t III F DAILY EDITION From If You Have Toot Troubles, See Us AMILY SHOE STORE LI The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PK1NCE UUPEIir - BRITISH COLUMBIA TOURIST IiUSINESS i Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avsnue H. F PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor News Department Telephone 86 Advertising and Cuculatiun Telephone J8 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulation! Wednesday, April 13, 1938. Ever' spring the business peonle V Prince Runert register protests against the time allowed in Prince Ru DKLADIER SUPPORTED ' The new prime minister of France, Edouard Deladier, started out in the premiership yesterday with excellent prospects. As published in this paper yesterday, he was given an almost unanimous vote of confidence by the Chamber of Deputies, even the Communists supporting him. If he can secure the right to absolute powers for thi;e,e or six months, as asked, he may be able to set the country on the right track and make it possible to withstand an attack trom an enemy. While it is prophesied that' he will meet with defeat, it is possible that he may be given at least a part of what he asks. 't Under ihe present setup with so many parties and their crosg-curEenU it is almost impossible to do anything. SIXTEEN THOUSAND LABOR VOTES It still seems to be a matter of surprise that sixteen thousand people supported the Labor Party of Great Britain in West Fnlhnm in trio rpnnnt oWHnn tbnrn TVmw v.5uld do that only because they wanted to let the gov-1 eminent know that they were dissatisfied. They did not; tUn fn..nrn.'v. t. . i r 1 il l' 1 1 , 1 . ."'.f aJtuaLjuji anu iney parucuiany oojecieu to the forced resignation of Anthony Eden, secretary of state for foreign affairs. Possibly if the treaty with Italy is.jn.e.(1 Pro;es satisfactory, pub.li.Q opinion oyv there may changQ. ' ' '"" : , Ti Labjy candidate who won had a majority of aboiit fpurte.en hundred. In 1935 a Conservative was elected there by a majority of over 'three thousand arid Conservatives were also elected in 1931 and 1930, but in 1829 a Labor man had their confidence for a brief period. Prior to that Conservatives held the seat since 1900. Defeated Saskatoon Night in First or Series BOWLING pert by tne coast steamships, particularly those going tolforth and Irom Alaska. V arc ant In WT tVit iViu nnt 'rlng lkii incic i juaiuiyuiiuii lor iiie proiesis. In view ot local conditions it may be of interest to note what is going on at other points on the coast. Take the case of Alberni. In the past the twin cities have been served by the Princess , Maquinna. Owing to the revival 1 W.A of business on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, the C.P.R. is placing the Princess Norah in the West Coast service for the special purpose of catering to tourist business. She will make calls at a number of points but will pass up Aiberni, presumably because that port is a long instance inianti and me time taken to reach it is too tn-eat. VT it Alt i ... Grads Last lUUvf-lbafi SASKATOON, April .13: QS-Vancouver Vestcrns advanced further towards the Dominion senior men's basjceibali ciiampionshi. last night by defeating Saskatooi. Grads 48 to 34 in the first of a two game total point series for Lht right to meet Winnipeg St. An drew's in the western finals. An WUIoiit'liby accounted for twenty three of the Westerns' points. Tiit second game will be played to morrow nieht. BANQUET Forty-Four Ladies In Attendance At Jolly Affair In Knox Hotel' ' The annual banquet of the Lad ies' Bowling League to mark the closing of the past season's league activities was held last night in the Knox Hotel. It was a highly' suc cessful and enjoyable affair with no less than forty-four ladies in at tendance. Features of the evening's proceedings included the presentation of the season's trophies and the staking of a highly enter taining comic skit ent!t!:d "A Slight Misunderstanding" by the members of the Knox Hotel team-Mrs. Robert Brazil. Mrs. Pete Peterson, Mrs. Scharffe. Mrs. Herbert Larson and Miss Marie Schacffer Mrs. May Bond sang vocar solo; and there was also community '.inglng. Mrs. Floyd Smith, president of the League, was in the chair anfl war assisted in making the presentation! by Mrs. Ratoiert BfWfcll. the secrejtary-treasurer. Tfie Annette Cup. for league championship, went the second -time to the Rangers, received by tiiaptall'Mm ' T. . on's average