rt JAMES A. MILLS Llated Press Staff Writer rUT Syria, uci. m j Ictive dire-tor or AraD oppo- j to British control in paics- a Mohammedan priest com- known as the Grand Mufti fcisalcm. dkorden in Palestine, re ft a three-conerea swue. British authorities (acting mandate oi me league !the Jon; the Arabs and the i i . ! hiv:i i aimca mousaiiua ut Is and paralyzed trade. Yet .rab leader Is a pious, soft-fc man, appearing to be an ttar'.l; more than a politician. I lor Jew. giving them no at power man uj n"-In SpcJ any :;thrr state. He ln that Jew immigration to !ly if Lund rr o objc' .-.J t3 'v tjparif' rn an ;.f-L. r .m xaL. 3uld be rigidly res-J Tnpletely stopped.. sale of land Inj STRANDED working for road iiari:;son hot spklngs Following an address by G. G. McGecr K. O, M. I'., directors of the Evergreen Playground Association will meet again today to discuss participation and development of a program supporting the Alaska Highway. LEWIS RETAINS TITLE NEW HAVEN, Conn. John Henry Lewis retained his world's light heavywtht boxing title by winning a decision over Al Gainer here last night. OPPOSED TO WAGE SLASH WASHINGTON, D. C An em DALADIER ENDORSED PARIS The Radical Socialists nartv Congress yesterday adopt- B attitude d' the mufti is that ed a resolution of confidence in k. rSot hi an lndenen-l thp fnrei? n nulirv of the Daladler bakA State with mlnorltyt government, YESTERDAY jfws. He Is op- tr of Palestine In Freighter Salvor on Dry Dock Here sts the. Arab After Being Ashore Hair a Day until the Arabs . . licA nwj m...b. - Pl Atafjrk nresldent of the rMir. abolished the t& tote 15 -?ar3 ago. Not Talking Much s 3-ycr -old Mohammedan, icame r llslous leader of Jer- n and president of the Su- I going astern when the stranding occurred. She was left high and dry by the receding tide and refloated without assistance eleven hours later at 3:35p.m. Meantime she had been patched by the crew. She was leaking slightly as she pro- i toem Council when He: .ppHpH to Prince Rurjert, "uy il holds "court" in nis gaiVor's cargo " consisted oi western Saskaicnewan mwu. Sandy, a Scotcn verner ownvu uy trespasses on the Harris Dave Doney, property, the rabbit goes after him and Sandy doesn't stop to SUFFERED TODAY'S STOCKS (Courteny a. O. JotmUin Co.) Vancouver Pacific Nickel, .25. Big Missouri, .31. Bralorne, 9.50. Aztec, .05 V. Dentonla, .02 Vj. Minto, .03. Falrview, .05Vr2. Noble Five, .03 y4. Pend Oreille, 2.05. Pioneer, 2.55. Porter Idaho, .03. Premier, 257. Reno, .28. Relief Arlington, .13. Reward, XSVWaskl. , , :was taken on the Prince Rupert Taylor Bridge, .02 Yt me muni m Ar.. An.V th mnrn n ror lnsnec-: r I L - . . . tcoei on me summn ui tlon ot damage sustained wnen sne lii .. h Karnayel. He ex- t flshore on Truro Island. 12 hat I had pene-'mlles nortn 0f port Simpson in y re'reat. Since his Portland Inlet, at 4:25 Friday morn- tah: alem last Octo&er, Jn? wnlle bound fr0m Arrandale( hi."- riUes in Syria, at the cannery to the Skeena River en-' Brltisn government, route to Vancouver. The vessel has 'd; ) him to receive na- ft damaged forefoot and is also v 4t-rs. I'holed forward. , line Is Haj Amln Ef- cantaln Albert Georgeson, the AlHu , He was banish-, ., stated, after arrival here a ; j-m by the British , t midnieht Friday, that the '!:: lor promoting Arab re- strandine occurred during a heavy, ' British rule. His iol-,insnnait thP too of hleh water. 5id.1rc 3 him as "Your Em-,There was compiete lack of vlsi- unh the title of Grand ., . the vessci was feeling r'-: ' dlsanneared when!. she was actually Hedley Amalgamated, .03. Premier Border, .OO3. Silbak Premier, 1.82. Home Oold, .01. Grandview, .08Vi. Indian, .01 Vi. Haida Gold, .04. Oils A. P. Con .17. Calmont, .29. C. li E., 2.26. Freehold, .032. McDougal Segur, .12 V2. Mermury, .062. Okalta, 1.33. Pacalta, .05, Home Oil, 1:12. Toronto Beattle, 1.22. Central Pat., 2.45. Gods Lake, .39. Little Long Lac, 2.80. McKcnzie Red Lake, U2. Pickle Crow, 5.00. Sanantonio, 1.20. Gordon. 