hree Lots Sold Sale' Held' Yesterday j . . . - . l : being sold. Louis Amadlo pur- A lnf 1 Mrulr Hi spitlnn fn 73 and Thecv Collart' lot 4; Llir UI 117 jif c-iwin vase;. 4 it urn Vttwvn 4r iViA 4 Aft .11. f 4M Dt.lHnUi4nAt ! 4. AFRICAN SKIING PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY 223 6th Avenue West Pastor W. J. FRIESEN Services Sunday, October' 2nd' 11:00 ajn. Subject "Love to Man" 2:00 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class 7 30 p.m. The 141,000 Who Are They?" Special Singing at the Evening Service We Welcome You Congolcum Mats 18x36. Each linoleum .Mats 18x36. 4 Piece Double Wedding Held On Friday: A quiet double wedding took place at the local. headquart- er& of the Salvation Army on Friday afternoon when the contracting parties were Wil- Ham Smart and Margaret Rob- lnson and Thomas Danes and Helen Muldoe, all of Hazelton. Captain Ivan Halsey, local commandant performed the 4 ceremony. STUDY INSURANCE PLAN' ..1.1 fUU. I la..M tilttMirwnnn a. . snnv he sport an excellent season,! contributory Insurance scheme i - " - I being considered by the Players Eerybody reads the Daily News. Union, according to Secretary BEDROOM SUITE To Clear $59.50 !: -Jes Ded, Chiffoneer, Vanity and Bench. Allowance for your old one. Floor Mats 45c 25 c Spring Filled Mattresses S17.50, $20-00, $22.00 and $35.00 Enterprise OIL HEATER Circulating Type Vou Can Toss Your I K'atinRI'rolilcniS' Overboard With This New Enterprise Oil Hurmn CiftuUitbr XTrv iMiim xrrv firrwttr. Vm ICJlIE'a A.l V.... n..t 1..L.4 IKn llnnl Vim U'nnf lllll 1 111 illlDl lilt i-tn. uu ii tun All you have to do is turn the handy dial. You can throttle your Enterprise down to a small fire in mild weather or turn it up to top heat for cold days. With Enterprise you get clean healthful just right heating comfort all the time. Ifosaves oil too because you can turn it down low When only a little heat is needed., The new Enterprise burner gives an amazingly quick; heat easily regulated,, tlirifty, efficient, silent and! safe. Built to last, it' gives unsurpassed performance. The body finished in soft brown baked krinkle finish with flashing plate door and grills and black porcelain enamel legs. A beautiful piece of furniture. PRICE TIIM)I ....... $ 69 Always Do .Belter' At ELIO'S Hours 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. :'i ,; LOCAL NEWS NOTES i , ! Cash for Old Oold'. Bulger's, tl Mrs. A; Ness returned to the" city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. in? Varden Singers will resume re- hearsals.Oct. 7, 8 p.m; Anyone Interested please communicate with Peter Lien. (231) W. H; Wilson-Murray returned1 to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a vaca tion trip as far south- as Sacra-mentai California. Miss Marybelle Stiles sailed1 last night on the Princess Adelaide for Victoria to attend' art? Anglican Young People's Association conven tion.. Miss Jessie Rothwell returned to the city on the Princess. Adelaide yesterday afternoon after spending th summer in Regina and Van couver. H. A". Helnrich, Fred Jackson, Lawrence E. Macey, Hector McDonald and Judson E; Palmer left last night on the Princess Adelaide for Ocean Palls, returning home from serving on' the Jury during the Stanley Townsend, who has been assistant to Dr. J. T. Mandy, resident raining engineer, during the summer, left last night on the, Princess Adelaide for Vancuver to continue hls studles at' the' University of British Columbia. JameS Olllett; Indian Agent at Bella Coola, after a' brief visit to the city In connection with one of the' cases af the Supreme Court Assizes, sailed by" the" Princess Adi lalde last' night on; his return down the coast. William Parmeri and' Mrs. Dominic Sorrenll arrived' In the' city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from Vancouver, having been called here on account of the death of their mother, Mrs. Marie Parmerl, whose" funeral took place this morning. A light white frost; the first so far this season, came during the night to certain portions of thr city. No damage has, as yet, been done to gardens. If clear weather conUnues during the days. Increase Ing frosts at night may