Thu nroDerty Is in a location v... Jni three years ago. Ships to Sampler 'alls For All light Dancing Richer Home For Summer Tells J (How Natives Of Labrador Live McADAM, N, B., July-21. (CP) lde. bridesmaid and best man. 6MITHERS, July 21.-S. F. Camp-, . . . 11Ukl otV, the trail 0f hundreds of honeymoon iwa: In town from me Glacier, ,.,., . , . couples who have sailed from Mont- LkhMme on Saturday afternoon ,owlng .& bladder operation, is an- l year and ln past years' kpUyuiwm-"T. nounced at the Mayo Clinic to. be , . 'ounest son or tne ore from the mining property weU Qn me way recovcry ancj President of the United States, and Led by the partners, Campbell, Ule:. and Banta. i . . -i i ISevhral specimens uiuwca mc lid and, as a previous shipment l-nera niore than $100 per ton ' paying all expenses, they reel Iter nfldent of being able to duplicate j at performance. I Gold Silver values I Tommy King and Axel Elmstead," le mining ore for shipment Irom le Silver Pick group of claims ln be Bablne Mountains and assays amDles from the ore being definitely out of danger. .CRISIS IS CONSIDERED territory, It is claimed by Japan. IA ampment oi ore was, . npT . .Tmn 4tc-:nUy from the Gold Group J A II A I II 1 Tcplry by Matthew le cwniru Sam, 3am, one or: " v iymrnt was made to the tisj p.ant at Prince Rupert kl t. z:;z& 460 ounces of silver llttes per tent, copper per ton. It is panned to put on some jtra ho und get out another Spa:"! af an early date. I Labrador coast wedding" is a; e shob continue until they reach j hour5 iatCr it took off for New ft (""lurch, the noise informing laitlnj people of the party's ap- pcacb. The rroom enters the church and Mndi, m front of the altar to halt- hi. bride. Then the best man ud bridrsmald enter and,; lastly, l e bride with the person who is give her away. An all -night dance, to the music a Elnglo "fiddle." Is customary 1'ter the wedding feast. The most ppular dance 13 known as the Eight ijimllar to a square dance. lapoleon's Hat ought at $800 ) MV fnr a lint i,onnlnll nn nlrl at faded and a little shapeless it that's what was nald for Na- leonlc headgear at auction here, 'lie reason thp hnt irv,VpH m Hp- Fraed was because lt had fallen ll'W the Wnlivr .nAn t.,V,Mn Mo f t that Bonaparte gave the hat f' cnamberlaln. An autograph- L umen sewn into the crown . una, mniusi, tinywuii ;"a Luther Bible to a lock of ' mk0 - 'r York. The plane flew from toy-lies without stopping at Botwood,, Newfoundland, where Imperial Airways has a huge base. Today's Weather (Oovemnwu "lwti Trinle Island Overcast, west northwest wind, 15 miles per hour; sea choppy. . tancara island unzzie, ouum- meter. 30.08; temperaiurc smooth. , . . Estevan-Clear, nortnwesi wmu, eight mes per hour; barometer eTur,'".06 Charllc's halr can I Clear, norther'y e 1 Prince w George- Purchased "nc. at thoso rhIps ., unr- hnro- "wind, lour rauva Kingston; Jamaica. July ai JjiiScicar. calm, tempera- (CP) ine COVrrnninnf. nf Tnmnl ioo,ooo) ln week ln:rum tS as persistent reports' that! Inn. wuum. db cuargea oni - a.m spirits, and rum led to normal movom;t- n.. tiirp. 65. 20,000. smlthcrs-Clear, calm, 64. m,rn ike. Clear, calm, 5. Terrace Clear, calm, 65. Alyansh-Clear, calm. 68. : AUcq Arm-Part cloudy, calm, 6J Anypx-Part cloudy, calm, 53. ' Stewart-Part cloudy, calm, 59. Today's Weather f: Tomorrow's Tides She prince Rupert Overcast, north-,rt High . 9:05 ajn. 15.2 ft. wind, four miles per hour; 21:10 p.m. 19.2 ft. barometer. 30.20. (steady); temperature Low . 2:40 a.m. 6.0 ft. 56; sea calm. 14:22 pjn. 8.4 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVII NQ. 109. