war rpts Ml Waterfront Whiffs Halibut Fishing Season Ends Tonight With Three Local Boats Still Out-Rough Weather on Grounds-School for Navigation Resumes catches. There are also a few hall but 'fishing boats still out for cod. Halibut landings at Prince Ru pert for the season up to and including yesterday 13.772.500 pounds as compared with 13,296.850 pounds at a corresponding date last year. This year's Canadian total to date Ls ,6.110,650 pounds while American Vessels have brought in 7,161,900 pounds. During the past week landings amounted to 259,000 pounds including 25,000 pounds from, two Canadian vessels and 234,000 pounds from nine American bottoms. The two Canadian boats were the Constance B. which was paid, 10.7c and 5c for 17,000 pounds and. the Morris H. which received 10.6c and 5c for 8.000 pounds. For American fish the highest price of the week was 11.6c and 6c which the Bernlce was paid for 14,000 pounds and the low 8c and 5c received by the Coolidge for 18,000 pounds.' 4 Southbound from Skagway to Vancouver, C. P. R. steamer Prin I .1. .,, .1 A rt ' Wi With the season for halibut fishing coming to a final close at midnight tonight, three Prince Rupert boats have still to return to Port. They are the Covenant, Capt. Hans Underdahl; Joan W. II., Capt. Al Woie, and Lois N., Capt. Ben Peterson. These three boats would probably have been in here ere this had it not been for the extremely rough weather that has been - prevailing at sea of late. Several American boats are also still out but' there is no definite check on these at Prince Rupert. It U sup-Dosed that the most of them will Norah which is due in port north bound on Thursday morning of next week. There were 210 passengers aboard the Princess Louise yesterday including seventeen dis- run1 through to Seattle with their embarking here. The through pas sengers consisted to large extent of employees of the White Pass and Yukon Route going south for the winter, among hem being Capt. John (Scotia Mac) Macdonald, master of the well known Tagish Lake boat Tutschi, and his crew. The Louise took no passengers from here for the south. Capt. J. R. Elfert, harbor master, has received instructions from Ottawa to reopen the School for Navigation here on November 1. Classes will be held in Capt. Elferfs office on Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. They are open to all seamen desiring instruction In navigation and Hotel Arrivals Royal Chong Yee. Sunnyside; John Kleven, F. Dykcman, L. Tjenner-land and O. Sorvik, Dawson; Bob McGregor, Tulsequah; W. E. Lew- cess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, was is, Terrace; O. Holberg, Vancouver. in port yesteraay afternoon, mak-J Central lng.her final voyage of the season.' Anna Pederson, S. Robinson. D. Next trip the Princess Louise will be Wilson and H. Fowler, city. K. Ha-teplaced by the steamer Princess bostad. Dawson. rJ Men And Women In Terrace Meet TERRACE, Oct. 29. On Wednesday evening the Terrace branch of the Canadian Legion and the Women's Auxiliary of the same organization held a Joint meeting in the Oddfellows' Hall in conformity with their custom to hold meeUngs jointly each quarter. Mr. Dubeau is president of the mens' organiza-J tion while Mrs. Dubeau is president' of the Women's Auxiliary. Both' were present and they sat side by side at the presidential table. A good deal of business was dealt with. Some necessitous cases were considered and small sums were voted for relief. A debate arose In this connection. Nigel Sherwood obpected to assisting cases of distress when they are not members of the Legion and have never taken any interest in the organization. He was without support, however, in this and when the votes were counted, these appropriaUons were granted by a unanimous house. i Plans for the celebration of Re-j membrance Day were advanced. There Is to be a Remembrance Ser-! vice at 11 &jxi. on November 11 and, at night there is to be a dance. At, the dance several prizes are to be. given, final arrangements in regard to this are not yet complete. These prizer will be displayed in one of! the local stores on Monday next.! They consist of some excellent j needlework which has been done by ; 1L. .T. 1.I1 111- I ! and other useful and pretty things, j all beautifully embroidered. , j When all the business matters1 were cleared off the slate, the! whole company sat down to light refreshments, the men having pro- vided the viands and coffee as this was their turn, to shoulder the res-1 ponslblllty. President Dubeau, in a neat address, remarked on this I but had to confess that the excel-! lence of the fare caused him to sus-1 pect that the ladies had made the ! cakes and sandwiches Just the same. jPlauerA JPlea6e" uieuoea i leased to w , . tiat ThnT. , mrw V tliL tho e urn annnunr.a nm inn I JW.J t- r t tV " III tl v r layer 6 1 lease ..... . - J THE DAILY NEWS Saturday October jj Canadian Legion 'Kitwanga Has Lively Dance Affair Held Under Auspices of Owl; Crest in Interior Village This ' Week KITWANGA, Oct. 29. Under the auspices of the Owl Crest and on behalf of Gus Sampare. a fine dancing party was held Wednesday-night in De-Au-Zip Community Hall. There was a large crowd in attendance including quite a number from Kitzegucla. Harold Sinclair was master of ceremonies and kept the party moving in good style. Lively music was furnished by Stanley Williams' orchestra. All Joined with enthusiasm in the Grand March Including 89-year-old Joe Williams who disported himself like a youngster. Another