be ex-oected. Dr. G. E. Derby, medical superln tendent of the Bella Bella Hospital and Miss Ida Cannlff R-N- actinp lady superintendent, having been here as witnesses at the Supreme 'tourt Assizes this week, sailed by .he Cardena last night on their return to Bella Bella. Announcements All advertisements In this col-amrt will be' charged' for!' full month at 25e''wortf: Eagle's Bridge, October 5. Grocery Shower, Ridley Home, October 6. Eastern Star tea, Masonic Hall, October 6, Mrs. Parker presents Ml dady's Trousseau. Presbyterian Tea "The Manse" October 13. Canadian Legion w; A. Bazaar October 19. United Anniversary Supper Oc tober 20: Hospital Auxiliary Tea' Nurses' Home, October 21. St. Peter's Parish Hall Dance, October 21. . Lutheran Bazaar October 22. Hill 60 Tea October 27. Sonja's Bazaar' November' 4. Baptist Bazaar November 8. Presbyteriart' Bazaar Nov: 10; Cathedral Chrlstnfas''Bazaar November 17.- St. Peter's Church Bazaar Nov- Ltnhr 24. Phone 112 Taxi; new heated cars.' Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Armstrong of Port Simpson, after spending a few1 days in the city, left yesterday on their return home. COA1. Nanaimo' Wellington Lump, Interior Sootless, I'ea Coal for automatic stokers, Nut and Egg Coal fof ranges. Albert & MeCaffery. Phone 116. t.f. Henry Whittaker, provincial architect, vrtid has" been here to Inspect progress of construction of the new hospital, sailed by the Princess Adelaide last night on his return to Victoria. Mr. and' Mrs. J. Ellis Morris are moving shortly from the Currle Bungalow Court on'McBrlde Street to Atlln Avenue, Westvlew. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. St. Clair will take the residence they are vacating. Mrs. R. A. Wagner sailed last night on the Cardena for Namu Cannery where she will be met by Mir. Wagner who Is foreman of the Canadian Fishing Cb.'s cannery at Goose Bay, Rivers Inlet. Mr. and Mrs. .'Moran arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from Victoria for a visit. Mr. Moran was former ly keeper of Green Island light house. Decree absolute was granted by Mr. Justice H. ,B. Robertson in Supreme Court yesterday afternoon In the divorce petition of Samuel Wise Turner vs. Sarah Turner in u;hloh T. W Pntmnrp "K C. anioA ne 1 counsel for petitioner. Eddie Ben-Ison was cited as 'co-respondent and the petition was unopposed; Mr. Justice HT. B: Robertson, fol lowing conclusion yesterday after noon of the fall session of the Su Dreme Court Assizes here, left' by last evening's trairi for Prince George wliere court' will' convenr next week followed by a session at Quesnel. The official court report- rfi H. LanfrleyV will leave for Prince George on Afonday evening's train Captain G. H. Barry, inspector of 'ndian Schools for British Columbia, who arrived from Bella Coola Jn the Naskeena Thursday night accompanied by James Gillett, Indian Agent there, is leaving tomor row morning accompanied by Indian Agent W. E. Collison for Kin-colith for Inspection duties on the Naas River. Major MacKay O.B.E. Tndian Commissioner, who was to have made the trip with Inspector Barry has wired that he is sorry 'lhat, owing to pressure of business he is unable to visit the Naas Riv- sr points but that he expects to arrive in Prince Rupert next FrI day when he will visit Port Simp son and other local reserves. Hotel Arrivals ' Savoy i Miss Jane Spalding. Port Esslng-ton; Amos Vickers, Bella Bella; N McCarthy, Oona River: H. Mathe. son, Stewart; Mrs. J. Prevost, Invert Reyal Ben Austnes, T. Hpoden, H, Un-eylca, T. Olsert, N. Shuyer, C. M Ross and George Wicks, city; Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Johnson, Port Simp son; A. Morris and S. H. Alton, Vancouver; J. Yoklmer. L. M Greene and C. W. Ferry, McBrlde; Ed Lee, Dunster; A. E. Leary, Tete Juane; A. S. Cook, Prince George; Earl Kingsley,.Stewart. ; Prince Rupert ! P. Mercer, W. McMillan and F. C. Freeman, Port Simpson; J. Gillett, Bella Coola; N. P: Steacy, Mr. and ' Mrs. G. A. Hull, H. B. Thompson and J. Turner, Vancouver? Henry jWhlttaker. Victoria; J. O. Wilson, Prince George: R. Moore, Smithers; George Little, Terrace. The Dally Nws is an A. B. C paper. Powder" Puff