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1938 PRICE: t CENTS mm A Or. Millikin SMITHtXVecovering Ld Ore on Glacier Gulch Iligl Silver Values On silver tick Ship lo Sampler . a. ' 1st Getting Belter After Operation At layo Clinic ROCHESTER, Minnesota, ' July ROOSEVELTS IN CANADA Son of President And His Bride At Montreal Enroute to Bermuda MONTREAL, July 21. Following was shown by the fact that no sooner had he sat down to the' breakfast table at the hotel than morning paper please? I would, like rT r ri nilTn to see what baseball games Honeymooners on "Laoy uners often band together and form the nucleus of gay and happy crowd, t They radiate happiness, and the ordinary passengers have often ' the Atlantic In twenty hours on . stated that the life and Jollity of 1 the experimental flight. A few the wnoie trip was noticeably en- hanced by the congenial ugnt-htartedness of celebrating newly-weds. The distinguished honey moon couple. Mr. and Mrs. John i (Roosevelt, iwwi, who sailed last - nigiu - Canned Salmon west wind, six miles per hour; b. i f I rometer. 3052; temperature, 50; p JQCK IS LOWCr .nlA-Af. sea smooth. " . . Dead Tree romiouu,. , This Coast This Yea 1 O-tpnt northwest wind; banmeter. 30.23. 4M. icm pei , Bull .JIarbor t- overcast, wraww previous year. From 1937 " victoria- Fair, northerly wl"d;,p:rn Situation barometer i f 1IC OllUailUli fnur miles per hour; m mm V imr 9 94 ' " Vancouver-Clear, westerly wind, four miles per hour; barometer, 29.04. I . i ll DM IETINC I i i Japanese Cabinet Emergency Ses-Jwere met at tne ,taUon by a group, Kaml(M)ps and arc attempllnc to slon Over Boarder Dispute With Russia TOKYO. July 21. The Japanese his bride, the former Anne Lind say Clark, Boston socialite, em barked on the . liner Lady Somers of the Canadian National Steam ships last night to complete their honeymoon by taking trip along the scenic St. Lawrence seaway and through the Atlantic to Bermuda. "Well, the boys trailed us alt right," said John Roosevelt as they are I Kl I.Yirotl scheduled here today." VllVUUlil Vi Ume spent at the Roosevelt I summer home on the Island of Imperial Airways Plane Mercury Lands At Montreal MONTRlTAL," July 21. The Imperial" Airways seaplane "Mercury" arrived in Montreal from Toynes, Iceland, after its trans 9 o'clock, having on board a cargo of 1,000 pounds. This, the first tra'ns-Atlantic freight to come by air, was consigned to the Canadian National Express. It consisted largely of Pamivikiiltn Moor nrnnswlrh WftX B- C. BLUBBER BAY RIOT POWELL RIVER.- The Pacific Lime Co.'s strike at Blubber Bay on Texada Island, across from Powell River, reached a brief stage of violence yesterday when one striker, attempting to board of press men and photographers, l have the government-change Its all of whom declared that the dls-1 tinguished visitor was very generous with the press, emulating his cabinet and War Office staff have father in this respect. ned nave given returns oi mw.becn called into emergency ses-irtcu of an ounce ln gold and'-.on to consider the border dismite er 600 ounces of sliver. between Jaoan and Russia which Without seeking publicity ln any way, Mr.l Roosevelt realized that the arrival of himself and Mrs. Roosevelt Jr.,1 was an event of considerable in tare auays run pretty high and ilv(,rd nia after the first waslterest and, on request, immediately- baenU from the nearby Hyland, red at Moscow. Russian planes . arranged to have the press boys .sin property luwmu uh wvtxrom Vladivostok crossed a mile mem at ue uutci. u...' v ..I j na, .n. burner into MancnuKuoan w'"s decision. TORY HEAD HAS QUIT TORONTO Hon. Earl Rowe today announced his 'resignation from leadership of the Ontario Conservative party. SEASON IS UNDER WAY SEATTLE. The Puget Sound commercial salmon season got under way yesterday after being delayed for two weeks by fish price disputes. The United Fishermen's Union had signed a 1938 wage agreement Tuesday night. TODAY'S STOCKS (Court! 8. D. Johnibo Co.t Nickel - .09 ' - ' uaiiipvwvi.vt . i the first visit of Mrs. Roosevelt , Blj Missouri , Pend Oreille ' 2.25 Pioneer - 2 95 Porter Idaho : .03 Premier 2.26 Reeves McDonald ., 41 Deno 44 Relief Arlington Reward Salmon Gold ..... Taylor Bridge ... Hedley Amalg Premier Border . Sllbak Premier . Home nomc Gold uou A. P. Con .'Calmont Calmont to date this year, a decrease of j Madsen Rediake 48,437 cases as compared with the Stadacona Still Unchanged Campbell River SHU Menaced Although Flames Have Come No Closer Oils Francoeur Moneta . 