PAGE TOTE vr leer Waterfront Whiffs Halibut Landings Qnite Heavy During Past Week New Aids to Navigation at Pacofi Much Fish Landed at Seattle Asur Rock, a red buoy with red, EzE.1 on the oortheast extreme nl Locke thjsal. a white beacon on the past eppoote this red buoy, a red tuoy wKb red Hght on the south east ledge of Locke shoal, a fclicfc fcooy with white ft?tt on the southwest extreme of Locke shoal and a f the steamer Prince Cteries: and for the funeral OLDEST ON NAAS RIVER red spar buoy about 280 feet north-1 Frank Bolton, Head of Naai N'a-west of the outer end of the wharf i ti. Dies at Age of Ninety OTer 90 years of age. George DaTidsoo. chief en?in-r He was in good health week ago when he XTTi while at K Quinamass " Ttr -r until a was strkker. at " m9 his RTTPQ CTTT T ! UUW U 1 IJLiJLi HAVE HOPES Broke Erts IVhh Cincinnati In Doable-Header While Cabs And Cards FIit U ' AH 0nt ' CINCINNATI, Ort 1: -CP' -One-and-a-half games still ser arates the leading Chicago Cubs ts . the National League Iron the With quite a number of the larger vessels of the Can- J second place Pittsburgh Pirate adian fleet landing catches prior to making their final I10 a char trips of the season to the banks, halibut arrivals at Prince ajL ' . . . -shea lost lira. t t j : 4i . a. i i t . issnr they the uperL uuruig me past wee were iainy neavy ai, a loiai qq, of t double-header to the Of 715,500 pounds. Of the week's total Of landings 156,- jcSncinnati Reds here yesterday bat 000 pounds was from Canadian vessels and 559,500 from i042 hack to uie second American. This brines the sea- .and slfll remain la the race. The son's azzregate landings at prinee?UjisJ1partotaned 2.K9SKO pounds at 'Cabs were lucky to paD up eren Rupert so far no to I2J08339 pounds as compared with 12365.-350 pounds at a correspondin z date last year. The Canadian landings so far this year amount to 5,602.- 650 pounds and American 6.565,900 an esamaiea uxaj Tarae 01 sugni- nia ine St. Locis carcmals too ly less than S259JB00. The total rep- had been leading thera S to I. the relented 139 trips and the arerage game being eaSed at the end of prxe was ID'tc per pound. Th-'tne ninth inning on account o! I landings at Seattle this September darkness with the count srrra-als were some 33L0O0 pounds than v,,r- re, t, . . 1 9 fiA" 1 41 I 9 pocnds ars azainsi 5J3iw pouncst yj-ut m uw mjsc mouuj and tZZTiXm pounds respectively J1 a hra totl TaJce National Learne last year. Darin? the week camel5 232j000. The price average! Pittsburg: 1-4: Cincinnati. 7-2. , annoonrmrat that fishme on the! this September was 34e per pound Chicago, 7: SC Louis, 7 (caSei banks of Area No. 3 woold be per- less than a year ago. Yesterday at al the end of the ninth Inning nissable until October 29 which isjSeattle only four small catches of aount of darkness). ten days later than last year. Prices iahbat, taken taddenial to cod Philadelphia -New York, cancel for fish held steady during the'nsh1 w landed, the total be-led 00 account of rain week with the top bid of the weeka? 350 pounds and the price! American Learae for Canadian halibut 8ie and 5e ranting from 10lic to 19c ' Si- loais. 5-3. CScago, 7-3 sec naid the Gulrik for 2Ij0O0 Dounds' Tbre were no haSbut arrrrals 0011 ame caEed at the end of the and thr w Tc anri 5c r-irirf h-r at Prince RuDert todaT so there was ?ttht inning on account of dark the Joe Baker for 2jOOO pounds. For j no sale at the fish exchange. American fish the highest price of. the week was 95c and 6-; naid the Th Canadian Fisheries Assoc Bonanza for 24300 rounds and the'ation 1115 set aaart next week a low 7c and 5c which the Argo re- Caliada"s fish'week for 1333. ceiTed for 29,000 pounds. Sereral cf the Prince Rupert halibut Tes te Is hare been continuing cod fish ing in Area No. 2, bringing in smaU amounts of halibut incidental thereto. . On her way from Queen Charlotte Wtnd krzzbiz camps to the PcwsB Ri"T jofl! with a tow of fcr- " '-f; at nBjains Cot th T-Tr-p rwr trr St Taith Tar to -rt -;ifay nrsming for. fuel and supplies. I The Indian Drnartmrat miwr I Washington - Boston, postponed cn account