pact nro rtrtimrr to fr lWsm CAMPACS dpi atch The saper eons! reeled summer shoe thai has stood every test and can be depended en to ire maximum wear and comfort. FhII range of sizes in men's, ladies, boys and children's. Jack and Jill Shoes Sole Agents Full new shipment ; j?t arrved in all leathers, styles and -Izes. Ta Bave F TroaUes, See t Fit AMILY SHOE STORE LT. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. FEIXCZ EUPOT - BKiriSH COLUMBIA Ererj ATterrecc, EzceTt SzaUjr bj Pzizte Expert Xa2T Srn. United. Third ATsce E. F PULLZS liirzgiig-Eiiica SCBSCEirciOS KATtS CSj (lelJTerj, ctrSer, ji peri&c, pui s ainue kiiok, per -seek fiil la iinace, per scacUi Bj aS to a3 paru of BrSiiJi Ccfcrrbti. tts Brsiih EpL- CrJd us, ytarlj perkC pad By naS to i2 ctisr eosa. ptr year ., ADTEBT1SI.NG KATES rSipfTfrj atfTertiEra, p-r Tt. per ciwraon local readers, per gre, per titertoo Ses rVrpartdtut Tdeptiess Advertiiac ui CtacslatMa lelephce OAXLT ESmov tt 15 XC SXC Wteday, April 27, MS8. JG3 A FASCIST FOOL &JIS3atro,naeei Canada. To so as editorial L, "I!5s ' ,ray" article in the Vav r.t n . s vc uuiKiag 01 a multitude of easer ar-nt ywijg Canadians, until their minds become warned by hate, andtheir fine ioeafem deadend byfX. X..1 a fre?country- Every Canadian has the "tJ?l eaoses that coormen ifS v,m- Je CTen tfee to make a fool WS9f . of the inalienaSe dfcmOCraC5' and ft a Price to pav for icm t.-K(r, t ; " aitu "Clonal- u.fcMIL1 We 50 r"1 at a movement wnicn must dw of it f r rw.ic, t n t . . . una mai vounc Lan-s ticrne ana evn ana oias and hatred leave fJl!!? earkTaml we want none of in Canada; we want nothing of any W that would teach the voung the way of hate and prejudice. K ."fL!lCil,ng,f0rtget t!le bIack 'Mrt and make it a sweat shirt instead-the wholesome, healthful life of Canadian sport But above all eke, don't be the tool of anyone. Don't be a Fascist fool LUMBER EXPORTS UP British Columbia has sold more lumber in overseas marke s m the first quarter of the present year thaTIhe Til'il TtTefP,0ndinF Period of I937 ya the Victoria numbeof et-board measurement-was j&jO w-1 .-91, a gam of no less than 20f000f(00 feet and United Kingdom purchases were responsible for the entire increase. aL?e,Lb-J the wa'' took 181,000,000 feet as against 161,000,000 feet last year. Australian shipments also were better, increasing from 24,000,000 to 34,000,000, but there were losses in the Orient. The domestic water-borne trade also showed improvement, with shipments to the Atlantic Coast and other points totaling 38,000,000 feet against 17,000,000 last year. ' BUILDING Last Minute Overtime Penalty ST. LOC1& joe? 'Brooklyn 'St Locis Cincinnati PhOaoesplna' UPLL4D Oereiaad lacssxc KeLila Cm-la Anerieaa. Lrxrvr Cleveland '' were bocc jQSBJc. tae m suae to -rw- dtoupal into ic-renUi Jfe- York matwc Boston is a li. tln.-te- '.the St Loots Cardinals 05 the third place Chkaan Yesterday s Bit; Leaane resalts Hew York at Boston on aecttont of eokL PhfiartHnhia 4. Brooklyn i. fanrwmati . Chtoaao C. St. Lou at Ptttabor? posseosel 1 aceoant of cold. Aoerican Lra;o Boston 4. Jie York ft. Wadiinfton C. TTiilid lpini Chicago 1. Detroit i. CarveJand X. St. Loans 2. The ssandinc to date: Xattesat Lea eve W s . 7 4 5 3 3 1 American Learne Ciewland a 'Boston c Washington g SJew York .... Chieaga 4 Phfladetohia 4 Detroit St Loots 4 L 1 2 4 4 5 7 t 2 5 S 6 S 6 S 7 LEARNED LV YOCTH Pea! M9 in .444 .4M Mi WAKSTHJ). EaclandL Aorll 30 j .'CP Ac ayear-old man. first by kagoe Gives Preston Sensational Win In English Cup Football Final Me Tert Yntec and the uUobl tm! t-r c!bs frw COca-t ttrfdeisfieids Md for entry to c. roBpui to satorzsb gag ptiT- s br ac xuko mi no as prelfciatrr rank bm Ammi dn. I fwl 11 mitn of the plaBf of to XataanaJ Leaae ,t -h. aaex The BrooUm Oodaen r:bboD rf BOTCU BHD a UC SXO I lBravs for loarth place by lea. Tne tears -xhieh .