4 .19 1 i .lt',2 .03 Vz .13 .03 .05 BIG PARTY Spencer Tracy IS COMING Weds at Yuma Important British Parliamentary Group to Visit Prince Rupert i Next Month I British Parliamentarians which Is due" to arrive from the interior on August 20 by train, proceeding that evening by the steamer Prince Rupert to Vancouver. The party is touring Canada primarily for the object of studying the possibilities of an early resumption of Empire migration. Heading the party is Brigadier-General Sir Henry Croft, CM.G., M.P., for many years apromlnent British parliamentarian who has especially interested himself in Im .01' A 1.90 ( OlVi ! Grandvlew 033,4 Indian ; .0158! Quatsino ..' - Segur '.. W2 OkalU 1 65 Home Oil .'. 1-33 Toronto Beattle Central Pat Gods Lake Little Long Lac McKenzie Rcdlake Redlake Goldshore Pickle Crow 155 2.50 .55 3.60 1.12 .10 4.70 1.28 ,,,. ham-1 ' " San san Antonio Anionio - " wind- tcn m 1CS L 21: (CP) -jsherritt U3 St July PAU1S, July 21- (CP) - Eight P"t, W VANCOUVER, Gordon undred'doSrs mS mel"' 30 O8: tcmPcraturC' The eekly canned salmon pack Smelters Oold jD6 s a lo of - . . . . L swell. nonli ..rx.rt mnnf rv or inch. I ' .a n n .....'t,,,iitin f the Department Fisn-utolpnrt rorkhutt 3.60 Alert Bay - Overcast, wwwru f-f:, nf , 22.219 cases 9n . . ...... .11 hniir ham- enes miuwo -- : . . ; umcuu .. , wind, inreo.mia-a !, nritish Columbia salmon pacxen. K11cW ai: . . j .18 .36 .64 .37 1.91 Bouscadillac i08 j Thompson ..... Cadillac .24 ' At Dankueid . i- .00 East Malartic .t5fc.'"1.91 Preston E. Dome .90 Hutchison Lake !03I Dawson White -n2Vj Aldermaa .573i Kerr Addison - 1.75 CAMPBELL RIVER, July 21:hlOoid 2. 08 Int. Nickel -Ul. 52.00 (CP)-Forest fire conditions re- main unchanged, a stiff wind dur- Noranda . f. m tho nicht falling to push theCons. Smelters 61.75 flames nearer Campbell River and Athona .07 Vz I" - . I f ' Itorl, . . !. " .7 fill the comox lioubiiib vyu. 4- - which have been tnrc-aienca icr, uaroer earner r-.u more than twenty-four hours. j Rand Malartic .37 perial matters. BUILDINGS DESTROYED bombing planes. The insurgents have unleashed a general offensive ln eastern, central and southern Spain against the government lines which have been weakened by General Franco's drive towards Valencia. ROAD WORK UNDERWAY Mrs. Thomas of Los Angeles Becomes Bride .of Popular Screen Star , Resumed mate by approximately 3,8SU,uuu ($15,403,600). The cost of invalid and old age With rorty-two men at vvui-. u- pensions was ll-ouu-uuu it 1.800.000 OAi nnn ($7,146,- t ur . the vpr and lining up the work. The work at Prudhomme Lake !on the local road is Included under the recently announced appropriation of $35,000 out of which local projects on the Queen Charlotte Islands and at Port Simpson, Oona River, Jap Inlet, Osland, Dodge Cove and Lewis Island are also b-Ing taken care of. Halibut Sales Summary American 78,000 pounds, and 6c to 7.7c and 6c. Canadian 107,000 pounds, 7.5c and 5c to 6.7c and 5c. American Foremost, 40,000, and Tilllcum, 16,000, Cold Storage. 7.5c and 6c. lonnn fYilrt Stnratre. 7.7c "'""" "'' 1 and' Cc ' Olorla II, 10,000, Booth, 7.6c and! 6c. I Canadian hi j 1 I..--. who arrived on Tuesday from Th tnia nmnnnt nrnvlrind dur- Stewart. is putting In grade stakes mg 1937.38 for sinking fund pur- poses was 10,280,000 ($39,11,600). Screen Star Is After Divorce VALUE OF ' RAILWAYS They Are" Really Coming Back, Declares C. N. R. Official . . , ' ... . ' YUMA, Arizona, July 21. Spencer! " A party of outstanding Import- scre'en " oted ctor and Mrs. . ance to visit Prince Rupert this , ' BRANTFORD. Ont July 21: a boat, was attacked by another I summer will be a large group of tlei here Jast nlghtj leavmg after The . - value . of the railways as m the A. after which there was a general flare-up. The police arrested five ' men. NO RELIEF FOR, MOBS VICTORIA Hon. George S. Pearson, minister of labor, an-, nounccd today no reljef would be given unemployed men travelling about the province