7TTO Julia Arthur We have just received a large shipment of faffs latest footwear in ail their exquisite beauty. Have You Seen the Latest in Black Suede Pumps with Zippers and the Newest Designs in Elastic Gore Straps?' We wilhbe pleased to showtEse neWh'nes to von. " Family shoe store ltD. The Hbine of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. ntlXCE BUPEBT - EBinSH COLUMBIA fBhshed Ertry Atteraoca. Except Sunday, ty Prince DaCy Krrs. I.lrs?. Thti Arszse BL T VT1TT-K ... MlT-g-trf-ri,",CT Rcpert THE NEXT STEP Now that the Sudeten question seems to be about settled, the next step toward European- appeasement rhould be-the-settlement of the Srjanish civil war. The reasonabfe step- would seem to be a confeivnM nf Canada At War TWENTY YEARS AGO (Written for The Canadian Press By CAPT. W. W. MURRAY, M. C.) I Two years ago hundreds ef Canadian war veterans j picnicked on the peaceful banks uf the Canal du Nord, j which is roughiy about two-thirds of the way between j Arras and Cambrai. They visited the village of Inchy-en-Artois, talked with the peasants in their red-bricked cot tages and gaied with interest across the eentlv sloping ' fields beyattf the CaaaiwftacfecM-, t Lmfcilfd in a thick copse thai dom- more than 23t09 troops had ssrg ed jjnatedibe smw i nihil, terrain the'tfaroctj the bottle-neck, and mere Bouriaa flfcod. Toe tranquility oP rreeptscEp to their first objective. I the piste oontraMed stranxeJj withi Attack Was Success ment;.any steps were taken to defend Prince Rupert buVai same wM hare to rererse ii mey were nor, tney certainly snouw nave been. Hadl their direction atatn by attacking lucre un war laic weeK msieaa 01 peace It WOUIO not westward, back toward the flood have been at all unlikely that Prince Rupert would be edsettion. Tni'inwiTed the work--riaided and Drobablv seized. We should-have found selves . to evacuate mate we retreateL rciaA lift their guns to cow the ... ad ranee I j We have been led to understand that more money across the canaL when this wa will be available for defence purposes after the next ses-! s ion of Parliament has voted it After what we have gone through it is reasonable to think that Parliament will be more inclined to grant aid to the defences of this coast, although it has not done badly in the past. We object to the spending of all the money in the south and leaving Princ Rupert wholly undefended. We presume; now . , jthat they have poured money into Vancouver and Victoria so lavishly, there will be an opportunity for Prince , Rupert to get a little help for a similar purpose. NOT LAUGHABLE MATTER Wheri it was announced yesterday that Hon. Neville Chamberlain and Chancellor Hitler had agreed that in future there would be no war between Germany and Great Britain, a good many people smiled incredulously at the idea of being able to curb the German dictator in his mad career. Possibly his idea of appeasement is to continually get more but, at any rate, he has agreed to the general principle of full ami free discussions as a means of securing what he wants, if he wants anything. It is a-distinct forward step. ' TIME MARCHES ON You Take X Gamble When You Use CANADIAN INDUSTRY PAINTS CILUX ENAMELS ANTIM0' WHITE ; NAVELITE VARNISH All Made From the Best Materials, Sold by Silversides Bros. Wallpapers Muresco Glass Showcard Writing a Speciality English League. First Dirision Aston V2tta 2. Portsmouth 0. Bottom Wanderers 4, Middles- bOTCTtgh L, CsarKoa ham I. Athletic f, Birmlns- Chelsea 1. Stoke City L Derby County 2. Blackpool 1. ETerton 2. LlTerpooJ '1. Grimsby Town 0. Brentford 0. Leeds United 8, Leicester City 2. Preston North End 1. Manchester United 1. w MWJU v. AlAUAJ v. -J Aoirersampttjn Wanderers 3 ?i Tit 1 f tl ... . . Dlrition id a verj" Ulllicuit Situation, posSlOiy Oemg lOrceajlHery barrafe. At the beginning "aL-rrsueja leanng even-thing behind or destroying it asjof the attack the gunner, wddj SS!j!LI15!?f!r? First Aberoeen 4, Falkirk 1 Albion RoTers 1. Celtic 8. Clyde 2. Arbroath 0. aeeompltafeed, the gem weald swing! Hamilton Academicals at a left anrfo tn-nnrfjx th trnnt' Johnston 1. who. at this stage, were required to Urn northward. Later, the guns were to shorten their range instead of lengthening it, covering the assaulting warn who were fighting their way backward to the edge of the flooded portions. 