ft THI DAILY NUffi 11 m Hospital 1 MEETING Dttird in Monthly Session Last JCisht Starling Financial Cam-S paijn For New Building 3 Other Business I 5 3"he asenda Including little more thin correspondence and the receiving of regular reports, business aCthe regular monthly meeting last nifht of the board of directors of thf Prince Rupert General Hospital was lo large exitrm oi iuuiujc i tlje provincial department of pub-lie works in regard to the new hospital project. The Coulson Con- I i MARCH 19 to 27 Cheaper Feed Having a surplus of Bulkley Valley wheat it is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed Com puny struction Co. and A. W. Cassidy Co. I Ltd. of Vancouver asked for copief jof plans and specifications with a view to tendering on the new i building. The Train wo. oi wnaua i - A I nunrrf In tpnriprin? on the I VliUlV m .i&u.m w c heating plant and the Han fuei wo in regard to automatic stokers. -The B.C. Hospitals Association sent a cbeaue for $20.06, being the refund due the local hospital as a result of the pooling of delegates' xDenses to the annual convention in Victoria last November, the average cost per delegate having been $13.14. The B.C. Hospital Assocla-;ion also wrote in regard to committee activities on Workmen's rnpnMtlnn Rnard settlement ture. G. P. Tinker, chairman of the . anrt othpr nroblems. board, presided over a session last- The new ruling of the provincial lng little more than an hour and . government whereby grants are others present were W. M. Brown, j wlthdrawn jn respect to indigents mJs. H. L. Landry. G. V. Wilkinson, I not rqUiring active hospital treat-F-J A. MacCallum. Frank Dibb and j rnent wno nave been jn hospital W,Q. Fulton, directors: H. W. Birch, over three hundred days was the managing secretary, and Miss Jean Harrison R.N.. lady superintendent Shere was correspondence from subject of correspondence from the B.C. Hospitals' Association, the Inspection of hospitals and the provincial secretary The last-mentioned suggested the possibility of Hrturii Limit JO Duvx from Ihtlr of Stile j j fs RETURN FAKES FROM 1'RIXCC KUPERT (i ) TO Coach 'Tourist SStand. Edmonton $21.55 S2C.35 S31.15 Calgary 25.95 31.75 37.50 Regina 31.G0 38.G5 45.65 Saskatoon .1 27.90 34.10 40.30 Winnipeg 33.20 40.60 47.95 Port Arthur 42.75 52.25 61.75 'Good in tourist sleepers on payment of regular berth rate. , Good in standard sleeper on payment of regular berth rate. ChiUtrrn S vn ti iiiurr 11, half fnrr. ..OKHKH'OMIlNC.I.Y LOW r.VKI TO OTIIKK I'OI.VIS Slojmrrrn nllntrrA at Itanff. Ji;-r, Cafcarr. KWmoritnri anil .Mnrfrwl in liwlli tllrrrtiunn. Full particulars from your nearer ticket agent Spring Is HeYe Again! Start your spring cleaning now by improving your home. Make 1938 bring you more conveniences. It is in your kitchen, dining room, living room and bedroom where you put in most ' of your time. Have them pleasant and modern. Trade your odd pieces of old furniture. See us for an appraisal. Phone GREEN 916 ELIO'S Hours !) a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. V-8-38 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli. Proprltor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kate $1.00 a 90 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Hupm, B.C. rhone 281 P.O. Box 11$ making special arrangements in certain individual cases and offered to do everything possible to fa-cilitate transfer of patients. The time when the new ruling in regard to indigents comes into effect had been extended to June 20. it was1 pointed out. After hearing a letter from the Vernon Jubilee Hospital' board, the . local board decided to protest at the new system of hospital accounting! laid down by the1 government en tailing considerable additional office expense in making returns. Letter From Walton A communication from the provincial secretary gave official notice of the appointment of W. O. Fulton as a member of the board in place of E. S. Walton. Mr. Walton also had a letter before the board telling of receiving notice of being relieved of his appointment. He had not been surprised but dlsap-i