S.'-das October 39, mi. Music Uuth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN 390 CRAFTS MRS. EDGCUS1BE Classes In Leather Work Metal Modelling:, etc phone BLACK 836 Be the Life of the Party Play Piano Popular Music The Professional Style HAROLD DAVEY ' Teacher of Piano and Piano-Accord Ion Open for Eneagements-Par-ties, Dances, Receptions, etc. Music With Kythm Reply at the News Clip This Ad for Ref. Walker's Music Store Large Stock Music Hrlntiman, Nordheimer and Lesage Pianos Piano Tuning with "Resonoscope" Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rcoms Hot Si Cold Water Prinze Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. not 19C THE SEAL QUALITY i sis 3 fegfels GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeyt PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the unly lalmoo tanning company with an all tte year romd payroll to Prince Rupert HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Ooid. Bulger's, tt Phone U2 Taxi; new heated cars. Tonight's train, due, from the Wear a Poppy on Remembrance East at 11 o'clock, was reported thlj Day! afternoon to be 0n time. r. T73,.. I Jack McRae will sail on the to1,ub m.. acuna. temorrow c?enm Qn PHn;. , J week's busmess trP t Stewart. Princess Louise yesterday afternoon from a trip to TuUequah. ' . B. B. Nelding, manager of the , Sunday night at 8 tfclock in An-1 rJ"Jaku mlneJltv!sequ?h' ;nuciatlon School Hall, sound mov- " T,u. Louise T ! les "A Crown of Thorns.' tlon to defray expenses. Mr. arid Mrs. George Slmpklns of Juneau were passengers aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon going through to Seattle, , Henry Messerschmldt, pioneer merchant baker of Juneau, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon going ,tnrougn on a trip to Seattle. sT r-T" S T" - A ft" on a trip to Seattle. Herbert Wheeler, nresldent ol lithe White Pass and Yukon Route. I was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon going south from Skagway to , spend the winter m Seattle. J. II. Eastman and E. G. Tyrer of Detroit, who are Interested in mining and aircraft transportation in the Atlin district, were passengers aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon going south. Announcements All advertisements ln thU column win be charged for k full month at 25c a word. Eagle's Bridge, November 2. Sonja's Bazaar November 4. Baptist Bazaar November 5. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 10. ,,' yesterday afternoon v'"ec" going through on a trip to Seattle i I. S. O. N. dasket Social November, 11. Lutheran Sewing Circle Bazaar November 16. Cathedral Christmas Bazaar November 17. St. Peter's Church Bazaar November 24. City Tennis Association annual dance, Oddfellow's Hall. November 25. Carnival; and Dance, Metlakatla, Tfndfr lor the tWruftlon bnlldlnp, alterations ana aum" and for thf to two xlotlnt tfuUdlnp, construction of a concr apnn anfl Uliay at tn Bojal Canadian Air I'orr Station, Allford Bay, ac. C EAIXD Tenders, enckuwt vx enwiopo " roarked Tender tor BuUdlxvc. All-, ford Bay. B C.' nd , of DWtor of CWmoU. Dpartmnt ' iiL... r yw. iMuidind unless SUthrr th. plans iuid fl"' tTthe Dlroator of Oonitract. Depart- So "the DlBtrtot Office Cccmnandlns. Military DlstrtatVo. 11, VOotorto. O. certtfled cheque on a. ortered . tiant t in oanuda. payaAU he order of Vhe HnoSS th Mtaltr of Nation. Detfw ftr ton per cent (10 percent) of the amount ot the tender. ' The chwju of the awoesatul tenderer will w w- - r into . t. jwfcof should he iu. wr SSrt to complex bwtub in accordance , wlii H&rdSt bind Itself to accept vn. Doputy Minister rvsmrtmeat af National Defence, "gfuawa, October lltrv 1939 chants are requested to decorate! m and j Dalgarno, well (Uielr windows as-a tribute to those ;knoWn residents of Whltehorse, who made the great sacrifice. Wear were passengers aboard the Prln-a Poppy on Remembrance Day. tf.,ces3 jt yesterday afternoon I . Lawrence H. Kubley, well known going "Kh to Vancouver. Ketchikan merchant, was a pas-1 Vneer aboard th Princess LouLce Guy Waterman of the Reward 'vocrHov ,(imn thm,,h Mining Co. at Porcher Island re- I . tnrnoH turned in to iVta the Mtxr city the Via T5-lr Prin on t cess Adelaide yesterday afternoon irom a Drier trip to Vancouver. Mrs F. N. Feero. who has been