JOR Sale boat 1938. LOCAL NEWS NOTES PERSONAL Prnvlnrlnl r' tir t collector of " J u.c w. uurne jarm ,.r.i H h. McLeod, , cf pf Mil , , to th th Day was a passenger ar- and so nttotf reamed eity on ..he ttinc Jw ftiTer on the Catala yesterday afternoon from a brief trip to Ketcni- tnnoon ' tan. Tt . - - . ..... p ti Ttoadlev arid uonn ana Bearg of Mr au .U Vancouver wete guests and brief U E2B In toTnco 5 ch "?e Prince Rupert Oyr tnroog " " - ujud loaay. President D. 0, Uor to .pend the summer vacation. , Un, ,n the I Miss Lillian Moss, who has Deem R.guiar monthjy meeting of the' .pending a vacation visumg uv Junior section of the Prince' Rupert Stewart, returned to the city yest- chamber of Commerce have been afternoon on the Catala td suspended for erday the summer and will resume her nursing duties at the be resumed ln September. There prince Ruiert Oeneral Hospital. no mfeting jast evenlng. j jwas .-a Mrs Tt n Rrrlvener oi i Mrs. A. J. Dlllaboueh. wife of If this hot weather If itm von limo and exhausted, it'i g iure sign of an over, hfated body, The natural thing to do ii w fake an eftttive alkalizing corrective lite Eno'i "Fruit Salt", which gentry re-moves sluggish wastes whkh overheat the boat, neutralize excess arid ami cools you through and through. Eho contains no sugar , nothing harsh of harmful and forms no habit. During the hot weather drink Eno morning, noon and night, or whenever you feel the need for a refreshing alkalizing drink. Its pleasant "Fruit Salt" tang drives thirst away instantly: right away yotf feel clean and cool deep down inside. Eno Li the original alkalizing corrective and for years and years Eno in water has been the favourite refreshment among white residents in the sizzling tropics. It' a natural way to keep cool! Hotel Arrivals , Australia, a..ctrn- arrived arrived In ln the the Constable Dlllabough of Anyox, who V. England, Port Esslngton; Sydney st Vancouw. R Qodr elty on me rrmce U,Br . tmget aboard the yesterday morning from Vancouver In the, afternoon going through to Vancou- tourse of a tour of United States' ver. ind Canada and will proceed by"! ... . t. tJnfirl City police officers last evening Ms "'"brought in to the station a de- nery; R. Wicks, city. tnroute East. They will go as lar enlpd Chlnaman who nad Joeked Prince. Rupert is New York and return nome san trig from California. ClAssiFitD FOK SALE LEST WK FORGET Members af the Canadian Legion. Central C. Godfrey, P. Taylor and Dan Healy, city; A. Miltchln, A. Flatekval and Alfred Flatekval, Edmonton, Knox Mrs. Manlove, North Pacific Can- hims?lf ln a room of the King Tal M. McArdle, K. Winters, F. W. building on Fulton Street. It was 'Cad well, Frank Taaffe dnd N. Ped- necessary to bteak down a donr ln ersen, Vancouver; W. J. Currle, Mill .order to apprehend the Oriental. , Bay; Frank Barber and S. A. Cun- f I llffe, Smithers; Mrs. E. M. Hurley and Mrs. E. R. Rockafellow, Phila delphia; Mr. and Mrs. S. Magoffin, D.ESJ will fall ln at the B.C. Un-' Deerwood. Minn.; Mrs. M. K. Bates idertaking Parlors at 5:20 p.m. to- and J. Cathral, Smithers; Mr. and day and parade to the Canadian Mrs. J. J. Moroney. Topley. - National Railway station to pay last' Royal i tributes to our late Comrade, Bill P. Wezek. C.N.R. '.Service. Berets will be worn. savoy . ' I S. Lestander and family, Surf k cheap, Chn,P' 51, P Rev. Q. H. Moody, Anglican Pomt; Mr. and Mrs. D. Pilsudny, Phone toneBluem Jfi church rector at Stew-art for sever-: Kltwanga; S. Dzrapka, CJ.R.; J. FOR SALE- -33 ft. Trolling Boat. 10: al years, and Mrs. Moody and son Olson, Vancouver; Allan Brooks. hp engine. Snap for cash. Apply were passengers aboard the catala ton aimpson, airs. j. uuoen, icic-Joe Howe, Northern Exchange, yesterday afternoon going through raph Point; Mrs. Martin Miller and Cow Bay 1159) to Vancouver. Mr. Moody Is tak- Maryann Miner, cuy. lng a year's leave of absence ow FOR SALE--15Vi ft. pleasure boat.