pointed at receiving notice of dismissal. His three years' work on the board had been enjoyable to him. He wished the board every success and extended best wishes to his successor. The chairman ex- i i 1 1 . i . i. nr Mr. Walton to whom an apprecia tive letter will be sent. A notice of motion was posted by G. V. Wilkinson whereby the elective membership of the board shall be increased from five to six. Hotel Arrivals Royal H. H. Weber and A. V. Bossons, Vancouver; W. A. Arnold, Winni peg; D. Mansfield, city. Prince Rupert E. C, Nevlson and Stan Waring, Vancouver; Mrs. R. G. Emmerson, Dlgby Island; Mr. and Mrs. James S. Drake, Juneau. Central Albert Smith, city; D. M. Nelson, Terrace; Guy Farrow, Telkwa; H. L. Quick and Dan McKenzie, Smith- ers; Theodar Simensen, Burns Lake; J. H. Murphy, Edmonton. Knox L. Setter, Edmonton; E. Kvlck, Oona River. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD MUt J AiHtIh Mln. tmUIUU mm SawaaHl tm4 MhibHt MaehliMvy. IimM mmi OrwhanlW. m Waterfront Whiffs Halibut Liver Trice Question is Still Unsettled Cardena Hack on Her Regular Run U.S. Navy Bomber Squadron Here 'home. Mollie Frew.'Mare Boulter I usa Kraupner. Jean JLerry ana Donna Adams. Children's Story Hour Is Enjoyed Modem and Old Talcs Used Entertain Children Modern stories blended with old favorites at the Chlldrcns Story Hour this morning. The new tales,' "The Pig and the Princess" and I "Bunny Nose." vivaciously re'atedj jy Mrs. D, V. Smith, proved popu-i lar. Mrs. P. H. Llnzey interested . with her vlvjd Interpretation of I THE SEAL ' QUALITY wail 1 yg? GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll La Prince Rupert Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean Tbe House Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL II. Brasell N. M. Brasell The question of halibut liver price for the 1D3S season is still unsettled. The boat owners and fishermen are endeavoring to have the pharmaceutical manufacturing company which tendered this year increase its bid to the same level as last year. As far as is known locally, no answer has yet been received from the company. Negotia- tlons are, however, understood to be Peter Galy Is Laid At Rest Funeral of Aged Pensioner TooV Place Thursday Afternoon The funeral of Peter Galy. aged pensioner, who died earlier In the week at the Prince Rupert Gen- eral Hospital, took place on Thurs- Capt. John Boden. arrived in port day afternoon from -the chapel of thrpp ti hp PiPrtPrt Parh vprir foriHaynes Bros., undertakers, o two-year terms. Next year three . Falrvlew Cemetery. Very Rev J. B. directors would be elected for two years and three for one year each, thereafter three each year for two-year terms. The motion will have to come before a general meeting of the Association. Fire Chief H. T. Lock reported having made his monthly inspec-ion. The hospital and nurses' home had been found to be In good order free of inflammable materials with fire alarm systems In shape and boiler rooms clean and tidy. Miss Jean Harrison R.N., lady superintendent, reported the hospital average ' full. -- There had been uiDson, aean oi oi. Auurew Cathedral, offlcatcd. Deceased w?s a native of France, 78 years of age and had followed the calling of a tailor. Kay Shrubsall Has Birthday UOIWIU iUI UU VI'W. Ullll.J M.uuv. i - -- - - - - j - - - - - T- j i on hospital laundry work fof which inruosau. Betty I'Jync, Joyce uaw-i the Pioneer Laundry lias1 held the contract at reduced, rates for;ome time. The matter was left lit the hands of the house committef . The finance committee report, presented by F. A. MacCallum, showed disbursements for February of $4247.63. There- were 1492 hospital days at cost per hospital day of $2.84. Financing New Building The chairman of the finance committee asked that members of the augmented committee on financing of the new hospital meet next Monday night to organize their campaign in conectlon with the financing of the new hospital build ing. To raise the required $20,000, In addition to funds already avail able. It Is proposed to Issue baby bonds secured by endowment Insurance