- It ngnv iraxnsm except as It PXTJtfJtf campaign vHhoiK a loss It Mil LIKZ IIRVrTTIprOn nitu0 . T 1 . . I vi a xew a no nave laiied to constructively exercise their rights as eitbens, or who hoo-' for some personal gain through serving factions whaS; importance k in reverse ratio & the noisi th make An internationalism which fon, 13 I dull teams toui yuee mad of tft CJueaso m--. k. w tnMKT ,r. Whs Sea rto ete k to the fielfe To ara-LSaed sWBw tte in nHni EoddfTifld In league nlar this rear the nnsced an -xpannoe srheme and I YorkahirMa dPPia4l were avaroed the chtaclc for the! rrE3ron wrgea 10 a next 24 years. weaaotey wiH be mereaaed to y ifa. iamritec an ez-peaantaw of tf JM 5jBW if it the end of five years preatore tor aowltinnal seats coutii'uej aa- cteer 2fcH -vtB be added. .Vrtb Has Ta Ha As b: the WT. final vheo Son- owtond defeated Preston 3-1 this dash also was an all north-of-Eng- land MKownter The i&at time "laidi met in the final on l-a in lr2 Cam-ttnar matches prodwee bb- seta and easerta are wary of "eaU- m?eir ahota" The mafortty. homer, hare cfeabed owt an the prertal Batb and favored Pres ton on tts record of shatoote m the Brennunartea. Frood Preston." one of the w ordinal members of the league in io. climaxed Ha first year's play eaetanng the doable eep and I place among criamptoaahiir eon- tenoerx. Hoddersflekf feB avay Appropriations For Ocean Falls Sports Are Made W happy C: mbe words that males ywing V '.)ife':7& C, V taka to fljiiig as a duck . Willi today, they are enthu- f V M&fM&eV$M toj c about everything thai L-W V O pvesazesttoUfe. OH Chum W00 CAl V forimtaiKelLifelongfavooritis pM 7VVH of many arf older Miioler, iu h'tYW frf VV?V?iK! metbw, intigoraiing Virginia SaJN ivVfe?JM taste and welcome fragrtnee VgfeT H male tTery pipeful a "happy aW'WSJl V X.'I.JbWb1 landing" foV tbTman of BiMcyiBB With MerUn Is Demtrd U Second Divtua ( Scottish FoOaU Lexrwe GLASGOW April 3. 'CP Dundee and Morton w piay in the) Second Dftisisn of the SceUlihj FasthaJ! Leagae next trison. The! Seadtar, team early IB the eazpaign.; rtenui rsl tvrM to 9 SHTtiS i WEMBLY STADIUM, London. April 30; (CP.-A yXXZJl Z k mke ikv. converts bv G. Sikrh. n re Preston f.ff 'T-S ut- nend r. second English Cup Football victory todav. to demouoa a month m i II Jl " ' - - -M mm . . - -1. - . r - 1 1 . . . - ... 4 . . - M "juij w AHmoB uuv na nu score aiier UK rrCBHUOS BMHV HHIi- jooaj cno twiiiij &h . aaj of two and tau otetfjife itll HwMerefieJd, the teams went into'thirtv the two rmser-aa tarn Qmum .a. . . . . . ... - CeHle 3. Hibernians a I w"WSov forefaJWperoes" " Hamfton Academicals I. Qaeers: L! au, bis petfdONl (he Hearts 5. Kilmarnock 1. Morton 1 Clyde 3. wwi uu a toe umroaBeni sy 1 , Ttznrm J. an of South J. St Johnstoce 2. Motherwell 2. St. XCrren 0. Falkirk 3. , Third lanark I. Pariiek Thirl- caar The 3rwts are timl WnaKey. tmt London The lanratfrtanir opened the ep k r ,. . , . . delnha Attuetacs and Oeoon Ttr- 9Mh- .i , - , , , A Arsenal I Llrefpool 0. ers rto are ffi tied, no tor 7Z,ZrZT Zl" cTZjr: " ZL , Z maCkpwi 3 Wt Broauirh AJ- and eecter. Arsenal and BrecUort Bcn Wardfrtn 23. Mkidles- ."f- .".JL1; Brentford I. Bin&Anghaia 2. lmal Aston VUla. second dfflsfoa rx.L- . . -ZZjL v. . kjriuj vwamj 1. uiuhsut i ir 11 The Grand Matjonot tte D-rbr ciB . .... line for proaaotion. .. add .... the r uxMra-cassenofe