of rain. Naskeena. after an absence from port of two weeks taking Capt, Gerald H. Barry of Vjctorti. i-w-t ? of Indian schools to Kitt?nat- ... Hartiey Bay and other xfBsxx.aTZ down the coast, returned to port rrz cn Thursday night of this week. ancnnaU Baseball Standings Laclvdror Testertiay Sewes NatMiiaL Boston CPJL stonier Princess LouiseJst. Loais ' Capt. & K. Gray, is due in pert Brooklyn at 9 n'rVirV tcmorrm r-Jn"-fn- m-.,,,, iiuiuiiun CTneland D-trott Washington Chicago t Louis Philadelphia, W I Iron: the south and wiH saE an American Leaeoe jhour or so later for Skagway and New York white buoy with red Bzht on' othr Alajkin pcints. Btoa Jl -83 .93. 7 S5 82 73 52 53 52 L 1 52 67 63 77 73 9 79 J67 83 45 103 Lutheran Ladies' hare been placed In Sehryn Inlet,i iAiJ T C Queen Charlotte Tiiar-f to mark) occured on Tharsdaj ' tlX 111 UcSSlOU the channel leading to the wharf l: Kincohth of Frank Bolter, ! at Pacoa it is announced. Tfcere,'Tliakhat. head chief of tht'In aais to narigation win be main- inc ol he Nishga nation talsed by the British Corumbia Decca-5d the oldest hring na- Packers. ttre on the Naas Rixer, being wenl .51 60 64 m 74 81 95 Pet S3 Ml 341 313 4 4M 301 395 -57 Ml .Of .347 Gadron Hansen is Holder Of Lceky RafHe Tkket For Ftsh Cake Dinner Baffle FoDowing a regular meetinz of the Ladies Aid of St Pauls Luth- 'eran Church at the home nf ir ' ' - ia - assirani engineers. K. P. WHEams. . fv,F L. Peterson Thnrsrfa F. C. Salter and R. F C Baldrr ,rfTe ne VTa" "7 to mo drawinz took , saaed ThursdaT nlsht m th:" lic "-o ior at- ivhirh h.w .u. . night raffl roivn ftnm CTans. th .. w uuorun huismi tm o ,t Prince Charks has been tied up in tdryfdock here f3r the winter. "of Pillowslips and linen , scarf Re- Boi Twt,w... ton's death ,v, remoTes or nf . . the real old timers, he bein tV K and an en" .-wv... remaining man who yean T "" 6pOTl. . arrlnaVlOo-ckSule to SIIS day night and. after dg'ohfr f " -- - ' -"..RUMli Ac . . . . . v v .gun cc xwoaiUu k'vcu tuu siancs, to Klncolith Isr transshipment east orer Can-i first Christian Tillage. ailin National Railways, sailed at I A 04117 of ftIloT tribesmen were 5 o'clock. yeJlerday Seattle. morning for in town yesterday getting supplies JOLS LONDON SCOTS and feast whUhiufu ,,vl ' . ." . i will win be be an elaborate affair HU U, , V ocwusn tn- iFandson. R. s"SS ofSt cifeJ SfT this' n.u.11 uauuii wi locar atard th r,tv..i ... Halibut landings at the port of patrol boat Metra to be abiT' lt to "P1 Scot Seattle for the month of September! attend the funeral on Monday 1 THE DAILY NEWS Man in the Moon Next week is parent - teachei week and afeo fish seek. Endeatl) ; the fishing firTwtrj will be asi-i ins parents aad teachers to bep; secure the rnninnfinn ot fish Jake sajs he sorae thtaj fishy htBaSfeo. thinks there aboot the Office Bar low writ came ir. to tttmU Bocmtng. sir. bo. I knewyywice basy so I swaged to set her oat of the office Bass Hzsxa! Where did you ge' thai mrrri nnai i Sale&sas This fire-nghUng ap-paratas wM be in use in 54 yean ue Qderty Bai 59 years 'ime I shal ami be here. SiPnaan inlwmdersiandmg Bat madam, k is so hcht and corieuttm y5f amid carry it any where you go. If B men were hke Wlffian HsrwMa. of Ltsich. 34assadmK- 'Hts, manufastarers of steeping for Hrtwtti's ear ran off the "Gosh! Tra a snood steeper was al Hartwitz faidL The same was Terr one-sided Jati after half-time the captain f the kMeng team approached the referee. "I say, can we hare an other tnUT" "Wht-do yoa want another ban for?" the astonished referee asked. Wea." grumbled the captain those chaos waat that one al to heraserres." A5 she entered the fahkiaaHr niBinert -shop the manageress eooed forward to serre her. 2JK30 hat "Yes. madam." Tif onned her. this afternoon." from Paris." the manageress "Good." the airl exclaimed, as he remTed her hat. "I wish to try them on." Briggs: -Yoa-re looking btee, boy What's wron??" Thompson: "Oh ray wife Reach the raust people in IfjSHAP iPOWDER Iks BtV mikor fmoul WMW BURTON" type ALE ' "" ML KR 5PKI.NQ STOCT CaaadUn 1t that it and matartxl to a rfcre p-rrfrt-llon la oat