Parents of Mrs. Irvine Observe i Diamond Wedding Mr and Mrt: Robert Glen, par- tnti r f Mrs J s. Irvine oi tnis city recently celebrated their dla- of seven 'thickens hat- Iched on James Brown's farm Annotki Bay was black, without in; tee having one toe, ohs wing, AU advertisements In this col-tmn will be charged Jor a full month at 25c a word. Anglican Tet-, Mrs. July 28. 13 ffltrikes the happy medium F. M. Good, Plrh. annual Port Day Thur.tL: August 25. Moose Hall, A. D. Vance. SHREDDED WHEAT MADE IN CANADA - OF CANADIAN WHEAT Moose Dances Canadian Legion For Warship Women's Tea And Hishly Successful Affairs Held On Sale Is SllCCCSS Friday and Monday Nights In connection with the visit over A successful tea and sale of the week-end of HAtS. York, high- home cooking was held yesterday ly successful dances were held afternoon by the Women's Auxill-FrMar and Mondav niehts bv the ary of the Canadian Legion at Le- msr.3 weaning anniversary at meir MoQse. m(n fr()m the ft gion ciuorooms yesieraay aurr- home in Largs. Scotland, all their j warship predominating on each noon- ladies ca?led to ie-nd children being with. them for the ocea3afaL Distribution of confetti their Patronage, erosion with the exception of Mrs. Mrs. W. J. Llneham was general and veltlw ,ent furtner to the whd Mrs. S. V. Cox and lrs. Irvine and another daughter cnvener .nprrlmpnt on Moridav nlcht On J in Spain. They feUdUtrf Sth?S?toS Good" " ai,, family gathering in Cur - w & and m Monday eur, --M- Wil MJJ W I inrnau Mr uien was utuuu nuu- t - nigiu, one nuuuicu cuupica. tar at Largs for -many years prior Muglc for dances Iurn to nw retirement rmenii irom (rom me ine uonoon, unaw. Midiar uaf Progress Being two 'buttocks and neither ey- open. jJg qjj Puttin TT AC II i 1 Annn,.nrmpt iUpUIHOSpiiai A tuuuuuvvuivuw pntirinsr of concrete for the i foundation walls of the new Prince 1 Rupert Oeneral Hospital building is about completed. Next will come ! the beams and foundation floortli j slabs, pouring of which will com-y mence in about ten days Ball,! I- Try", a Dally rewb wiuii-ad. WiW STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S.CATAlEVEItYTCE3. TAB, CAHJN.V FlUDAl, DAY, 1:30 p.m. . 10:30 Vnv Monday am a.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, at Office If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets and Tickets From further Information Regarding, Reservations A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Atent. Tinra ac "s - -- "A few cents a-day is all it costs to run THE DAILY NEW3 r,fl LOCAL NEWS NOTES R. W. Sinclair, manager of la-; D. ZaTein and- Willlanv Schrla-Uerness cannery, returned to tfcft berg left on the Prince George city on the Princess Alice yester-1 yesterday afternoon for -a trip Into J day afternoon from a business trip the Tulsequah mining district. i 'to Wraneell. . ' . j Coiint Miller, a past president of Citizens of Prince Rupert are re- the Gyrd Club of Madlsdn, Wlscon- commended to Inspect the exhibl- sin, waff in the city yesterday! tion car accompanying the "Know aboard tne Prince- George goin?. Mississippi Better" train due to ar- ' through to make the round trtpf rive a.t Prince Rupert 2:30 Friday to smusway. He will- De nere again afternoon. 'lG3' next Monaajr Routnoouna. On a charge of obtaining a William A. Hesse, territorial chauffeur without ascertaining nignway engineer ior AiasKa wrn whether he had a licence, John headquarters at Juneau, arrived in Gurvich was fined $5 by Magls- the city from the north on the trate McClymont' In city police Princess Alice yesterday afternoon court this morning under the mo- and will proceed tomorrow after-tor Vehicle Act. noon by the Prince' Rupert to. Hy- ider, Alaska, on official business. Basil G. Ryan, agent for the Ca- nadian Pacific Railway at Yoko-, nriTtff AKKl AttTMtfAf V ALo CT homa, and Mrs. Ryan were here, aboard the Princess Alice yester-. returning south af-j day afternoon - y ter making the round trip to Al- 'Montreal and Ottawa for a visit. of The lucky tickets were arawn dj r ! Polema Llneham. 