1.47. 0' Sherritt MW-w M! J. . . J.J 1 . . . pm is-ness, surrounaeo. "itwo thousand cases of salmon. &ne emelters Gold. .05 icannot ' viAr ,tnfr orivn.i . . i j in iho . ..v. unci ui awu, i was LO nave juaueu muiv n "- H high priesU. ' Skeena. I ne received me the muftli tt h!lfl not been decided up to N to be In excellent health; n0Qn as the disposition of the highly cntlmlstlc as to thel ..,. rpmirs. Li, I I WklOVI v - i Mai nice a of the Arab re- the Holy Land although,! PthL : ;:abler.t ramp un. 'he'C! klll Un.i. Ned off, ,aylnir he was under, JUC11U11U uaoio Kt to the French authorities! e rt . 1 . fl F!a not o talk for nubllcatlon, I it H rPiahr Kdl6S f 2 h" said with a smile, , I hand; and mv tnncue too' by the French and I can1,, I)r j, jianion Concludes Rothins about tho rpvolt in m" u-.ci.rn Tnnr With Snccch IfStlne CXCPnt bat If chnwt no' I.. IVInnlnpir oi abating." EJ e mufti was dressed In flowing J" robes with hla hpari sheathed WINNIPEG, Oct. ilde ubitp i,k, tii frt. snpaklne here last 29: (CP) night as he 8 red -brown beard and deep concluded his western tour, Hon. eyes accentuated his re- Dr. R. J- ntonJead?,rrj2 ''Us mien Conservative Opposition, urged the of railway freight rates on religious and patriotic .putting the Arabs hnw him almost a scientific basis. f 'awe defprpno i .,,iri n limit s'ngle-handedly he 1 7d and solidified the dlver- PArab communities in Palestine they have never been before. hiNMi-EG Uiii:at pkici: h SPEP ' - 29 (CP)-Wln-kdav ,futures dropped again L dy w'th October closing at MJNNY CMASKS PUP ELSTON, Sask., Oct. 29: (CP)- rahhir. which chases a dog is own ed by Jack Harris of this north- McLeod Cockshutt, 3.40. Oklend, .18. Mosher, .17., Madsen Red Lake, .46. Stadacona, .52. Francoeur. .23 Vfe. Moneta, 1.32. Bouscadillac, .12. Thompson Cadillac, .35. Bankfleld, .37.' East Malartlc, 2.16. Preston E. Dome, 1.46. Hutchison Lake, .04. Dawson White, .02. Aldermac, .58. Kerr Addison, 1.76. Uchl Gold, 1.45. Int. Nickel, 55.75. Noranda, 79.25. Con. Smelters, 65.50. Dom. Bridge, 35.00. Athona, .09. Hardrock, 1.90.; Barber Larder, .18. Fernwood, .17. HONOtt PUPILS grown) 80 Taxi V1CH. TomorroW s Tides 1 High . 6:21 a.m. 16.8 ft. ivn VIGIIT SERVICE 17:50 apjn. 16.6 It. Careful and Courteous Driver (New 1938 Plymouini Low 12:01 pm. 10.2 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER IxVII. No. 253. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1938. PRICE: 5 CENTS M.P Bulletins RABW IS PRlff$f Talks Kittle Rut Directs Op position to iimisH et Man Is - Powerful Force jcvvs Distinct Minority Palestine In ALL COLONIES DEMANDED LUDERURG Germany demands return of all colonies with-excoption, General Franz von tpp. Governor of Da v aria and deputy for colonial affairs, declared today. Four Local Men In Hospital At Port Simpson After Local Boat Is Wrecked On Wales Island VANCOUVER, Oct. 29: (CP-M:edals will be presented by the Vancouver school board to Charlotte Crowcll and William, Vancouver high school students who never ,o hppn late nor absent from Constitutional Points Are Raised In Connection With International Fish Treaty In connection with the hearing of the case of the halibut boat Bayview, Cant. Dan Wedge, on a J charge of possessing halibut without a permit while fish MARSEILLES, Octv 29: (CP) The official death list from Friday's disastrous fire in Marseilles rose to fifty-six today and it is feared it may reach, one hundred. Thirty-five persons are being treated in hospitals. The loss is estimated at more than 31,000,000. I China To n Carry On WitK War I I CHUNGKING, Oct.: 29 From his new capital In Chungking Generalissimo Chiang Kal vlrtnriniiR VICTORIA, Oct. 29: (CP) Winch, C.C.F. member for Van couver East, yesterday moved a non-confidence motion In' the Leg islature to the effect that "this House is deeply concerned at the treaty was ultra vires on the fol m i n j .iiiaii. riL'ii ah kii& ' lowing grounds: First, that the halibut treaty and act give the International Fisheries Commission no jurisdiction over species of fish other than halibut. Second, that the halibut treaty and act do not authorize the International Fisheries Commission to require a permit to a fishing vessel for fishing species other than hall- TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert Overcast, easterly wind, five miles per hour; barometer. 