1 m It I r FAQS PCCB jn C12.T xrsrs Not Heredity Environment Lrjf rts Report Oa IS-Year Stody f an Oid Question NEST TOSS. There icao pares; aad the April at: 4 1 J lir Vel-Felt Rugs Size 6x9. ted ss. rrpood so lore. interest lad ecdoTl by remarkable inteHertsal He finds a eorreistioE between ' the mteibf ence of trae parent and wetr eauotcB. am sous ice ksittz arroandinf. the duller they be-; come E-e points oat that il these chifctrec are removed early erragh to foster homes they hare a goci and thefe" - f rosier uu estsyuubi joiwi- ktleftitla f . . ....rfw staaaiaUng aimoqfeere c! report of a 15-year stady of chat- res ay Dr. Harco: steeat aae ur. Beth Wefiasan c tbe Iowa Dnmr- ; cgaoy schools Sarnifjrantiy. dar ;ug wnng vaeatioas at base. Iwjtteat the incentive of school aad '. trftaesce of mwiptninoriup. chfld- XX Sk psych Jor the J 1054 Wean Iowa Baarc :. Control has ;erprjTered ' -- inaeeooaJ rto rpcwi crrfal ?spa-i-d is. faster !thette farty trammg aad discover- :ed thoie transferred to progres- art jBsototUBs at uus type m-Ucued to sain in intelheeace. while J k fcboois lost eonsiderabie 5TXKEai cac condades, In schoote -v&ere 'ir- are Uaefat u thiwr for thez-sctcs hutead of otxyiuz tfiadly T--rj do best in sroaps iriLh ebO-re-2 'sitfc eapabtixties as peat or better than Jheir vwtl." Ereryboiy recs a Da2y Srrx There's reason. R&G USED CARS WITH A DOUBLE GUARANTEE bbbbbbbbbbbbV 'I'll " BBBBBBBBBBBBW Treat yourself to a tetter used tar. Our special R&G bar tains ar nntwtd and svtrtnlttd for service. A Hide selection erf makes and models if you act quickly. Set them today. S.E. PARKER LIMITED Ford Dealers S4.25 9x10.6 Store Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. PHONE a MONDAY SPECIALS No Phone, C.O.D. or Mail Orders and No Deliveries For These Bargains Here They Are Reversible Wool Rugs . Soitabie f r bedroom m matrre. rose, bloe and green. 12 only, size 25x48. Special, each Silver Grey Blankets Pure Wool Blankets. Pair . Baggage- 61x84. S3.00 Suitcases An oversfee snitcate with straps, bailt on a u-ooden frame and caTered with Mack or brown fibre. Special . Furniture Bungalow bed, spring and mattress, sire 3 Floor Covering S7.50 S3.50 $17.50 S7.50 ELIO'S FURNITURE Third Avenue Prince Rupert. B.C Waterfront Whiffs Heaviest Halibut Landings So Far This Season Recorded During Past Week Here Native Salmon Fishermen on Way to Canneries we?k was rather krr. Toe top bid o: tiie week lor CsT.a?tiii Ssfc vzs and tc which a jbsA boat' the TJfj reeerred for 1499 psai. Tre est of raTta-ta boats ad-is? dstig the week remred Sc and Iz wHth. it appears, say be takea as the year's base low prxL For American fish the htrt bid of th week was 75: aad bz which the At-1s was pail for pocacs and ite low &3c asd x pair the Star for 1U09 poands. George Eankey of Port Simpaan left yesterday on has own boat for North Pacific where he ptans to spend the ssmmer in the employ 1 of the cannery. SEATTLE HAUBUT LANDINGS j A total of 1S7J0M pounds of halibut was marketed at Seattle yesterday. Included in the list was ,the Canadian boat Haida Chief which sold a catch of 19.GQQ pounds ' to the San Juan Fish Co. for "c ano 6c Other sales at Seattle yesterday were; "Western, ttjBGO. New England, 67c and 6c; Thor. 36 -Who. 7c and 6c; Swift n, 15.- 5fi9, Sebastian. Tc and 6c; Unimak. 90). Washington. 7c and 6V iJlabeHa 5 W0. Whiz. 7c and 6c; J Irene J, UJB09. New England, 7c and 6c: Superior. 12.5M. San Juan. 7c and 6c; Lively. 15,500. Booth, 7c j and 6c The President, with 1299 pvzecs reiuwa o-c ana oc. aowmg Jerer until today. Mixed cod brought 1 2s per poqnd at Seattle yesterday and sable f ish 5c The examiner of the Federal Communications Commission at Seattle has recommended against a puboc radio telephone station belt:? established for fatll hsrhnr Ion the grounds that no definite need for such a serrice has been shown, especially since there is in existence a commercial serrice. The halibut fleet is not much affected by the matter, only one boat of the Puget Sound fleet, the Arthur H being equipped with radiotelephone transmitting equipment ! Late again on account of heary i freights for cannery points which are preparing for the coming sea-' son. Union steamer Cardena. Cap! I John Boden, arriTed in port at 5 o'clock this morning from the j south, sailing three hours la-; ter oa her return to Vancouver iand waypoints. During the night !the vessel made her calls in the ! Skeena River. 