haak race w a i-i sa. Erertoa 3. Portsmooth 2 oi, rsfee -- ijeiresier tuy 1. cnariton A in - - - - det ther defeated Boll Citr 3-1 w 1 . . M paid aaaasdoara year to odianee HoU ConntT Lwerpuos l- and z and neadk- another mm refected nfi with York City, gal- WoJre rfaamptan Wanderers for saoteboarilK. o! ie need for greater CriseAsey. Cshsary-oni snorU nro- asotor. ease fonran! with a pias to inereaae Ms SMO atai Whfte Ctty imaiM HH if given the play lotL B) M? 5eaabiey itttds: hold-j ! era of the earrent egntnet n.i last northein seetton. tafctf drrtr- Cbtiy-a l ion team who forced an extra g&se. The first Bates enderf in ur. . ,isf dVochock. the second reHtes J)eeK ArUhCial a z x-i tknij ?r uk Town. lorn him:- Hud- desfieJd sarprtsed in ifisaf vtth a 3-1 deetoton derland. ,2LrS Ice For Hockey Batmen Men of fort Arthor BfTominf Interested Are , PORT ARTHUR. Ont, April 30. "CP Bustaas men of this etty (are makmg a determined drire to 'hare fnstsBed an artificial ice r plant in the Port Arthor arena. iRepresentatires of the Crrie Fln-iahce Committee hare been an- Pointed to dlsetKS the owrstion ulth cfncfaJr of the Arena RJnk Com pany. LimitecL We Jwt toset! oat the 'window.- said W. A. MeKinnnn president of the Port Arthur Hock-OCEAN FALLS. April 3d At an W aut- TtieTxing to loss of home executive meeting of the Ocean ' ar3?s hi the iManitooa-Thander Falls Athletic Association the fof- BaT series. That would hare lowing appropriation were ; made s tremendous difference to for the 1S18 season: t"f chrb and to the rink as wrfl Softball S127.15. j We hare been forced to pats np a ' owua. to. ui icTroue curing tne year De- Soccer, sag. eaose of adterse weather i The phrtlnr nk-hU ere arranged as follows: v j Softball. Monday and Thursday. Baseball. Taesday and Friday. Soccer. Wednesday and Saturday. Sunday is lelt open for rxtftDoned and and exbibiUAn exnibnion games. m ' " ri' i. ;m n.u 1 SPORT CHAT Frank Wooley. 50, ne of the-greatest British erieketert of aH time, who joined Kent country club hi 1907. will retire at the1 end of the seaajn with a public The EngHih football leagn match scheduled for today between Sond-rland arid Preston North End wffl be played May 4. Preston m-t Hoddersfield In the cup frnal today Australian test cricketers enroute to England held a fancy dress carnival on boanl jtlp, Don Brad-man as -Deputing Spirits." portraying atcoTe: i ffcttle. They ar-rlTtd at SoathaapUftt the other day. Increasing interest in lawn bowling In South Africa was shown when 167 rinks entered champ'on-th.'ps held at Durban. Previous higheit entry was 139 in East Lon-ton two years ago. m 4MB Betty Nuthan, brilliant English tenni- ptayer. says she to more interested in cooking and music than In Jawn tennis. Three crleke. nhn knocked down and 13 others dazed when lightning struck the Kenmore crieket over at Sydney. Australia. recenUy, learlng four holes, each about two Inches deep, near the pitch. The Preston North End-Hudders-fleld Town nngllsh football cup final at Wembly Stadium today was leletlzed. I RUM ---- - i "Ill U Te-rp rr Sprint Winter Has D IT . 1 iDeen nara on Your Car The tfn -skidd v r-jiL -wealhe-parts - JOW iJ ' t away r?.-; v and itf: t ?ure , ; adri.i.? rate f.T v. spect.. i-r tune p . trb-e-' : - ROYAL MOTORS General ifcUn DmJri 3rd Arenae Fl:ra St -Service WIi s fade Nobody Knocb The KNOX Tbe Food 1 W The Roe raj Ire CWs Tbe ni Is Kira Tbe Service FrieeCj Tbe Bates Art EesW KNOX HOTE R, BrascU X. M. tmti REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Eichisre B3i PHONE e ; HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580