-. tQ mQSg Cabin, 5 h p, Kelvin engine, re- i cenUy overhauled.. Phone Blue ; Tq fee engaged ln speclai duty f0r' TO between 6 and 7 pm. t!61. lhe summer at varlous salmon nsh-; RUBBER Goods of every descrlp- j lng centres In the district, a num-tbn mailed in plain wrapper, Jber of provincial police probation-postpaid by us. Write for mp.n'ers arrived here on the Prince order catalogue, saving 50. P.O.- George ihls morning from Vancou- T1NTAGEL Miss Kay Manson left for Van couver by car enroute to Victoria to attend the Nomal Summer School Box 91, Mall Order Dept. V, ver. Others disembarked at Ocean therp she wJn return to her home Hamilton, Ont. U60I Falls to be assigned to that area. t Nanalmff early in August. FOR RENT Miss Phyllis M. Taylor, who has The Everett and Middleton fam- been here for the past year as an JUes ylsited IIouston on the hoilday. exchange teacner on me su m ROOM and Hoard In private home Hnrden Street School, will sau imS The Vande Vcen IamUy wlth 814 2nd. Ave. over Feed Store. afternoon on the Princess i young Master Bonner as guest. 1W) for Vancouver. Miss Taylor ' the holiday attending the T. proceed East from Vancouver ana I Burns Lake Dominion Day sports, for tor ,m v..u lw in ln Pnlpnrv calearv. Loydmlnster Lnvdmlnster! FOR RENT Furnished Suite r?".m0niWf"g,CM,; dT0"tonthewiytoMnt:el1( Mrs. p. M. Stearns and children IU "u of Mr. and Mrs. were the guests Avenue Avenue vv w (155 uds (155y tv.. the freighter iv.f, Manchester Mnnohester Regiment Regiment . . ... f ... .... for England. n. G. V andersluys will be the WE HAVE HELPED HUNDUKDf speaker tomorrow at the regular TO OBTAIN positions as Lei-(weekly luncheon of the Prince Ru-Ut Carriers, Postal Clerks, Cuv .pert Rotary Club. He will describe toms Examiner, -Clerks, and' tn Leeward and Windward Islands Stenographers, etc., and cart (ln"(he Car,bbean Sca which, in the Schools Ltd.. Winnipeg. Oldest Ivlsltcd. The new president, W. L. In Canada, ti iCoates. will be ln the chair. Harry Nicnoiis, ijurns wkc, oyci the holiday. At the regular church service held in the school on Sunday the pastor, Rev. F. Bushfleld, was assisted by Rev. J. Parker, United Church minister of Wartime, Sask. A solo by Mr. Parker was also much enjoyed. Beautiful flowers graced the port-j able pulpit. Mrs. F. M. Stearns pre- j lded at the organ. THE DAILY N7W3 mil i ii j,iui '- END KEEPS YOU COOL Woman's Auxiliary Wife Divorces Hears Missionary iCCF.- Chieftain Miss M. Good Gives Interesting! Description of Work in India i described how marriages used to be arranged for young girls at fourteen. The talk was Interspersed with amusing incidents of the dally life at the school and of sleeping on the roof during the hot weather. Beautiful embroidery done by the pupils was shown and greatly admired. At the close of the address Mrs. C. V. Evltt moved a hearty vote of 'thanks to Miss Good for her address and dainty refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Woman's Auxiliary members. Reach the mosv people io citj and district with aii aovertlsement In the Daily New Announcements All advertisements ln this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a. word. Anglican Tea, Mrs. F. M. Good, July 28. HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 Decree Granted Mrs. Telford With Alimony f $1A0 per Month X" Supre2 a , The members of St. Andrew's! l&tKMV" Woman's Auxiliary and their f V?' friends met at the- home of Mw.lJ Ch!!f Ju Aulay , Morrison to( J. B. Olbson on Tuesday afternoon i Mrsnoren,Mtry,tlford0 to listen to a most 'interesting ad- i pr- mes Lyle Telford, a C.C.P. ln thi$ vlnce. The Tel- dress by Miss M. Good on her work Pf fords were married in 1913 In Port In ias a missionary ln India. a. vivid way Miss Good told of belrg!HoPe- Ontario. Custody of a nine-Un charge of a s chool there and teen-year-old son was awarded to Mrs. Telford. The suit was unde fended. Alimony of $150 a month was ordered by Chief Justice Aulay Morrison. Union Steamships Ltd, SAILING CANCELLED The Union Steamships Ltd. regret