Hankow but, in spite of the war, shipments have been made almost continuously and so far there has been no shortage of this famous drying oiL Wolframite is shipped by way of Canton and seems likely to continue. The supply of antimony has praetieally ceased, as a result of the war. China is still importing mineral oil, machinery, motor1 vehicles and airplanes and food supplies of various kinds, particularly flour and other cereals. 45 to 19 score at the end of the game. The Panthers team consisted of Dick Leighton. J. Auckland. Dan Campbell, W. Leighton. P. Robinson. H. Leask, A. Prevost, A. Leighton, H. Ryan. B. Nelson. 11. Leighton. Those making the trip with the Scythians were: Jack Campbell, Johnny Obuchina. A. Letourneau, Bill Roma. Frank Montesano, Son ny Beynon. Jack Caron. D. Monte sano. Bob Poctuk and Elmer Clau-' sen. Referees were D. Montesano and Cecil Ryan and seore keeper Ed Are Defeated Basketball Came At Ocean Falls Ends in 36 to It Score OCEAN FALLS. Mareh 12.-ln a basketball game between the Gen eral Store, league leaders, and an all-star team comprising the pick of the balance of the league teams, the former was defeated 36 to 14. With the score at 22 to 2 at half time, the Store made a vain but hearty effort to regain their loss. BOOST BY BRALORNE Mining; Town Paper Replies to Ap ologetic Comment of Vancouver Radio Announcer "Canada's Biggest Little City" is the way Prince Rupert is described by the Bralorne "Communicator" in defending this port against the remark of a Vancouver radio commentator who apologetically referred to "the little town of Prince Rupert." The Communicator," mentioning that Bralorne possesses quite a number of former Prince Rupert residents, declares that Prinee Rupert has the world's finest harbor, the world's largest fish cold storage plant, the largest floating dry dock on the Pacific Coast, is 480 miles nearer to Yokohama than any other Pacific port, is the largest fishing port in North America, is the largest city in the province outside of the immediate vicinity of Vancouver and Victoria, is the terminus of the former Grand Trunk Pacific Railway and has one of the finest grain elevators in the Dominion. ERECTING NEW MINE PLANTS VANCOUVER, March 12: (CP) Nine new gold concentrating planU with a total rated capacity of 1175 tons begin" operation In British Columbia by the middle of summer, according to a newspaper survey. ' LUCKS TAX ON CATS SASKATOON, March 12: (CP A $7 tax on cats In Saskatoon Is urged by W J. Russell, local fox ancher. He says cats are as much nuisance as dogs and should ie 'axed on that basis. REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Block PHONE CSS NEW YORK, March 12: (CP) Max Baer, former world's heavyweight boxing champion, took a long stride up the come-back trail last night by pounding out a blistering fifteen-round decision over Stas Comeback JJf Scottish League First Division ArbroaVh 2, Hamilton Academi cals 0. Ayr United 1, Hibernians 1. Clyde 0, Queen of South 0. i Hearts 2, Aberdeen 1. I Kilmarnock 2, Rangers 1. Morton-Queens Park, unplayed. Motherwell 1, Dundee 1. Partick ThisUe 1, Celtic 6. St. Johnstone 0, Falkirk 0. Third Lanark 1, St. Mirren 0. English League First Division Birmingham 2, Manchester City 2. Charlton Athletic 4, Huddersfield Town 0. Chelsea 0, Bolton Wanderers 0. Grimsby Town 1, Wolverhampton Wanderers 0. Leeds United 0, Leicester City 2. Liverpool 4, Sunderland 0. Middlesbzrough 2, Arsenal 1. Portsmouth 4, Brentford 1. Preston North End 2, Everton 1. Stoke City 1. Blackpool 3. County 2. Labor Body In Session Prince Rupert posted ments, Council Holds Monthly Meeting in the various establish- age fights Madison Square Garden has seen in years. It was the 1 third defeat for Farr just recently and virtually eliminates him from the championship picture in which Baer looms large with a god claim to meet Max Schmeling as soon as a fight can be arranged with the German. MAX BAER , , n i Baer was in lus old form last night Fighting off the Welshman's lefts, he crashed Farr time and time again with hefty rights. He floored Farr three times and stopped a threatened mid-way rally. Only his gameness and an apparent cast iron jaw enabled Farr to last the distance. Baer was given eleven rounds, Farr three and one was called even. : Old Country Soccer . Grotto Wins 'Bridge Cup Had .No Difficulty Disposing of Musketeers Last Night in Final For Tip Top Trophy Grotto won the Tip Top Tailors bridge cup for the jear by scoring . ministration. The matter of a city t manager was one which eventually their representative or representa.