29.04 (falling); temperature, 51; sea smooth. Triple Island Showery, easterly i continuation of economic chaos i wind, 15 miles per hour; light chop. and Increasing abrogation of rights. Langara Island Raining, east-land civil liberties of our DeoDle due! erly wind, thirty miles per hour; to the failure of the government to barometer. 29.04; temperature, 49; Inaugurate constructive policies sea moderately rough. i and regrets that the government; Dead Tree Point Raining, south-( still fails to recognize the necessity j east gale; marometer, 29.07; tem-( for fundamental chanees in ouri nerature. 48: sea rough. and will be debated Monday. Straight Fight In Athabasca EDMONTON, Oct. 29: (CP) There will be a straight fight be tween Liberals and Social Credit in the Athabasca provincial by-electlon to be held on November 10. Nominations closed yesterday but with only two candidates in the field. There are 4500 votes In the riding and the contest is regarded as a ,test of strength of the Aberhart government.- rf , Word has been received that Ro land Fredrlckson, son of Mrs. H Johansonlof this city, is making satisfactory progress in the Van school during the last eight years. three months. temperature 38. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 39. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 42. Anyox Raining, calm, 42. Stewart Raining, calm, 39. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 38. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, 37. Burns Lake Raining, calm, 41. VICTORIA, Oct. 29: (CP-Sneakine In the Legislature yester- i dav. aeoree Murray, M1..A. for Lll- of a law couver General Hospital, where he,loet, loet. advocated advocated passage passage has been a patlsnt, for,; the' Would Exclude All Orientals From Dominion . 1. 1 .il. i.' n nl ah 1,1 1i frnm Can ada. IPLANES TO ISALZBURG LOYALISTS DIFFERENT Investigation Being Made of Alleged Illegal Shipments Of Aircraft to Spanish Civil War WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 29: (CP) The Canadian government Four local men, Robert Cunning-linor for snecies other than halihut in Area No. 2 after it' nH iiniiPd stiP frai ant. ?JT' fnH1!11? M;Jh?n hrf"iwas closed to halibut fishing. J. T. Harvey, defence coun-l are investigating the illegal ship- flths wwis and anu James oainea Martin ivimuu have nave been otreji' i , , . . ,r . , , . . i , m, m, . , i j. i. -n t ... f win- nnw nf 01 r nhnnl aooui h.,i tnriv tnrlv im.riran spI in Mnmstrnrp Anrlrpvv Thnmnsnn's nmivr at Princp' P,nf lony in nospuai ai ron aimpson since , t " - i , - . , ,rl.i,I1M through r. 1 aiTpiailCS inrOUgn . . . . ntirtort nn Vr4AX7 ottontoH VlB losfr TrmrsHnv cnffprlno- frnm rv. . posure alter navmg been marooned jpvri i T'Tj Till I on Wales Island for four days iQl-lllK A 1 H. 1 LfjuLi lowing the wreck of the local boat Telkwa belonging to J. E. ,Dyer of crgency railroad investigating i saw their signal fire, board recommended today that iall their food and United States railroads withdraw their demand for a fifteen percent reduction in rail wages. this city. . According to information received here, the Telkwa suffered Mijioil an engine Dreaxoown ana was blown ashore after dragging her, anchor. On Thursday the four men aboard were rescued and taken to Port Simpson. The rescue was made by the watchman at Wales Island cannery who picked i the men up after a passing steamer They had lost blankets, the boat being completely wrecked. FIFTY-SIX Dollar Fire In Marseilles1 Yesterday Took Terrible Toll , rnnstltiitinnaMv nf Uip Pacific Hal-! loyalist bpain. VICTORIA, Oct. 