vlsitinz for some time in Juneau I and, Skagway. returned to the city J irom ine norm on tne rrincess Louise yesterday afernoon. Sitting yesterday ln his capac- TuZ DATLT NZW3 PAGE TERES ACTIVITIES AT SCHOOL High School Students' Council, In Regular Session' Completes Arrangements during the week: Badminton, three teams, one for each house Alpha on Mondays, Hpth on Wednesdays. Gamma on Fridays at the C.'N. R. courts, 4:30 to 6 pin. Ping Pong Three teams at the school. Girls' Basketball Three teams. Bowlfns for those Interested which will begin Saturday morn- responsibility In helping to create a good school; spirit and to report any misconduct of pupils. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bird of Port land, who have been on a tour of Alaska which took them as far BB5MMvM.nMMMMMSiiiBiiiB '1 I I l.LStaLiT sayTrain"! that used to I ' IjfnnTOMORROW WORRY ME... ii i a i i i (NT i i 1 L : l l l HI I nr rineT DC R I H III 1 1 ALL-WEAlHtK wasner m ... p I Rln .or .hine nutn no di Serene. KsE"S I I I W ,ou have .n ET WrlngerlcM WlW 1 IT' : 1 1 1 Wuhcr. Dri cloih re.dr for eh T M .1 line, without any dripping hem.... rf-i'''; ; SB551 wiihoul wrenching or twitting -.with- i .A -4M II out hrnling button or tearing II VpuBKAM j team. Youll want to KC thU firt real "fcS jy all-weather and all-tahric waiher. T A-1WR,NGERLESS WASHER ( ggl i MaeMvs.JM jjjjJjaajpagagfjJJpfJ " " " ' i UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FKOM riUNCE UUPEIIT 3.00 FKOM I'ORT SIMPSON 39,75 RETURN. Meals and RETURN. Berths Included Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1938 and. February 28th 1939, inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, 1939. Children Half Fare Steamers: Leave Prince, Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1 :30 p.m. Thursday, a.m. S.sl CARDENA Friday, 10':3Q p.m. Monday a.m. Tickets and Reservations from rrince Rupert Agent A. W. NEWMAN Third Ave., Phone 568 If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at Office Jack Unwln sailed last night on the Cardena for Vancouver, i ' Arthur Pallant of Skldegate last night on the Carderta for a , trip to Vancouver. ; C. R. Cocks of Port Esslngton sailed last night on the Cardena for a trip to Vancouver. The Students' Council of Booth ' a c Smau 1,! manager of the a 'Memorial High School held lis Swlft Canadian Co.. will sail on the regular meeting on Wednesday Cataia tomorrow evening for a brief with the president, Peter Allen, In business trip to Stewart. Christopher, reported the progress Fred Belek, for supplying liquor of the various clubs now In oper- to Indians was fined $50, with op-ation. The question1 of voting funds tlon of thirty days' imprisonment, to proviae ainieuc ciuos win in ciiy ponce coun ui muriimg. equipment was discussed. Andrew H. Ryan, Indian, was fined The treasurer, Pearl Menzies, re- $10, with option of seven days' Imported that fees had been collect- prisonment, yesterday afternoon ed and also submitted a financial f0r drunkenness. , statement of the High School I dance which was held recently. i Fred Nash B.C1J3., who arrived I The president asked the mem- ln e city on Thursday night's oers mj Bc nu.. -j.v.w.. j tTQm Terrace iet last even- . . . . it nttAa Mlnlnn nfAnAflW Arrangements were completed v normem rjura uumus I commence the ' foltovrtrs? activities 0n the Ecstall River where he has some survey work to carry out. I WANTED Arthur Sutton spoke to the 1 WANTED Girl for housework. 442 council members emphasizing their i 4th Avenue East. 254) KOK SAl.P FOR SALE 7-room house all newly remodelled, fully modern, 742 7th Ave. W. Price $1050. part cash, balance as rent. Duhamel, Capitol Barber Shop. (258) ty es a c ty council, City Com-i" 7' . c,rv, 1Q9J, H-riPV.Davidson SALE--1928 Hej-Davldsm the Princess Louise yesterday af- FOR mlssloner W. J. Alder gave final reconsideration and adoption .to temoon returnlnguth. ZTcSS ceTVl. h.ilARt. nwul.4l.v f mr n ..Ml.lAtl iT tpiAnhnnp mts and for the ac- Constable J. H. Ward R.C.M.P. Mrs Robert Lowe, well knownlceptance of half payment on pen- and Mrs. Ward have left for Hazel-plonetr Yukon woman and widow laities and Interest of tax arrears, ton to which point Constable Ward of a lormer MemDer oi rarna-'oaic oi joi. o, mutu srtwuii f.. ment for the territory, was a pas- , to Evan H. Noble for $45 was also Arthur G. Hanford has been trans- seneer aboard the Princess Louise aumonzea. icwcu (ium yesterday afternoon going south for the winter. I - Phone Red 726. FOR RENT 154) THREE-room suite with bath, fur nished. Phone Red 444. 