1 In the bean guessing contest Cushion won by Orme Stewart Miss Ena Llneham was the winner. No 205. the prize Deing a piani. aim uoacck Box of Candy won by Betty East- stand. Savoy Thompson, E. Fenton, Vancouver. Don and aska; They will now proceed to CM J" Royal Joe Chykarder. F. A. Lloyds, Carl Brigadier Walter J- Carruthers.Johnston an(rH". W. Clark, city: tf. divisional commander of the Sal- Johnson and Marcus .Sorensori, C vation Army for Northern British' n oe0rge F. Clarke, Nelson; Columbia and the Yukon, arrived Arne Stemiand", John Hall and In the city on the Princess Alice Nels Anderson, Seattle, yesterday afternoon from his head-1 Prince Rupert quarters at Wrangell. He will visit j, willlam A. Hesse. Juneau; Mr. here as well as with other corps' In and Mrs. R. W. Sinclair, Inverness. the district. Brigadeier Carruthers was the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club today with Presi dent W. L. Coates in the chair. RECORD EXPORT KINGSTON, Jamaica, July 21. I CP) A record In banana exports for this bland was, set up when 786,000 stems were placed on board Smith. Mrs. Ted Shrubsall ard vessels in a ween, adoui i.a.wu Mr. r rv Xvtm wp In charee of . was spent In Jamaica for services by George Brown's Orchestra (hw;,htn anH Mrs j wcGreist ! necessarv to take the fruit from ana aenwn iwuy Waltcr gmltn mast of . I co,' . . irfAAtt VPirt 9ffn . " - . KINGSTON JamalcaJuly 21. , reaaing oy jmis. juuu oiruuici. . The committee In charge of both wrs M j, Kleavs and Mrs. Roh 1 dances cbnslsted of Albert Sules, r-w had rhitrim nf thdi rKHAK CHICK iViyt' PMrnn Jab WntrhffirH and . 1.1 J 4nV1. Iman Kft. 12. The raffles were In charge Miss Edith Oandy and-Mrs. J. Murray and the winners were: the ships, not including the amount paid to growers. Central A. Rasmussen, Dlgby Island; C. H. Olds, city; Mr. and Mrs; J; Brinkac. Skeena City; Garnett C Quick, Smlthersf E. Wallace, C. N R.; H. Carlson and A: Rasmussen, city; Paul Warwariek, Abbotsford. Knox , H. Hansen, city. An Empire Product C t.. own i 's CORN BEEF Finest Quality. 4Ca tf-oi. tin AOi THE THRIFT GASH and CARRY my electric refrigerator" It's easv to sav that a modern electric refrigerator pays for itself and it's just as easy to prove. You can do it in your. own home. From the moment you install. itf your Elec-. trie Refrigerator starts saving. It saves three ways. First, by elimination of food waste. Second, by letting you buy in larger quantities knowing the food will keep. And third, because its operating costs arc lower than ever lir less over the year than you could spend for ice. Ask about our convenient payment plan. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED n" I ullH I ! pbone 7,5 I f I I i I RAILWAY HOW TO MAKE ICED TEA lirfuit di Spins' U.ipOonl of Std BIctc T (it pint of frcih, bolllnf water. Aftel minuUi itrtln liquid Into two-qorrfcontilim. WhiL h.t. dd 1 to1 opt of rnlUd ttrjfr tnrfjvlc of 2 Jcmoni, rtrrfntd. Sfll wtll until sui.f If dtnolvcd; fill conUincr with cold wt0. Do not .flew tea to cool before iddiaj tkfioU water othcrwlia liquid will become cloud. Server with chipped ice. SALADS BOX Warwick ,r lii im ft CAMERAS (Made in England) Takes Pictures size 3 1-4 by 2 1-4. . Price--- '2 'Us & OrmesLtd. "Jhn Pioneer Drvtqgiats The rtextll Store rhones: II IS Open Dally From ta t&l II fjn. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till I am, 7 jb. tfO f JB- MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE All Felt Mattresses Sizes 4.6 4.0 and 3J EACH $7.50 327 THIRD AVENUE Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To- Vancouver via Ocean. Tails jn,d VijToTts SS. "Princess iAdeialdt" Every n-may io p.m. , . .... . TO VANCOUVER DIRECT SS. "Princess Louise" SS. Princess Alice" SS. Princess Charlotte July 6, 16. 27, Aug. 6. July 9, 20, 30, Aug. 10. July 23, Aug. 3, 13 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and 'Reservations From W. L. COATES, General Afent. Prince Rupert, B.C. December Frozen HERRING BAIT Cold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Hi " 1MI it: M MM