1 The whole operation was fraught mass of troops through the bottle neck before the enemy gunners could appreciate what1! was taking place and utterly blanket the area with shells. As It was his artillery responte jva? wjft and heavy but it was scattered. -Wl'thi Sr l.,r it St Hearts 5. St. Mlrren 2. Kilmarnock 4. Partlc Thistle 2. Queen of South 1. Third Lanark Queens Park 1. Ayr United 3. Ralth Rcn-ers 0. Motherwell 1. Rangers 3. Hibernians 2. TO REDUCE SCRUMS with dreadful rkka The Germans Z Z J L ' . . . ritw 10 reducing the number of had dene ererythmg eoacerrable to scrimmages' in Rugby League foot-make their position impregnable. baH it is proposed to try a Hne-On the sloping ground east of the out from touch instead of a scrum Canal they had constructed deep 18 yards ln-field. trenches, hearily wired with thick entanglements. Within them was, the dominating bastion of BTurkm I Wood, which day and night belched the fire of the heaviest artillery. For the initial stage of the attack the 1st and 4th Canadian Divisions were employed with the 3rd Canadian and 11th Imperial Divisions entering on the secnd phase. All four would then advance to a final objecttve which was t about four miles from the starting place. At 5:20 o'clock on the morning of September 27 the guns opened, and the attack began. The Intensity of the barrage on this ereaUy restricted frontage was orerwhelm-Ing. Shells of every calibre burst on the German lines beyond the-Canal banks, and behind thii fiery curtain the Canadian infantry ad-, vanced.' To clamber up the steep j wall of the canal many units car-' ried scaling ladders implements heretofore unued on the Western. Front but of Immense advantage, ' to the attacking troops. : Tne lass was to gel" We art'Xf-,.lfl Report Denies English Bank Controls Eire fthe mfeme of their first erassjsg The effect of the C"'n shell- profoundly On Financing in Ireland By Joseph Dennigan, Canadian Press Correspondent) DUBLIN. Eire. Sept. 38: 'CP Favorite argument of Social CrecK advocates here that the Bank oi rnmod Tunj the financial strings'" in Ireland is scorned -by the Commission on Banking. Currency and Credit. One witness who came before the commission declared: "I am disappointed with the ' of the Canal du N?d TrraT jtzts . tr -was devastating. Beyond thejresalt of Irish national seif-gov ago Tuesday the ffanartnn Corps efforts of stout-hearted machine? eminent and attnbate It Ten wrote int the history ef the Great': goEners. the enemy resisteoce was! largely to the fact that we did not War a chapter aialtn. far hardi- aot resolute; bet it stiffened as the control oar national credit on hood and cartas, has few parallels., Canadians acved ap the slope to-leaking the- separation. I maintain T?m K. rv,t.n. V. nrrc Ttmrfi. Ww4 in4 . LMSl a COmmUniVV Claiming SCU- ;rn rn vord tfcrfr thmrMr lrsed oct ta their wider front. government which shirks the res- 'niaee is asr rnilitarr tnt.bf i.ls:ced -sith ras sheH and the Can-i iDonsibUitT of taking control ofl its Qvn money is simwy not jii for'self-cuieiimesV - m j i . j . i i i a uctc. T'iniiwD iao creiiincacr vnauu tiiCLidru it uijLag urge K- - . Trhie. Uier irfnt abort it are pari tiie -sood CTti sach time as the dis-l Aaouirr lulrai 1 . "T I of a story whose wder grows with 5 sspattei cf the gas enabled them to.5" V . L 1 the years. When Geaeral Sir Ar- enter. " tier Currie. the Canadian Corps! From first to last the attack was , 7 , ,T Commander, propoteded his pian.a sss. Justifying U tte