to announce that the sailing of the SS. Catala on Friday, July 8th out of Vancouver will be cancelled. This will mean that there will be no Union steamer arriving In Prince Rupert from the south on Sunday, July 10th and no steamer of the same line out of Prince Rupert for the south on Tuesday, July 12th. This will also cancel the sailing north from Prince Rupert on Sunday, July 10th. The Catala will resume service leaving: Vancouver on Friday, July 15th PERMANENT WAYES Mrs. Crlttall formerly of the Hudson Bay Beauty Parlor of Vancouver will be glad to have you call at the Rose Marie Beauty Salon and give you advice for your next Permanent Wave. Specializing ln all textures of hair. For Appointment Phone 94$ Upstairs over the Cut Rate Shoe Store The Finest PIANO TUNING In the country can be yours, as done with the "Resonoscope" by G. C. WALKER Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bid;. I BBBBBjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRaaBBllBlBBBBBBBBBBi " KEEP COOL-COOK-WlfH ELECTRIfiill Why swelter over a hot, old-fashioned stove when you can have the cool comfort of modern, FAST, electric cooking? We have the newest makes with new, fast EAQTI The new E,ectric Ranges 8've you , ! cooking heat almost as fast as switch and there jou can bat an eye turn the No4 time lost. The kill There's no waiting. range ii read; to cook the moment you art! elements that save money on current. As little as $10 Down will install one in your kitchen with convenient, easy terms for the balance. EAkll There's no cleaner way on earth CLE "I AH ! t0 cook than with an Electric Range. Scouring ii out! Blackened curtains and walls go for good. Electric heat permits no soot, no dirt. It save work every day of the weekl LWY VaWiJ I . actuaiiy Jave you money! The new electric ranges are so efficient that electric bills remain pleasantly low even though you cook from morning until night 1 . , iaajaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarT bbbbbbbbi HrBWBfflWiM'liLiJili Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited coot arid kJnJl- muscles Premium Canadian wktat l ot o? Nature' ftstit foodi fr ltr9. Klfo99'i Alt-WHEAT brine, yea oil tk eerltfcleg 9odeei ef tklt whele-jeme feed la dtllclee, craachy flake. riHa.lrAcknlvurttr0- cer'. Made by Kefloga. la Londeri. Oat. BULDS BIG MEN PHONES 18 and 84 MS!' FAMILY SODAS is.c. Perpicg. P. O. BOX 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Established Since 1910 Independently Owned and Operated SHAKER SALT Purltj. 2 for 13c FRENCH'S MUSTARD -i n With spoon. Jar ... 4 STAR DRESSINCl Oa 16 02. Ith Salad bofrl PALMOLIVE SOAP-4 for 23c ENO'S FRUIT SALTS"9Qrt Bottle JELLY POWDERS Mai kin's Best. 5 for 19c B'AklNCf P6WDER Blue Rlb-bon. 12-oz. IQn tin M.UK, FRY'S COCOA V2-lb. tin 21c . Ulb. tin . 39e WESTON'S CRACK- 4 ff gi . ERETTES Per pkg. LIBBY'S TOMATOE fQp JUICE Picnic. 3 tlnsl,' riANSLlCK For lhe fiafids. Pef tin 25c 21c LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE lc SALE Buy 1 for 25c arid get one for lc. Complete Stock of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables In Season at Low Prices QUALITY SERVICE PRICE FREE DELIVERY ON $1.00 ORDERS Two Telephones (.For Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders, Receive Prompt and Careful Attention MILK We Have Grade "A" Raw and Pasteurized "Milk Daily From Our Own Herd Phone Ked 60S For Better Dairy Products Dominion Dairy Destroys Flies And Other Insects 16 oz. FLY-KIL and attachable 'anraVerv J Both for 59c Ormes Ltd. TZtift Ptoriecr DruQpt'ats The tiW Store Phones: 11 11 Open Dallj From t a.m. till II p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 1 sj.m, 7 p.m. till 9 pan. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE 5 BEDROOM SUITES Walnut. 4 pieces. CQ9 tZft VOO.DU From ..i. r 3 DINETTE SUITES Walput, 6 pieces. $112 00 6 CHESTERFIELD SUITESi-2 and 3 pieces. S65 00 " ' From )!.".. Terms Can Be Arranged On Easy Payments Phone 775 327 THIRD AVENUE r