29: Canada to -ihnt rihPriP Trparv hPtwPon nan-i The State Department says the ' ada and the United States. I Mr. Harvey contended that the shipments were made in spite of the neutrality law, apparently by the use of forged documents which named Greece and Turkey as destinations. The shipments were made during the past six months through Montreal. Seasons Work Third, that the Dominion Parlla- ment has no jurisdiction over hall-, but after they are f legally caught. The'hearmg Wat? a'fl jbfirned until E.' F. Jones is counsel for the crown. The hearing occupied all day yesterday and the proceedings attracted a large crowd of fishermen and others interested In the fisheries to the courtroom. The evidence of the crown showed that the Bayview was seized at Wheeteam Bay near Moody Banks Shek expressed confidence last off Arlstable Island. Capt. Walter night night that China would yet niu'u,u ol "1C irf'the nwthp ii-nr war steamer waiaspina. on going . -iti-1. I.. u x, aboard, found the vessel to contain ill- Jjwluiuw . . . r, .t.i .l. .; tltv f hlnrt . fnrt red snnnnphs and onrf Geodetic Survey Vessels Finish SEATTLE, Oct. 29: - Stnj ffpnHptlr xnrvpv Seattle to spend the winter. PREMIER'S STATEMENT Admits That Injunction Prevents Further Action at This Time in Regard to Gas Price Austrian Centre of Culture Reflected in Marching Feet and Big Guns By GLADYS M. ARNOLD . Canadian Press Correspondent PARIS, Oct. 29: (CP) Not long ago your correspondent paused for a short time in that lovely old Austrian towa, Salzburg, which for years has been a citadel of music and the August rendezvous for ths Iworld's musicians and music-lovers. The "Salzburg Season" drew kings and International celebrities, writers, artists, actresses and statesmen. For those who could not afford the price of a railway ticket radio transmissions and relays provided accea to "Lohengrin,'' the incomparable passage3 of "Tristan and Isolde." For- Salzburg had to offer only music! Its setting of green pino I forest and rocky peaks, the an- Icient mediaeval castle - fortress dominating the town and the puru United mountain air echoed the strains vessels, 'of Wagner, Beethoven, -Haydn and November 10 and meantime there under the enchanted baton wWch have been operatmg durlnst Mozart tt-lll bp written arenment nresnted ... ,, n ri ine past season in various Aias&aioi loscanuii or jm uiiu waiicr. on the constitutional points. waters, are now converelne on The Bristol Hotel bore the retris trations of the Duke and Duchess of Kent, Marlene Dietrich, Sto-kowskl, Noel Coward, the King of Siam, the late Queen Marie o! Roumania. The air was curdled with conversation in many lan guages but the subject was always the same music; a theme cf Beethoven, a passage of Mozart: hadn't Toscanlnl taken that "aria" (a little more rapidly las yean ILotta Lehman's voice In superb Iform. CP) "The ' -Rvprvhrirfv talkpd music, slent ecv.ernment ,apprtteshJpf,posi; trtle5wrotfr 'rnusic-and listened "6-- . . - tinn in n.hlfh rptailprs of Easollne, . ... t f c,,- Hankow, Chiang said that tne o uiat. wu, tu .ca. jw a .i avnam i ns t n rT iiairra in iinn irifmsfivrs n ii i j Li 1 1. ji kilt ti r rr n nfla n- r aro rutin a n a m o 4. rhlnpsp wprp Lalclne ud new aHc-'c ... .w- ..... 11,0,5; """ ,-"" defence positions which the invaders would find impreg- nahip nhina had no intention ; clared. C.C.F. LACKS CONFIDENCE Socialist Party, Through Harold Winch, Presents .Motion in Legislature , , ply to a question, said that he had pending injunction proceedings, to refresh their spirits in purest six skates of gear down. The ad- said a statement by Premier T. D. harmony. The strains of "Faust" mUsiop of this evidence and other Pattulio yesterday in regard to the'and "The Master Sineers of Nur- . , , , ..!!. 1 1 n.a rittiqMnn frmi-Mirtno' i m i 1 1 1 . 1. , 1 4 . . i of abandoning th' fiht aamissions maae oy uib (.