in groups in tearch of work. About two hund- th rprpmnnv hv airnlane for Hollv- main artery oi commerce vi me, d nation, functioning without cessa- ' tlon day In and day out through- 'out the years, was stressed by A. nnnfTn rrir IrtsKlIN III 'A Gardiner, assistant general pas- LiLiLI lUli 1 J senger traffic manager, Canadian i iriniT National Railways, ln an address n PAY VISII delivered before the Brantford Ro-1 t 1 1 1U1 V tary Club last night. In developing his theme, the speaker touched' Accepts Bid of King George To Go briefiy upon the history of the To England Shortly railways in Canada and the im Junior to Canada and consequently j - w vV.ut , --j - . her first visit to Montreal, althbughl Aztec .. JU- .07 yerely damaged yesterday as they Lflr AllCtralia ticr.husband had been, here -befoje.;.V?riDuai , - . . . -r. She h. was . mnrh much Interested iniPrisled in in snend- spend DentonTa. M2 devastating air raids by Insurgent I- iv.n 4n. In (tin i-llv lnnklntr along the great St. Lawrence River, famed from the earliest days or Jacques Cartier as a great artery of commerce and one of the scenic wonders of the world. Mrs. Roose velt is no stranger to Bermuda, U ev fnr the natives, says Miss ,,-reels. photographs, press havlnn been there on previous oc iirtani t;raig, teacner at me despatches and English ana irisn casi0ns. ngiican Mission Bcnooi at Muuom newspapers relating chiefly to me fy, who 1. spending the summer' ceptlon of King George and rth hrr parent? here, SThe groom leaves the house first, one to the accompaniment of unshot He is followed by the queen Elixabeth in Paris. The pick-a-back plane landed ... .. l-.Or at Bouchervllle aiier spaninn ,'Golconda - 07 nig mc uaj . .v w.j . o n, n.irH Vufnr Ihpv sallpd for Ber- Minto V muda on the liner Lady Somes of.Falrview Atlantic crossing this morning at j the Canadian National Steamships Noble Five .09 03 Va Many principal buildings In tlvs business section of Valencia were either completely destroyed or se- Report Surplus Customs and Excise Exceed Estl mate and Commonwealth Comes Out Ahead portant ;part that they played in PARIS, July 21: (CP) President 0DenlnEvthe country for settlement; Albert Lebrun of France today ac- in creating new centres of popula-' cepted an invitation of King tlon and new marts of trade and George' to visit Great Britain short- dlstribution the Prince fitting by Rupert Chamber of Commerce during its France ,a"M; provided a tremendous "Approximately 100 years of ra'l- stav here. On the wav here. It will wa experience covers tne uana- also be entertained at Prince ml PI ..rev e !or nL clian span of this now firmly en- today- Wearing a "eld marshal' tabllshed servant of the people" Vanderhoof Smithers and Georee omimcrs ana ueorge, vanaernooi, columns of ,f thp Kln ,w T , i...jj Ha7Pltnn ... . . , j ne saia, u muse iiuuuicu yeuis infantry, artuiery ana muwucu ereat. chances have taken place units. Brightly uniformed North ' African Spahls provided a most "Commencing as an insignificant colorful spectacle. auxiliary to the then, existing The last British King to see such forms r6f transport, the railways a review was George V just before have described almost a perfect the opening of the Great War. arc at the zenith 0f which they Thp review assumed particular touched what was almost a sup- significance in view of recent de- reme monopoly a splendid Damage Done to Valencia ciarations 0f Anglo-French solid- tion ln the field of inland trans-; Devastating Insurgent Air arity and thelr resistance to Ger- port and' then moved on to a Raid Yesterday manv's campaign aealnst Czecho- relative decline when hlgh- ' Slovakia, SARAGOSSA. Spain. July 21, way and. latteny, air transport shared what had been their almost unchallenged field. They are now' again occupying the place of one, if hot the major, factor in what Is the essential and funda- rnjentjjyiy- important,, pari of., qur eco.nQmic macnlne. 