of the mnt aJTB brewrriea on lt Pari fie CoatU Try 5am Today 1 umeJt, ottmlntter Bnwtry LImltni gtAs 4 ecxnxi U .W -AJM SAJB4. ANDREW PIES Order Your Chicken Pies Now for Tbanksriring A Hot Time I IVhat You Want This Winter Too can get it by using our famous Edson, Bulkley Valley r Nanaimo. Wellington coaL PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 or 5S8 Holland Bulbs Tulips, Narcissus, Daffs. Get 1 Yocr Early Forcing Bulbs Now for Xmas Bloom i W. GAIR L norbt THIRD AVE. hasV gone into hospital, ray son tot his Job yesterday, ray daughter hat mumps, cook has left as and to crown it all Jenkins beat me 5 and and district with an advertisement in the Daily News. CALCUTTA ARRIVALS 3& I 1 I Warren Pershing son of General John Pershing, commande of the American expeditionary forces dunng the World War. Is too, raowea aorrn m ieet Oi iear i 0. hts brtd. unus uiu ime ceaK Msriel' rosts and crashed against a teie-l grarh poie Hartwttz stesft thrwrh it alL A castas motorist woke him op 5 Be Sure To Visit ! . the formtr Richards of New York. dtseoiharking from an Imperial Airway flying boat on their arrival at Calcnttv India. They are travelling around the world on their honeymoon, using aircraft wherrer possible. Prairie Weather Is Very Mild First Year in Twenty That Alberta Has Had No Frost in September EDMONTON. Oct 1: CP t This was the first September In the last twenty years that no frost was ex- I see by yoar adrertisements.N J the Prince of Al- -that 111 iasxaioon tne prerious the girl said, yov bare re-'0"- Hies oaie xor me ion frost 01 the fan was September 23 to 19201 ALMER'S Coffee Shoppe Corner THIRD and SIXTU .? The Brightest and Most up to City I J. the Minute Eating Place in ranee Rupert Open 7 ajn. to 2 a.m. WAW.'.W.V.VWAVi'WJW PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD a Set Mlafaag Mahlary. OniittM. THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye. PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the unly salmon canning company with an all the year rcj&d payroll la Prince Eapert Civil Case To Prince George Taking of Eridrare in Kyle-Jamie-son Damage Action WU1 Be Completed There i The only einl case at the fall session of the Supreme Court As-siK-s here, that in Which W J Kyle, telegraph operator at Mc Bride was suing Thomas Jamie-son McBride hotel proprietor. lot $5000 damages arising out of ar assault at McBrtde on May 2t which defendant admitted, wa 'adjourned to Prince George for : further eridence after the bulk of the testimony had been beard by Mr Justice H. B. Robertson yesterday afternoon. After the en-dence. has been completed, there will be a written argument. J. T. .HarTey is counsel for Kyle and J. jO Wilson of Prince George for iJamieson. RADIO SHOW 19 Is Now On Electric and Nine Battery Models Priced from $29.95 to $307.00 111 I RAILWAY I UStS To MST TLMES Z Shows, T0XlCh This is . Contest Pktart y flKt'BBM mat oaaaar aar jibi.ii At?a- l r , Cartoon Coraulf jw Model rKG-JlUil RCA VICTOR Presents so complete a line that you will find in it your full requirements both in price and quality Don't Experiment When You Put Your Money Into a Radio R-C-A. Victor employs 400 men the year around d reserci work. They do the experimenting. When you inrest ..1 12 RCA Victor radio you absolutely know that you haTe tide rtr. utet and best that the world pro Tides. Your radio also J 'be eetrtst to trouble-free that the ingenuity of man has been sVM. dertse. In Erery Instance R.CA. Vktors Art -Made Just a little Better Than Seems Necessary Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacife Yanrourer rta Ocean Pans and War Parts 85. 'tf&n Adelaide" Eeerr Friday II pjn. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT PRLNCESS LOUISE September 7th, 17th, Z7th " October 7th, 18th CenneeUens at Vaneoorer with Canadian ?aelfle Rerrkei Tickets and EeserraUons Fram VS. L. COATES, General Agent. prince Bapert B-t December Frozen HERRING BAIT Cold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Gold Storage Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. IX you lose anything-, advertise for it.