-apiaiit saaumre rmDerg iinugieu wiui wic uui . : , J 2 x was oblected to bv Mr. Harvey but. the order of the Fuel and Petrol-l0f the sreat melodious orean pour- agamsi aggresftiuu, nuaiis uc- - - . tv, J , mitted by the court. ary injunction granted in Supreme That was before Anschluss. No evidence was put In by the Court by Mrs. Justice A. M. Man-i . defence son. "As the matter has assumed' , uul Isaz,s Lame ! There was argument on the ad- a position beyond the coiftrol of J Tne afterwards the Hotel Imlssability of various objections, the .retailers, I think it is onlyjBristol waJ. token oye'r th? raised by the defence against the fair to assure them at the gov-; g ,Kom i crown's case. , ernment does not' propose to un- . Mr. Harvey then announced that dertake any prosecution during the mwiuiuu. m ' he .would raise the constitutional continuance of the Injunction white-gloved doorman pickets In-Doints and adjournment was made granted by Mr. Justice Manson. I brown shirts took up the guard until November 10 for submission of written arguments, "The injunction meantime pre vents the board from taking any, further immediate action. The government, however, takes the position that in law the sale of gasoline Is as set out In the order of the board and proposes, if successful In the Injunction proceed ings, to endeavor to see to It that the cut In price shall inure to the benefit of the public from the date when the order of the board was made." Weather t orecast General Synopsis A storm off snrlal and economic organization."'. Bull Harbor Raining, southeast the Queen Charlotte Islands is The motion was seconded by Col-! wind, twenty miles per hour; tern- moderating somewhat, having ir. r-atnprnn tnpmhpr fnr Pnmnv I nrMn n caused stormy weather with rain AWt. Rnv Rainine. soutneasi on me onusa vuiuiuuia i-uuok. wind, 15 miles per hour-' barometer, has become slightly unsettled In 2934;' temperature, 48; light chop, the Interior. Terrace Cloudy, northeast wind Prince Rupert and Queen Char lotte islands Tesn 10 strong southeast winds, mostly cloudy, fomewhat colder tonight. Halibut Sales American The Don Q. and Brothers brought In black cod. HIGH POTATO STOCKS NANAIMO, Oct. 29: (CP) John Aear of nearbv Yellow Point Is wondering if there's some truth at ter all In the myth of Jack and the like carved images. One wakens now to- the sound of the trumpet which drowns out the gentle pealing of the bells In the onion-shaped church steeple. Not that there Isn't still a "season" and the hotels still crowded but the audience has lost its in Arrow, 24,000, Booth, 8.5c and 6c. ence by ternational character. Toscanlnl refused to return; Bruno Walter dare not even If he would. Spectators now are Germans, Germans and more Germans. Adolf Hitler and Dr Goebbels made It plain to citizens that it Is their duty this year to provide a big season-so that they may be able to announce a bigger total of visitors than ever. I To be sure the music of Wagner' lflH.t. f ,.,a IVio rOri rnnfe hilt I UUdbO UUk UfVl fcA.w .ww.w www 1- I . . . i i in. , tir.M... w.ltv. its a nusny liniiuiiil. vtaguci mm a touch of march time in it and it lacks that finesse and wooing lightness which made it something unique and precious in the reverent hands of Toscanlnl. That heavy, steady rhythm is the sound of a regiment of army boots on the cobbred streets for Salzburg has been transformed into a formidable garrison. The organ has stilled its voice, shocked into sll- the rumble of guns ln- stalled In the shadow of the fort ress walls. The house of Stephen Swelg, celebrated Austrian writer, whose books were written there In the calm mountain solitude, is closed. That Is, Its owner is In exile. Stephen Swelg Is Jewish as well as Austrian. In the old days every Beanstalk. Potatoes he planted on afternoon and evening the door3 his farm sent up stalks six feet were open to writers and poets of high instead of the normally to 'the international world. They-two feet. They averaged six large gathered there to discuss lltera-tubers to a root. ' ture. ' 1, mi