eonfl-i' h, "rtS to atteek aross the CenaL the wls-fdence which Sir Arthur Carrie had. . t irZZL .! est strategists against it couiserJed him .ministration, neither Communistic nor Fascist. Some, bottte-neck. sir Arthsri ioaawt oemacracT under the supervision of an outskien VX VJZl oojkcsis necessarjianta the cccntry gets-back into a iujjrt uhai cootuaon ziier me years oi aevastation. PRINCE RUPERT DEFENCES We- do not know whether, during the recent excite- Carps. ArtiBery Biz FacW Protlded be was jMcrestfoL the ? w siting U&jpt nukf fan out to tiie mrtward on eta limit the Can Ireposai I the Canadian troops. rt Much seTere fighting with bomb '7" . The Ca&il d Kord naked the 13:1 bayonet featured erery phase SGcame Canal with the Canal de la adTanre but the Canadians Sensee. 39 mfies apart. From PaB- oA. the yenctios point with the! triumph Canal de la Sensee in the north, to Marquion. on the Arras-Camhrai Road a distance of about six mfies, the Canal du Sard was flooded, wtHiW not be halted: Flushed with tires-at the end of the day. Beyond them rose the spires cf Cambrai the same four rvnupr with CUtcA Pn-o lA ne v . tercourse was dry. The Canal had. Valenciennes ,-ct ij'i:-. : v" n : vA at tte out- 'rXTr - "iVcu UA u.e erameni lacuon w On the Canadian ana witti -. a view to w coming to some definite utAiiU4.c arrangement AiKUicuicuijirsst jfrest the tne extent extent oi of the-TrMess Trsriessi they stood on all objec- The OCTTnlCTton depJored these attitudes In the course of its report and said such flews represent a complete misunderstanding nit only of the currency problem but aim of the legal position. From a four miles away. This was the roallWal nnir.t nf tiew Hre as a sot- that beckoned them since thatiereign body is free to determine the waters orerflewing for a con-l25011"11? on August 15 when they siderable dSstanee beyond both .crashed throcgh the enemy's Hne banks. South of Marqusoa. the wa-!645? Arras. After Cambrai After Valenciennes rT J "i . r- for the appointment of a small foreign committee to get was to the neighborhood of (Jla LOUlllTy jOCCCr the groups together and re-estabfeh a reasonable ad-l5500" And thrwsgn this mile; J Its own national currency and ta sofar as its own interests are concerned it chooses to adopt ex change stability, acting only in the same way as other countries which pursue the same objective "This relationship." said the commission. "faavolTes no direct Interference with the internal con dl lions of other countries by. fat instance, the Rank of Frufonrt, "The policy pursued by this bank .or. for that matter, the Exchange I Equalization Account is directed towards the attainment or general object! res such as exchange stabH Uy or the maintenance of sound credit conditions. "On a true understanding of tht position It is not possible to Eire any credence to the idea thai there- Is any Interference in the worfcirr. of Irish economy and finance by the Bank of England." Timely Recipes TOMATO JUICE-CUCUMBER. LIME 1 can ' 14 o2-' tomato Juice li cucumber 'chopped 4 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon fresh lime Juice Select a cucumber about seven Inches long. Cut In half, then peel and chop the cucumber finely Add the chopped cucumber to the to mato Juice and let it stand in refrigerator for at least one hour.! Then strain forcing- as much of the ! cucumber Juice through the sieve as i possible Add the salt and fresh' lime Juice and serve chined. ; Be wise. Read the want ads. Citizens of Prince Rupert! Face the Facts The Analysis-of Bulkley Valley Coal Takers by an Independent Authority Fixed Carbon 59.05 Volatile Matter . 28.30 Moisture 350, . Ash Heating Value . . . 