1 In tow of the company's tanker jUnaeana, the Union Oil Co. tank I scow arrived in port yesterday from j Vancouver and was taken on by j the Amour Salvage Co.'s tug Fear-Uess. Capt Reg Green, late last night to North Island trolling grounds where It will be stationed PRINCE -RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD aMHM mm Sm Al Traa mt C bul-M mm OwtMraM. L-!3J in the 1933 season at the port of Prince RurerL The tot al was 64200 pounds. Canadian landings were especially heavy at 407,700 pounds brought in by 42 boats. American boats accounted for tbe renaiaing 24.5&) pounds. These figures brought the season s total to date up to 1JX jwenis oJ -srtucfc 99SJm . posnss -ras irses Cartanri res- for Use 1S0FT DRINK IS FAVORED ram SfcmmiBC AceUims Merit 01 Trait Jaite JUrd Staff Ost By Gladys Ji Arr. I Cann Press Cocrespcric i PARIS. April 38 CP -Txiiji driak a U aode" in Inut ;iuce. Ye m tae ians " --"T The past week saw heaviest halibut landings 50 far dIt3U rf i' i(uc. ' btrdeaox and chabUi. , It Tis 1?I7 before Parmanj cL$-cofered that anythhu J301 ex" dttng than orange or teaonade exisifd in the non - aicoholic -jce hne. Then a raaor go abot that Jratt Jnlee s m fnr the SUED OeaT . os i ! for riw riniMi uk i - n man ana it I'frft10 .it 1?: 011 - - the city the Lght of their nd tha; f landfcgs. the price lewi lor Ip a aenbiy after- S eocktwls the mn There haTe bees oaite a siaabei of satire boats in poet darto; the week en their way to the Skeeaa Rrrer canneries for the seasac It wul be a few weeks yet, howerer. beioce the faQ Totene of natives starts mortng to the canneries. Those going Jest sow are mostly fishersen intnt on mattng fKh-ing arrangenjents for the seasas. fraat Vaik.orrtT aad proceed- aperttaf s on tbe western side of ed to the XctaBds with the oatza. the Attantac hus mailt. The Fearleas is expect-' A reoaett m a cafe or -bistro ed back tanaarraw. tfor toaaato juice prodaeed ooly a 'blani stare and a titter among Do ftahaaOtr froKsaBbazB? Dr.'the wtae-bibbers Is atonths &go 3. L Hart tfce Pacific Btafccieal Today a tour of 31 cafes in one Stauoc at ViriTM tiimv thou sessU ouarter revealed the walls ua Hateoen- mix -rfix-h haw. no mattered wiw sams inwuinran ihadeaav be affected with blister--the health nroperttes and retresn- x$ or the development of papaeatt in ooalities of not only toeutoj 1 the saattikl is strong eBoagh to lice bat no less than 11 oth 1 xaxs a. aa aaclT. His conehaBons "sqneeaed" drinks, aere reached aTer goldfish kept in The aperitif people are atensed laart sectes were sobjected to al- o see their bottles pasbed to Ux 2t-ntH radtttson Jrrcs oaam 01 ltiS fre ttn -aercacy-vapy lamp destased for staaaHe drinks take the front tfaenpeatie aae. The experiniesU mw Tbe Canadian who reiaeabert did not aeifras if rar mibht wtth eaoOon those war days in baa i-rr ru, Paris when he sat on the sidewalk TO BALK EXPLOSIONS LONDON! April M: ttpi Hen-ace of explosions in movie theatres bar been checked by a trainxtg ground wire ceriee perfected by I the National Pi: rural laboratory. THE SEAL QUALITY AT J1ILL 6-inch and 8-inch Shiplap CntT.mned No. 1 Common 2-inch Rough Cedar Plank ... GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroQ la Prince Rupert NAP p 1 t r 1 h t POWDER CltAKS w KXSKJ "On wancax Sam IUS mt TSM 1 - roa. CA Qt LUMBER S12.00 S18.00 For Prince Rupert Delivery Phone BILLMOR Billmor Spruce Mills LTD. The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone CI for Best Household Coal 5IRS. a E. BLACK Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNi 7 before a cafe wtth a glass of da- iboaaet or the amber sparkle o ehasapagne wmking at hits mighi J be distressed to find todays public with a straw between its Hps. To drink wine Is just old-fash iooed. "L'Hysjen est a ta mode 'hygiene is the fashion) is the ne slogan. But once Introduced. th new industry is being thorooehH exploited. In addition to orang'. and leraon you are offered, juice pi strawberries, pineapple, apple 'not cider. gooseberries, black or Mot berries, grapes, grapefruit, black currants, cherries. 