policies. The bonds would be twenty-year five percenters In denominations of $100, It is proceeding in Seattle and the result of these is being awaite$ locally. The expectation Is that some sort of a settlement .will be reached by the time the fishing seaspn opeiis on April 1. Returning to service onlier Regular run after having been off for several trips, first undergoing annual overhaul and later relieving the Catala. Union steamer Cardena, at 8 ociock lasi nigni irom me south and sailed at 9 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. Four United States Navy flying boats, which have been based at Sitka for the past few weeks, called here overnight and moored at Seal Cove In the course of a flight from Sitka to Seattle. They arrived shortly after five o'clock yesterday afternoon from Sitka and' left at 9 morning in continuation of their southern flight, earning a fifth plane, the naval aircraft iender Enjoyable Birthday Party Held Last sandpiper was also here yesterday Evening ' afternoon, convoying 'the squadron 'south. The plane squadron is the Last evenlnz a deliahtful sururlse' mp nnn Ihnt not Viprp nf thp pnd I - - - " - - a visit from Miss Helen Randal R.N., party was held at the home of Mr. 0f January on the way north. It Is ... . . i 1 . r C i v 11 O I n o..Mw.1f ..... i inspector oi nurses training scnooi, aim n. omuusau, oi ouuiimn u, command oi ueui. wommanaer who had found everything satis- Avenue in honor of their daughter, fc c. Champion jr. A couple of tw The nift nr of o a -rir.il tine pocv'Tfnv K.ay, u-hnsp wnose fniirtppnth hirthd.iv mrmaay is LSI .i.... , factory. gift easy louneenin, chair from Cambral Chapter was ion Sundtty ;., announced by Miss Harrison and.; During, the evening games were l will be duly acknowledged. Dlayed rjnd lajtr refreshments were ' '' I Sam Currle of the New 1iundryjfeived. : ' ' divt ago a new squadron of six planes, under Lieut. Commander Perry, from San Diego Hew north from Seattle to Sitka to replace this squadron, the planes of which, be ing of old type, are about to be scrapped. "The Gingerbread Boy" and "The Frog Prince." Kitty Cameron made "Cinderella" live again. ' I Next week the program for chlld-'ren between the ages of 9 and 12 will be in charge of Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Mandy and Eileen Hamblln. In addition to the telling of stories, to moving pictures of local scenes will be presented. air. mmsm HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE IN SUMMER RURN Dry Wood BIRCH JACKPINE CEDAR Satisfaction Cuarantccd Phone 580 SatuMay M.rh n ,9SJ ..7 VnUt a. SW"! Take a look at the program! 1. JACK BENNY 2. He leads and the laujilis follow! IDA LUPINO A little Lit of all ri"lil! 3. RICHARD ARLEN ltoinantic competition for Denny! 4. GAIL PATRICK She gies Jack heart trouble! 5. BEN BLUE and JUDY CANOVA The ut'MCit, funniest comcth; team! 6. YACHT CLUB BOYS The iruziot iiarkllc in filin! 7. LOUIS ARMSTRONG The famous Truiiix.l King of bwing! Specialtlei 8. MARTHA RAYE Athcrswinpc.'l itil'ulilicMcluilyNo.1 STARTS MONDAY FOR TWO DAYS! The Academy Award Winners Last Times Tonight Spencer Tracy, I.uisc Rainer in "BIO CITY" (7:12 Si 9:17) Last Show at 9:U. Beware DON'T TAKE CHANCES Willi Questionable Merchandise of Unknown Quality IT'S SO EASY TO RE SURE INVESTIGATE the High Quality so consistently found in EASY Washers. INVESTIGATE all the models and the special features that guarantee SATISFACTION and actually cost less. Easy Gyrator Model life -"1 lliABV) " f latr- - -r W Sl Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE G57 Modern Gyrator type Molded aluminum, triple duty gyrator. Nw roll-top tub Big capacity, handy outside control, improved reversible wringer. Built to exacting EASY standards. PrirP $JM.5(f so many special features at so low a price. Rhone for PROOF of This Statement - -i i . The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAI'B Phone 51 for Dest Household Cftl MKS. C. E. nLAt'K If you have something to sell, a classified advertisemcfl in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer the city. .