traphie. To th? Telephone OlrH a cmll eup was pn-"'hted as a con.snlation award, be- HAWKS ARE T CHAMPIONS' Chicago Defeats Toronto 4 to I in I'ourfh "and" Deciding Ganie of StaTiley Cup 'SerTe . CHICAGO, April 13: CiJ CnJcaeo1 rnia(k Hanks, whtt just scraiml info the pUv-otU this wiiffer. lay night on tfStaV ley Cup, emblematic of the woiMSr professional hotkey championship. In the fourth game of the series, the Hawks defeated the Toronto '.Maple leafs I to I. They haiT won the first ganie after which the Leafs took the second. Then" the (-'hicagoans "took the third game. Carf Toss scored the winning soil in the second period after the count had been tied one all. Latrv two more were added for good measure. Seventeen thousand fans watched the game in the Chicago Arena. The 1937 series turned out to be one of the strangest play-offs in professional hotkey history. The Hawks wound up with the most decisive victory of the series. In experience of the Toronto youngsters caused the team to crack wide open before the experience of the veteran Hawks. The crack-up jcame within a minute and a half of the second period when two Leaf errors gave the Hawks the scoring chances they needed to build lip their victory .Margin. SERIES IS St' Boniface Seals Blank Oshawa Generals To Take Second 01 .Memorial Cup Finals 'I OR 110, Aoril 13: (CP- S1 ":nifac:- Orals defeated Oshawa ' encrat fcftfS score of '4 to nU ven up the" count at two games ach in the finals for the Memoh al Cup. emblematic of Canadian by lss Alrta Johnson. :ngeiyed GeneraM nfld tH- ffnrt' gam Those In attendance at-the ban- .nree to two ou'et were Mrs. "Floyd Smith, Mrs. Robert Brasell. Miss B. Dickens : SPORT CHAT iritauis hiniy winter and Us even mote hardy steeplechase fans " ?- -' h:t wlthv. t biinkic? an eye hsve iefl place to fntte spring and - a m re cau-ttoaf horde Who supper. flat-racing books? Fbit ti - m daep't charm sfsJei and' plte - "but as a rtj fewW long sluO wifl. Then tire fc 'tne society angle. Newmarket, lincobx Astat. Epsom. Goodwood attract mate and female fashion plates who go to be seen and see whereas Jhe drab winter of far: ine musters only those who go :a see in comfort j The -flat' breeds a distinctive 'allowing apart from the society element for most family budgets in Kn eland are arranged to pro- .V" Tide at least a "couple of bobs a Esfinion week for -tote"' investments. The would be in a normal year at the first of May. The line weather, however, has had an adverse effect in omc cases where hird ground ,ha? resultekj' IVj sbre limbs' Quints To Romp Will Not Kc Kx..iliitrd in Thcii May Vard After This Summer NEW YORK Ami 13: H P Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe of Cailander Ontario, told iritervievcris' V'estr . Mis-- E D!?kens Mr Mai p.nnri . r.n uK r.Yr, m n.r day that the famcus Dionne quin Mr?. William Rothwell. Mrs. S. E.! Ingram. Mr.. Harold Ray bone. Mr? pet wl n"t be exhited i--Alexander. thelr Callander yard after thh Mr sunnv Dicken nr vr( iT,in,, nr v ploy Vis; A. Colussl. Mrs. Madlll. Mrs. G. ! .iis 3- Last Year For uauQsrg. miss yager, ,, . Ballintcr. Miss Biu-Dert. 7 " J "v.r" HHUday Ml- D. Houlden, Miss R.I Mte Johnson. AI1M Mickey Skatte- "l"' W1"r J9?,? Iib'lle Mis McLod. Miss Peachv. I NnW tllfl AHwi-ni nonnla nn ..m:n,1 U AL 1 Picfman Wic. Anilnn a ti,. ' '.r ' t - ' WardianS Of tll2 0Uintj51etS fp!' they have a place that should interest tourists and the Al- ,nM"p. &b""f- ;'"' "7- - r-me hk. wnMm. Xfc ,i"JE b,-' terni Canal is most heautiful. They are planning try'f . T,. C "? " : IO Ifet tne lf Ut i:tnrurn tha r pnmeh n n inc ollo nar-niui. the Norab to make calls at their port regularly. What we have several times suggested in connection with this eity is that Prince Rupert should muke the city so attractive that no steamship company can afford to cut tourists off from the privilege of a more or less leng-'thy stay. We are doinir that to snmp nxtpnt nlmnrW hv !the development of parks and gardens and the. establish- mftni nf m mttLmm PnM.. i 1 11 , (...v., v. u niuncuiii. uvuiy iiiijm (ivfiiit'iiu iii;iKi's inc cny that much more attractive. t' .:'' l ii ' 25 for 25j and Pocket tins of Jijty PLAIN OP CORK TIP Decks awash burying her nose in brine at every forward plunge- while green seas cascade from foc'sle and every scupper spouts white foam . . . When heavy weather strilc Britain's men ''carry on" true to the tradition of the service. There is tradition, too, behind every package of Player's "Mild", the great tradition of English cigarette making . . .'It's the tobacco that counts". Try Player's "Mild" and see how naturally good a cigaretle can bo. Cork tips if you wish.' ' 'Mild" tNAVY CUT CIGARETTES Itova; LONDON' COM id A iMir l.Z'i&q. ArU v.: c'rl wa d'jwn 12c; fiii'? 