Beauty Shoppe Permanents, Marcels, Finger-wayes, ettf. ..Children's Haircuts, a Speelaltyj St, 4 j riione Green 883 for Appointment Muriel Kby . .il3.X4th.E. Novemtfer Customs Revenue Is Higher Total Was $20,441X0 In Compari son With $12,573.81 in Same Month a' Year Ago Customs and excise revenue' at the port of Prince Rupert for the month of September amounted to $20,441.60 as compared with $12,-$73.81 in the same month last year. So far this year the revenue totals $144,318.65 as against $151,520.48 In the first nine months of 1937. Weather forecast General Synopsis The pres sure Is rather low southwest .of Vancouver Island and cool showery weathef prevails in most parts of British Columbia, Prince Rupert and Queen Char- Iotta Islands Light to moderate northwest winds, mostly cloudy and cool. West Coast of Vancouver Island Shjawery with mist at first ahd men moderate soutnwest winds and clearing at night. Emest Cromwell, for drunken ness, was fined $25, with option of seven days' imprisonment, In city police court this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McKay ar rived in the city today from Clax-ton, where they have been spend ing the summer, and will leave Dn Monday for their home at Greenville on the Naas River. Alex McKenzie", a new member, gave an autobiographical talk at the weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club Thursday. President W. L. Coates was In the chair and there was a good attendance of members. . CRAFTS MRS. EDGCUMBE Classes in Leather Work Metal Modelling Phone BLACK 836 Walker's Music Store Large" Stock' Music Heintzmari, Nordheimer and Lesage Pianos Piano Tuning with "nesonoscope Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. Music Kuth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. Phone Green 390 1 . A.T.C.M. PIANO THEORY OF MUSIC All Subjects Classes for Beginners Diller Quaille Method Phone BLUE 997 Mrs. Bernard Lundahl' Voice Production PIANO and THEORY Phone GREEN 991 431 4th Ave. West KEN RAYNER1 For Your RADIO SERVICE .MODERN EQUIPMENT REASONABLE RATES Thone BLACK 712 r PAGE THBFiif! W oodburys Special Woodbury's Facial Soap v. Cream 50c Jars with two cakes. ' J ,.; cakes Woodbury's Facial Soap ,1. All for 47c LIFEBUOY SPECIAL k tifebuoy Shaving Cream and1 oner . cake Lifebuoy Soap Both for 35c William's y SHAVING BLADES1 teather Honed; Afade of finest surgical steel .V 5 for 25c ; Start the Day with a Smile W SMILE RAZOR BLADES 5 for 15c OrmesLtd. "Jim Pioneer Drtu&ists The iteitU Store r hones: II U Open Daily1 From bjo. till 10 p.m. 8undys and' Holidays From 12 noon till t 7 pint, till 9 p.m. SIMMON S MATTRESSES' Slumber' King1 Spring- . UNION STEAMSHIPS Hbri. W. Jl ASSELSTINE, Minister." 1.1' V-i. J.' iT MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE $14.25 Slumber-Kinf . Spring-Filled Mattresses -,-.. . $2 jf5(' Other Ma.tre.sse, 7.50, 12.50, $ifM Phone 775 Simmon's there' Is no Better 327 TIIIltD; AVErflJli ' i ... - - i .... LTD Steamers teave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S:CATAX EVEUVTUES- T.S.a CARDENA FRIDAT, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due' Vancouver, Monday ailair. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office' Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From At W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent; Third Ave. Phone 5tt THcre" Arc Many Opportunities to Increase Voiir Trade , . n WRITE VICTORIA Information is Available The Government of the Province maintains ltttrt.. Victoria a Bureau of Trade Extension for tBe lv ' v two-fold purpose of promoting the sale of British Columbia products In foreign and domestic markets and of providing authoritative Information with regard to the many and varied' industrial opportunities which await capital and enterprise. DEPARTMENT OF TRADIiiAND INDUSTRY, Victoria, &' C. i CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS'and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. & BLACK K Q. ROWEBOTTOM, ' Deputy Minister. ' lit 1 J lit UWLiUJUlV Optometrist RoyalBank Bidr. It's interesting to know when reading the baity Newi that the people of tho whole district are doing the; tktnk