1 tomato and raspberries In fact only the ban ana has been neglected. , , And W't what th-y do for you according to the French doctor whose interest is understood whik it is realized France Is Europe's heaviest consumer of alcohol in beverages. Graoe Juice: rich in vitamins C ' and B will combat arthritis, sklr. j troubles and clears the com- I ptexkm: strawberry, a mineral ton ie combatting rheumatism and1 stomach troubles; grapefruit, xi. its usual American qualities witt I the addition of being a distn toxicant before and after operations 1 pineapple juice, rich In sugar: ap , pie Juke, rich In vitamins C and! B and a cure for gastric troubles, black currant, excellent apertif stimulates appetite and stomach juices: gooseberry, tonic and com plexton clearer: orange juice, rich in vitamins A. B, C: tomato juice vitamins A, B. and C. makes skin firm and clear. Watch for a new drink now In preparation. This is to be from common radishes or horseradish and is promised to be more appetizing than tomato Juice and a guarantee against liver trouble However, the war generation stl'l sticks to pernods and port, detesting vitamins and calories and regretting the days when what they ate and drank 'seant units of pleasure and not units of energy. I Recall Lonis XIV A date to be marked If you are Holiday Camp Sirs. Dunn Announces That Her SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Near Massett, Q.CL, is open for visitors and advises early booking. Phones 18 and SI P.O. Box 575 FOR GOOD SERVICE Try MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Groceries Vegetables Fruits Confectionery Tobaccos J17-19 THIRD AVENUE WEST Oppwlte Canadian Ltr.ton lalaWiwiTHERS If you v erer thriSed to exdte-rsen. wormed lo roAonce. Kored bice tktet end grey wh joyro.1 cne.tbit it thi ptefvr rotf ntstt el nT) 6w Last Tunes Tonizht in TethnicolorT -Gold Is Where Yu Find It" ; 15 and ll:5 Last Shvw 9.2 CHSCKE c-niARTERWIN iiKJA MERKEL MARVW STEPHENS coouag to Paris in July is the cek'nis money for :w r bration of the 300th anniversary o '250 years later the birth of Xe Rot SoietT Louis Night earniva XIV This King was born in the Jtly 9 'and It it. Chateau of St Germain in what :dens. now is a Parisian suburb. To tour- i ists he Is better known as the King who. with the aid of John D. Rockefeller built the palace of Versailles as it appears today. That is Louis XTl had the original idea and Rockefeller decided to spend al market today Pin! That World Famed Muu-ralComedr "SALLY. IRENE 1 AND LRT" irilh Alice Faj i Tony Martin, rred AT.n BEGINS MONDAY BAR SILVER NEW YORK: ? Fj rer was uoehaxr i v CV pc ftae ounce 03 tke iw -t ee: MOVING AGAIN To Bigger and Better Premises For Bigger and Better Service With Bigger and Better Business McRae Bros Ltd. Prince Rupert's Pioneer Stationary and Mail Order House Household Stationery Office Supplies Remington Typewriters School Supplies. Books Maguines Kodaks and Supplies Photo-Finishing Toys Wheel Goods C.CJA Bicycles Native Souvenirs R.C.A. Victor R: Radio Service; B Easy Washers ar.r" : Easy Gasoline W Easy Vacuum C .-Stager Sewing Mi Silent-Glow Oi. B-Fawcett Ranges : IoUnthe Oil Hea :?s Office Furniture We Cordially Invite You to Visit Our New Store : MxuMmMd MaCAJUMifid ruKNiiunt Our store is to be enlarged and remodeled and to allow the contractors to o ahead, our stock must be reduced. Prices will be also very favorable. Phone "75 X27 THIRD AVENTI GRADE A MILK Give Your Baby Fresh Milk Daily Our milk is produced twice daily from our own U ernment tested cows. K DOMINION DAIRY