- if THE NEW MODELS chaser. You cannot rind anything to equal this so Investigate quiekly. Apply 608 6th Ave. East! adjoining lets. 63l rams wnicn sianea cm Wednesday, for SALE Electric Range, good The temperature has been Quite condition. Also bedroom furni-:mUd- lure Apply 305 3rd Ave. (Gil FOIt RENT isnould be decided by the jatepay- CLEAN, well-fumlshed modern Trades and Labor" wno- U was elt believed that apartments. Phone Red 444. 61) inev snotiio naup mp nmt ti riwi HOUSE DECORATING nnKin , Z ithou&ht questionable whether a PLASTER and Stucco work, also Business .at a the Trades and La- controller appointed from Victoria Brlck and Tile Estimate Free bor Council last Thursday evening and subject to certain influences' ?e RrSede ""sneae. Blue S . Vw included consideration of a mini-'would be to the best advantage to mum wage oraer covering wait- this city. resses in hotels and restaurants. It ; The present system was terrad -oovi:hnmi:nt i.uji ok act-Is understood that these orders ar'a "dictatorshio who annnrpntiv . ... ' . .1'?" "- uiht i AiJiit:iiiin ir i onMTiT minKs more oi un can alleys, tot- xran-rrr of iut LWnce em narks and bond.hnlrtpr thon yncE ivn that on The Council will endeavour tr 'the it5ta .general upkeep of roads and w the Uau to joiam miormatlon from the Mm sidewalks." It was n! the fppiinr wmtroj Board for conwot to transfer ster of Education on the percent that, while the Council was unzL.ZSZ SJr.AfL "H't'l frying fo mote a douUe date fo lonlgfl . . . " "O.K. bwt !! him to dowbl-p on th' Swit Copt, fool" SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES TA putt si form in hith tohtcto can be imolttj." 1938. SPRUCE CREEK HOTEL UMITFD ' Applloont and Traniferee 1 Two wives eosslped the other day And I heard one to the other say, "My old hub is a clear old soul, Jle always buys me Evitt's loal." SPRING IN.... OnyxSkoes ONYX! The very name suggests the brilliance and elegance of Onvx Shoe styles for Spring! The dainty tie (sketched above) is typical of the luxurious footwear we are showing to harmonize with your new suit or afternoon ensemble. But, a word to the wise, come in early while size ranges are complete! If You Are Having Trouble With Your Feel Can Help You FWe AMILY SHOE STORE LTU, The Home of Good Shoes Classified Ads. FOR SALE AiVi KU TU TKAUE mP RAT E R hn Hn nutV1 WlLAi niAJJE f.W:f 2n t condition. Price J300. an easy 1Z7I8 to 7345 victory over ' EIGHT-ROOM house and lot $500, WANTED Small Musketeers in the final last nloht. Two Weeks Of Fine Weather Heavy Rains Fall This Wmk at Paper Town, Bringing Sunny . Spell Jo End i OCEAN FALLS,March 12-A two weeks solid oeriod of fine.' stmnv West Bromwlch Albion 4, Derby -weather ended this week with heavy Ward Electric Co. half cash. Capitol Shop. A nap.i GO) (62) i UPRIGHT Piano for sale. Cheap.! Ateo 8 volume of "Elson Music I and Musicians." Apply Mrs. De; Carlo. Phone .567. j .section 6. AttracUve building site. Winnipeg WANTED or apartment mlssloner farr2ifd 4v . r. PERSONAL 6th Ave. East, all cleared and' HELPED HUSDRF. haspmpnt rlne to rook Will sell 1. ' TL : .... i " '. 'i n I TA1V Tin t onR Rl 14 or 2 tots on terms to suit pur- . , . ' . n ... r toms Examiner. Clerks, Stenographers, etc, nd ii-il JU w o r- Schools Ltd., W c-.jpeg. in Canada. H f IT HT I VM . ..I ..I . n ft, Tf ri mull 1U Kft VigUI . Vlutt.l.J J - oyster lnvigorators and o1 stimulants in New ostkw - Tablets. Tone ud wjrn. exta ed, weakened system Iinoia- funds price. $U5. You risks intr RrM hv nil eood drug store , .4 . trill EET i& m.1 i m i ii i , mx m m Ariirai4-i. m ill se rc::)vo neon of MniTii 2G.:. J ' trlpt Ibrnur t Prl' V be ; UKd It ui ' Vtetcrbt, or tile Dlv ' Priac Hurrt . iv $; oo Ot ntUd t inus; be V MM not mere t.tia:: age of children suffering fror terably opposed to relief recipients 'lng known Bpruce cwk Hotel, situ-; nt oat .: be ' malnutritton and defective teeth having to work for their meagre i L 'Z . n trus city. pittance, they could be more flt-!P1tT cuim "8uy at spruce creek, with the r-r.i:' 'i ihToSiTIL- m-. "ound the school Sr rSTT' mat other organizations were tak- grounds which were In a sorry Britteh cwumbia. irn Muiord Got-. trt! .a t,tiiir.i ing an active Interest In civic ad condition. ,Don u'rtl spruce cmk Hot fSS iumiwiin: ; jUmlted. of Spruce Cm. British CM-1 ellgtWe JIV frr Uie " lumbla. the Trarmferee. I wiilrb jMxatmznrnM w J . . . I Dated tfilt lth dav of PcbrunrT. I Hutorn r rvnulred. Oia 'So 'Mows Abeurtfie cc&t wesetoyouf 7 . La ; ' APP :lvt J1 ve W1 t He am tmv ... J. w Kb J"' Tr. mm i coal' immui - a ,mmi I'or The esl Ctn1 in Town, PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. 651 PHONES 652 It's interesting to know when reading the Daily that the people of the whole district are doing the saw V 1TJB1 NORMAN iwiuv CIv.L Sen: --ffc