'The railways have not stood still. Air conditioning and streamlining are terms that within te last few years, one might almost say months have come to express CANBERRA. July 21: (CP) Re concretely definite and productive celpts of the consolidated revenue progress. Changes have been ac-fund of the Commonwealth of complished in the Important field Australia exceed expenditure iy 0f safety. Through safety practices approximately 3,500,000 ($13,895.- and devices and, equally, the high 000) according to the interim development of ' safety habits on statement by Commonwealth e the part of railway employees Treasurer R. G. Casey for the fls- the passenger on the railway train cal vear end'ng June 30, 1938. may not only feel safe and secure This surolus was mainly due to but much safer is he than in al- Construction on Local Highway the receipts for customs and excise most any other place, as carefully Around Prudhomme Lake Is revenue having exceeded the estl- compiled statistics prove." Amicable Relations Mr. Gardiner pointed out that ..... : . the ln mechanical feature changes .03 uo'4 nf n Mc- . der J the foremanship of R. A. mc- m . tne previous .., f w " - - H.UU ui ai. ullo ncic iiuu inui w - 't nZUJco expenditure due In largs nounced than their relations with eE" the public and labor. As "V"" . r.. ..inifw nt ;7' Pmrt. ";. Increase "l--"-"-'v in tne v numper 01 r pension- stpam steam transoortatioh transportation developed aeveiopeu won the heart of all aboard and, Ar ' 260 - this . end , in ,u the v cin ity of P rue m rccdvlng beneflts and to . .. the. QVer -u cenJ of operalion, M lt ! were regarded throughout heir CV& homme Lake. There Is about half fMt that there we 2 p erlodi clyU I trip as ambassadors ;of goodwU be- WJ" Z .. . Lake is reached. D. McN. eTS. Lowe, ln 1937-38 aS aga,nSt 26 the ized world, to promote closer com - ,tween Canaaa ana McDou: McDougal the great republic to the south. merclal relationships and develop trade. In the domestic field it continued to stimulate national development by its pioneering lines, serving both national and foreign markets, which in turn they had developed, and creating a new era in the relationship between man agement and labor. While, as he pointed out, there are differences of views arising from time to time, these are dealt with under Vclez Will Break Marital Tie ,ngly falr and reasonable condt- With Johnny Weismuller, tlons on each slde and the absenca Former Swimming Star of scrious iaDor disputes for many (years, including the countless oc casions when the two interests LOS ANGELES. July 21 - Lupe haye worked together under the Velez, Mexican screen stqr, has mn!. ,., rnn(iuiftn.. imnostnt? I filed suit for divorce against John- . th ,.navoldabie necessitv 6.5c W Weismuller, former swimming for mutuai sacrifice, proves this."' champion screen. and Tarzan of the Weather Forecast i In concluding, the speaker .touched upon the spirit of co-op-. I era tlon which prevails among rail- way workers in general, and the public and the increasing understanding of the prolHpms which . 'must arise from month lo month Oeneral Synopsis Pressure rc lrt the transportation field. "We mains high on the coast and has have tried in the past, as we are Arctic, 14,000. Pacific, 6.5c and fallen south of Vancouver Island . trying in the present, to give an 5C. while fine warm weatner continues , adequate, rirst ciass service 10 eii Dovre B., 20,000, and Covenam, 20.000, Cold Storage, 6.7c and 5c. Dorreen N., 8,500, Booth. 6.5c and 5c. Finella. 15,500, Cold Storage, 6.5c arid 5c. Relief, 16,500, Atlin, 6.6c and 5c Toodle, 12,500, Atlin, 6.5c and 5c. off British Columbia. .sections and requirements or th Prince Rupert ahd Queen Char- '.country. In winter cold and sum-lotte Islands Moderate to fresh mer heat, by night and day, the southwest to west winds, part railways operate and we fell con- cloudy and comparatively warm ifident that we are worthy of tne West boast of Vancouver. Islard support which the people of Ca- Moderate to resh northwest to nada have given us and will merit west '.winds, fair and warm. .that support In the future.