'cm-don matket yesterday TAOZ TWO TUB DAJLT NEWS Wednesday At:; Style and Quality For Your Easter Footwear Ladies' Oxfords and Straps Ladies" ultra smart gaberdine oxfords and straps in navy and black and multi-color browns. Styles to suit every desire. Priced Jg "Julia Arthur" Oxfords and Pumps "Julia Arthur" beautiful street oxfords and pumps in cuban and continental heels. la all leathers and bubbling over with style. For the more fastidious. Men's Calf Oxfords 'm Mens calf oxfords in 12 different toes and designs to suit every desire in style and quality These lines have special appeal. Priced GO AtZ VVt AC WESTERNS TAKE LEAD 16,' I. SJ.2S only other sport wbicn attracts w wood. Prince George; S. Moy more small stakes Is football al- kje yanCouver; C. Closter, Digoy though greyhound racing has been island. challenging this field. And this ' Prince Kupert year launched as usual by the! e. O. Tyrer'ancl J.'H. Eastman . Lincolnshire should be bigger ' and Atlln; Lyon Lightstohe. Robert better than ever. For initance .Macnlcol, K. Ftaser. li. Si Hawkins never before have the famous 'and t. G. Wall. Vancouver; Mrs Limekilns galloping grounds g. A. MacMlllan. Allen MacMlllan been opened for work so early In and Mr. arid Mrs. Thomas Ander-the year; noises hare been out son, aclty: R. McGulre. Toronto; since the last of February whereas Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Inch, Wlnnl-usually tt is latt April f early May peg; A. K. Jacobsfin a,nd Alice E when they first begin '"tralnfnp Jacobsorf. "ShfrJeyV J. C. K' Sealy ' canters.' ' Smlthers; TJ. Chritchley. Inverness - "' ' ' ' ' "' I "Savoy ; The season started inapproprl-1 0 Olson and' f. -Elliott. C. N. P ately by a win for a French Invad- Mr jrfcigas, Kwlntsa; II. Pedro er Graine de Beaute in the open-and r vlder. Anyoxf r. and Mis I ing race at Lincoln. Te farly sea- d7'a.1 McKihnon arid D. McLennan son means, according to Steve Don- Terrace: 7ack Yule. Port Edward cghue. Jockey who turned trainer, m? and Mrs. If. Pobume'y. UsV that the two-year-olds, instead of Mrs. Frank Prehschaff. Petersburg being half-trained and naif fit as Alaska: Walter' Riide. Roy tlhft they are after usual English winters Reldor Morberg and Erllrig Rudo I-it rpxTrTt t TT jf a'it fog and swamPv o;ns wU1 May Lahamg. y. f . h VP irll ilrbe advanced to the stane they ruiqi: il it . ? luhsin;- i! th. U H ui-.w Hcfift j).- uint ads ' i Z '"y ui. " t.. T.l. ' c't. Nobody Knocks The KNOX .The Food Is Good The lloorn Are Clean The llouje Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable POX HOTEL R. Brazil N. M. Krasell theaner Feed mm Having a surplus of llulkley Valley wheat'lf Is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up .18 or 538 and Save .Money. Prince Rupert Feed C m pa 115 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zareli; Propr;t9r HOME AWAY FKOM JU0IE7! ,x Rate Sl.OO na SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Kupm, B.C. fhone 281 P.O. Box 111 at' '40 ei. 4as This advertisement Is pot published ur displayed b' ' 1 1 Control Board or by the Government of UntLin t ... Hotel Arrivals Tnne-Up For Spring' Kenneth Anderson, city: Si. Bert - j'Ainf At" Hoe ind. -i Edmonton; M. Ohashl, Por1 J. JdS Central Been Hard on Your Car harder than you thinfc The strain f rrcid start, sklddy roads, ur.i ur. rertais weather hxT p:i;:ed nunj pans oui oi ur; i.-tmen! , Now is the time toCush away the winter-worn oil and sluggbu vAm aystea adjust wherij and bnhj -tune up the mot.'.r Tib adVahtage of cur spedai rate for COMPLETE spection, ciean-up ani tune-up and be rut i trouble f ree ; ; . rr ROYAL MOTORS fieneral .Motors Utitn 3rd Avenue PhnneJ "Service With a Smik' LUMBER 1 AT MILL 6-Inch and 8-inch CfO flfl Shiplap-Unt, ' .U. VUIIIIIIUII 4"II11U HIK III) Tor Prince Knprrt Delivery Phone BIllMOft Billmor Spruce Milk LTD, The Finest LMANO Tt'MNO In the country can be jo"", as done with the "Kesonoscnpe" by (J. C. WAI.KEK Phrne Hlue 389 21 hjt KKX BOWLING ALLE1 KJltenirnl tit Kxihan$' PIIONK i.."X rtlofl I -- t i . HYDE Transfer FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580