feature of the evening was a potato race In which Rev. and M-s. Bert Shearman were the winners over Matthias Bright and George H. Moore. Delicious refreshments were served with Mrs. F. D. Sampare and Mrs. Cadwallader in charge. There was a speech of appricia-tlon by Charles Smith on behalf of Gus Sampare. There will be a Hallowe'en dance in Kitwanga on Monday night. ; f Player & Wediunv" favy Cut Cigarettes, Plain or cork lip, are now reduced in price 10 for iOc, 25 for 25c, 50 for 50c 1 f -x J yu can alio oltain Playerd Wild , plain end only, a new cigarette selling at the dame priced, with tlie "UJetproof paper that does not slich to live lips. CwoSe the one which suits you lest Ififjedium , plain end or'corh tin ld , plain end onlu. with Jclnroo$ naner. - City Of Prince Rupert Bids wanted for the following buildings: Cabin at 368 Third Ave. W., near tunnel Lot 37, Block 16. Sec. 1. Shockley Building, back of Court House. Lots 40 and 41. Block 17. Sec. 1. Shack at back of C.C.F. Headquarters. Lot 8, Block 11, Sec. 1. Building next Washington Block, 2nd Ave. Lots 5 and 6. Block 23, Sec. 1. Plate glass excluded. BuUding at 909 Third Ave. Lot 28, Block 10, Section 1. All bids must be in writing and all parts of building must be re moved wlthing sixty days. Lowest or any other bid not necessarily accepted. Address City Commissioner. Jit a- 1 HALLOWE'EN MASQUERADE Gay and Colorful Dance Staged Last Night by Gyro Club With .Many Interesting: Costumes While the crowd was not as large as last year, the Prince Rupert Gyro Club's Hallowe'en masquerade dance in the Moose Hall last night was a gay and colorful affair, proving highly enjoyable to all present. There were numerous interesting and ingenuous costumes and, in keeping with the season, the hall had been handsomely decorated, the celling with orange and black streamers and the walls with Hallowe'en emblems and balloons. Masks, hats and favors were Issued to the guests. Dancing commenced at 10 pin. and continued until 2 ajn. Excellent music was furnished by Chat-lie Balagno's Orchestra. Just before the serving of supper, there was a Grand March for tho display and judging of costumes. The Judges were Mrs. Jack Woods, G. E. Philllpson and Oeorge Mitchell. The prize-winners were Earl Eby and Miss Florence Parker as Chinese peasants; Mrs. Gladys Hal-llday and Miss Edith Connery as a REX Bowling Alley For Health and a Slim Waist Line Bpwl For Reservations Phone C58 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Koval Dank Uldr. PRINCE RUPERT n DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene H'cldins Specialists on- Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of Oas Engines Repaired and Overhauled B n R XI southern period couple; Walter Cross and Mlas Dora Cunnings as n clothesline and Jack Armstrong as a Chinese laundryman. Orme Stuart waa general convener of the dance, other members of the club assisting as follows: Master of Ceremonies D. G. Borland. Decorations G. L. Rorie. Punch Bowl Cecil Fitzgerald, Jack Bulger and W. M. Watts. . ' Costumes W. F. Stone. ' Refreshments Orme Stuart, C. C. Mills, Joe Scott. T. W. Brown, I William Crulckshank, Dr. H. N. Brocklesby, Dr. Hugh Morrison, j Door Frank Dibb, G. A.' Hunter and Croft Brook. The Dally Nvws ls an A. B. Q, paper. RjULWAY AP J u f i r i n t OWDER UtAKl 4 rOUSMCJ W1HOOTV. MJttOM. tAM CAMMOI Phones 18 i& 81 P.O. Box 575 FOR SATISFACTION Try MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents Quality Groceries Reliable Service Opposite Canadian Legion : L i ; 'J fa JTT1 I.AV'l' THIrc -. IU.NKJHt win HJMMY KELLY may nonso.N (At 7:28 and 9:28) ADDED Donald Duck in "POLAR TIMPPkiw Two Shows, 7:00 & $M p "David Copperfield,1 Lord Fauntlfroy" The sm, Producer Now Gives You IN TECHNICOLOR The Adventures of Tom Sawyer'S Sportlight "Dunlin ThrHb1 I RAW FUR SEASON . Commencing Musi Unload Large Stock 25 Off f0r Cash Come In and see our goodi. Easy Terms Arranged Goldbl ooms Try a Dallv Nevm clarified u Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Torti Ss. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIIIKCT SS. "I'KINCESS LOUISE" SS. "ritl.NCESS NOIUIT Oct. 28th Nov. 7th, 17th, 28th CO( Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Itcturn Tin-OU ets on Sale Nov. lit, 1D38 to Feb. 28lh, 1939. Ftnl Iteturn Limit March 31st. 1939 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Service Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent Prince Kuprrt, BC 3 1 t' IB IE ( C n I D C3 IU IB t B LB I n t a i u a t B tmtm k-n-l-Mi n t n mx n m m c m c . n r i ! I I 1 ENTERPRISE Oil Burner ' Circulator Heater g No Dirt, No Work, No Ashes. Willi Enterprise you get clean, healthful, just-right comfort all jj the time. It saves oil too because you can turn it down low when only a little heat is ncedid. B B H New Enterprise Range for Coal, Wood, Oil pi Ucauty, Convenience, Value You positively shoilid not buy a new range until you have " jj these trim, streamline 1938 ranges now on display a Elio's - 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite $79.50 4-Piece Bedroom Suite $59.50 Bed, Chiffonier, Vanity and Hench -7, Vcl Fell Kug- Off 7S W'id 1 Size 7V2X9 Coiigolcum Gold Seal Q(i AQ V0tV Kug-Size OxlOVi Dominion Inlaid- 0 feet wide 2 square 255 v yards Harrymorc Seamless Wilton Rug Seamless Axminster Hur You'll Always .Do Better at $55.00 Sizc 9x9 ELIO'S $29.50 Phone flrren 81 3rd Avenue Hours From 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mi!!!:Kinit:nniiiniK:n;i:n mmxammsMltmim.mnWi