251) PERSONAL srvYTTiRH Oountrv - Olrl wishw .nr-T.crrvnrtprPP with VOUnK Tan - , ;cher. Reply Co Maify- Bruce, Cas sieellls. Ellon, Aberdeenshire, 5.nHnnrf (255) WE HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN position as Miter Carriers, Tostal Clerks. Customs Examiner. Clerks, and Stenographers, etc, nd can help you. Write us for proftf and free information, M.CC Schools Lti, Winnipeg. Oldeat in Canada. tf PRIVATE HOME KINDEROAP- TENS PAY. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg J I AGENTS WANTED! I CHRISTMAS Card salespeople. Big profits now. Sell the most complete Christmas Card line. Make hie monev every day showing season's largest selection. Printed to order Christmas cards, with sender's name and address. Designed by leading .artists, values unequalled at pur low, prices. Four attractive lines Including' 25 for $1.00 Personals, Also many different boxed, assortments, all big moneys maK.ers.i.uanjina. a-j vorite "21" card assortment Is finest ever produced, sells for $1.00, your profit 50c. Make big money for Christmas. Start now. Cash ln on these fast selling lines published by the largest company" of its kind in Canada. Branches from coast to coast. Get easier orders. No experience necessary. Write for free sample book. Agents also wanted 4n smaller towns. Liberal commission. Friendly service. Premier Art Guild, 576 Seymour St. Van couver. IN TIIH SITREME rOl'KT OF BRITISH COLUMBI In the Mattrr of lh "Aflmlnlstratlon Act-' and In thf Matter of tho Estate of Manuel nonzales, weceasea Tiwtr MOTTr-R Ihni. bv order of Flla . . " " . - Honor Judge Plsher, Itxai. Judge ot the Supiotne Court of Brttlsh OolumBta made the Hth daj of October 1938. X wa appointed Admlalatra.tor of all the Estate within BrltWh Columbia of th above-named deoeopwi. uv Yukon and Stewart, British OolutaWa ii tnia.ht.A.1 to tne cald eatAte are required to pay the amount of their ; lndebtednees to me lurmmw, . persons having claims against the aw estate are required to lUe the aame. -i- rtni vtth m within one montn irom wo i tails notice, otnerwine umrjuuwu i th said em' wm oe uwoo . 1 -tn Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C. this IWh day of ucnooer, , NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prlnc Rupert, B. O NO ONE IS IMMUNE to ACID INDIGESTION i But Why Sutler? Here's how you can "Alkalize" I anytime anywhere the easy "Phillips' " Wayt V ITS UNNECESSARY to suffer from "Acid indigestion" has disap- ' the headaches, stomach pains, peared. You feel wonderful. "gas,""upsets"and"biliousness" GetabottleofiVMj'd"Phillrp3'" duetoAcid Indigestion whennow for home use. And a box of there is a way that relieves excess Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets f. stomachacid with incredible speed, to carry with you have ready : Simply take two Phillips' Milk when trouble starts. Only 25t a of Magnesia TablAs at first sign of box. But for your protection,- distress. Carry these tiny tablets watch out that any bottle or box- , with you take them unnoticed you accept is clearly marked by others. "Phillips' " Milk of Magnesia. You 11 be amazed at the results. There's no nausea or "bloated" feeling. It produces no "gas" to MADe , embarrass you and offend others. Canada PHILLIPS' Milk of Magnesia ' Pond's Beauty Box " Containing 1 Pond's Vanishing Cream 30c 1 Pond's Cold Cream 30c 1 Pond's Face Powder 60c 1 Sample Bottle Danya Lotion SPECIAL AH for 99c KLEENEX . Sn 10U 200 KOTEX 12'S 9Q A' 2 for 45c KLEENEX 500's 66tL t MODESS 12 s 9Q 2 for . 45c Ormes Ltd. "Ju. Pioneer Druggists The kUitll Store rhones: II n Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 f.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 .m, 7 s m. till 9 p.m. MacKENp FURNITURE JuveniTe" Seaf rass Rocker Chairs Reg. $2.25. Sl 95 Special - Buy Now anil Have Them Put Away for Christmas Phone 775 327 THIRD AVENUE MORE HEAT FOR 1 : Less Money Help Support' the Region that . Helps Support You. Think This Over, Then BUY BULKLEY VALLEY COAL