13,02T B.T.U.'s More.Heat For Less Money. BUY BULKLEY VALLEY COAL SPORT CHAT Connie Mack, aged Philadelphia Athletics pilot, surprised the base- ; ball wona wnen ne announcea saie of Al Simmons. Mule Haas and Jim-Baakinr n Deplores " Cmmu-swrn Dykes to Chicago While Sox six London Uy Hare Bad Influence . t. m.. years ago Wednesday. The deal broke up the great Athletic machine that had von three sueceadve American League championships from 1129 to 193L The all-time major league home run record of hi. set by Babe Ruth In 1921. was smashed by the BaU himself at Kew York 11 yean art) yesterday, when he connected fat his 0th round tripper. From 1914 instil hb retirement eriy In Ruth hit ?U home runs. Or X Lee Rkhmondt w ho pitch - the first perfect major league baseball game on record, died it Providence. R. L. nine, year agJ todaT On June 12. 1CS0. Richmond twirtin? for Worcester, then holtf m a Katkmal League franchise, set Clereiand down with no runsl nc hits and not a man reaching firs ; base The feat has been accom- plished four times since j nissiMEO FOR SALE TWO Roomed furnished shack,1 Seal Cofe: Sellicy snap price Apply Seal Core Grocery. 2M ' FOR QUICK SALE Househoki, roods. 532 5th At e. Eait .30tf FOUND . 5DC Keys on white string. Owner war rihtnlri cs m Hir to rln trJl Uus adTertisement at Daily1 Newa AGENTS WANTED CHRISTMAS Card" salespeople: Biz profits now. Sell the most com-rlete Christmas- Card line. Make-bi money erery day showing, season's largest selection. Printed! to order Christmas cards, with, sender's name and address. De-( signed by leading artists, Tahiesj unequalled at our low prices.! Four attractive lines Including 25 for SI. 00 Personals. Also many different boxed assortments, all big money makers. Canada's favorite -2r card assortment is finest ever produced, sells for $1.00, your profit 50c. Make big raoner for Christmas. Start now Cash in on these fast selling lines published by the lareett company of Its kind In Canada Branches from coast to coast. Get easier orders. No experience J necessary. Write for free' sample' book. Agents also wanted hi smaller towns. Liberal- commission. Friendly service. Premier j Art Oufld. 57 Seymour St. Vancouver, i tf.' VenuTWANTED' WANTED Day work. Japanese girt. Phone Blue W7. (235).' WANTED WAItrED Small furnished house or apartment Phone Blck 707. " 229) WE HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN position aa Lei- j OLD JSJVZY TiJn ujuos or (of football 20 "J ;the We of Geor stepney ac- t nf 4 - game vhn k ' 'l eentlr .i . , of the w -. .. ." DANISH OPEN- COPENHAGEN B. Morgan o Abtrs., , won the Daniin r. Ail lour teams 01 the lnierpror ifcrmer Swedish incial Rcgby Football Union wep . . day when the Bit Four- eaecuthtl1" 01 Tt's-x- after a secret session announcer I uur- crieai. s 10 United States "imports" ineng Ible to play. Residence rulf TioU Uons lopped off three players each from Montreal and Hamilton and tvo each from Toronto Argonaut and Ottawa Roughriderx. Mrs Preltler 4 -1 '-11 - REX Bowling Allej roc HeaiUj rd I-:? B; For Resemtions rtoate FVcsh Local puwU Pasteurired Mil VALENTIN DAK! Pbooes If a H-r.airJ FOR SATISFACTION Try MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store! Where Dcz-s Hm it CenU Quality Groctrie Reliable Serrice Opposae "asartfj? NEW ROYAl HOTEL 3 Zarr ?ii.pru'3t v -A HOME AWAY rr.0 i HOME rtaie ft P SO Rnrr ? ! & Til iwie24tl r.o.rJ l! HYDE Transfer 31oSEC0NDAYE FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light De Coal Wood Phone 580 PERSONAL " REGtfLATION UIH"- ,rT" ter Carriers. Postal Clerka. Cua- " "TEW toms ExamJnerJ, Clerka. and T ttenuon Stcaographera, etc, and can netaT'TUherfes An help you. Write us for proof m-Councll No, and free informatioiu ll.aa "All PPuni . tn C,Md: : Soner of FUheri" PRIVATE HOME KINDERaAH- thisof October 195. TENS PAY. We start you; The licence Canadian Kindergarten TnitltniM rtr,,thP 3Ut day of 'ir(r-h 1 Winnipeg; U no applkaUon for a rc7rVd After 12 0 fWI,rrt Ltd. LOST Llp&ett (231) the Bth day of October 193J be approved." m ar iti LOST- 15-lewel Waltham watch. Datedat Vicwr-a-- between U. & I. Cafe and Lip- 01 Return Edward AssUUnt Cfs